diff --git a/geomagio/processing/filters.py b/geomagio/processing/filters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0decbfb5942781b972facfa36f966ef7cc1db1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geomagio/processing/filters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import List, Optional
+from typer import Argument, Option, Typer
+from ..algorithm import Algorithm, FilterAlgorithm
+from ..Controller import Controller, get_realtime_interval
+from ..geomag_types import DataInterval
+from ..TimeseriesFactory import TimeseriesFactory
+from .factory import get_edge_factory, get_miniseed_factory
+class DataFormat(str, Enum):
+    PCDCP = "PCDCP"
+app = Typer(help="Filter geomagnetic timeseries data")
+def main():
+    app()
+    name="day",
+    help="Filter 1 day nT/temperature data",
+def day_command(
+    observatory: str = Argument(None, help="observatory id"),
+    input_host: str = Option("", help="host to request data"),
+    output_host: str = Option("", help="host to write data"),
+    realtime_interval: int = Option(86400, help="length of update window"),
+    update_limit: int = Option(7, help="number of update windows"),
+    day_filter(
+        observatory=observatory,
+        input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host),
+        output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host),
+        realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+        update_limit=update_limit,
+    )
+    name="hour",
+    help="Filter 1 hour nT/temperature data",
+def hour_command(
+    observatory: str = Argument(None, help="observatory id"),
+    input_host: str = Option("", help="host to request data"),
+    output_host: str = Option("", help="host to write data"),
+    realtime_interval: int = Option(3600, help="length of update window"),
+    update_limit: int = Option(24, help="number of update windows"),
+    hour_filter(
+        observatory=observatory,
+        input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host),
+        output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host),
+        realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+        update_limit=update_limit,
+    )
+    name="realtime",
+    short_help="Filter 1 second and 1 minute nT/temperature data",
+    help="""
+    ObsRIO:
+        Filters 10Hz U,V,W miniseed to 1 second miniseed
+        Filters 1 second U,V,W,F miniseed to 1 minute miniseed
+        Filters 1 second T1-4 miniseed to 1 minute miniseed
+        Copies 1 second and 1 minute U,V,W,F,T1-4 miniseed to H,E,Z,F,UK1-4 earthworm
+    PCDCP:
+        Copies 1 second H,E,Z,F earthworm to U,V,W,F miniseed
+        Copies 1 minute UK1-4 earthworm to T1-4 miniseed
+        Filters 1 second U,V,W,F miniseed to 1 minute miniseed
+    """,
+def realtime_command(
+    observatory: str = Argument(None, help="observatory id"),
+    input_host: str = Option("", help="host to request data"),
+    output_host: str = Option("", help="host to write data"),
+    data_format: DataFormat = Option(DataFormat.PCDCP, help="Data acquisition system"),
+    realtime_interval: int = Option(600, help="length of update window"),
+    update_limit: int = Option(10, help="number of update windows"),
+    if data_format == DataFormat.OBSRIO:
+        second_filter(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(
+                host=input_host, convert_channels=("U", "V", "W")
+            ),
+            output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+        _copy_channels(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=(
+                ("U", "H"),
+                ("V", "E"),
+                ("W", "Z"),
+                ("F", "F"),
+                ("T1", "LK1"),
+                ("T2", "LK2"),
+                ("T3", "LK3"),
+                ("T4", "LK4"),
+            ),
+            interval="second",
+            input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host),
+            output_factory=get_edge_factory(host=output_host),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+        minute_filter(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=("T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"),
+            input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host),
+            output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+    else:
+        _copy_channels(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=(
+                ("H", "U"),
+                ("E", "V"),
+                ("Z", "W"),
+                ("F", "F"),
+            ),
+            interval="second",
+            input_factory=get_edge_factory(host=input_host),
+            output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+        _copy_channels(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=(
+                ("UK1", "T1"),
+                ("UK2", "T2"),
+                ("UK3", "T3"),
+                ("UK4", "T4"),
+            ),
+            interval="minute",
+            input_factory=get_edge_factory(host=input_host),
+            output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+    minute_filter(
+        observatory=observatory,
+        channels=("U", "V", "W", "F"),
+        input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host),
+        output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host),
+        realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+        update_limit=update_limit,
+    )
+    if data_format == DataFormat.OBSRIO:
+        _copy_channels(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=(
+                ("U", "H"),
+                ("V", "E"),
+                ("W", "Z"),
+                ("F", "F"),
+                ("T1", "UK1"),
+                ("T2", "UK2"),
+                ("T3", "UK3"),
+                ("T4", "UK4"),
+            ),
+            interval="minute",
+            input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host),
+            output_factory=get_edge_factory(host=output_host),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+def day_filter(
+    observatory: str,
+    channels: List[str] = ["U", "V", "W", "F", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"],
+    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    realtime_interval: int = 86400,
+    update_limit: int = 7,
+    """Filter 1 second miniseed channels to 1 day
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    observatory: str
+        observatory id
+    channels: array
+        list of channels to filter
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to request data
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to write data
+    realtime_interval: int
+        length of update window
+    update_limit: int
+        number of update windows
+    """
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    controller = Controller(
+        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputInterval="minute",
+        outputFactory=output_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        outputInterval="day",
+    )
+    for channel in channels:
+        controller.run_as_update(
+            algorithm=FilterAlgorithm(
+                input_sample_period=60.0,
+                output_sample_period=86400.0,
+                inchannels=(channel,),
+                outchannels=(channel,),
+            ),
+            observatory=(observatory,),
+            output_observatory=(observatory,),
+            starttime=starttime,
+            endtime=endtime,
+            input_channels=(channel,),
+            output_channels=(channel,),
+            realtime=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+def hour_filter(
+    observatory: str,
+    channels: List[str] = ["U", "V", "W", "F", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"],
+    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    realtime_interval: int = 600,
+    update_limit: int = 10,
+    """Filter 1 minute miniseed channels to 1 hour
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    observatory: str
+        observatory id
+    channels: array
+        list of channels to filter
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to request data
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to write data
+    realtime_interval: int
+        length of update window
+    update_limit: int
+        number of update windows
+    """
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    controller = Controller(
+        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputInterval="minute",
+        outputFactory=output_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        outputInterval="hour",
+    )
+    for channel in channels:
+        controller.run_as_update(
+            algorithm=FilterAlgorithm(
+                input_sample_period=60.0,
+                output_sample_period=3600.0,
+                inchannels=(channel,),
+                outchannels=(channel,),
+            ),
+            observatory=(observatory,),
+            output_observatory=(observatory,),
+            starttime=starttime,
+            endtime=endtime,
+            input_channels=(channel,),
+            output_channels=(channel,),
+            realtime=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+def minute_filter(
+    observatory: str,
+    channels: List[str] = ["U", "V", "W", "F"],
+    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    realtime_interval: int = 600,
+    update_limit: int = 10,
+    """Filter 1 second miniseed channels to 1 minute
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    observatory: str
+        observatory id
+    channels: array
+        list of channels to filter
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to request data
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to write data
+    realtime_interval: int
+        length of update window
+    update_limit: int
+        number of update windows
+    """
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    controller = Controller(
+        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputInterval="second",
+        outputFactory=output_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        outputInterval="minute",
+    )
+    for channel in channels:
+        controller.run_as_update(
+            algorithm=FilterAlgorithm(
+                input_sample_period=1,
+                output_sample_period=60,
+                inchannels=(channel,),
+                outchannels=(channel,),
+            ),
+            observatory=(observatory,),
+            output_observatory=(observatory,),
+            starttime=starttime,
+            endtime=endtime,
+            input_channels=(channel,),
+            output_channels=(channel,),
+            realtime=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+def second_filter(
+    observatory: str,
+    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    realtime_interval: int = 600,
+    update_limit: int = 10,
+    """Filter 10Hz miniseed U,V,W to 1 second
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    observatory: str
+        observatory id
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to request data
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to write data
+    realtime_interval: int
+        length of update window
+    update_limit: int
+        number of update windows
+    """
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    controller = Controller(
+        inputFactory=input_factory
+        or get_miniseed_factory(convert_channels=("U", "V", "W")),
+        inputInterval="tenhertz",
+        outputFactory=output_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        outputInterval="second",
+    )
+    for channel in ("U", "V", "W"):
+        controller.run_as_update(
+            algorithm=FilterAlgorithm(
+                input_sample_period=0.1,
+                output_sample_period=1,
+                inchannels=(channel,),
+                outchannels=(channel,),
+            ),
+            observatory=(observatory,),
+            output_observatory=(observatory,),
+            starttime=starttime,
+            endtime=endtime,
+            input_channels=(channel,),
+            output_channels=(channel,),
+            realtime=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+def _copy_channels(
+    observatory: str,
+    channels: List[List[str]],
+    interval: DataInterval,
+    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory],
+    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory],
+    realtime_interval: int = 600,
+    update_limit: int = 10,
+    """copy channels between earthworm and miniseed formats
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    observatory: str
+        observatory id
+    channels: array
+        list of channel conversions
+        format: ((input_channel_1, output_channel_1), ...)
+    interval: {tenhertz, second, minute, hour, day}
+        data interval
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to request data
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory
+        factory to write data
+    realtime_interval: int
+        length of update window
+    update_limit: int
+        number of update windows
+    """
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(interval_seconds=realtime_interval)
+    controller = Controller(
+        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputInterval=interval,
+        outputFactory=output_factory or get_edge_factory(),
+        outputInterval=interval,
+    )
+    for input_channel, output_channel in channels:
+        controller.run_as_update(
+            algorithm=Algorithm(
+                inchannels=(input_channel,),
+                outchannels=(output_channel,),
+            ),
+            observatory=(observatory,),
+            output_observatory=(observatory,),
+            starttime=starttime,
+            endtime=endtime,
+            input_channels=(input_channel,),
+            output_channels=(output_channel,),
+            rename_output_channel=((input_channel, output_channel),),
+            realtime=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )