diff --git a/bin/geomag.py b/bin/geomag.py
index 46a1689d3015b01aa87c282049fc3d85f8cbaf47..84e7868836f1d7d06dae55053475511c87e88469 100755
--- a/bin/geomag.py
+++ b/bin/geomag.py
@@ -1,291 +1,18 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-import argparse
+from os import path
 import sys
 # ensure geomag is on the path before importing
     import geomagio  # noqa (tells linter to ignore this line.)
-    from os import path
     script_dir = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
     sys.path.append(path.normpath(path.join(script_dir, '..')))
-import geomagio.iaga2002 as iaga2002
-import geomagio.edge as edge
-import geomagio.pcdcp as pcdcp
-from geomagio import Algorithm, \
-        Controller
-from geomagio.XYZAlgorithm import XYZAlgorithm
-from geomagio.DeltaFAlgorithm import DeltaFAlgorithm
-from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
-def main():
-    """command line factory for geomag algorithms
-    Inputs
-    ------
-    use geomag.py --help to see inputs
-    Notes
-    -----
-    parses command line options using argparse, then calls the controller
-    with instantiated I/O factories, and algorithm(s)
-    """
-    args = parse_args()
-    # Input Factory
-    if args.input_edge is not None:
-        inputfactory = edge.EdgeFactory(
-                host=args.input_edge,
-                port=args.input_edge_port,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval,
-                locationCode=args.locationcode)
-    elif args.input_iaga_file is not None:
-        inputfactory = iaga2002.StreamIAGA2002Factory(
-                stream=open(args.input_iaga_file, 'r'),
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.input_iaga_magweb:
-        inputfactory = iaga2002.MagWebFactory(
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.input_iaga_stdin:
-        inputfactory = iaga2002.StreamIAGA2002Factory(
-                stream=sys.stdin,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.input_iaga_url is not None:
-        inputfactory = iaga2002.IAGA2002Factory(
-                urlTemplate=args.input_iaga_url,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.input_pcdcp_file is not None:
-        inputfactory = pcdcp.StreamPCDCPFactory(
-                stream=open(args.input_pcdcp_file, 'r'),
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.input_pcdcp_stdin:
-        inputfactory = pcdcp.StreamPCDCPFactory(
-                stream=sys.stdin,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.input_pcdcp_url is not None:
-        inputfactory = pcdcp.PCDCPFactory(
-                urlTemplate=args.input_pcdcp_url,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    else:
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'Missing required input directive.'
-    # Output Factory
-    if args.output_iaga_file is not None:
-        outputfactory = iaga2002.StreamIAGA2002Factory(
-                stream=open(args.output_iaga_file, 'w'),
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.output_iaga_stdout:
-        outputfactory = iaga2002.StreamIAGA2002Factory(
-                stream=sys.stdout,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.output_iaga_url is not None:
-        outputfactory = iaga2002.IAGA2002Factory(
-                urlTemplate=args.output_iaga_url,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.output_pcdcp_file is not None:
-        outputfactory = pcdcp.StreamPCDCPFactory(
-                stream=open(args.output_pcdcp_file, 'w'),
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.output_pcdcp_stdout:
-        outputfactory = pcdcp.StreamPCDCPFactory(
-                stream=sys.stdout,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.output_pcdcp_url is not None:
-        outputfactory = pcdcp.PCDCPFactory(
-                urlTemplate=args.output_pcdcp_url,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval)
-    elif args.output_edge is not None:
-        locationcode = args.outlocationcode or args.locationcode or None
-        outputfactory = edge.EdgeFactory(
-                host=args.output_edge,
-                port=args.output_edge_read_port,
-                write_port=args.edge_write_port,
-                observatory=args.observatory,
-                type=args.type,
-                interval=args.interval,
-                locationCode=locationcode,
-                tag=args.output_edge_tag)
-    else:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Missing required output directive"
-    if args.xyz is not None:
-        algorithm = XYZAlgorithm(informat=args.xyz[0],
-                outformat=args.xyz[1])
-    elif args.deltaf is not None:
-        algorithm = DeltaFAlgorithm(informat=args.deltaf)
-    else:
-        # TODO get smarter on inchannels/outchannels since input doesn't always
-        # need to use the --inchannels argument, but might (as in iaga2002),
-        # get it from the file.
-        algorithm = Algorithm(inchannels=args.inchannels,
-                outchannels=args.outchannels)
-    # TODO check for unused arguments.
-    controller = Controller(inputfactory, outputfactory, algorithm)
-    if args.update:
-        controller.run_as_update(args)
-    else:
-        controller.run(args)
-def parse_args():
-    """parse input arguments
-    Returns
-    -------
-    argparse.Namespace
-        dictionary like object containing arguments.
-    """
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='Use @ to read commands from a file.',
-        fromfile_prefix_chars='@',)
-    parser.add_argument('--starttime',
-            type=UTCDateTime,
-            default=None,
-            help='UTC date YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')
-    parser.add_argument('--endtime',
-            type=UTCDateTime,
-            default=None,
-            help='UTC date YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')
-    parser.add_argument('--observatory',
-            help='Observatory code ie BOU, CMO, etc')
-    parser.add_argument('--inchannels',
-            nargs='*',
-            help='Channels H, E, Z, etc')
-    parser.add_argument('--outchannels',
-            nargs='*',
-            default=None,
-            help='Channels H, E, Z, etc')
-    parser.add_argument('--type',
-            default='variation',
-            choices=['variation', 'quasi-definitive', 'definitive'])
-    parser.add_argument('--locationcode',
-            choices=['R0', 'R1', 'RM', 'Q0', 'D0', 'C0'])
-    parser.add_argument('--outlocationcode',
-            choices=['R0', 'R1', 'RM', 'Q0', 'D0', 'C0'])
-    parser.add_argument('--interval',
-            default='minute',
-            choices=['minute', 'second'])
-    parser.add_argument('--update',
-            action='store_true',
-            default=False,
-            help='Used to update data')
-    parser.add_argument('--input-edge-port',
-            type=int,
-            default=2060,
-            help='Input port # for edge input, defaults to 2060')
-    parser.add_argument('--output-edge-port',
-            type=int,
-            dest='edge_write_port',
-            default=7981,
-            help='Edge port for writing realtime data, defaults to 7981')
-    parser.add_argument('--output-edge-cwb-port',
-            type=int,
-            dest='edge_write_port',
-            default='7981',
-            help='Edge port for writing older data. Not used by geomag.')
-    parser.add_argument('--output-edge-read-port',
-            type=int,
-            default=2060,
-            help='Edge port for reading output data, defaults to 2060')
-    parser.add_argument('--output-edge-tag',
-            default='GEOMAG',
-            help='ID Tag for edge connections, defaults to GEOMAG')
-    # Input group
-    input_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
-    input_group.add_argument('--input-edge',
-            help='Host IP #, see --input-edge-port for optional args')
-    input_group.add_argument('--input-iaga-file',
-            help='Reads from the specified file.')
-    input_group.add_argument('--input-iaga-magweb',
-            action='store_true',
-            default=False,
-            help='Indicates iaga2002 files will be read from \
-            http://magweb.cr.usgs.gov/data/magnetometer/')
-    input_group.add_argument('--input-iaga-stdin',
-            action='store_true',
-            default=False,
-            help='Pass in an iaga file using redirection from stdin.')
-    input_group.add_argument('--input-iaga-url',
-            help='Example: file://./%%(obs)s%%(ymd)s%%(t)s%%(i)s.%%(i)s')
-    input_group.add_argument('--input-pcdcp-file',
-            help='Reads from the specified file.')
-    input_group.add_argument('--input-pcdcp-stdin',
-            action='store_true',
-            default=False,
-            help='Pass in an pcdcp file using redirection from stdin.')
-    input_group.add_argument('--input-pcdcp-url',
-            help='Example: file://./%%(obs)s%%(Y)s%%(j)s.%%(i)s')
-    # Output group
-    output_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
-    output_group.add_argument('--output-iaga-file',
-            help='Write to a single iaga file.')
-    output_group.add_argument('--output-iaga-stdout',
-            action='store_true', default=False,
-            help='Write to stdout.')
-    output_group.add_argument('--output-iaga-url',
-            help='Example: file://./%%(obs)s%%(ymd)s%%(t)s%%(i)s.%%(i)s')
-    output_group.add_argument('--output-pcdcp-file',
-            help='Write to a single pcdcp file.')
-    output_group.add_argument('--output-pcdcp-stdout',
-            action='store_true', default=False,
-            help='Write to stdout.')
-    output_group.add_argument('--output-pcdcp-url',
-            help='Example: file://./%%(obs)s%%(Y)s%%(j)s.%%(i)s')
-    output_group.add_argument('--output-edge',
-            help='Edge IP #. See --output-edge-* for other optional arguments')
-    # Algorithms group
-    algorithm_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-    algorithm_group.add_argument('--xyz',
-            nargs=2,
-            choices=['geo', 'mag', 'obs', 'obsd'],
-            help='Enter the geomagnetic orientation(s) you want to read from' +
-                    ' and to respectfully.')
-    algorithm_group.add_argument('--deltaf',
-            choices=['geo', 'obs', 'obsd'],
-            help='Enter the geomagnetic orientation you want to read from')
-    return parser.parse_args()
+from geomagio.Controller import main, parse_args
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
+    args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+    main(args)
diff --git a/geomagio/Controller.py b/geomagio/Controller.py
index 136ca6cb3e8b87fc40a8dffe1835fe896f4d640f..cd58f27a6f738bcdce82a31c1392515bb3ab557b 100644
--- a/geomagio/Controller.py
+++ b/geomagio/Controller.py
@@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
 """Controller class for geomag algorithms"""
+import argparse
+import sys
+from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
+from Algorithm import Algorithm
 import TimeseriesUtility
-import TimeseriesFactoryException
+from TimeseriesFactoryException import TimeseriesFactoryException
 from Util import ObjectView
+import edge
+import iaga2002
+import pcdcp
+from DeltaFAlgorithm import DeltaFAlgorithm
+from XYZAlgorithm import XYZAlgorithm
 class Controller(object):
     """Controller for geomag algorithms.
@@ -147,3 +159,271 @@ class Controller(object):
                             % channel)
             return commandline_channels
         return algorithm_channels
+def main(args):
+    """command line factory for geomag algorithms
+    Inputs
+    ------
+    use geomag.py --help to see inputs, or see parse_args.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    parses command line options using argparse, then calls the controller
+    with instantiated I/O factories, and algorithm(s)
+    """
+    # Input Factory
+    if args.input_edge is not None:
+        inputfactory = edge.EdgeFactory(
+                host=args.input_edge,
+                port=args.input_edge_port,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval,
+                locationCode=args.locationcode)
+    elif args.input_iaga_file is not None:
+        inputfactory = iaga2002.StreamIAGA2002Factory(
+                stream=open(args.input_iaga_file, 'r'),
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.input_iaga_magweb:
+        inputfactory = iaga2002.MagWebFactory(
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.input_iaga_stdin:
+        inputfactory = iaga2002.StreamIAGA2002Factory(
+                stream=sys.stdin,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.input_iaga_url is not None:
+        inputfactory = iaga2002.IAGA2002Factory(
+                urlTemplate=args.input_iaga_url,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.input_pcdcp_file is not None:
+        inputfactory = pcdcp.StreamPCDCPFactory(
+                stream=open(args.input_pcdcp_file, 'r'),
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.input_pcdcp_stdin:
+        inputfactory = pcdcp.StreamPCDCPFactory(
+                stream=sys.stdin,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.input_pcdcp_url is not None:
+        inputfactory = pcdcp.PCDCPFactory(
+                urlTemplate=args.input_pcdcp_url,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    else:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'Missing required input directive.'
+    # Output Factory
+    if args.output_iaga_file is not None:
+        outputfactory = iaga2002.StreamIAGA2002Factory(
+                stream=open(args.output_iaga_file, 'w'),
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.output_iaga_stdout:
+        outputfactory = iaga2002.StreamIAGA2002Factory(
+                stream=sys.stdout,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.output_iaga_url is not None:
+        outputfactory = iaga2002.IAGA2002Factory(
+                urlTemplate=args.output_iaga_url,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.output_pcdcp_file is not None:
+        outputfactory = pcdcp.StreamPCDCPFactory(
+                stream=open(args.output_pcdcp_file, 'w'),
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.output_pcdcp_stdout:
+        outputfactory = pcdcp.StreamPCDCPFactory(
+                stream=sys.stdout,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.output_pcdcp_url is not None:
+        outputfactory = pcdcp.PCDCPFactory(
+                urlTemplate=args.output_pcdcp_url,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval)
+    elif args.output_edge is not None:
+        locationcode = args.outlocationcode or args.locationcode or None
+        outputfactory = edge.EdgeFactory(
+                host=args.output_edge,
+                port=args.output_edge_read_port,
+                write_port=args.edge_write_port,
+                observatory=args.observatory,
+                type=args.type,
+                interval=args.interval,
+                locationCode=locationcode,
+                tag=args.output_edge_tag)
+    else:
+            print >> sys.stderr, "Missing required output directive"
+    if args.xyz is not None:
+        algorithm = XYZAlgorithm(informat=args.xyz[0],
+                outformat=args.xyz[1])
+    elif args.deltaf is not None:
+        algorithm = DeltaFAlgorithm(informat=args.deltaf)
+    else:
+        # TODO get smarter on inchannels/outchannels since input doesn't always
+        # need to use the --inchannels argument, but might (as in iaga2002),
+        # get it from the file.
+        algorithm = Algorithm(inchannels=args.inchannels,
+                outchannels=args.outchannels or args.inchannels)
+    # TODO check for unused arguments.
+    controller = Controller(inputfactory, outputfactory, algorithm)
+    if args.update:
+        controller.run_as_update(args)
+    else:
+        controller.run(args)
+def parse_args(args):
+    """parse input arguments
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    args : list of strings
+    Returns
+    -------
+    argparse.Namespace
+        dictionary like object containing arguments.
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description='Use @ to read commands from a file.',
+        fromfile_prefix_chars='@',)
+    parser.add_argument('--starttime',
+            type=UTCDateTime,
+            default=None,
+            help='UTC date YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')
+    parser.add_argument('--endtime',
+            type=UTCDateTime,
+            default=None,
+            help='UTC date YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')
+    parser.add_argument('--observatory',
+            help='Observatory code ie BOU, CMO, etc')
+    parser.add_argument('--inchannels',
+            nargs='*',
+            help='Channels H, E, Z, etc')
+    parser.add_argument('--outchannels',
+            nargs='*',
+            default=None,
+            help='Channels H, E, Z, etc')
+    parser.add_argument('--type',
+            default='variation',
+            choices=['variation', 'quasi-definitive', 'definitive'])
+    parser.add_argument('--locationcode',
+            choices=['R0', 'R1', 'RM', 'Q0', 'D0', 'C0'])
+    parser.add_argument('--outlocationcode',
+            choices=['R0', 'R1', 'RM', 'Q0', 'D0', 'C0'])
+    parser.add_argument('--interval',
+            default='minute',
+            choices=['minute', 'second'])
+    parser.add_argument('--update',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help='Used to update data')
+    parser.add_argument('--input-edge-port',
+            type=int,
+            default=2060,
+            help='Input port # for edge input, defaults to 2060')
+    parser.add_argument('--output-edge-port',
+            type=int,
+            dest='edge_write_port',
+            default=7981,
+            help='Edge port for writing realtime data, defaults to 7981')
+    parser.add_argument('--output-edge-cwb-port',
+            type=int,
+            dest='edge_write_port',
+            default='7981',
+            help='Edge port for writing older data. Not used by geomag.')
+    parser.add_argument('--output-edge-read-port',
+            type=int,
+            default=2060,
+            help='Edge port for reading output data, defaults to 2060')
+    parser.add_argument('--output-edge-tag',
+            default='GEOMAG',
+            help='ID Tag for edge connections, defaults to GEOMAG')
+    # Input group
+    input_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    input_group.add_argument('--input-edge',
+            help='Host IP #, see --input-edge-port for optional args')
+    input_group.add_argument('--input-iaga-file',
+            help='Reads from the specified file.')
+    input_group.add_argument('--input-iaga-magweb',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help='Indicates iaga2002 files will be read from \
+            http://magweb.cr.usgs.gov/data/magnetometer/')
+    input_group.add_argument('--input-iaga-stdin',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help='Pass in an iaga file using redirection from stdin.')
+    input_group.add_argument('--input-iaga-url',
+            help='Example: file://./%%(obs)s%%(ymd)s%%(t)s%%(i)s.%%(i)s')
+    input_group.add_argument('--input-pcdcp-file',
+            help='Reads from the specified file.')
+    input_group.add_argument('--input-pcdcp-stdin',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help='Pass in an pcdcp file using redirection from stdin.')
+    input_group.add_argument('--input-pcdcp-url',
+            help='Example: file://./%%(obs)s%%(Y)s%%(j)s.%%(i)s')
+    # Output group
+    output_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    output_group.add_argument('--output-iaga-file',
+            help='Write to a single iaga file.')
+    output_group.add_argument('--output-iaga-stdout',
+            action='store_true', default=False,
+            help='Write to stdout.')
+    output_group.add_argument('--output-iaga-url',
+            help='Example: file://./%%(obs)s%%(ymd)s%%(t)s%%(i)s.%%(i)s')
+    output_group.add_argument('--output-pcdcp-file',
+            help='Write to a single pcdcp file.')
+    output_group.add_argument('--output-pcdcp-stdout',
+            action='store_true', default=False,
+            help='Write to stdout.')
+    output_group.add_argument('--output-pcdcp-url',
+            help='Example: file://./%%(obs)s%%(Y)s%%(j)s.%%(i)s')
+    output_group.add_argument('--output-edge',
+            help='Edge IP #. See --output-edge-* for other optional arguments')
+    # Algorithms group
+    algorithm_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    algorithm_group.add_argument('--xyz',
+            nargs=2,
+            choices=['geo', 'mag', 'obs', 'obsd'],
+            help='Enter the geomagnetic orientation(s) you want to read from' +
+                    ' and to respectfully.')
+    algorithm_group.add_argument('--deltaf',
+            choices=['geo', 'obs', 'obsd'],
+            help='Enter the geomagnetic orientation you want to read from')
+    return parser.parse_args(args)