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MMS messaging and database management update

Slosky, Daniel (Contractor) A requested to merge dev into master

closes #254 (closed), closes #257 (closed), closes #256 (closed), closes #168 (closed), closes #250 (closed), closes #243 (closed), closes #242 (closed), closes #241 (closed), closes #251 (closed)

MMS Messaging

  • Import separate destinations for MMS messages using 'PAGER' or 'MMS' tags
  • Create MMS notification template
  • Use group.notification_format to determine when to send email vs. MMS

Database access

  • All database functions routing traffic through @dbconnect, which handles rolling back the database if an error occurs
  • Expanded to generate a new database session or attach to a session passed as an argument or keyword argument


Group uses "All" event trigger to receive all notification Update inspection notifications are generated and sent when the impact for an event changes

bug fixes

Notifications JSON API fix #256 (closed) Other various... #242 (closed) #241 (closed) #256 (closed)

Merge request reports
