diff --git a/bin/make_cal.py b/bin/make_cal.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c51b7ece0f89ffaedf845cfe8a37b808e803a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/make_cal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+    python make_cal.py OBSERVATORY YEAR
+from datetime import datetime
+import itertools
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib2
+# format used to output files
+# "{OBSERVATORY}" and "{YEAR}" are replaced with argument values
+# url for observation web service
+SERVICE_URL = 'https://geomag.usgs.gov/baselines/observation.json.php'
+# parse observatory and year arguments
+if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+    cmd = sys.argv[0]
+    print >> sys.stderr, 'Usage:   {} OBSERVATORY YEAR'.format(cmd)
+    print >> sys.stderr, 'Example: {} BOU 2016'.format(cmd)
+    sys.exit(1)
+OBSERVATORY = sys.argv[1]
+YEAR = int(sys.argv[2])
+# request observations from service
+url = SERVICE_URL + '?' + '&'.join([
+    'observatory=' + OBSERVATORY,
+    'starttime=' + str(YEAR) + '-01-01',
+    'endtime=' + str(YEAR + 1) + '-01-01',
+    print >> sys.stderr, 'Loading data from web service\n\t{}'.format(url)
+    response = urllib2.urlopen(url,
+        # allow environment certificate bundle override
+        cafile=os.environ.get('SSL_CERT_FILE'))
+    data = response.read()
+    observations = json.loads(data)
+except Exception, e:
+    print >> sys.stderr, 'Error loading data ({})'.format(str(e))
+    sys.exit(1)
+# extract all valid cal values
+cals = []
+for observation in observations['data']:
+    for reading in observation['readings']:
+        for channel in ['H', 'D', 'Z']:
+            cal = reading[channel]
+            if not cal['absolute'] or \
+                    not cal['baseline'] or \
+                    not cal['end'] or \
+                    not cal['start'] or \
+                    not cal['valid']:
+                # not a valid cal value
+                continue
+            # convert D values from degrees to minutes
+            multiplier = 60 if channel == 'D' else 1
+            absolute = cal['absolute'] * multiplier
+            baseline = cal['baseline'] * multiplier
+            end = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(cal['end'])
+            start = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(cal['start'])
+            cals.append({
+                'absolute': absolute,
+                'baseline': baseline,
+                'channel': channel,
+                'end': end,
+                'start': start
+            })
+# format calfile
+CAL_HEADER_FORMAT = '--{date:%Y %m %d} ({channel})'
+CAL_LINE_FORMAT = '{start:%H%M}-{end:%H%M} c{baseline:9.1f}{absolute:9.1f}'
+calfile = []
+# output by date in order
+cals = sorted(cals, key=lambda c: c['start'])
+# group by date
+for date, cals in itertools.groupby(cals, key=lambda c: c['start'].date()):
+    # within each day, order by H, then D, then Z
+    for channel in ['H', 'D', 'Z']:
+        channel_cals = [c for c in cals if c['channel'] == channel]
+        if not channel_cals:
+            # no matching values
+            continue
+        # add channel header
+        calfile.append(CAL_HEADER_FORMAT.format(channel=channel, date=date))
+        calfile.extend([CAL_LINE_FORMAT.format(**c) for c in channel_cals])
+# write calfile
+print >> sys.stderr, 'Writing cal file to {}'.format(filename)
+with open(filename, 'wb', -1) as f:
+    f.write('\n'.join(calfile) + '\n')
+CAL format example:
+- ordered by date
+- within date, order by H, then D, then Z component
+- component values order by start time
+- D component values in minutes.
+--2015 03 30 (H)
+2140-2143 c    175.0  12531.3
+2152-2156 c    174.9  12533.3
+2205-2210 c    174.8  12533.1
+2220-2223 c    174.9  12520.7
+--2015 03 30 (D)
+2133-2137 c   1128.3   1118.5
+2145-2149 c   1128.4   1116.4
+2159-2203 c   1128.3   1113.1
+2212-2216 c   1128.4   1113.5
+--2015 03 30 (Z)
+2140-2143 c    -52.9  55403.4
+2152-2156 c    -52.8  55403.8
+2205-2210 c    -52.8  55404.0
+2220-2223 c    -52.8  55410.5
+--2015 07 27 (H)
+2146-2151 c    173.5  12542.5
+2204-2210 c    173.8  12542.5
+2225-2229 c    173.8  12547.2
+2240-2246 c    173.6  12538.7
+--2015 07 27 (D)
+2137-2142 c   1127.8   1109.2
+2154-2158 c   1128.3   1106.3
+2213-2220 c   1128.0   1106.3
+2232-2237 c   1128.3   1104.7
+--2015 07 27 (Z)
+2146-2151 c    -53.9  55382.7
+2204-2210 c    -54.0  55382.5
+2225-2229 c    -54.1  55383.7
+2240-2246 c    -54.1  55389.0
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index d6c93ddc220ceb6159de3c4e6a267145ec4dc53e..9d17b69f9ec1cab8159d4226fc77589909c49287 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ setup(
-        'bin/geomag.py'
+        'bin/geomag.py',
+        'bin/make_cal.py'