diff --git a/geomagio/edge/EdgeFactory.py b/geomagio/edge/EdgeFactory.py
index a4294c79b553aa34c677afb6e48192efcb0a146e..af226a63a2cd07747d1825d11d805965657b12b2 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/EdgeFactory.py
+++ b/geomagio/edge/EdgeFactory.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from ..TimeseriesFactory import TimeseriesFactory
 from ..TimeseriesFactoryException import TimeseriesFactoryException
 from ..ObservatoryMetadata import ObservatoryMetadata
 from .RawInputClient import RawInputClient
-from .SNCLFactory import SNCLFactory
+from .LegacySNCL import LegacySNCL
 class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
@@ -301,8 +301,11 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             timeseries trace of the requested channel data
-        sncl = SNCLFactory(data_format="legacy").get_sncl(
-            station=observatory, data_type=type, element=channel, interval=interval
+        sncl = LegacySNCL().get_sncl(
+            station=observatory,
+            data_type=type,
+            interval=interval,
+            element=channel,
             data = self.client.get_waveforms(
@@ -399,8 +402,8 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         RawInputClient seems to only work when sockets are
-        sncl = SNCLFactory(data_format="legacy").get_sncl(
-            station=observatory, data_type=type, element=channel, interval=interval
+        sncl = LegacySNCL().get_sncl(
+            station=observatory, data_type=type, interval=interval, element=channel
         now = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(datetime.utcnow())
diff --git a/geomagio/edge/LegacySNCL.py b/geomagio/edge/LegacySNCL.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be1c3300d5ce001b0e5c9f2ce75fbe0da421dcb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geomagio/edge/LegacySNCL.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Optional
+from .SNCL import SNCL
+    # e-field
+    "E-E": "QE",
+    "E-N": "QN",
+    # derived indicies
+    "SQ": "SQ",
+    "SV": "SV",
+    "DIST": "DT",
+    "DST": "GD",
+    ELEMENT_CONVERSIONS[key]: key for key in ELEMENT_CONVERSIONS.keys()
+class LegacySNCL(SNCL):
+    def get_sncl(
+        self,
+        station: str,
+        data_type: str,
+        interval: str,
+        element: str,
+    ) -> LegacySNCL:
+        from .SNCLFactory import SNCLFactory
+        factory = SNCLFactory(data_format="legacy")
+        return LegacySNCL(
+            station=station,
+            network=self.network,
+            channel=factory.get_channel(element=element, interval=interval),
+            location=factory.get_location(element=element, data_type=data_type),
+        )
+    @property
+    def element(self) -> str:
+        predefined_element = self.__check_predefined_element()
+        element = self.__get_element()
+        return predefined_element or element
+    @property
+    def interval(self) -> str:
+        channel_start = self.channel[0]
+        if channel_start == "S":
+            return "second"
+        elif channel_start == "M":
+            return "minute"
+        elif channel_start == "H":
+            return "hour"
+        elif channel_start == "D":
+            return "day"
+        raise ValueError(f"Unexcepted interval code: {channel_start}")
+    def __get_element(self):
+        """Translates channel/location to element"""
+        element_start = self.channel[2]
+        channel = self.channel
+        channel_middle = channel[1]
+        location_end = self.location[1]
+        if channel_middle in ["Q", "E"]:
+            element_end = "_Volt"
+        elif channel_middle == "Y":
+            element_end = "_Bin"
+        elif channel_middle == "K":
+            element_end = "_Temp"
+        elif location_end == "1":
+            element_end = "_Sat"
+        else:
+            element_end = ""
+        return element_start + element_end
+    def __check_predefined_element(self) -> Optional[str]:
+        channel = self.channel
+        channel_end = channel[1:]
+        if channel_end in CHANNEL_CONVERSIONS:
+            return CHANNEL_CONVERSIONS[channel_end]
+        return None
diff --git a/geomagio/edge/MiniSeedFactory.py b/geomagio/edge/MiniSeedFactory.py
index 133edeeaeca8237add1547613c660ba4325058b0..f3530cdd6bd2b7f653d2530b8713a85baede0cb6 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/MiniSeedFactory.py
+++ b/geomagio/edge/MiniSeedFactory.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from ..TimeseriesFactory import TimeseriesFactory
 from ..TimeseriesFactoryException import TimeseriesFactoryException
 from ..ObservatoryMetadata import ObservatoryMetadata
 from .MiniSeedInputClient import MiniSeedInputClient
-from .SNCLFactory import SNCLFactory
+from .SNCL import SNCL
 class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
@@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             timeseries trace of the requested channel data
-        sncl = SNCLFactory().get_sncl(
-            station=observatory, data_type=type, element=channel, interval=interval
+        sncl = SNCL().get_sncl(
+            station=observatory, data_type=type, interval=interval, element=channel
         data = self.client.get_waveforms(
             sncl.network, sncl.station, sncl.location, sncl.channel, starttime, endtime
@@ -460,8 +460,11 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         to_write = to_write.split()
         to_write = TimeseriesUtility.unmask_stream(to_write)
         # relabel channels from internal to edge conventions
-        sncl = SNCLFactory().get_sncl(
-            station=observatory, data_type=type, element=channel, interval=interval
+        sncl = SNCL().get_sncl(
+            station=observatory,
+            data_type=type,
+            interval=interval,
+            element=channel,
         for trace in to_write:
             trace.stats.station = sncl.station
diff --git a/geomagio/edge/SNCL.py b/geomagio/edge/SNCL.py
index df75fa3a45f35abc8f4f433b2142d8e23e86fb59..395bfefe53f0b40d95a95c2aabf2c40b719f567a 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/SNCL.py
+++ b/geomagio/edge/SNCL.py
@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
-from typing import Dict, Optional, Set
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Dict, Optional
 from pydantic import BaseModel
-    "legacy": {
-        "second": "S",
-        "minute": "M",
-        "hour": "H",
-        "day": "D",
-    },
-    "miniseed": {
-        "tenhertz": "B",
-        "second": "L",
-        "minute": "U",
-        "hour": "R",
-        "day": "P",
-    },
     # e-field
     "E-E": "QE",
@@ -24,10 +10,6 @@ ELEMENT_CONVERSIONS = {
     # derived indicies
     "Dst3": "X3",
     "Dst4": "X4",
-    "SQ": "SQ",
-    "SV": "SV",
-    "DIST": "DT",
-    "DST": "GD",
@@ -36,11 +18,27 @@ CHANNEL_CONVERSIONS = {
 class SNCL(BaseModel):
-    station: str
+    station: str = None
     network: str = "NT"
-    channel: str
-    location: str
-    data_format: str = "miniseed"
+    channel: str = None
+    location: str = None
+    def get_sncl(
+        self,
+        station: str,
+        data_type: str,
+        interval: str,
+        element: str,
+    ) -> SNCL:
+        from .SNCLFactory import SNCLFactory
+        factory = SNCLFactory(data_format="miniseed")
+        return SNCL(
+            station=station,
+            network=self.network,
+            channel=factory.get_channel(element=element, interval=interval),
+            location=factory.get_location(element=element, data_type=data_type),
+        )
     def parse_sncl(self) -> Dict:
         return {
@@ -51,16 +49,6 @@ class SNCL(BaseModel):
             "interval": self.interval,
-    def dict(self, exclude: Set = {"data_format"}) -> dict:
-        return super().dict(
-            exclude=exclude,
-        )
-    def json(self, exclude: Set = {"data_format"}) -> str:
-        return super().json(
-            exclude=exclude,
-        )
     def data_type(self) -> str:
         """Translates beginning of location code to data type"""
@@ -84,15 +72,18 @@ class SNCL(BaseModel):
     def interval(self) -> str:
         """Translates beginning of channel to interval"""
-        interval_conversions = INTERVAL_CONVERSIONS[self.data_format]
-        interval_code_conversions = {
-            interval_conversions[key]: key for key in interval_conversions.keys()
-        }
         channel_start = self.channel[0]
-        try:
-            return interval_code_conversions[channel_start]
-        except:
-            raise ValueError(f"Unexcepted interval code: {channel_start}")
+        if channel_start == "B":
+            return "tenhertz"
+        elif channel_start == "L":
+            return "second"
+        elif channel_start == "U":
+            return "minute"
+        elif channel_start == "R":
+            return "hour"
+        elif channel_start == "P":
+            return "day"
+        raise ValueError(f"Unexcepted interval code: {channel_start}")
     def __get_element(self):
         """Translates channel/location to element"""
@@ -100,7 +91,7 @@ class SNCL(BaseModel):
         channel = self.channel
         channel_middle = channel[1]
         location_end = self.location[1]
-        if channel_middle in ["Q", "E"]:
+        if channel_middle == "E":
             element_end = "_Volt"
         elif channel_middle == "Y":
             element_end = "_Bin"
diff --git a/geomagio/edge/SNCLFactory.py b/geomagio/edge/SNCLFactory.py
index 4b76fa1572207084cdeecf105b7a52b7efb5777a..c4be5e89970797ebde38fe86d73e0feeb2826bc7 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/SNCLFactory.py
+++ b/geomagio/edge/SNCLFactory.py
@@ -1,25 +1,46 @@
-from typing import Optional
+from typing import Literal, Optional, Union
+    "miniseed": {
+        "tenhertz": "B",
+        "second": "L",
+        "minute": "U",
+        "hour": "R",
+        "day": "P",
+    },
+    "legacy": {
+        "second": "S",
+        "minute": "M",
+        "hour": "H",
+        "day": "D",
+    },
 class SNCLFactory(object):
-    def __init__(self, data_format: str = "miniseed"):
+    def __init__(self, data_format: Literal["miniseed", "legacy"] = "miniseed"):
         self.data_format = data_format
     def get_sncl(
         station: str,
-        data_type: str,
-        element: str,
-        interval: str,
-        network: str = "NT",
-    ) -> SNCL:
-        return SNCL(
-            station=station,
-            network=network,
-            channel=self.get_channel(element=element, interval=interval),
-            location=self.get_location(element=element, data_type=data_type),
+        network: str,
+        channel: str,
+        location: str,
+    ) -> Union[SNCL, LegacySNCL]:
+        sncl_params = {
+            "station": station,
+            "network": network,
+            "channel": channel,
+            "location": location,
+        }
+        return (
+            SNCL(**sncl_params)
+            if self.data_format == "miniseed"
+            else LegacySNCL(**sncl_params)
     def get_channel(self, element: str, interval: str) -> str:
@@ -36,16 +57,23 @@ class SNCLFactory(object):
         return location_start + location_end
     def __get_channel_start(self, interval: str) -> str:
+        interval_conversions = INTERVAL_CONVERSIONS[self.data_format]
-            return INTERVAL_CONVERSIONS[self.data_format][interval]
+            return interval_conversions[interval]
             raise ValueError(f"Unexpected interval: {interval}")
     def __check_predefined_channel(self, element: str, interval: str) -> Optional[str]:
-        if element in ELEMENT_CONVERSIONS:
+        channel_conversions = (
+            if self.data_format == "miniseed"
+            else LEGACY_CONVERSIONS
+        )
+        if element in channel_conversions:
             return (
-                + ELEMENT_CONVERSIONS[element]
+                + channel_conversions[element]
         elif len(element) == 3:
             return element
@@ -85,10 +113,11 @@ class SNCLFactory(object):
         """Translates element suffix to end of location code"""
         if "_Sat" in element:
             return "1"
-        if "_Dist" in element:
-            return "D"
-        if "_SQ" in element:
-            return "Q"
-        if "_SV" in element:
-            return "V"
+        if self.data_format == "miniseed":
+            if "_Dist" in element:
+                return "D"
+            if "_SQ" in element:
+                return "Q"
+            if "_SV" in element:
+                return "V"
         return "0"
diff --git a/geomagio/edge/__init__.py b/geomagio/edge/__init__.py
index bf808a25a139d19e517045c80229950d7a8c34e1..77d5fee305c3d5cb1e53b544934ae5f9294d3b7f 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/__init__.py
+++ b/geomagio/edge/__init__.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from .MiniSeedInputClient import MiniSeedInputClient
 from .RawInputClient import RawInputClient
 from .SNCL import SNCL
 from .SNCLFactory import SNCLFactory
+from .LegacySNCL import LegacySNCL
 __all__ = [
@@ -20,4 +21,5 @@ __all__ = [
+    "LegacySNCL",
diff --git a/test/edge_test/LegacySNCL_test.py b/test/edge_test/LegacySNCL_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d7233ffc39af802ea5a20486ba857778d0a0b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/edge_test/LegacySNCL_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+from geomagio.edge import LegacySNCL
+def test_data_type():
+    """edge_test.LegacySNCL_test.test_data_type()"""
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(station="BOU", channel="LFU", location="R0").data_type == "variation"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(station="BOU", channel="LFU", location="A0").data_type == "adjusted"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(station="BOU", channel="LFU", location="Q0").data_type
+        == "quasi-definitive"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(station="BOU", channel="LFU", location="D0").data_type
+        == "definitive"
+    )
+def test_element():
+    """edge_test.LegacySNCL_test.test_element()"""
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MVD",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "D"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MVU",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "U"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MSF",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "F"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MVH",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "H"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MQE",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "E-E"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MQN",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "E-N"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MEH",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "H_Volt"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MYH",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "H_Bin"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MVH",
+            location="R1",
+        ).element
+        == "H_Sat"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MDT",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "DIST"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MGD",
+            location="R0",
+        ).element
+        == "DST"
+    )
+def test_get_sncl():
+    """edge_test.LegacySNCL_test.test_get_sncl()"""
+    assert LegacySNCL().get_sncl(
+        station="BOU", data_type="variation", interval="second", element="H"
+    ) == LegacySNCL(station="BOU", network="NT", channel="SVH", location="R0")
+def test_interval():
+    """edge_test.LegacySNCL_test.test_interval()"""
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="SVH",
+            location="R0",
+            data_format="legacy",
+        ).interval
+        == "second"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="MVH",
+            location="R0",
+            data_format="legacy",
+        ).interval
+        == "minute"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="HVH",
+            location="R0",
+            data_format="legacy",
+        ).interval
+        == "hour"
+    )
+    assert (
+        LegacySNCL(
+            station="BOU",
+            channel="DVH",
+            location="R0",
+            data_format="legacy",
+        ).interval
+        == "day"
+    )
+def test_parse_sncl():
+    """edge_test.LegacySNCL_test.test_parse_sncl()"""
+    assert LegacySNCL(station="BOU", channel="MVH", location="R0").parse_sncl() == {
+        "station": "BOU",
+        "network": "NT",
+        "data_type": "variation",
+        "element": "H",
+        "interval": "minute",
+    }
diff --git a/test/edge_test/SNCLFactory_test.py b/test/edge_test/SNCLFactory_test.py
index 44f2d0de01856690aafcd9a496b8f9ce3edf4c57..0920c804cb55648f675ca1083f64a38499966af1 100644
--- a/test/edge_test/SNCLFactory_test.py
+++ b/test/edge_test/SNCLFactory_test.py
@@ -1,70 +1,41 @@
-from geomagio.edge import SNCL, SNCLFactory
-def test_get_sncl():
-    assert (
-        SNCLFactory(data_format="miniseed").get_sncl(
-            station="BOU",
-            data_type="variation",
-            element="UFU",
-            interval="minute",
-        )
-        == SNCL(station="BOU", network="NT", channel="UFU", location="R0")
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCLFactory(data_format="legacy").get_sncl(
-            station="BOU",
-            data_type="variation",
-            element="MVH",
-            interval="minute",
-        )
-        == SNCL(station="BOU", network="NT", channel="MVH", location="R0")
-    )
+from geomagio.edge import SNCL, SNCLFactory, LegacySNCL
 def test_get_channel():
-    # test miniseed format
+    """edge_test.SNCLFactory_test.test_get_channel()"""
     factory = SNCLFactory(data_format="miniseed")
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="D", interval="minute") == "UFD"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="U_Volt", interval="tenhertz") == "BEU"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="U_Bin", interval="tenhertz") == "BYU"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="D", interval="second") == "LFD"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="F", interval="minute") == "UFF"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="H", interval="minute") == "UFH"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="Dst4", interval="minute") == "UX4"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="H", interval="hour") == "RFH"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="Dst4", interval="day") == "PX4"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="Dst3", interval="minute") == "UX3"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="E-E", interval="minute") == "UQE"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="E-N", interval="minute") == "UQN"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="SQ", interval="minute") == "USQ"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="SV", interval="minute") == "USV"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="UK1", interval="minute") == "UK1"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="UK2", interval="minute") == "UK2"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="UK3", interval="minute") == "UK3"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="UK4", interval="minute") == "UK4"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="DIST", interval="minute") == "UDT"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="DST", interval="minute") == "UGD"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="U_Dist", interval="minute") == "UFU"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="U_SQ", interval="minute") == "UFU"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="U_SV", interval="minute") == "UFU"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="UK1.R0", interval="minute") == "UK1"
     # test legacy format
     factory = SNCLFactory(data_format="legacy")
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="D", interval="minute") == "MVD"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="D", interval="second") == "SVD"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="F", interval="minute") == "MSF"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="H", interval="minute") == "MVH"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="Dst4", interval="minute") == "MX4"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="Dst3", interval="minute") == "MX3"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="E-E", interval="minute") == "MQE"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="H", interval="hour") == "HVH"
+    assert factory.get_channel(element="E-E", interval="day") == "DQE"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="E-N", interval="minute") == "MQN"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="SQ", interval="minute") == "MSQ"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="SV", interval="minute") == "MSV"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="UK1", interval="minute") == "UK1"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="UK2", interval="minute") == "UK2"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="UK3", interval="minute") == "UK3"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="UK4", interval="minute") == "UK4"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="DIST", interval="minute") == "MDT"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="DST", interval="minute") == "MGD"
-    assert factory.get_channel(element="H_Dist", interval="minute") == "MVH"
     assert factory.get_channel(element="UK1.R0", interval="minute") == "UK1"
 def test_get_location():
+    """edge_test.SNCLFactory_test.test_get_location()"""
     factory = SNCLFactory(data_format="miniseed")
     assert factory.get_location(element="D", data_type="variation") == "R0"
     assert factory.get_location(element="D", data_type="adjusted") == "A0"
@@ -74,3 +45,20 @@ def test_get_location():
     assert factory.get_location(element="D_Dist", data_type="variation") == "RD"
     assert factory.get_location(element="D_SQ", data_type="variation") == "RQ"
     assert factory.get_location(element="D_SV", data_type="variation") == "RV"
+    factory = SNCLFactory(data_format="legacy")
+    assert factory.get_location(element="D", data_type="variation") == "R0"
+    assert factory.get_location(element="D", data_type="adjusted") == "A0"
+    assert factory.get_location(element="D", data_type="quasi-definitive") == "Q0"
+    assert factory.get_location(element="D", data_type="definitive") == "D0"
+    assert factory.get_location(element="D_Sat", data_type="variation") == "R1"
+def test_get_sncl():
+    """edge_test.SNCLFactory_test.test_get_sncl()"""
+    assert SNCLFactory(data_format="miniseed").get_sncl(
+        station="BOU", network="NT", channel="UFU", location="R0"
+    ) == SNCL(station="BOU", network="NT", channel="UFU", location="R0")
+    assert SNCLFactory(data_format="legacy").get_sncl(
+        station="BOU", network="NT", channel="MVH", location="R0"
+    ) == LegacySNCL(station="BOU", network="NT", channel="MVH", location="R0")
diff --git a/test/edge_test/SNCL_test.py b/test/edge_test/SNCL_test.py
index 7f59107d9b9d49a2d096c583a8e28ef4c39496bb..b2ca4a1bed472b9ec1a28c56fb17db3e7457ac0d 100644
--- a/test/edge_test/SNCL_test.py
+++ b/test/edge_test/SNCL_test.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from geomagio.edge import SNCL
 def test_data_type():
+    """edge_test.SNCL_test.test_data_type()"""
     assert SNCL(station="BOU", channel="LFU", location="R0").data_type == "variation"
     assert SNCL(station="BOU", channel="LFU", location="A0").data_type == "adjusted"
     assert (
@@ -11,88 +12,8 @@ def test_data_type():
     assert SNCL(station="BOU", channel="LFU", location="D0").data_type == "definitive"
-def test_interval():
-    # miniseed format
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="BEU",
-            location="R0",
-        ).interval
-        == "tenhertz"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="LEU",
-            location="R0",
-        ).interval
-        == "second"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="UEU",
-            location="R0",
-        ).interval
-        == "minute"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="REU",
-            location="R0",
-        ).interval
-        == "hour"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="PEU",
-            location="R0",
-        ).interval
-        == "day"
-    )
-    # legacy format
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="SVH",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).interval
-        == "second"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MVH",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).interval
-        == "minute"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="HVH",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).interval
-        == "hour"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="DVH",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).interval
-        == "day"
-    )
 def test_element():
+    """edge_test.SNCL_test.test_element()"""
     assert (
@@ -182,147 +103,64 @@ def test_element():
         == "U_Sat"
+def test_get_sncl():
+    """edge_test.SNCL_test.test_get_sncl()"""
+    assert SNCL().get_sncl(
+        station="BOU", data_type="variation", interval="second", element="U"
+    ) == SNCL(station="BOU", network="NT", channel="LFU", location="R0")
+def test_interval():
+    """edge_test.SNCL_test.test_interval()"""
     assert (
-            channel="MVD",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "D"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MVU",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "U"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MSF",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "F"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MVH",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "H"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MX4",
-            location="R0",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "Dst4"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MX3",
+            channel="BEU",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "Dst3"
+        ).interval
+        == "tenhertz"
     assert (
-            channel="MQE",
+            channel="LEU",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "E-E"
+        ).interval
+        == "second"
     assert (
-            channel="MQN",
+            channel="UEU",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "E-N"
+        ).interval
+        == "minute"
     assert (
-            channel="MEH",
+            channel="REU",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "H_Volt"
+        ).interval
+        == "hour"
     assert (
-            channel="MYH",
+            channel="PEU",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "H_Bin"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MVH",
-            location="R1",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "H_Sat"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MVH",
-            location="RD",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "H_Dist"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MVH",
-            location="RQ",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "H_SQ"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MVH",
-            location="RV",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "H_SV"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MDT",
-            location="RV",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "DIST"
-    )
-    assert (
-        SNCL(
-            station="BOU",
-            channel="MGD",
-            location="RV",
-            data_format="legacy",
-        ).element
-        == "DST"
+        ).interval
+        == "day"
+def test_parse_sncl():
+    """edge_test.SNCL_test.test_parse_sncl()"""
+    assert SNCL(station="BOU", channel="UFU", location="R0").parse_sncl() == {
+        "station": "BOU",
+        "network": "NT",
+        "data_type": "variation",
+        "element": "U",
+        "interval": "minute",
+    }