From 541197a974a79d7ad05e0d59e17ab917e098f9ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremy Fee <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2021 10:40:14 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Remove old webservice, update Dockerfile to use poetry

 .dockerignore               |   6 +-
 .gitignore                  |   2 +-
 Dockerfile                  |  73 ++++++-
 bin/    |  37 ----
 geomagio/      |   5 +-
 geomagio/      | 417 ------------------------------------
 geomagio/ | 191 -----------------
 geomagio/        |   2 -                    |  34 ---
 test/     | 165 --------------
 10 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 858 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 bin/
 delete mode 100644 geomagio/
 delete mode 100644 geomagio/
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644 test/

diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore
index 1cdb25305..63410b57c 100644
--- a/.dockerignore
+++ b/.dockerignore
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 12c925f9c..574fe32b0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 17ee426a6..8bcc278ac 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,8 +1,57 @@
-ARG FROM_IMAGE=usgs/obspy:3.8
+ARG FROM_IMAGE=usgs/centos:7
+# base python image
+FROM ${FROM_IMAGE} as python
 LABEL maintainer="Jeremy Fee <>"
+# put rh-python38 at start of path
+ENV PATH="/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/bin:/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/local/bin:${PATH}"
+# configure ssl intercept
+RUN yum install -y \
+    centos-release-scl \
+    glibc-langpack-en \
+    which \
+    && yum install -y rh-python${PYTHON_VERSION} \
+    && python -m pip install -U \
+    pip \
+    poetry \
+    wheel \
+    && yum clean all
+# python builder image
+FROM python as obspy
+# build with compilers in separate stage
+RUN yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
+RUN yum install -y rh-python${PYTHON_VERSION}-python-devel
+ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/rh/rh-python${PYTHON_VERSION}/root/usr/lib64"
+ENV PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/rh/rh-python${PYTHON_VERSION}/root/usr/lib64/pkgconfig"
+# obspy
+RUN python -m pip wheel obspy --wheel-dir /wheels
+# pycurl
+RUN yum install -y libcurl-devel openssl-devel
+    && python -m pip wheel pycurl --wheel-dir /wheels
+# geomag-algorithms image
+FROM python
@@ -12,24 +61,32 @@ ENV GIT_BRANCH_NAME=${GIT_BRANCH_NAME} \
+# install obspy and pycurl using wheels
+COPY --from=obspy /wheels /wheels
+RUN python -m pip install --find-links file:///wheels obspy pycurl
-# install packages into system python, when Pipfile changes
-COPY Pipfile Pipfile.lock /geomag-algorithms/
+# install packages when dependencies change
+COPY pyproject.toml poetry.lock /geomag-algorithms/
 RUN cd /geomag-algorithms \
-    && pipenv install --dev --pre --system
+    # install into system python
+    && poetry config virtualenvs.create false \
+    # only install dependencies, not project
+    && poetry install --no-root
 # install rest of library as editable
 COPY . /geomag-algorithms
 RUN cd /geomag-algorithms \
-    && pip install -e . \
+    # now install project to install scripts
+    && poetry install \
     # add data directory owned by usgs-user
     && mkdir -p /data \
     && chown -R usgs-user:usgs-user /data
+# configure python path, so project can be volume mounted
+ENV PYTHONPATH="/geomag-algorithms"
+# run as usgs-user
 USER usgs-user
 WORKDIR /data
 # entrypoint needs double quotes
 ENTRYPOINT [ "/geomag-algorithms/" ]
 EXPOSE 8000
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f027d3e2..000000000
--- a/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
-# ensure geomag is on the path before importing
-    import geomagio  # noqa (tells linter to ignore this line.)
-except ImportError:
-    path = os.path
-    script_dir = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
-    sys.path.append(path.normpath(path.join(script_dir, "..")))
-    import geomagio
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    # read configuration from environment
-    edge_host = os.getenv("EDGE_HOST", "")
-    edge_port = int(os.getenv("EDGE_PORT", "2060"))
-    factory_type = os.getenv("GEOMAG_FACTORY_TYPE", "edge")
-    webservice_host = os.getenv("GEOMAG_WEBSERVICE_HOST", "")
-    webservice_port = int(os.getenv("GEOMAG_WEBSERVICE_PORT", "7981"))
-    version = os.getenv("GEOMAG_VERSION", None)
-    # configure factory
-    if factory_type == "edge":
-        factory = geomagio.edge.EdgeFactory(host=edge_host, port=edge_port)
-    else:
-        raise "Unknown factory type '%s'" % factory_type
-    print("Starting webservice on %s:%d" % (webservice_host, webservice_port))
-    app = geomagio.WebService(factory, version)
-    httpd = make_server(webservice_host, webservice_port, app)
-    httpd.serve_forever()
diff --git a/geomagio/ b/geomagio/
index 4342bd856..432f63f9f 100644
--- a/geomagio/
+++ b/geomagio/
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ def get_realtime_interval(interval_seconds: int) -> Tuple[UTCDateTime, UTCDateTi
     return starttime, endtime
-def main(args):
+def main(args: Optional[List[str]] = None):
     """command line factory for geomag algorithms
@@ -651,6 +651,9 @@ def main(args):
     parses command line options using argparse, then calls the controller
     with instantiated I/O factories, and algorithm(s)
+    # parse command line arguments by default
+    if args is None:
+        args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
     # only try to parse deprecated arguments if they've been enabled
     if args.enable_deprecated_arguments:
diff --git a/geomagio/ b/geomagio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 324029279..000000000
--- a/geomagio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-"""WSGI implementation of Intermagnet Web Service
-from __future__ import print_function
-from html import escape
-from urllib.parse import parse_qs
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from datetime import datetime
-from json import dumps
-import sys
-from geomagio.edge import EdgeFactory
-from geomagio.iaga2002 import IAGA2002Writer
-from geomagio.imfjson import IMFJSONWriter
-from geomagio.ObservatoryMetadata import ObservatoryMetadata
-from geomagio.WebServiceUsage import WebServiceUsage
-from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
-DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE = "variation"
-DEFAULT_ELEMENTS = ("X", "Y", "Z", "F")
-    204: "No Data",
-    400: "Bad Request",
-    404: "Not Found",
-    409: "Conflict",
-    500: "Internal Server Error",
-    501: "Not Implemented",
-    503: "Service Unavailable",
-VALID_DATA_TYPES = ["variation", "adjusted", "quasi-definitive", "definitive"]
-VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS = ["iaga2002", "json"]
-def _get_param(params, key, required=False):
-    """Get parameter from dictionary.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    params : dict
-        parameters dictionary.
-    key : str
-        parameter name.
-    required : bool
-        if required parameter.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    value : str
-        value from dictionary.
-    Raises
-    ------
-    WebServiceException
-        if the parameter is specified more than once
-        or if required paramenter is not specified.
-    """
-    value = params.get(key)
-    if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
-        if len(value) > 1:
-            raise WebServiceException('"' + key + '" may only be specified once.')
-        value = escape(value[0])
-    if value is None:
-        if required:
-            raise WebServiceException('"' + key + '" is a required parameter.')
-    return value
-class WebService(object):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        factory=None,
-        version=None,
-        metadata=None,
-        usage_documentation=None,
-        error_stream=sys.stderr,
-    ):
-        self.error_stream = error_stream
-        self.factory = factory or EdgeFactory()
-        self.metadata = metadata or ObservatoryMetadata().metadata
-        self.version = version
-        self.usage_documentation = usage_documentation or WebServiceUsage()
-    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
-        """Implement WSGI interface"""
-        if environ["QUERY_STRING"] == "":
-            return self.usage_documentation.__call__(environ, start_response)
-        try:
-            # parse params
-            query = self.parse(parse_qs(environ["QUERY_STRING"]))
-            query._verify_parameters()
-            self.output_format = query.output_format
-        except Exception as e:
-            message = str(e)
-            ftype = parse_qs(environ["QUERY_STRING"]).get("format", [""])[0]
-            if ftype == "json":
-                self.output_format = "json"
-            else:
-                self.output_format = "iaga2002"
-            error_body = self.error(400, message, environ, start_response)
-            return [error_body]
-        try:
-            # fetch timeseries
-            timeseries = self.fetch(query)
-            # format timeseries
-            timeseries_string = self.format_data(
-                query, timeseries, start_response, environ
-            )
-            if isinstance(timeseries_string, str):
-                timeseries_string = timeseries_string.encode("utf8")
-        except Exception as e:
-            if self.error_stream:
-                print("Error processing request: %s" % str(e), file=self.error_stream)
-            message = "Server error."
-            error_body = self.error(500, message, environ, start_response)
-            return [error_body]
-        return [timeseries_string]
-    def error(self, code, message, environ, start_response):
-        """Assign error_body value based on error format."""
-        error_body = self.http_error(code, message, environ)
-        status = str(code) + " " + ERROR_CODE_MESSAGES[code]
-        start_response(status, [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
-        if isinstance(error_body, str):
-            error_body = error_body.encode("utf8")
-        return error_body
-    def fetch(self, query):
-        """Get requested timeseries.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        query : dict
-            parsed query parameters
-        Returns
-        -------
-        obspy.core.Stream
-            timeseries object with requested data.
-        """
-        if query.sampling_period == "1":
-            sampling_period = "second"
-        if query.sampling_period == "60":
-            sampling_period = "minute"
-        timeseries = self.factory.get_timeseries(
-            observatory=query.observatory_id,
-            channels=query.elements,
-            starttime=query.starttime,
-            endtime=query.endtime,
-            type=query.data_type,
-            interval=sampling_period,
-        )
-        return timeseries
-    def format_data(self, query, timeseries, start_response, environ):
-        """Format requested timeseries.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        query : dictionary of parsed query parameters
-        timeseries : obspy.core.Stream
-            timeseries object with data to be written
-        Returns
-        -------
-        unicode
-          IAGA2002 formatted string.
-        """
-        url = environ["HTTP_HOST"] + environ["PATH_INFO"] + environ["QUERY_STRING"]
-        if query.output_format == "json":
-            timeseries_string = IMFJSONWriter.format(timeseries, query.elements, url)
-        else:
-            timeseries_string = IAGA2002Writer.format(timeseries, query.elements)
-        start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
-        return timeseries_string
-    def http_error(self, code, message, environ):
-        """Format http error message.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        http_error_body : str
-            body of http error message.
-        """
-        query_string = environ["QUERY_STRING"]
-        path_info = environ["PATH_INFO"]
-        host = environ["HTTP_HOST"]
-        if self.output_format == "json":
-            http_error_body = self.json_error(
-                code, message, path_info, query_string, host
-            )
-        else:
-            http_error_body = self.iaga2002_error(
-                code, message, path_info, query_string
-            )
-        return http_error_body
-    def iaga2002_error(self, code, message, path_info, query_string):
-        """Format iaga2002 error message.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        error_body : str
-            body of iaga2002 error message.
-        """
-        status_message = ERROR_CODE_MESSAGES[code]
-        error_body = (
-            "Error "
-            + str(code)
-            + ": "
-            + status_message
-            + "\n\n"
-            + message
-            + "\n\n"
-            + "Usage details are available from "
-            + " \n\n"
-            + "Request:\n"
-            + path_info
-            + "?"
-            + query_string
-            + "\n\n"
-            + "Request Submitted:\n"
-            + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
-            + "\n\n"
-        )
-        # Check if there is version information available
-        if self.version is not None:
-            error_body += "Service version:\n" + str(self.version)
-        return error_body
-    def json_error(self, code, message, path_info, query_string, host):
-        """Format json error message.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        error_body : str
-            body of json error message.
-        """
-        error_dict = OrderedDict()
-        error_dict["type"] = "Error"
-        error_dict["metadata"] = OrderedDict()
-        error_dict["metadata"]["status"] = 400
-        date = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
-        error_dict["metadata"]["generated"] = date
-        error_dict["metadata"]["url"] = host + path_info + "?" + query_string
-        status_message = ERROR_CODE_MESSAGES[code]
-        error_dict["metadata"]["title"] = status_message
-        error_dict["metadata"]["api"] = str(self.version)
-        error_dict["metadata"]["error"] = message
-        error_body = dumps(error_dict, ensure_ascii=True).encode("utf8")
-        error_body = str(error_body)
-        return error_body
-    def parse(self, params):
-        """Parse query string parameters and set defaults.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        params : dictionary
-            parameters dictionary.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        WebServiceQuery
-            parsed query object.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        WebServiceException
-            if any parameters are not supported.
-        """
-        # Get values
-        observatory_id = _get_param(params, "id", required=True)
-        starttime = _get_param(params, "starttime")
-        endtime = _get_param(params, "endtime")
-        elements = _get_param(params, "elements")
-        sampling_period = _get_param(params, "sampling_period")
-        data_type = _get_param(params, "type")
-        output_format = _get_param(params, "format")
-        # Assign values or defaults
-        if not output_format:
-            output_format = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT
-        else:
-            output_format = output_format.lower()
-        observatory_id = observatory_id.upper()
-        if observatory_id not in list(self.metadata.keys()):
-            raise WebServiceException(
-                'Bad id value "%s".'
-                " Valid values are: %s" % (observatory_id, list(self.metadata.keys()))
-            )
-        if not starttime:
-            now =
-            today = UTCDateTime(year=now.year, month=now.month,, hour=0)
-            starttime = today
-        else:
-            try:
-                starttime = UTCDateTime(starttime)
-            except Exception:
-                raise WebServiceException(
-                    'Bad starttime value "%s".'
-                    " Valid values are ISO-8601 timestamps." % starttime
-                )
-        if not endtime:
-            endtime = starttime + (24 * 60 * 60 - 1)
-        else:
-            try:
-                endtime = UTCDateTime(endtime)
-            except Exception:
-                raise WebServiceException(
-                    'Bad endtime value "%s".'
-                    " Valid values are ISO-8601 timestamps." % endtime
-                )
-        if not elements:
-            elements = DEFAULT_ELEMENTS
-        else:
-            elements = [e.strip().upper() for e in elements.replace(",", "")]
-        if not sampling_period:
-            sampling_period = DEFAULT_SAMPLING_PERIOD
-        else:
-            sampling_period = sampling_period
-        if not data_type:
-            data_type = DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE
-        else:
-            data_type = data_type.lower()
-        # Create WebServiceQuery object and set properties
-        query = WebServiceQuery()
-        query.observatory_id = observatory_id
-        query.starttime = starttime
-        query.endtime = endtime
-        query.elements = elements
-        query.sampling_period = sampling_period
-        query.data_type = data_type
-        query.output_format = output_format
-        return query
-class WebServiceQuery(object):
-    """Query parameters for a web service request.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    observatory_id : str
-        observatory
-    starttime : obspy.core.UTCDateTime
-        time of first requested sample
-    endtime : obspy.core.UTCDateTime
-        time of last requested sample
-    elements : array_like
-        list of requested elements
-    sampling_period : int
-        period between samples in seconds
-        default 60.
-    data_type : {'variation', 'adjusted', 'quasi-definitive', 'definitive'}
-        data type
-        default 'variation'.
-    output_format : {'iaga2002', 'json'}
-        output format.
-        default 'iaga2002'.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        observatory_id=None,
-        starttime=None,
-        endtime=None,
-        elements=None,
-        sampling_period=60,
-        data_type="variation",
-        output_format="iaga2002",
-    ):
-        self.observatory_id = observatory_id
-        self.starttime = starttime
-        self.endtime = endtime
-        self.elements = elements
-        self.sampling_period = sampling_period
-        self.data_type = data_type
-        self.output_format = output_format
-    def _verify_parameters(self):
-        """Verify that parameters are valid.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        WebServiceException
-            if any parameters are not supported.
-        """
-        if len(self.elements) > 4 and self.output_format == "iaga2002":
-            raise WebServiceException(
-                "No more than four elements allowed for iaga2002 format."
-            )
-        if self.starttime > self.endtime:
-            raise WebServiceException("Starttime must be before endtime.")
-        if self.data_type not in VALID_DATA_TYPES:
-            raise WebServiceException(
-                'Bad type value "%s".'
-                " Valid values are: %s" % (self.data_type, VALID_DATA_TYPES)
-            )
-        if self.sampling_period not in VALID_SAMPLING_PERIODS:
-            raise WebServiceException(
-                'Bad sampling_period value "%s".'
-                " Valid values are: %s" % (self.sampling_period, VALID_SAMPLING_PERIODS)
-            )
-        if self.output_format not in VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS:
-            raise WebServiceException(
-                'Bad format value "%s".'
-                " Valid values are: %s" % (self.output_format, VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS)
-            )
-class WebServiceException(Exception):
-    """Base class for exceptions thrown by web services."""
-    pass
diff --git a/geomagio/ b/geomagio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1530c9248..000000000
--- a/geomagio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-"""Factory that loads html for Web Service Usage Documentation"""
-from datetime import datetime
-from geomagio.ObservatoryMetadata import ObservatoryMetadata
-class WebServiceUsage(object):
-    def __init__(self, metadata=None, mount_path=None, host_prefix=None):
-        metadata = metadata or list(ObservatoryMetadata().metadata.keys())
- = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
-        self.metadata = ", ".join(sorted(metadata))
-        self.mount_path = mount_path
-        self.host_prefix = host_prefix
-    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
-        """Implement documentation page"""
-        start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/html")])
-        if self.mount_path is None:
-            self.mount_path = "/ws/edge"
-        if self.host_prefix is None:
-            self.host_prefix = environ["HTTP_HOST"]
-        usage_page = self.set_usage_page()
-        return [usage_page]
-    def set_usage_page(self):
-        """Set body of Web Service Usage Documentation Page"""
-        stylesheet = ""
-        ids = ""
-        observatories = self.metadata.split(", ")
-        for idx, obs_id in enumerate(observatories):
-            ids += "<code>" + obs_id + "</code>"
-            if idx != len(observatories) - 1:
-                ids += ", "
-            if idx % 9 == 0 and idx != 0:
-                ids += "<br/>"
-        usage_body = """
-            <!doctype html>
-            <html>
-            <head>
-              <title>Geomag Web Service Usage</title>
-              <base href={host_prefix}>
-              <meta charset="utf-8"/>
-              <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
-                    initial-scale=1"/>
-              <link rel="stylesheet" href={stylesheet} type="text/css">
-              <style>
-                  code,
-                  pre {{
-                    background: #f8f8f8;
-                    border-radius: 3px;
-                    color: #555;
-                    font-family: monospace;
-                  }}
-              </style>
-            </head>
-            <body style="font-size:135%">
-                <main role="main" class="page" aria-labelledby="page-header">
-                <header class="page-header" id="page-header">
-                    <h1>Geomag Web Service Usage</h1>
-                </header>
-                <h2>Example Requests</h3>
-                 <dl>
-                    <dt>BOU observatory data for current UTC day in IAGA2002
-                            format</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                    <a href="{link1}">
-                            {link1}</a>
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt>BOU observatory data for current UTC day in JSON
-                            format</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                    <a href="{link2}">
-                            {link2}</a>
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt>BOU electric field data for current UTC day in
-                            IAGA2002 format</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                    <a href="{link3}">
-                            {link3}</a>
-                    </dd>
-                <h2>Parameters</h2>
-                <dl>
-                    <dt>id</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        Observatory code.
-                        Required.<br/>
-                        Valid values:<br/>
-                                {metadata}
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt>starttime</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        Time of first requested data.<br/>
-                        Default: start of current UTC day<br/>
-                        Format: ISO8601
-                                (<code>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ</code>)<br/>
-                        Example: <code>{date}</code>
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt>endtime</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        Time of last requested data.<br/>
-                        Default: starttime + 24 hours<br/>
-                        Format: ISO8601
-                                (<code>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ</code>)<br/>
-                        Example: <code>{date}</code>
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt>elements</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        Comma separated list of requested elements.<br/>
-                        Default: <code>X</code>,<code>Y</code>,<code>Z</code>,
-                                <code>F</code><br/>
-                        Valid values: <code>D</code>, <code>DIST</code>,
-                                <code>DST</code>, <code>E</code>,
-                                <code>E-E</code>, <code>E-N</code>,
-                                <code>F</code>, <code>G</code>,
-                                <code>H</code>, <code>SQ</code>,
-                                <code>SV</code>, <code>UK1</code>,
-                                <code>UK2</code>, <code>UK3</code>,
-                                <code>UK4</code>, <code>X</code>,
-                                <code>Y</code>, <code>Z</code>
-                                <br/>
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt>sampling_period</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        Interval in seconds between values.<br/>
-                        Default: <code>60</code><br/>
-                        Valid values:
-                          <code>1</code>,
-                          <code>60</code>
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt>type</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        Type of data.<br/>
-                        Default: <code>variation</code><br/>
-                        Valid values:
-                          <code>variation</code>,
-                           <code>adjusted</code>,
-                           <code>quasi-definitive</code>,
-                           <code>definitive</code><br/>
-                        <small>
-                          NOTE: the USGS web service also supports specific
-                          EDGE location codes.
-                          For example:
-                              <code>R0</code> is "internet variation",
-                              <code>R1</code> is "satellite variation".
-                        </small>
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt>format</dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        Output format.<br/>
-                        Default: <code>iaga2002</code><br/>
-                        Valid values:
-                          <code>iaga2002</code>.
-                    </dd>
-                </dl>
-              </main>
-              <nav class="site-footer">
-              <p> Not what you were looking for?<br/>
-                  Search </p>
-                <form class="site-search" role="search"
-                        action="//" method="get"
-                        accept-charset="UTF-8">
-                  <input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="x"/>
-                  <input name="affiliate" type="hidden" value="usgs"/>
-                  <input name="sitelimit" type="hidden" />
-                  <input id="query" name="query" type="search"
-                        placeholder="Search" title="Search"/>
-                  <button type="submit">Search</button>
-                </form>
-              </nav>
-            </body>
-            </html>
-        """.format(
-            metadata=ids,
-  ,
-            host_prefix=self.host_prefix,
-            stylesheet=stylesheet,
-            link1=self.host_prefix + self.mount_path + "/?id=BOU",
-            link2=self.host_prefix + self.mount_path + "/?id=BOU&format=json",
-            link3=self.host_prefix + self.mount_path + "/?id=BOU&elements=E-N,E-E",
-        )
-        return usage_body
diff --git a/geomagio/ b/geomagio/
index 5c391414e..05fcd276c 100644
--- a/geomagio/
+++ b/geomagio/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ from .ObservatoryMetadata import ObservatoryMetadata
 from .PlotTimeseriesFactory import PlotTimeseriesFactory
 from .TimeseriesFactory import TimeseriesFactory
 from .TimeseriesFactoryException import TimeseriesFactoryException
-from .WebService import WebService
 __all__ = [
@@ -26,5 +25,4 @@ __all__ = [
-    "WebService",
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7801818..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import setuptools
-import setuptools.ssl_support
-# configure ssl certifiate bundle from environment, if set
-ssl_cert_file = os.environ.get("SSL_CERT_FILE") or os.environ.get("PIP_CERT")
-if ssl_cert_file:
-    setuptools.ssl_support.cert_paths = [ssl_cert_file]
-    name="geomag-algorithms",
-    version="1.3.5",
-    description="USGS Geomag Algorithms Library",
-    url="",
-    packages=setuptools.find_packages(exclude=["test*"]),
-    project_urls={
-        "Bug Reports": "",
-        "Source": "",
-    },
-    python_requires=">=3.6, <4",
-    scripts=["bin/", "bin/", "bin/"],
-    setup_requires=[
-        "setuptools-pipfile",
-    ],
-    use_pipfile=True,
-    entry_points={
-        "console_scripts": [
-            "generate-matrix=geomagio.processing.affine_matrix:main",
-            "geomag-metadata=geomagio.metadata.main:main",
-            "magproc-prepfiles=geomagio.processing.magproc:main",
-            "obsrio-filter=geomagio.processing.obsrio:main",
-        ],
-    },
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c5e0ad5..000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-"""Unit Tests for WebService"""
-from urllib.parse import parse_qs
-from datetime import datetime
-from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_raises
-import numpy
-import webtest
-from geomagio.WebService import _get_param
-from geomagio.WebService import WebService
-import obspy.core
-from import Stream
-from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime
-class TestFactory(object):
-    "Factory to test for 200 and 400 response statuses."
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_timeseries(
-        observatory=None,
-        channels=None,
-        starttime=None,
-        endtime=None,
-        type=None,
-        interval=None,
-    ):
-        stream = obspy.core.Stream()
-        for channel in channels:
-            stats = obspy.core.Stats()
-   = channel
-            stats.starttime = starttime
-   = "Test"
-            stats.station = observatory
-            stats.location = observatory
-            if interval == "second":
-                stats.sampling_rate = 1.0
-            elif interval == "minute":
-                stats.sampling_rate = 1.0 / 60.0
-            elif interval == "hourly":
-                stats.sampling_rate = 1.0 / 3600.0
-            elif interval == "daily":
-                stats.sampling_rate = 1.0 / 86400.0
-            length = int((endtime - starttime) * stats.sampling_rate)
-            stats.npts = length + 1
-            data = numpy.full(length, numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float64)
-            trace = obspy.core.Trace(data, stats)
-            stream.append(trace)
-        return stream
-class ErrorFactory(object):
-    "Factory to test for 500 response status."
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_timeseries(
-        observatory=None,
-        channels=None,
-        starttime=None,
-        endtime=None,
-        type=None,
-        interval=None,
-    ):
-        pass
-def test__get_param():
-    """WebService_test.test__get_param()
-    Call function _get_param to make certain it gets back
-    the appropriate values and raises exceptions for invalid values.
-    """
-    params = {
-        "id": None,
-        "elements": "H,E,Z,F",
-        "sampling_period": ["1", "60"],
-    }
-    assert_raises(Exception, _get_param, params, "id", required=True)
-    elements = _get_param(params, "elements")
-    assert_equal(elements, "H,E,Z,F")
-    assert_raises(Exception, _get_param, params, "sampling_period")
-def test_fetch():
-    """WebService_test.test_fetch())
-    Call function WebService.fetch to confirm tht it returns an
- object.
-    """
-    service = WebService(TestFactory())
-    query = service.parse(
-        parse_qs(
-            "id=BOU&starttime=2016-06-06"
-            "&endtime=2016-06-07&elements=H,E,Z,F&sampling_period=60"
-            "&format=iaga2002&type=variation"
-        )
-    )
-    timeseries = service.fetch(query)
-    assert_equal(isinstance(timeseries, Stream), True)
-def test_parse():
-    """WebService_test.test_parse()
-    Create WebService instance and call parse to confirm that query
-    string values are applied to the correct class attribute. Also
-    confirm that default values are applied correctly.
-    """
-    service = WebService(TestFactory())
-    query = service.parse(
-        parse_qs(
-            "id=BOU&starttime=2016-06-06"
-            "&endtime=2016-06-07&elements=H,E,Z,F&sampling_period=60"
-            "&format=iaga2002&type=variation"
-        )
-    )
-    assert_equal(query.observatory_id, "BOU")
-    assert_equal(query.starttime, UTCDateTime(2016, 6, 6, 0))
-    assert_equal(query.endtime, UTCDateTime(2016, 6, 7, 0))
-    assert_equal(query.elements, ["H", "E", "Z", "F"])
-    assert_equal(query.sampling_period, "60")
-    assert_equal(query.output_format, "iaga2002")
-    assert_equal(query.data_type, "variation")
-    # Test that defaults are set for unspecified values
-    now =
-    today = UTCDateTime(year=now.year, month=now.month,, hour=0)
-    tomorrow = today + (24 * 60 * 60 - 1)
-    query = service.parse(parse_qs("id=BOU"))
-    assert_equal(query.observatory_id, "BOU")
-    assert_equal(query.starttime, today)
-    assert_equal(query.endtime, tomorrow)
-    assert_equal(query.elements, ("X", "Y", "Z", "F"))
-    assert_equal(query.sampling_period, "60")
-    assert_equal(query.output_format, "iaga2002")
-    assert_equal(query.data_type, "variation")
-    assert_raises(Exception, service.parse, parse_qs("/?id=bad"))
-def test_requests():
-    """WebService_test.test_requests()
-    Use TestApp to confirm correct response status, status int,
-    and content-type.
-    """
-    app = webtest.TestApp(WebService(TestFactory()))
-    # Check invalid request (bad values)
-    response = app.get("/?id=bad", expect_errors=True)
-    assert_equal(response.status_int, 400)
-    assert_equal(response.status, "400 Bad Request")
-    assert_equal(response.content_type, "text/plain")
-    # Check invalid request (duplicates)
-    response = app.get("/?id=BOU&id=BOU", expect_errors=True)
-    assert_equal(response.status_int, 400)
-    assert_equal(response.status, "400 Bad Request")
-    assert_equal(response.content_type, "text/plain")
-    # Check valid request (upper and lower case)
-    response = app.get("/?id=BOU")
-    assert_equal(response.status_int, 200)
-    assert_equal(response.status, "200 OK")
-    assert_equal(response.content_type, "text/plain")
-    # Test internal server error (use fake factory)
-    app = webtest.TestApp(WebService(ErrorFactory(), error_stream=None))
-    response = app.get("/?id=BOU", expect_errors=True)
-    assert_equal(response.status_int, 500)
-    assert_equal(response.status, "500 Internal Server Error")
-    assert_equal(response.content_type, "text/plain")