diff --git a/geomagio/TimeseriesUtility.py b/geomagio/TimeseriesUtility.py
index 4fe0e9b18fde6797763ad75a11a0d2fe43d8d7ad..e0729c21b81796707a06cff1184765aeab5be29c 100644
--- a/geomagio/TimeseriesUtility.py
+++ b/geomagio/TimeseriesUtility.py
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ from datetime import datetime
 import math
 import sys
 import numpy
-import obspy.core
+from obspy.core import Stats, Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
+from .Util import get_intervals
 def create_empty_trace(
@@ -14,9 +16,9 @@ def create_empty_trace(
-    starttime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+    starttime: UTCDateTime
         the starttime of the requested data
-    endtime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+    endtime: UTCDateTime
         the endtime of the requested data
     observatory : str
         observatory code
@@ -34,19 +36,17 @@ def create_empty_trace(
         the location code
-    obspy.core.Trace
+    Trace:
         trace for the requested channel
     delta = get_delta_from_interval(interval)
-    stats = obspy.core.Stats()
+    stats = Stats()
     stats.network = network
     stats.station = station
     stats.location = location
     stats.channel = channel
     # Calculate first valid sample time based on interval
-    trace_starttime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(
-        numpy.ceil(starttime.timestamp / delta) * delta
-    )
+    trace_starttime = UTCDateTime(numpy.ceil(starttime.timestamp / delta) * delta)
     if delta > 60.0:
         trace_starttime += (delta - 60) / 2
         if trace_starttime > endtime:
@@ -60,7 +60,30 @@ def create_empty_trace(
     length = int((endtime - trace_starttime) / delta)
     stats.npts = length + 1
     data = numpy.full(stats.npts, numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float64)
-    return obspy.core.Trace(data, stats)
+    return Trace(data, stats)
+def encode_stream(stream: Stream, encoding: str) -> Stream:
+    """Ensures that factory encoding matches output data encoding
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    stream: Stream
+        stream of input data
+    Returns:
+    --------
+    out_stream: Stream
+        stream with matching data encoding to factory specification
+    """
+    out_stream = Stream()
+    for trace in stream:
+        trace_out = trace.copy()
+        if trace_out.data.dtype != encoding:
+            trace_out.data = trace_out.data.astype(encoding)
+        out_stream += trace_out
+    return out_stream
 def get_delta_from_interval(data_interval):
@@ -125,20 +148,20 @@ def get_stream_start_end_times(timeseries, without_gaps=False):
             the latest endtime.
-    timeseries: obspy.core.stream
+    timeseries: Stream
         The timeseries stream
     tuple: (starttime, endtime)
-        starttime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
-        endtime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+        starttime: UTCDateTime
+        endtime: UTCDateTime
     NOTE: when the entire timeseries is a gap, and without_gaps is True,
     the returned endtime will be one delta earlier than starttime.
-    starttime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(datetime.now())
-    endtime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(0)
+    starttime = UTCDateTime(datetime.now())
+    endtime = UTCDateTime(0)
     for trace in timeseries:
         if trace.stats.starttime < starttime:
             starttime = trace.stats.starttime
@@ -160,7 +183,7 @@ def get_stream_gaps(stream, channels=None):
     """Get gaps in a given stream
-    stream: obspy.core.Stream
+    stream: Stream
         the stream to check for gaps
     channels: array_like
         list of channels to check for gaps
@@ -188,7 +211,7 @@ def get_trace_gaps(trace):
     """Gets gaps in a trace representing a single channel
-    trace: obspy.core.Trace
+    trace: Trace
         a stream containing a single channel of data.
@@ -270,7 +293,7 @@ def get_channels(stream):
-    stream : obspy.core.Stream
+    stream : Stream
@@ -289,8 +312,8 @@ def get_trace_value(traces, time, default=None):
-    trace : obspy.core.Trace
-    time : obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+    trace : Trace
+    time : UTCDateTime
@@ -316,7 +339,7 @@ def has_all_channels(stream, channels, starttime, endtime):
-    stream: obspy.core.Stream
+    stream: Stream
         The input stream we want to make certain has data
     channels: array_like
         The list of channels that we want to have concurrent data
@@ -346,7 +369,7 @@ def has_any_channels(stream, channels, starttime, endtime):
-    stream: obspy.core.Stream
+    stream: Stream
         The input stream we want to make certain has data
     channels: array_like
         The list of channels that we want to have concurrent data
@@ -381,17 +404,17 @@ def mask_stream(stream):
-    stream : obspy.core.Stream
+    stream : Stream
         stream to mask
-    obspy.core.Stream
+    Stream
         stream with new Trace objects with numpy masked array data.
-    masked = obspy.core.Stream()
+    masked = Stream()
     for trace in stream:
-        masked += obspy.core.Trace(numpy.ma.masked_invalid(trace.data), trace.stats)
+        masked += Trace(numpy.ma.masked_invalid(trace.data), trace.stats)
     return masked
@@ -400,18 +423,18 @@ def unmask_stream(stream):
-    stream : obspy.core.Stream
+    stream : Stream
         stream to unmask
-    obspy.core.Stream
+    Stream
         stream with new Trace objects with numpy array data, with numpy.nan
         as a fill value in a filled array.
-    unmasked = obspy.core.Stream()
+    unmasked = Stream()
     for trace in stream:
-        unmasked += obspy.core.Trace(
+        unmasked += Trace(
             if isinstance(trace.data, numpy.ma.MaskedArray)
             else trace.data,
@@ -425,15 +448,15 @@ def merge_streams(*streams):
-    *streams : obspy.core.Stream
+    *streams : Stream
         one or more streams to merge
-    obspy.core.Stream
+    Stream
         stream with contiguous traces merged, and gaps filled with numpy.nan
-    merged = obspy.core.Stream()
+    merged = Stream()
     # sort out empty
     for stream in streams:
@@ -445,7 +468,7 @@ def merge_streams(*streams):
     split = split.split()
     # Re-add any empty traces that were removed by split()
-    readd = obspy.core.Stream()
+    readd = Stream()
     for trace in merged:
         stats = trace.stats
         split_stream = split.select(
@@ -480,11 +503,11 @@ def pad_timeseries(timeseries, starttime, endtime):
-    timeseries: obspy.core.stream
+    timeseries: Stream
         The timeseries stream as returned by the call to getWaveform
-    starttime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+    starttime: UTCDateTime
         the starttime of the requested data
-    endtime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+    endtime: UTCDateTime
         the endtime of the requested data
     Notes: the original timeseries object is changed.
@@ -501,17 +524,17 @@ def pad_and_trim_trace(trace, starttime, endtime):
-    trace: obspy.core.Trace
+    trace: Trace
         One trace to be processed
-    starttime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+    starttime: UTCDateTime
         the starttime of the requested data
-    endtime: obspy.core.UTCDateTime
+    endtime: UTCDateTime
         the endtime of the requested data
     Notes: the original timeseries object is changed.
-    trace_starttime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(trace.stats.starttime)
-    trace_endtime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(trace.stats.endtime)
+    trace_starttime = UTCDateTime(trace.stats.starttime)
+    trace_endtime = UTCDateTime(trace.stats.endtime)
     trace_delta = trace.stats.delta
     if trace_starttime < starttime:
         # trim to starttime
@@ -570,46 +593,26 @@ def round_usecs(time):
     return time
-def split_streams_by_interval(stream, interval):
-    """Splits streams by interval
-    Parameters:
-    -----------
-    stream: obspy.core.Stream
-        stream of input data
-    interval: int
-        interval streams will be split by
-    Returns:
-    --------
-    out_streams: List[obspy.core.Stream]
-        list of streams split by interval
-    """
-    delta = stream[0].stats.delta
-    interval_start = stream[0].stats.starttime.timestamp
-    times = stream[0].times("timestamp")
-    interval_ends = times[times % interval == 0] - delta
-    if not interval_ends.any():
-        return [stream]
-    out_streams = []
-    for interval_end in interval_ends:
-        # should only occur with stream starttime occuring at midnight
-        if interval_end == interval_start - delta:
-            continue
-        stream_copy = stream.copy()
-        pad_timeseries(
-            timeseries=stream_copy,
-            starttime=obspy.core.UTCDateTime(interval_start),
-            endtime=obspy.core.UTCDateTime(interval_end),
+def split_stream(stream: Stream, size: int = 86400) -> Stream:
+    out_stream = Stream()
+    for trace in stream:
+        out_stream += split_trace(trace, size)
+    return out_stream
+def split_trace(trace: Trace, size: int = 86400) -> Stream:
+    # copy in case original trace changes later
+    stream = Stream()
+    out_trace = trace.copy()
+    for interval in get_intervals(
+        starttime=out_trace.stats.starttime,
+        endtime=out_trace.stats.endtime,
+        size=size,
+        trim=True,
+    ):
+        stream += out_trace.slice(
+            starttime=interval["start"],
+            endtime=interval["end"] - out_trace.stats.delta,
+            nearest_sample=False,
-        out_streams.append(stream_copy)
-        interval_start = interval_end + delta
-    # last trim will extend from interval_start to the end of the original input stream
-    pad_timeseries(
-        stream,
-        starttime=obspy.core.UTCDateTime(interval_start),
-        endtime=stream[0].stats.endtime,
-    )
-    out_streams.append(stream)
-    return out_streams
+    return stream
diff --git a/geomagio/edge/MiniSeedInputClient.py b/geomagio/edge/MiniSeedInputClient.py
index 0edc200008e25bccfd374f4c3bc10d31f31194f8..4a3db6ee0d41333bf956673f635f885ebf221ad1 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/MiniSeedInputClient.py
+++ b/geomagio/edge/MiniSeedInputClient.py
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ import io
 import socket
 import sys
-from ..TimeseriesUtility import split_streams_by_interval
+from obspy.core import Stream
+from ..TimeseriesUtility import encode_stream, split_stream
 class MiniSeedInputClient(object):
@@ -74,48 +76,28 @@ class MiniSeedInputClient(object):
         # connect if needed
         if self.socket is None:
-        # convert stream to miniseed
-        buf = io.BytesIO()
-        streams = self._pre_process(stream)
-        for stream in streams:
-            stream.write(
-                buf, encoding=self.encoding.upper(), format="MSEED", reclen=512
-            )
-        # send data
-        self.socket.sendall(buf.getvalue())
-    def _pre_process(self, stream):
+        processed = self._pre_process(stream=stream)
+        for trace in processed:
+            buf = io.BytesIO()
+            # convert stream to miniseed
+            trace.write(buf, format="MSEED", reclen=512)
+            # send data
+            self.socket.sendall(buf.getvalue())
+            buf.close()
+    def _pre_process(self, stream: Stream) -> Stream:
         """Encodes and splits streams at daily intervals
-        stream: obspy.core.stream
+        stream: Stream
             stream of input data
-        streams: List[obspy.core.stream]
-            list of encoded streams split at daily intervals
-        """
-        stream = self.__encode_stream(stream)
-        streams = split_streams_by_interval(stream, interval=86400)
-        return streams
-    def __encode_stream(self, stream):
-        """Ensures that factory encoding matches output data encoding
-        Parameters:
-        -----------
-        stream: obspy.core.Stream
-            stream of input data
-        Returns:
-        --------
-        stream: obspy.core.Stream
-            stream with matching data encoding to factory specification
+        stream: Stream
+            list of encoded trace split at daily intervals
-        for trace in stream:
-            if trace.data.dtype != self.encoding:
-                trace.data = trace.data.astype(self.encoding)
+        stream = encode_stream(stream=stream, encoding=self.encoding)
+        stream = split_stream(stream=stream, size=86400)
         return stream
diff --git a/geomagio/edge/__init__.py b/geomagio/edge/__init__.py
index 93888daa3356a5d4f8b5d3fed1034772106e6f13..2a53748a195983a3dc737b87731330584f10c739 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/__init__.py
+++ b/geomagio/edge/__init__.py
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
 from .EdgeFactory import EdgeFactory
 from .LocationCode import LocationCode
 from .MiniSeedFactory import MiniSeedFactory
+from .MiniSeedInputClient import MiniSeedInputClient
 from .RawInputClient import RawInputClient
-__all__ = ["EdgeFactory", "LocationCode", "MiniSeedFactory", "RawInputClient"]
+__all__ = [
+    "EdgeFactory",
+    "LocationCode",
+    "MiniSeedFactory",
+    "MiniSeedInputClient",
+    "RawInputClient",
diff --git a/test/edge_test/MiniSeedFactory_test.py b/test/edge_test/MiniSeedFactory_test.py
index 24397dbcbde8e20781418f133a23696609b6ec9e..7f3421311348b37825b4a2e222722be352a43d08 100644
--- a/test/edge_test/MiniSeedFactory_test.py
+++ b/test/edge_test/MiniSeedFactory_test.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 """Tests for MiniSeedFactory.py"""
+import io
 import numpy
 from numpy.testing import assert_equal
-from obspy.core import Stats, Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
+from obspy.core import read, Stats, Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
 from geomagio import TimeseriesUtility
-from geomagio.edge import MiniSeedFactory
+from geomagio.edge import MiniSeedFactory, MiniSeedInputClient
 def test__get_edge_network():
@@ -90,6 +91,28 @@ def test__put_timeseries():
     assert_equal(sent[1].stats.endtime, trace1.stats.endtime)
+def test__pre_process():
+    """edge_test.MiniSeedFactory_test.test__pre_process()"""
+    # create 2 day long trace with additional midnight sample
+    trace1 = __create_trace(numpy.arange((86400 * 2) + 1), channel="H")
+    out_stream = Stream()
+    processed = MiniSeedInputClient(host=None, encoding="float32")._pre_process(
+        stream=Stream(trace1)
+    )
+    for trace in processed:
+        buf = io.BytesIO()
+        trace.write(buf, format="MSEED", reclen=512)
+        out_stream += read(buf)
+        buf.close()
+    assert len(out_stream) == 2
+    for trace in out_stream:
+        assert trace.data.dtype == "float32"
+        stats = trace.stats
+        assert stats.npts == 86400
+        assert stats.starttime.timestamp % 86400 == 0
+        assert stats.endtime.timestamp % 86400 != 0
 def test__set_metadata():
     # Call _set_metadata with 2 traces,  and make certain the stats get