From 1d3db2d422cd9b1557758a2e036b115053ee8d49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hal Simpson <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 00:12:59 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Abandoned realtime update method over all new data, replaced
 with recursive method for a single timespan at a time, oldest to newest.

 geomagio/ | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/ b/geomagio/
index 2f7b3bf3..b37031a1 100644
--- a/geomagio/
+++ b/geomagio/
@@ -14,7 +14,25 @@ class Controller(object):
         the factory that will read in timeseries data
     outputFactory: TimeseriesFactory
         the factory that will output the timeseries data
-    algorithm: the algorithm(s) that will take procees the timeseries data
+    algorithm: Algorithm
+        the algorithm(s) that will procees the timeseries data
+    update: boolean
+        indicates that data is to be updated.
+    interval: string
+        the data interval {daily, hourly, minute, second}
+    update_realtime: boolean
+        indicates
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Has 2(3) basic modes.
+    Run simply sends all the data in a stream to edge. If a startime/endtime is
+        provided, it will send the data from the stream that is within that
+        time span.
+    Update will update any data that has changed between the source, and
+        the target during a given timeframe. If the update_realtime flag
+        is set, it will attempt to recursively backup so it can update all
+        missing data.
     def __init__(self, inputFactory, outputFactory, algorithm, update=False,
@@ -25,88 +43,76 @@ class Controller(object):
         self._update = update
         self._interval = interval
         self._update_realtime = update_realtime
+        self._interval_in_seconds = TUtils.get_seconds_of_interval(interval)
     def run(self, starttime, endtime):
-        """run an algorithm as setup up by the main script.
+        """run controller
-        starttime : UTCDateTime
-            time of first sample to be worked on.
-        endtime : UTCDateTime
-            time of last sample to be worked on.
+        starttime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+            time of first sample. None if starttime should come from dataset
+        endtime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+            endtime of last sampel.  None if endtime should come from dataset
-        if (self._update):
-            self.run_as_update(starttime, endtime)
-        else:
-            self.run_as_timeseries(starttime, endtime)
-    def run_as_update(self, starttime, endtime):
         input_channels = self._algorithm.get_input_channels()
-        output_channels = self._algorithm.get_output_channels()
-        seconds_of_interval = TUtils.get_seconds_of_interval(self._interval)
-        backup_start = starttime
-        backup_end = endtime
-        backup = self._update_realtime
-        # get new input_channel data, and last output data.
-        timeseries_in = self._inputFactory.get_timeseries(backup_start,
-                endtime, channels=input_channels)
-        timeseries_update = self._outputFactory.get_timeseries(backup_start,
-                endtime, channels=output_channels)
-        # repeat until ouput is succesfully backfilled.
-        while backup:
-            first_in_exists = self._first_value_exists(timeseries_in,
-                    input_channels)
-            first_out_exists = self._first_value_exists(timeseries_update,
-                    output_channels)
-            if first_in_exists and not first_out_exists:
-                new_backup_end = backup_start - seconds_of_interval
-                backup_start = backup_start - (backup_end - backup_start)
-                backup_end = new_backup_end
-                timeseries_in += self._inputFactory.get_timeseries(
-                        backup_start, backup_end, channels=input_channels)
-                timeseries_update += self._outputFactory.get_timeseries(
-                        backup_start, backup_end, channels=output_channels)
-                timeseries_in.merge()
-                timeseries_update.merge()
-            else:
-                backup = False
-            print backup_start, backup_end
-        starttime = backup_start
+        algorithm_start, algorithm_end = self._algorithm.get_input_interval(
+                starttime, endtime)
-        input_gaps = TUtils.get_timeseries_gaps(
-            timeseries_in, input_channels, starttime, endtime)
-        output_gaps = TUtils.get_timeseries_gaps(
-            timeseries_update, output_channels, starttime, endtime)
+        timeseries = self._inputFactory.get_timeseries(algorithm_start,
+            algorithm_end, channels=input_channels)
-        input_merged_gaps = TUtils.get_merged_gaps(
-                input_gaps, input_channels)
-        output_merged_gaps = TUtils.get_merged_gaps(
-                output_gaps, output_channels)
-        if TUtils.is_new_data(input_merged_gaps, output_merged_gaps):
-            pass
-            # TODO call algorithm
-            # TODO call output
-    def _first_value_exists(self, timeseries, channels):
-        for channel in channels:
-            stream =
-            if len(stream[0].data) and not numpy.isnan(stream[0].data[0]):
-                return True
-        return False
+        processed = self._algorithm.process(timeseries)
+        output_channels = self._algorithm.get_output_channels()
+        self._outputFactory.put_timeseries(timeseries=processed,
+                starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime,
+                channels=output_channels)
-    def run_as_timeseries(self, starttime, endtime):
+    def run_as_update(self, starttime, endtime):
+        """Updates data.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        starttime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+            time of first sample. None if starttime should come from dataset
+        endtime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+            endtime of last sampel.  None if endtime should come from dataset
+        Notes
+        -----
+        Finds gaps in the target data, and if there's new data in the input
+            source, calls run with the start/end time of a given gap to fill
+            in.
+        If the update_realtime flag is set, it checks the start of the target
+            data, and if it's missing, and there's new data available, it backs
+            up the starttime/endtime, and recursively calls itself, to check
+            the previous period, to see if new data is available there as well.
+            Calls run for each new period, oldest to newest.
+        """
         input_channels = self._algorithm.get_input_channels()
+        output_channels = self._algorithm.get_output_channels()
-        timeseries = self._inputFactory.get_timeseries(starttime, endtime,
-            channels=input_channels)
+        timeseries_source = self._inputFactory.get_timeseries(starttime,
+                endtime, channels=input_channels)
+        timeseries_target = self._outputFactory.get_timeseries(starttime,
+                endtime, channels=output_channels)
-        processed = self._algorithm.process(timeseries)
-        output_channels = self._algorithm.get_output_channels()
-        self._outputFactory.put_timeseries(timeseries=processed,
-                channels=output_channels)
+        source_gaps = TUtils.get_timeseries_gaps(
+            timeseries_source, input_channels, starttime, endtime)
+        target_gaps = TUtils.get_timeseries_gaps(
+            timeseries_target, output_channels, starttime, endtime)
+        source_gaps = TUtils.get_merged_gaps(
+                source_gaps, input_channels)
+        target_gaps = TUtils.get_merged_gaps(
+                target_gaps, output_channels)
+        del timeseries_source
+        del timeseries_target
+        if (self._update_realtime and
+                (not len(source_gaps) or
+                len(source_gaps) and source_gaps[0][0] != starttime) and
+                len(target_gaps) and target_gaps[0][0] == starttime):
+            self.run_as_update((starttime - (endtime - starttime)),
+                (starttime - self._interval_in_seconds))
+        for target_gap in target_gaps:
+            if not TUtils.gap_is_new_data(source_gaps, target_gap):
+                continue
+  [0], target_gap[1])