From 066e59b4eca583d786acb5d488324d1a6a5e52ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicholas Shavers <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 09:13:41 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Nonstand elements implemented. Temperatures un-implemented.
 no longer extends streamfactory on imagcdf input, parse string removed. basic
 is valid imagcdf logic.

 geomagio/imagcdf/ | 256 +++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 148 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/imagcdf/ b/geomagio/imagcdf/
index a7838f14..0c63bb70 100644
--- a/geomagio/imagcdf/
+++ b/geomagio/imagcdf/
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         channels: List[str] = ("H", "D", "Z", "F"),
         type: DataType = "variation",
         interval: DataInterval = "minute",
-        urlTemplate="file://{obs}_{dt}_{t}.cdf",
+        urlTemplate="file://etc/imagcdf/{obs}_{dt}_{t}.cdf",
         urlInterval: int = -1,
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             cdf_spec = {
                 "Compressed": 9,  # Enable compression (0-9)
                 "Majority": CDFWriter.ROW_MAJOR,  # Data layout - gets set automatically
-                "Encoding": CDFWriter.IBMPC_ENCODING,  #  gets set automatically
+                "Encoding": CDFWriter.HOST_ENCODING,  #  gets set automatically
                 "Checksum": True,  # Disable checksum for faster writes (optional)
                 "rDim_sizes": [],  # Applicable only if using rVariables - CDF protocol recommends only using zVariables.
@@ -259,8 +259,9 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         for urlInterval in urlIntervals:
             interval_start = urlInterval["start"]
             interval_end = urlInterval["end"]
-            if interval_start != interval_end:
-                interval_end = interval_end - delta
+            # Removes last data point ex: if endtime = 02:00:00, this could return 01:59:00 as last data point. 
+            # if interval_start != interval_end:
+                # interval_end = interval_end - delta
             url = self._get_url(
@@ -290,38 +291,16 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                 # Check if the file already exists to merge data
                 if os.path.isfile(url_file):
-                    try:
-                        # Read existing data to merge with new data
-                        existing_cdf = CDFReader(url_file)
-                        existing_stream = self._read_cdf(existing_cdf)
-                        # existing_cdf.close() #no close method?
-                        existing_data = existing_stream
-                        # Merge existing data with new data
-                        for trace in existing_data:
-                            new_trace =
-                      ,
-                                station=trace.stats.station,
-                      ,
-                            )
-                            if new_trace:
-                       = np.concatenate(
-                                    (, new_trace[0].data)
-                                )
-                        url_data = existing_data + url_data
-                    except Exception as e:
-                        # Log the exception if needed
-                        print(
-                            f"Warning: Could not read existing CDF file '{url_file}': {e}",
-                            file=sys.stderr,
-                        )
-                        # Proceed with new data
+                    os.remove(url_file)
+                    print(f"Naming conflict. Deleting exisiting file '{url_file}'.")
+                    # raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+                    #     f"Error: File '{url_file}' already exists."
+                    # )
                 # Pad the data to ensure it fits the interval
-                    nearest_sample=False,
+                    nearest_sample=True,
                     fill_value=99_999,  # FILLVAL
@@ -370,7 +349,6 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                 raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
                     "Only file urls are supported for reading ImagCDF"
             url_file = Util.get_file_from_url(url, createParentDirectory=False)
             if not os.path.isfile(url_file):
                 # If file doesn't exist, skip
@@ -379,23 +357,24 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                 # Read CDF data and merge
                 cdf = CDFReader(url_file)
-                file_stream = self._read_cdf(cdf)
-                # Attempt to select only requested channels
-                selected = Stream()
-                for ch in channels:
-                    selected +=
-                timeseries += selected
+                # file_stream = self._read_cdf(cdf, channels)
+                timeseries = self._read_cdf(cdf, channels)
+                # Attempt to select only requested channelws (redundant as read_cdf can more efficiently filter)
+                # selected = Stream()
+                # for ch in channels:
+                #     selected +=
+                # timeseries += selected
             except Exception as e:
                 print(f"Error reading CDF file '{url_file}': {e}", file=sys.stderr)
         # After reading all intervals, merge and trim
-        timeseries.merge(fill_value=np.nan)
+        timeseries.merge(fill_value=99_999)
-            nearest_sample=False,
+            nearest_sample=True,
-            fill_value=np.nan,
+            fill_value=99_999,
         # If requested, add empty channels not present in data
@@ -416,46 +395,47 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         return timeseries
-    def parse_string(self, data: str, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Parse ImagCDF binary data into an ObsPy Stream.
-        This method writes the provided binary data to a temporary file,
-        reads the file using `cdflib`, and converts the data into an ObsPy
-        Stream.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        data : bytes
-            Binary data containing ImagCDF content.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Stream
-            An ObsPy Stream object with the parsed geomagnetic time series data.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        TimeseriesFactoryException
-            If an error occurs while parsing the ImagCDF data.
-        """
-        # Create a temporary file to store the CDF data
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".cdf") as tmp_file:
-            tmp_file_name =
-            tmp_file.write(data)
-        try:
-            # Read the CDF from the temporary file
-            cdf = CDFReader(tmp_file_name)
-            stream = self._read_cdf(cdf)
-            # no cdf.close() method required
-        except Exception as e:
-            raise TimeseriesFactoryException(f"Error parsing ImagCDF data: {e}")
-        finally:
-            # Clean up the temporary file
-            os.remove(tmp_file_name)
-        return stream
+    # Removed - cdflib takes a file path as an input more efficiently than taking in byte data.
+    # def parse_string(self, data: str, **kwargs):
+    #     """
+    #     Parse ImagCDF binary data into an ObsPy Stream.
+    #     This method writes the provided binary data to a temporary file,
+    #     reads the file using `cdflib`, and converts the data into an ObsPy
+    #     Stream.
+    #     Parameters
+    #     ----------
+    #     data : bytes
+    #         Binary data containing ImagCDF content.
+    #     Returns
+    #     -------
+    #     Stream
+    #         An ObsPy Stream object with the parsed geomagnetic time series data.
+    #     Raises
+    #     ------
+    #     TimeseriesFactoryException
+    #         If an error occurs while parsing the ImagCDF data.
+    #     """
+    #     # Create a temporary file to store the CDF data
+    #     with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".cdf") as tmp_file:
+    #         tmp_file_name =
+    #         tmp_file.write(data)
+    #     channels = kwargs.get('channels', [])
+    #     try:
+    #         # Read the CDF from the temporary file
+    #         cdf = CDFReader(tmp_file_name)
+    #         stream = self._read_cdf(cdf, channels)
+    #         # no cdf.close() method required
+    #     except Exception as e:
+    #         raise TimeseriesFactoryException(f"Error parsing ImagCDF data: {e}")
+    #     finally:
+    #         # Clean up the temporary file
+    #         os.remove(tmp_file_name)
+    #     return stream
     def _create_global_attributes(
         self, timeseries: Stream, channels: List[str]
@@ -674,6 +654,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             units = "Celsius"
             validmin = -273.15  # absolute zero
             validmax = 79_999
+            depend_0 = "DataTimes" #can be used for nonstandard element
         # elif channel in [REAL_TEMPERATURES]:
         #     units = "Celsius"
         #     fieldnam = f"Temperature {temperature_index} {trace.stats.location}"
@@ -753,7 +734,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             # Default to double precision float
             return CDFWriter.CDF_DOUBLE
-    def _read_cdf(self, cdf: CDFReader) -> Stream:
+    def _read_cdf(self, cdf: CDFReader, channels: Optional[List[str]]) -> Stream:
         Read CDF data into an ObsPy Stream.
@@ -771,6 +752,37 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         # Extract global attributes
         global_attrs = cdf.globalattsget()
+        # Define required global attributes based on ImagCDF standards
+        required_global_attrs = [
+            "FormatDescription",
+            "FormatVersion",
+            "Title",
+            "IagaCode",
+            "ElementsRecorded",
+            "PublicationLevel",
+            "PublicationDate",
+            "ObservatoryName",
+            "Latitude",
+            "Longitude",
+            "Elevation",
+            "Institution",
+            "StandardLevel",
+            "Source",
+        ]
+        # Check for missing required global attributes per ImagCDF techincal document
+        missing_global_attrs = []
+        for attr in required_global_attrs:
+            if attr not in global_attrs:
+                missing_global_attrs.append(attr)
+        if missing_global_attrs:
+            error_message = (
+                f"The following required global attributes are missing from the CDF: "
+                f"{', '.join(missing_global_attrs)}"
+            )
+            raise TimeseriesFactoryException(error_message)
         # Map global attributes to Stream-level metadata
         observatory = global_attrs.get("IagaCode", [""])[0]
         station_name = global_attrs.get("ObservatoryName", [""])[0]
@@ -791,7 +803,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         # Identify all time variables
         time_vars = {}
         for var in cdf.cdf_info().zVariables:
-            if var.lower().endswith("times"):
+            if var.endswith("Times"):
                 time_data = cdf.varget(var)
                 unix_times = cdflib.cdfepoch.unixtime(time_data)
                 utc_times = [UTCDateTime(t) for t in unix_times]
@@ -799,18 +811,34 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         # Read data variables and associate them with time variables
         for var in cdf.cdf_info().zVariables:
             # Skip time variables
-            if var.lower().endswith("times"):
+            if var.endswith("Times"):
+            # Map the variable name back to a standard channel code
+            # Geomagnetic fields are named like GeomagneticFieldH, GeomagneticFieldD, etc.
+            # Temperatures are named like Temperature1, Temperature2, ...
+            # Extract channel name by removing known prefixes
+            if var.startswith("GeomagneticField"):
+                channel = var.replace("GeomagneticField", "")
+            elif var.startswith("Temperature"):
+                # Temperature variables may not map directly to a geomagnetic channel
+                # but to temperature sensors. We can just use the label from LABLAXIS if needed
+                channel = attrs.get("LABLAXIS", var)
+            else:
+                # fallback if naming doesn't match expected patterns
+                channel = var
+            if channels and channel not in channels: continue
             data = cdf.varget(var)
             attrs = cdf.varattsget(var)
             # Determine DEPEND_0 (the time variable name) and validate
             ts_name = attrs.get("DEPEND_0")
-            if not ts_name:
-                # If no DEPEND_0, skip this variable as we cannot map times
-                continue
+            # if not ts_name:
+            #     # If no DEPEND_0, skip this variable as we cannot map times
+            #     continue
             # The ImagCDF can have DataTimes, GeomagneticVectorTimes, GeomagneticScalarTimes, TemperatureNTimes (for N > 0), etc.
             matched_time_key = None
@@ -819,11 +847,12 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                     matched_time_key = tkey
-            if matched_time_key not in time_vars:
-                # If we cannot find the matching time variable, skip this variable
-                continue
-            times = time_vars[matched_time_key]
+            # if matched_time_key not in time_vars:
+            #     # If we cannot find the matching time variable, skip this variable
+            #     continue
+            times = []
+            if matched_time_key in time_vars:
+                times = time_vars[matched_time_key]            
             # Determine delta (sample interval)
             if len(times) > 1:
@@ -842,22 +871,33 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                     # fallback, set delta to 60
                     delta = 60.0
-            # Map the variable name back to a standard channel code
-            # Geomagnetic fields are named like GeomagneticFieldH, GeomagneticFieldD, etc.
-            # Temperatures are named like Temperature1, Temperature2, ...
-            # Extract channel name by removing known prefixes
-            if var.startswith("GeomagneticField"):
-                channel = var.replace("GeomagneticField", "")
-            elif var.startswith("Temperature"):
-                # Temperature variables may not map directly to a geomagnetic channel
-                # but to temperature sensors. We can just use the label from LABLAXIS if needed
-                channel = attrs.get("LABLAXIS", var)
-            else:
-                # fallback if naming doesn't match expected patterns
-                channel = var
             time_attrs = cdf.varattsget(var)
             data_interval = time_attrs.get("DATA_INTERVAL_TYPE", [""])
+            # Required variable attributes based on ImagCDF standards
+            required_variable_attrs = [
+                "FIELDNAM",
+                "UNITS",
+                "FILLVAL",
+                "VALIDMIN",
+                "VALIDMAX",
+                "DISPLAY_TYPE",
+                "LABLAXIS",
+                "DEPEND_0"
+            ]
+            # Validate presence of required variable attributes
+            missing_var_attrs = []
+            for var_attr in required_variable_attrs:
+                if var_attr not in attrs:
+                    missing_var_attrs.append(var_attr)
+            if missing_var_attrs or missing_global_attrs:
+                error_message = (
+                    f"The variable '{var}' is missing required attributes: "
+                    f"{', '.join(missing_var_attrs)}"
+                )
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException(error_message)
             # Create a trace
             trace = Trace(
@@ -974,7 +1014,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             base_path = self.urlTemplate[7:]
             if not base_path or base_path == "{obs}_{dt}_{t}.cdf":
                 base_path = os.getcwd()  # Default to current working directory
-                return os.path.join(base_path, filename)
+                return os.path.join(base_path, "etc","imagcdf", filename)
             return os.path.join(self.urlTemplate, filename)
         # Unsupported URL scheme