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- Add config option to send email on errors.
 - Handle unexpected exception zip checking in `assemble` subcommand
 - Limit histogram clipping algorithm to 100 largest peaks and stop algorithm once we find one clipping region (positive and negative).
 - Improved email alert error message.
 - Removed unnecessary loops from corner frequency method.
 - Bugfixes
   - Use event depth in km, not m, in hypocentral and rupture distance calculations. Bug was introduced in v1.2.3.
   - Account for pre-event noise duration, event noise duration, and shaking duration in signal-to-noise calculation. Plot normalized spectra in report.
   - Raise exceptions that were trapped for but not raised by the addition of the email alert notifications. 
 - Added command to create [ground motion packet]( files.
 - Alter how TEST_DATA_DIR is constructed in to facilitate running local tests with PyTest against a Conda-Forge or PyPi installed gmprocess distribution 
 - Updated reader for the Engineering Strong Motion (ESM) ascii format.