diff --git a/geomagio/ImagCDFFactory.py b/geomagio/ImagCDFFactory.py
index 3d8ba136623ca5b852971e830b58c6a4f8f09cf4..ea94790320d45247416ca1b4957fc66b522aec67 100644
--- a/geomagio/ImagCDFFactory.py
+++ b/geomagio/ImagCDFFactory.py
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
     This class extends the TimeseriesFactory to support writing geomagnetic
     time series data to files in the ImagCDF format using the cdflib library.
-    isUniqueTimes=True #used to determine depend_0 and CDF Time Variable Name
+    isUniqueTimes = True  # used to determine depend_0 and CDF Time Variable Name
     def __init__(
@@ -129,20 +129,20 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         Note: Parsing from strings is not implemented in this factory.
         raise NotImplementedError('"parse_string" not implemented')
     def write_file(self, fh, timeseries: Stream, channels: List[str]):
         # Create a temporary file to write the CDF data
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.cdf') as tmp_file:
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".cdf") as tmp_file:
             tmp_file_path = tmp_file.name
             # Initialize the CDF writer
             cdf_spec = {
-                'Compressed': 9,          # Enable compression (0-9)
-                'Majority': CDFWriter.ROW_MAJOR,        # Data layout - gets set automatically
-                'Encoding': CDFWriter.IBMPC_ENCODING, #  gets set automatically
-                'Checksum': True,        # Disable checksum for faster writes (optional)
-                'rDim_sizes': [],         # Applicable only if using rVariables - CDF protocol recommends only using zVariables. 
+                "Compressed": 9,  # Enable compression (0-9)
+                "Majority": CDFWriter.ROW_MAJOR,  # Data layout - gets set automatically
+                "Encoding": CDFWriter.IBMPC_ENCODING,  #  gets set automatically
+                "Checksum": True,  # Disable checksum for faster writes (optional)
+                "rDim_sizes": [],  # Applicable only if using rVariables - CDF protocol recommends only using zVariables.
             cdf_writer = CDFWriter(path=tmp_file_path, cdf_spec=cdf_spec, delete=True)
@@ -152,53 +152,59 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             # Time variables
-            time_vars = self._create_time_stamp_variables(timeseries) #modifies self.isUniqueTimes
+            time_vars = self._create_time_stamp_variables(
+                timeseries
+            )  # modifies self.isUniqueTimes
             for ts_name, ts_data in time_vars.items():
                 # Define time variable specification
                 var_spec = {
-                    'Variable': ts_name,
-                    'Data_Type': CDFWriter.CDF_TIME_TT2000,  # CDF_TIME_TT2000
-                    'Num_Elements': 1,
-                    'Rec_Vary': True,
-                    'Var_Type': 'zVariable',
-                    'Dim_Sizes': [],
-                    'Sparse': 'no_sparse',
-                    'Compress': 9,
-                    'Pad': None,
+                    "Variable": ts_name,
+                    "Data_Type": CDFWriter.CDF_TIME_TT2000,  # CDF_TIME_TT2000
+                    "Num_Elements": 1,
+                    "Rec_Vary": True,
+                    "Var_Type": "zVariable",
+                    "Dim_Sizes": [],
+                    "Sparse": "no_sparse",
+                    "Compress": 9,
+                    "Pad": None,
                 # Define time variable attributes
                 var_attrs = self._create_time_var_attrs(ts_name)
                 # Write time variable
                 cdf_writer.write_var(var_spec, var_attrs, ts_data)
             # Data variables
             temperature_index = 0
             for trace in timeseries:
                 channel = trace.stats.channel
                 if channel in TEMPERATURE_ELEMENTS_ID:
-                    temperature_index += 1 #MUST INCREMENT INDEX BEFORE USING
+                    temperature_index += 1  # MUST INCREMENT INDEX BEFORE USING
                     var_name = f"Temperature{temperature_index}"
                     var_name = f"GeomagneticField{channel}"
                 data_type = self._get_cdf_data_type(trace)
                 num_elements = 1
-                if data_type in [CDFWriter.CDF_CHAR, CDFWriter.CDF_UCHAR]:  # Handle string types
+                if data_type in [
+                    CDFWriter.CDF_CHAR,
+                    CDFWriter.CDF_UCHAR,
+                ]:  # Handle string types
                     num_elements = len(trace.data[0]) if len(trace.data) > 0 else 1
                 var_spec = {
-                    'Variable': var_name,
-                    'Data_Type': data_type,
-                    'Num_Elements': num_elements,
-                    'Rec_Vary': True,
-                    'Var_Type': 'zVariable',
-                    'Dim_Sizes': [],
-                    'Sparse': 'no_sparse',
-                    'Compress': 9,
-                    'Pad': None,
+                    "Variable": var_name,
+                    "Data_Type": data_type,
+                    "Num_Elements": num_elements,
+                    "Rec_Vary": True,
+                    "Var_Type": "zVariable",
+                    "Dim_Sizes": [],
+                    "Sparse": "no_sparse",
+                    "Compress": 9,
+                    "Pad": None,
-                var_attrs = self._create_var_attrs(trace, temperature_index, self.isUniqueTimes)
+                var_attrs = self._create_var_attrs(
+                    trace, temperature_index, self.isUniqueTimes
+                )
                 # Write data variable
                 cdf_writer.write_var(var_spec, var_attrs, trace.data)
@@ -271,7 +277,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             # Handle 'stdout' output
-            if url == 'stdout':
+            if url == "stdout":
                 # Write directly to stdout
                 fh = sys.stdout.buffer
                 url_data = timeseries.slice(
@@ -282,7 +288,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                 continue  # Proceed to next interval if any
             # Handle 'file://' output
-            elif url.startswith('file://'):
+            elif url.startswith("file://"):
                 # Get the file path from the URL
                 url_file = Util.get_file_from_url(url, createParentDirectory=False)
                 url_data = timeseries.slice(
@@ -307,11 +313,16 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                             if new_trace:
-                                trace.data = np.concatenate((trace.data, new_trace[0].data))
+                                trace.data = np.concatenate(
+                                    (trace.data, new_trace[0].data)
+                                )
                         url_data = existing_data + url_data
                     except Exception as e:
                         # Log the exception if needed
-                        print(f"Warning: Could not read existing CDF file '{url_file}': {e}", file=sys.stderr)
+                        print(
+                            f"Warning: Could not read existing CDF file '{url_file}': {e}",
+                            file=sys.stderr,
+                        )
                         # Proceed with new data
                 # Pad the data with NaNs to ensure it fits the interval
@@ -329,7 +340,9 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                 # Unsupported URL scheme encountered
-                raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Unsupported URL scheme in urlTemplate")
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+                    "Unsupported URL scheme in urlTemplate"
+                )
     def get_timeseries(
@@ -359,10 +372,12 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
-            if url == 'stdout':
+            if url == "stdout":
                 continue  # stdout is not a valid input source
             if not url.startswith("file://"):
-                raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Only file urls are supported for reading ImagCDF")
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+                    "Only file urls are supported for reading ImagCDF"
+                )
             url_file = Util.get_file_from_url(url, createParentDirectory=False)
             if not os.path.isfile(url_file):
@@ -409,7 +424,9 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         return timeseries
-    def _create_global_attributes(self, timeseries: Stream, channels: List[str]) -> dict:
+    def _create_global_attributes(
+        self, timeseries: Stream, channels: List[str]
+    ) -> dict:
         Create a dictionary of global attributes for the ImagCDF file.
@@ -423,45 +440,58 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         stats = timeseries[0].stats if len(timeseries) > 0 else None
         # Extract metadata from stats or fallback to defaults
-        observatory_name = getattr(stats, 'station_name', None) or self.observatory or ""
-        station = getattr(stats, 'station', None) or ""
-        institution = getattr(stats, 'agency_name', None) or ""
-        latitude = getattr(stats, 'geodetic_latitude', None) or 0.0
-        longitude = getattr(stats, 'geodetic_longitude', None) or 0.0
-        elevation = getattr(stats, 'elevation', None) or 99_999.0
-        conditions_of_use = getattr(stats, 'conditions_of_use', None) or ""
-        vector_orientation = getattr(stats, 'sensor_orientation', None) or ""
-        data_interval_type = getattr(stats, 'data_interval_type', None) or self.interval
-        data_type = getattr(stats, 'data_type', None) or "variation"
-        sensor_sampling_rate = getattr(stats, 'sensor_sampling_rate', None) or 0.0
-        comments = getattr(stats, 'filter_comments', None) or ['']
-        declination_base = getattr(stats, 'declination_base', None) or 0.0
+        observatory_name = (
+            getattr(stats, "station_name", None) or self.observatory or ""
+        )
+        station = getattr(stats, "station", None) or ""
+        institution = getattr(stats, "agency_name", None) or ""
+        latitude = getattr(stats, "geodetic_latitude", None) or 0.0
+        longitude = getattr(stats, "geodetic_longitude", None) or 0.0
+        elevation = getattr(stats, "elevation", None) or 99_999.0
+        conditions_of_use = getattr(stats, "conditions_of_use", None) or ""
+        vector_orientation = getattr(stats, "sensor_orientation", None) or ""
+        data_interval_type = getattr(stats, "data_interval_type", None) or self.interval
+        data_type = getattr(stats, "data_type", None) or "variation"
+        sensor_sampling_rate = getattr(stats, "sensor_sampling_rate", None) or 0.0
+        comments = getattr(stats, "filter_comments", None) or [""]
+        declination_base = getattr(stats, "declination_base", None) or 0.0
         publication_level = IMCDFPublicationLevel(data_type=self.type).to_string()
         global_attrs = {
-            'FormatDescription': {0: 'INTERMAGNET CDF Format'},
-            'FormatVersion': {0: '1.2'},
-            'Title': {0: 'Geomagnetic time series data'},
-            'IagaCode': {0: station},
-            'ElementsRecorded': {0: ''.join(channels)},
-            'PublicationLevel': {0: publication_level},
-            'PublicationDate': {0: [cdflib.cdfepoch.timestamp_to_tt2000(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now(timezone.utc))), "cdf_time_tt2000"]},
-            'ObservatoryName': {0: observatory_name},
-            'Latitude': {0: np.array([latitude], dtype=np.float64)},
-            'Longitude': {0: np.array([longitude], dtype=np.float64)},
-            'Elevation': {0: np.array([elevation], dtype=np.float64)},
-            'Institution': {0: institution},
-            'VectorSensOrient': {0: vector_orientation}, #remove F - because its a calculation, not an element?
-            'StandardLevel': {0: 'None'},  # Set to 'None'
+            "FormatDescription": {0: "INTERMAGNET CDF Format"},
+            "FormatVersion": {0: "1.2"},
+            "Title": {0: "Geomagnetic time series data"},
+            "IagaCode": {0: station},
+            "ElementsRecorded": {0: "".join(channels)},
+            "PublicationLevel": {0: publication_level},
+            "PublicationDate": {
+                0: [
+                    cdflib.cdfepoch.timestamp_to_tt2000(
+                        datetime.timestamp(datetime.now(timezone.utc))
+                    ),
+                    "cdf_time_tt2000",
+                ]
+            },
+            "ObservatoryName": {0: observatory_name},
+            "Latitude": {0: np.array([latitude], dtype=np.float64)},
+            "Longitude": {0: np.array([longitude], dtype=np.float64)},
+            "Elevation": {0: np.array([elevation], dtype=np.float64)},
+            "Institution": {0: institution},
+            "VectorSensOrient": {
+                0: vector_orientation
+            },  # remove F - because its a calculation, not an element?
+            "StandardLevel": {0: "None"},  # Set to 'None'
             # Temporarily Omit 'StandardName', 'StandardVersion', 'PartialStandDesc'
-            'Source': {0: 'institute'}, # "institute" - if the named institution provided the data, “INTERMAGNET” - if the data file has been created by INTERMAGNET from another data source, “WDC” - if the World Data Centre has created the file from another data source
-            'TermsOfUse': {0: conditions_of_use},
+            "Source": {
+                0: "institute"
+            },  # "institute" - if the named institution provided the data, “INTERMAGNET” - if the data file has been created by INTERMAGNET from another data source, “WDC” - if the World Data Centre has created the file from another data source
+            "TermsOfUse": {0: conditions_of_use},
             # 'UniqueIdentifier': {0: ''},
             # 'ParentIdentifiers': {0: ''},
-            # 'ReferenceLinks': {0: ''}, #links to /ws, plots, USGS.gov 
-            'SensorSamplingRate': {0: sensor_sampling_rate}, #Optional            
-            'DataType': {0: data_type},#Optional
-            'Comments': {0: comments}, #Optional
-            'DeclinationBase': {0: declination_base}, #Optional
+            # 'ReferenceLinks': {0: ''}, #links to /ws, plots, USGS.gov
+            "SensorSamplingRate": {0: sensor_sampling_rate},  # Optional
+            "DataType": {0: data_type},  # Optional
+            "Comments": {0: comments},  # Optional
+            "DeclinationBase": {0: declination_base},  # Optional
         return global_attrs
@@ -474,24 +504,32 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         for trace in timeseries:
             channel = trace.stats.channel
             times = [
-                (trace.stats.starttime + trace.stats.delta * i).datetime.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+                (trace.stats.starttime + trace.stats.delta * i).datetime.replace(
+                    tzinfo=timezone.utc
+                )
                 for i in range(trace.stats.npts)
             # Convert timestamps to TT2000 format required by CDF
-            tt2000_times = cdflib.cdfepoch.timestamp_to_tt2000([time.timestamp() for time in times])
+            tt2000_times = cdflib.cdfepoch.timestamp_to_tt2000(
+                [time.timestamp() for time in times]
+            )
             if channel in self._get_vector_elements():
                 if vector_times is None:
                     vector_times = tt2000_times
                     if not np.array_equal(vector_times, tt2000_times):
-                        raise ValueError("Time stamps for vector channels are not the same.")
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "Time stamps for vector channels are not the same."
+                        )
             elif channel in self._get_scalar_elements():
                 if scalar_times is None:
                     scalar_times = tt2000_times
                     if not np.array_equal(scalar_times, tt2000_times):
-                        raise ValueError("Time stamps for scalar channels are not the same.")
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "Time stamps for scalar channels are not the same."
+                        )
             elif channel in TEMPERATURE_ELEMENTS_ID:
                 ts_key = f"Temperature{temperature_index}Times"
                 if ts_key not in temperature_times:
@@ -502,21 +540,22 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         time_vars = {}
         if vector_times is not None:
-            time_vars['GeomagneticVectorTimes'] = vector_times
+            time_vars["GeomagneticVectorTimes"] = vector_times
         if scalar_times is not None:
-            time_vars['GeomagneticScalarTimes'] = scalar_times
+            time_vars["GeomagneticScalarTimes"] = scalar_times
         if temperature_times:
         last_times = []
-        self.isUniqueTimes = len(time_vars) == 1 #true if only one set of times, else default to false.
+        self.isUniqueTimes = (
+            len(time_vars) == 1
+        )  # true if only one set of times, else default to false.
         for index, times in enumerate(time_vars.values()):
             if index > 0:
                 self.isUniqueTimes = not np.array_equal(last_times, times)
             last_times = times
-        return time_vars if self.isUniqueTimes else {"DataTimes": last_times}
+        return time_vars if self.isUniqueTimes else {"DataTimes": last_times}
     def _create_var_spec(
@@ -549,63 +588,69 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         - CDF User's Guide: Variable Specification
         var_spec = {
-            'Variable': var_name,
-            'Data_Type': data_type,
-            'Num_Elements': num_elements,
-            'Rec_Vary': True,
-            'Var_Type': var_type,
-            'Dim_Sizes': dim_sizes,
-            'Sparse': 'no_sparse' if not sparse else 'pad_sparse',
-            'Compress': compress,
-            'Pad': pad,
+            "Variable": var_name,
+            "Data_Type": data_type,
+            "Num_Elements": num_elements,
+            "Rec_Vary": True,
+            "Var_Type": var_type,
+            "Dim_Sizes": dim_sizes,
+            "Sparse": "no_sparse" if not sparse else "pad_sparse",
+            "Compress": compress,
+            "Pad": pad,
         return var_spec
-    def _create_var_attrs(self, trace: Trace, temperature_index: Optional[int] = None, isUniqueTimes: Optional[bool] = True) -> dict:
+    def _create_var_attrs(
+        self,
+        trace: Trace,
+        temperature_index: Optional[int] = None,
+        isUniqueTimes: Optional[bool] = True,
+    ) -> dict:
         channel = trace.stats.channel.upper()
-        fieldnam = f"Geomagnetic Field Element {channel}" # “Geomagnetic Field Element ” + the element code or “Temperature ” + the name of the location where the temperature was recorded.
-        units = '' # Must be one of “nT”, “Degrees of arc” or “Celsius”
-        if channel == 'D':
-            units = 'Degrees of arc'
-            validmin = -360.0 
-            validmax = 360.0 # A full circle representation
-        elif channel == 'I':
-            units = 'Degrees of arc'
-            validmin = -90.0 
-            validmax = 90.0 #The magnetic field vector can point straight down (+90°), horizontal (0°), or straight up (-90°).
+        fieldnam = f"Geomagnetic Field Element {channel}"  # “Geomagnetic Field Element ” + the element code or “Temperature ” + the name of the location where the temperature was recorded.
+        units = ""  # Must be one of “nT”, “Degrees of arc” or “Celsius”
+        if channel == "D":
+            units = "Degrees of arc"
+            validmin = -360.0
+            validmax = 360.0  # A full circle representation
+        elif channel == "I":
+            units = "Degrees of arc"
+            validmin = -90.0
+            validmax = 90.0  # The magnetic field vector can point straight down (+90°), horizontal (0°), or straight up (-90°).
         elif channel in TEMPERATURE_ELEMENTS_ID:
-            units = 'Celsius'
+            units = "Celsius"
             fieldnam = f"Temperature {temperature_index} {trace.stats.location}"
-            validmin = -273.15 #absolute zero
+            validmin = -273.15  # absolute zero
             validmax = 79_999
-        elif channel in ['F','S']:
-            units = 'nT'
-            validmin = 0.0 # negative magnetic field intestity not physically meaningful.
+        elif channel in ["F", "S"]:
+            units = "nT"
+            validmin = (
+                0.0  # negative magnetic field intestity not physically meaningful.
+            )
             validmax = 79_999.0
-        elif channel in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'H', 'E', 'V', 'G']:
-            units = 'nT'
+        elif channel in ["X", "Y", "Z", "H", "E", "V", "G"]:
+            units = "nT"
             validmin = -79_999.0
             validmax = 79_999.0
         # Determine DEPEND_0 based on channel type
         if channel in self._get_vector_elements():
-            depend_0 = 'GeomagneticVectorTimes'
+            depend_0 = "GeomagneticVectorTimes"
         elif channel in self._get_scalar_elements():
-            depend_0 = 'GeomagneticScalarTimes'
+            depend_0 = "GeomagneticScalarTimes"
         elif channel in TEMPERATURE_ELEMENTS_ID:
             depend_0 = f"Temperature{temperature_index}Times"
         var_attrs = {
-            'FIELDNAM': fieldnam,
-            'UNITS': units,
-            'FILLVAL': 99999.0,
-            'VALIDMIN': validmin,
-            'VALIDMAX': validmax,
-            'DEPEND_0': depend_0 if isUniqueTimes else "DataTimes",
-            'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series',
-            'LABLAXIS': channel,
-            'DATA_INTERVAL_TYPE': trace.stats.data_interval_type 
+            "FIELDNAM": fieldnam,
+            "UNITS": units,
+            "FILLVAL": 99999.0,
+            "VALIDMIN": validmin,
+            "VALIDMAX": validmax,
+            "DEPEND_0": depend_0 if isUniqueTimes else "DataTimes",
+            "DISPLAY_TYPE": "time_series",
+            "LABLAXIS": channel,
+            "DATA_INTERVAL_TYPE": trace.stats.data_interval_type,
         return var_attrs
@@ -619,9 +664,9 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         - ImagCDF Technical Documentation: ImagCDF Data
         # var_attrs = {
-            # 'UNITS': 'TT2000',
-            # 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series',
-            # 'LABLAXIS': 'Time',
+        # 'UNITS': 'TT2000',
+        # 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series',
+        # 'LABLAXIS': 'Time',
         # }
         # return var_attrs
         return {}
@@ -666,26 +711,28 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         # Extract global attributes
         global_attrs = cdf.globalattsget()
         # Map global attributes to Stream-level metadata
-        observatory = global_attrs.get('IagaCode', [''])[0]
-        station_name = global_attrs.get('ObservatoryName', [''])[0]
-        institution = global_attrs.get('Institution', [''])[0]
-        latitude = global_attrs.get('Latitude', [0.0])[0]
-        longitude = global_attrs.get('Longitude', [0.0])[0]
-        elevation = global_attrs.get('Elevation', [99_999.0])[0] #default to 99_999 per technical documents.
-        sensor_sampling_rate = global_attrs.get('SensorSamplingRate', [0.0])[0]
-        sensor_orientation = global_attrs.get('VectorSensOrient', [''])[0]
-        data_type = global_attrs.get('DataType', ['variation'])[0]
-        publication_level = global_attrs.get('PublicationLevel', ['1'])[0]
-        comments = global_attrs.get('Comments', [''])
-        terms_of_use = global_attrs.get('TermsOfUse', [''])[0]
-        declination_base = global_attrs.get('DeclinationBase', [0.0])[0]
+        observatory = global_attrs.get("IagaCode", [""])[0]
+        station_name = global_attrs.get("ObservatoryName", [""])[0]
+        institution = global_attrs.get("Institution", [""])[0]
+        latitude = global_attrs.get("Latitude", [0.0])[0]
+        longitude = global_attrs.get("Longitude", [0.0])[0]
+        elevation = global_attrs.get("Elevation", [99_999.0])[
+            0
+        ]  # default to 99_999 per technical documents.
+        sensor_sampling_rate = global_attrs.get("SensorSamplingRate", [0.0])[0]
+        sensor_orientation = global_attrs.get("VectorSensOrient", [""])[0]
+        data_type = global_attrs.get("DataType", ["variation"])[0]
+        publication_level = global_attrs.get("PublicationLevel", ["1"])[0]
+        comments = global_attrs.get("Comments", [""])
+        terms_of_use = global_attrs.get("TermsOfUse", [""])[0]
+        declination_base = global_attrs.get("DeclinationBase", [0.0])[0]
         # Identify all time variables
         time_vars = {}
         for var in cdf.cdf_info().zVariables:
-            if var.lower().endswith('times'):
+            if var.lower().endswith("times"):
                 time_data = cdf.varget(var)
                 unix_times = cdflib.cdfepoch.unixtime(time_data)
                 utc_times = [UTCDateTime(t) for t in unix_times]
@@ -694,14 +741,14 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         # Read data variables and associate them with time variables
         for var in cdf.cdf_info().zVariables:
             # Skip time variables
-            if var.lower().endswith('times'):
+            if var.lower().endswith("times"):
             data = cdf.varget(var)
             attrs = cdf.varattsget(var)
             # Determine DEPEND_0 (the time variable name) and validate
-            ts_name = attrs.get('DEPEND_0')
+            ts_name = attrs.get("DEPEND_0")
             if not ts_name:
                 # If no DEPEND_0, skip this variable as we cannot map times
@@ -728,15 +775,15 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             # Determine delta (sample interval)
             if len(times) > 1:
                 # delta as a float of seconds
-                delta = (times[1].timestamp - times[0].timestamp)
+                delta = times[1].timestamp - times[0].timestamp
                 # if only one sample, use default based on interval
                 # convert minute, second, etc. to numeric delta
-                if self.interval == 'minute':
+                if self.interval == "minute":
                     delta = 60.0
-                elif self.interval == 'second':
+                elif self.interval == "second":
                     delta = 1.0
-                elif self.interval == 'hour':
+                elif self.interval == "hour":
                     delta = 3600.0
                     # fallback, set delta to 60
@@ -751,34 +798,34 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             elif var.startswith("Temperature"):
                 # Temperature variables may not map directly to a geomagnetic channel
                 # but to temperature sensors. We can just use the label from LABLAXIS if needed
-                channel = attrs.get('LABLAXIS', var)
+                channel = attrs.get("LABLAXIS", var)
                 # fallback if naming doesn't match expected patterns
                 channel = var
-            time_attrs =cdf.varattsget(var)
-            data_interval = time_attrs.get('DATA_INTERVAL_TYPE', [''])
+            time_attrs = cdf.varattsget(var)
+            data_interval = time_attrs.get("DATA_INTERVAL_TYPE", [""])
             # Create a trace
             trace = Trace(
-                    'station': observatory,
-                    'channel': channel,
-                    'starttime': times[0],
-                    'delta': delta,
-                    'geodetic_latitude': latitude,
-                    'geodetic_longitude': longitude,
-                    'elevation': elevation,
-                    'sensor_orientation': "".join(sensor_orientation),
-                    'data_type': data_type,
-                    'station_name': station_name,
-                    'agency_name': institution,
-                    'conditions_of_use': terms_of_use,
-                    'sensor_sampling_rate': sensor_sampling_rate, 
-                    'data_interval_type': data_interval,
-                    'declination_base': declination_base,
-                    'filter_comments': comments 
-                }
+                    "station": observatory,
+                    "channel": channel,
+                    "starttime": times[0],
+                    "delta": delta,
+                    "geodetic_latitude": latitude,
+                    "geodetic_longitude": longitude,
+                    "elevation": elevation,
+                    "sensor_orientation": "".join(sensor_orientation),
+                    "data_type": data_type,
+                    "station_name": station_name,
+                    "agency_name": institution,
+                    "conditions_of_use": terms_of_use,
+                    "sensor_sampling_rate": sensor_sampling_rate,
+                    "data_interval_type": data_interval,
+                    "declination_base": declination_base,
+                    "filter_comments": comments,
+                },
             stream += trace
@@ -797,8 +844,8 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         This method constructs the filename based on the ImagCDF naming
         conventions, which include the observatory code, date-time formatted
-        according to the data interval, and the publication level.  
+        according to the data interval, and the publication level.
@@ -831,7 +878,9 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         elif interval == "second":
             date_format = date.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
-            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported interval: {interval}") #tenhertz currently not supported
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Unsupported interval: {interval}"
+            )  # tenhertz currently not supported
         # Filename following ImagCDF convention, see reference: https://tech-man.intermagnet.org/latest/appendices/dataformats.html#imagcdf-file-names
         filename = f"{observatory.lower()}_{date_format}_{publication_level}.cdf"
@@ -859,11 +908,13 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         # Attempt to use the template provided in urlTemplate
-        if "{" in self.urlTemplate and "}" in self.urlTemplate: 
+        if "{" in self.urlTemplate and "}" in self.urlTemplate:
                 return self.urlTemplate.format(**params)
             except KeyError as e:
-                raise TimeseriesFactoryException(f"Invalid placeholder in urlTemplate: {e}")
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+                    f"Invalid placeholder in urlTemplate: {e}"
+                )
         # If the urlTemplate doesn't support placeholders, assume 'file://' scheme
         if self.urlTemplate.startswith("file://"):
@@ -878,9 +929,7 @@ class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
     def _get_vector_elements(self):
-        return {'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'H', 'D', 'E', 'V', 'I', 'F'}
-    def _get_scalar_elements(self):
-        return {'S', 'G'} 
+        return {"X", "Y", "Z", "H", "D", "E", "V", "I", "F"}
+    def _get_scalar_elements(self):
+        return {"S", "G"}