diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9de81eed3331cd64d729eca0df52c30e79c3af90..aef477d8c713508256cf240e45ca93cc08aad190 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
 [![coverage report](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/geomag/geomag-algorithms/badges/master/coverage.svg)](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/geomag/geomag-algorithms/-/commits/master)
 Geomag Algorithms is an open source library for processing
-Geomagnetic timeseries data. It includes algorithms and input/output factories
-used by the [USGS Geomagnetism Program](http://geomag.usgs.gov) to
-translate between data formats,
-generate derived data and indices in near-realtime,
-and research and develop new algorithms.
+Geomagnetic timeseries data. It includes algorithms and input/output
+factories used by the [USGS Geomagnetism Program](http://geomag.usgs.gov) to
+translate between data formats, generate derived data and indices in
+near-realtime, and research and develop new algorithms.
 - Accesses USGS data services.
 - Built using established open source python libraries
diff --git a/geomagio/Controller.py b/geomagio/Controller.py
index 564b54c99350baf8a92a7c31fa97c52c777dfbcb..236618176bbaeed9d334b090ce2a0100fb0363d6 100644
--- a/geomagio/Controller.py
+++ b/geomagio/Controller.py
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
 from obspy.core import Stream, UTCDateTime
 from .algorithm import Algorithm, algorithms, AlgorithmException, FilterAlgorithm
 from .DerivedTimeseriesFactory import DerivedTimeseriesFactory
 from .PlotTimeseriesFactory import PlotTimeseriesFactory
@@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ from . import vbf
 from . import xml
 from . import covjson
 from . import netcdf
+from . import imagcdf
 class Controller(object):
@@ -503,6 +503,10 @@ def get_input_factory(args):
     if args.input_file is not None:
         if input_type in ["netcdf", "miniseed"]:
             input_stream = open(args.input_file, "rb")
+        elif input_type in ["imagcdf"]:
+            input_factory_args["inputFile"] = (
+                args.input_file
+            )  # imagcdf file is binary but lib used accepts a file path
             input_stream = open(args.input_file, "r")
     elif args.input_stdin:
@@ -569,6 +573,9 @@ def get_input_factory(args):
             input_factory = xml.XMLFactory(**input_factory_args)
         elif input_type == "covjson":
             input_factory = covjson.CovJSONFactory(**input_factory_args)
+        elif input_type == "imagcdf":
+            input_factory_args["output"] = args.output
+            input_factory = imagcdf.ImagCDFFactory(**input_factory_args)
         # wrap stream
         if input_stream is not None:
             input_factory = StreamTimeseriesFactory(
@@ -660,6 +667,8 @@ def get_output_factory(args):
         elif output_type == "xml":
             output_factory = xml.XMLFactory(**output_factory_args)
+        elif output_type == "imagcdf":
+            output_factory = imagcdf.ImagCDFFactory(**output_factory_args)
         # wrap stream
         if output_stream is not None:
             output_factory = StreamTimeseriesFactory(
@@ -833,6 +842,7 @@ def parse_args(args):
+            "imagcdf",
         help='Input format (Default "edge")',
@@ -1040,6 +1050,7 @@ def parse_args(args):
+            "imagcdf",
         # TODO: set default to 'iaga2002'
         help="Output format",
diff --git a/geomagio/api/ws/Element.py b/geomagio/api/ws/Element.py
index ae5c4ead9ebd8420c7f0abc0af7211c9cc137417..e5ab3e623e3d38ce1615b64b97d7c3703d5b43ba 100644
--- a/geomagio/api/ws/Element.py
+++ b/geomagio/api/ws/Element.py
@@ -45,3 +45,8 @@ ELEMENTS = [
 ELEMENT_INDEX = {e.id: e for e in ELEMENTS}
+    element.id for element in ELEMENTS if "Temperature" in element.name
diff --git a/geomagio/api/ws/data.py b/geomagio/api/ws/data.py
index 1eb735fd54c39d89f7ec75a38dc8725b5cff09b4..c2bc92274c2fca1a9df5b914f81f63fb362ec65f 100644
--- a/geomagio/api/ws/data.py
+++ b/geomagio/api/ws/data.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, Query, Request
 from obspy import UTCDateTime, Stream
 from starlette.responses import Response
-from ... import DerivedTimeseriesFactory, TimeseriesFactory, TimeseriesUtility
+from ... import TimeseriesFactory, TimeseriesUtility
+from ...DerivedTimeseriesFactory import DerivedTimeseriesFactory
 from ...edge import EdgeFactory, FDSNFactory, MiniSeedFactory
 from ...iaga2002 import IAGA2002Writer
 from ...imfjson import IMFJSONWriter
diff --git a/geomagio/imagcdf/IMCDFPublication.py b/geomagio/imagcdf/IMCDFPublication.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36f66be3281f528eb89264f1f51700b349da3a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geomagio/imagcdf/IMCDFPublication.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+from typing import Optional, Union
+class IMCDFPublicationLevel:
+    """Handles publication levels and mapping between data types and levels.
+    The ImagCDF format uses publication levels to describe the processing
+    level of the data. This class maps data types (e.g., 'variation', 'definitive')
+    to their corresponding publication levels as defined in the ImagCDF documentation.
+    Publication Levels:
+        1: Raw data with no processing.
+        2: Edited data with preliminary baselines.
+        3: Data suitable for initial bulletins or quasi-definitive publication.
+        4: Definitive data with no further changes expected.
+    Reference:
+    - ImagCDF Technical Documentation: Attributes that Uniquely Identify the Data
+    """
+    class PublicationLevel:
+        LEVEL_1 = "1"
+        LEVEL_2 = "2"
+        LEVEL_3 = "3"
+        LEVEL_4 = "4"
+    TYPE_TO_LEVEL = {
+        "none": PublicationLevel.LEVEL_1,
+        "variation": PublicationLevel.LEVEL_1,
+        "reported": PublicationLevel.LEVEL_1,
+        "provisional": PublicationLevel.LEVEL_2,
+        "adjusted": PublicationLevel.LEVEL_2,
+        "quasi-definitive": PublicationLevel.LEVEL_3,
+        "quasidefinitive": PublicationLevel.LEVEL_3,
+        "definitive": PublicationLevel.LEVEL_4,
+    }
+    def __init__(self, value: Union[str, int]):
+        """Initialize with a data type or publication level to determine the publication level.
+        Args:
+            value (Union[str, int]): The data type (str) or publication level (int).
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If the value is not provided or is unsupported.
+        """
+        if isinstance(value, int) or (isinstance(value, str) and value.isdigit()):
+            self.level = str(value)
+            if self.level not in self.PublicationLevel.__dict__.values():
+                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported level: {value}")
+        elif isinstance(value, str):
+            self.level = self.TYPE_TO_LEVEL.get(value.lower())
+            if not self.level:
+                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data_type: {value}")
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "value must be a string or an integer representing data_type or level."
+            )
+    def get_level(self) -> str:
+        """Return the publication level as a string.
+        Returns:
+            str: The publication level.
+        """
+        return self.level
+    def get_imf_data_type(self, long_form: Optional[bool] = True) -> str:
+        """Get the IMF data type based on the publication level.
+        Args:
+            long_form (bool): If True, return the full description; otherwise, return the abbreviated form.
+        Returns:
+            str: The IMF data type.
+        Reference:
+            https://tech-man.intermagnet.org/latest/appendices/dataformats.html#intermagnet-satellite-transmission-format-imfv2-83
+        """
+        if self.level == self.PublicationLevel.LEVEL_4:
+            return "Definitive" if long_form else "D"
+        elif self.level == self.PublicationLevel.LEVEL_3:
+            return "Quasi-definitive" if long_form else "Q"
+        elif self.level == self.PublicationLevel.LEVEL_2:
+            return "Adjusted" if long_form else "A"
+        else:
+            return "Reported" if long_form else "R"
+    def get_iaga2002_data_type(self, long_form: Optional[bool] = True) -> str:
+        """Get the IAGA-2002 data type based on the publication level.
+        Args:
+            long_form (bool): If True, return the full description; otherwise, return the abbreviated form.
+        Returns:
+            str: The IAGA-2002 data type.
+        Reference:
+            https://tech-man.intermagnet.org/latest/appendices/dataformats.html#iaga2002-intermagnet-exchange-format-spreadsheet-compatible
+        """
+        if self.level == self.PublicationLevel.LEVEL_4:
+            return "Definitive" if long_form else "D"
+        elif self.level == self.PublicationLevel.LEVEL_3:
+            return "Quasi-definitive" if long_form else "Q"
+        elif self.level == self.PublicationLevel.LEVEL_2:
+            return "Provisional" if long_form else "P"
+        else:
+            return "Variation" if long_form else "V"
diff --git a/geomagio/imagcdf/ImagCDFFactory.py b/geomagio/imagcdf/ImagCDFFactory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b68f03d5e28beb573dc83d1c9a29f88801c2e76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geomagio/imagcdf/ImagCDFFactory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+"""ImagCDFFactory Implementation Using cdflib
+This module provides the ImagCDFFactory class for creating and writing
+geomagnetic time series data in the ImagCDF format using the cdflib library.
+The ImagCDF format is based on NASA's Common Data Format (CDF) and is designed
+to store geomagnetic data with high precision.
+- ImagCDF Technical Note: https://intermagnet.org/docs/technical/im_tn_8_ImagCDF.pdf
+- ImagCDF Official Documentation: https://tech-man.intermagnet.org/latest/appendices/dataformats.html#imagcdfv1-2-intermagnet-exchange-format
+- CDF User Guide: https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/software/cdf/doc/cdf_User_Guide.pdf
+- CDFLib Docs: [https://cdflib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#, https://cdflib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/index.html] 
+import os
+import sys
+from typing import List, Optional
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+import numpy as np
+from obspy import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
+from geomagio.TimeseriesFactory import TimeseriesFactory
+from geomagio.api.ws.Element import TEMPERATURE_ELEMENTS_ID
+from ..geomag_types import DataInterval, DataType
+from ..TimeseriesFactoryException import TimeseriesFactoryException
+from .. import Util
+from cdflib import cdfepoch
+from cdflib.cdfwrite import CDF as CDFWriter
+from cdflib.cdfread import CDF as CDFReader
+import tempfile
+from .IMCDFPublication import IMCDFPublicationLevel
+class ImagCDFFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
+    """Factory for creating and writing ImagCDF formatted CDF files.
+    This class extends the TimeseriesFactory to support writing geomagnetic
+    time series data to files in the ImagCDF format using the cdflib library.
+    """
+    isUniqueTimes = True  # used to determine depend_0 and CDF Time Variable Name
+        TEMPERATURE_ELEMENTS_ID  # for using non standard elements such as UK1
+    )
+    __FILL_VALUE = 99_999
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        observatory: Optional[str] = None,
+        channels: List[str] = ("H", "D", "Z", "F"),
+        type: DataType = "variation",
+        interval: DataInterval = "minute",
+        urlTemplate="file://{obs}_{dt}_{t}.cdf",
+        inputFile: Optional[str] = None,
+        output: Optional[str] = "iaga2002",
+        urlInterval: int = -1,
+    ):
+        """
+        Initialize the ImagCDFFactory with default parameters.
+        Parameters:
+        - observatory: IAGA code of the observatory (e.g., 'BOU').
+        - channels: List of geomagnetic elements (e.g., ['H', 'D', 'Z', 'F']).
+        - type: Data type indicating the processing level (e.g., 'variation', 'definitive').
+        - interval: Data interval (e.g., 'minute', 'second').
+        - urlTemplate: Template for generating file URLs or paths.
+        - urlInterval: Interval size for splitting data into multiple files.
+        - inputFile: An ImagCDF file to read data from. If not provided urlTemplate is assumed path for reads.
+        """
+        super().__init__(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=channels,
+            type=type,
+            interval=interval,
+            urlTemplate=urlTemplate,
+            urlInterval=urlInterval,
+        )
+        self.inputFile = inputFile
+        self.output = (
+            output if output in ["iaga2002", "imfjson"] else "iaga2002"
+        )  # determines mapping of publication level to data type
+    def write_file(self, fh, timeseries: Stream, channels: List[str]):
+        # Create a temporary file to write the CDF data
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".cdf") as tmp_file:
+            tmp_file_path = tmp_file.name
+        try:
+            # Initialize the CDF writer
+            cdf_spec = {
+                "Compressed": self.__MAX_COMPRESSION,  # Max Gzip compression (1-9). Almost always the GZIP is the best choice for all data. (CDF User Guide p.23 1.4.3)
+                "Majority": CDFWriter.ROW_MAJOR,  # The first dimension changes the slowest (CDF User Guide p.45 2.3.15 Majority)
+                "Encoding": CDFWriter.NETWORK_ENCODING,  #  XDR Encoding -Portable between two or more different types of computers.
+                "Checksum": True,  # True for Data Integrity. False for faster writes (optional)
+                "rDim_sizes": [],  # Applicable only if using rVariables - CDF protocol recommends only using zVariables.
+            }
+            cdf_writer = CDFWriter(path=tmp_file_path, cdf_spec=cdf_spec, delete=True)
+            # Write global attributes
+            global_attrs = self._create_global_attributes(timeseries, channels)
+            cdf_writer.write_globalattrs(global_attrs)
+            # Time variables
+            time_vars = self._create_time_stamp_variables(
+                timeseries
+            )  # modifies self.isUniqueTimes
+            for ts_name, ts_data in time_vars.items():
+                # Define time variable specification
+                var_spec = {
+                    "Variable": ts_name,
+                    "Data_Type": CDFWriter.CDF_TIME_TT2000,  # CDF_TIME_TT2000
+                    "Num_Elements": 1,
+                    "Rec_Vary": True,
+                    "Var_Type": "zVariable",
+                    "Dim_Sizes": [],
+                    "Sparse": "no_sparse",  # no_sparse because there should not be time gaps. (Time stamps must represent a regular time series with no missing values in the series)
+                    "Compress": self.__MAX_COMPRESSION,
+                    "Pad": None,
+                }
+                # Define time variable attributes
+                var_attrs = (
+                    {}
+                )  # ImagCDF does not require or recommend any 'time' variable attributes.
+                # Write time variable
+                cdf_writer.write_var(var_spec, var_attrs, ts_data)
+            # Data variables
+            temperature_index = 0
+            for trace in timeseries:
+                channel = trace.stats.channel
+                if channels and channel not in channels:
+                    continue
+                var_name = f"GeomagneticField{channel}"
+                # if channel in REAL_TEMPERATURE:
+                #     temperature_index += 1  # MUST INCREMENT INDEX BEFORE USING
+                #     var_name = f"Temperature{temperature_index}"
+                data_type = (
+                    CDFWriter.CDF_INT4
+                    if trace.data.dtype in [np.int32, np.int64]
+                    else CDFWriter.CDF_DOUBLE
+                )
+                var_spec = {
+                    "Variable": var_name,
+                    "Data_Type": data_type,
+                    "Num_Elements": 1,
+                    "Rec_Vary": True,
+                    "Var_Type": "zVariable",
+                    "Dim_Sizes": [],
+                    "Sparse": "no_sparse",
+                    "Compress": self.__MAX_COMPRESSION,
+                    "Pad": None,
+                }
+                var_attrs = self._create_var_attrs(
+                    trace, temperature_index, self.isUniqueTimes
+                )
+                # Write data variable
+                cdf_writer.write_var(var_spec, var_attrs, trace.data)
+            # Close the CDF writer
+            cdf_writer.close()
+            # Copy the temporary CDF file to the final file handle
+            with open(tmp_file_path, "rb") as tmp:
+                cdf_data = tmp.read()
+                fh.write(cdf_data)
+        finally:
+            # Cleanup the temporary file
+            os.remove(tmp_file_path)
+    def put_timeseries(
+        self,
+        timeseries: Stream,
+        starttime: Optional[UTCDateTime] = None,
+        endtime: Optional[UTCDateTime] = None,
+        channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        type: Optional[DataType] = None,
+        interval: Optional[DataInterval] = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Store timeseries data in ImagCDF format using cdflib.
+        This method writes the timeseries data to one or more files, depending
+        on the specified urlInterval.
+        Parameters:
+        - timeseries: ObsPy Stream containing the geomagnetic data.
+        - starttime: Start time of the data to be written.
+        - endtime: End time of the data to be written.
+        - channels: List of channels to include in the output file.
+        - type: Data type indicating the processing level.
+        - interval: Data interval of the data.
+        """
+        if len(timeseries) == 0:
+            # No data to store
+            return
+        channels = channels or self.channels
+        type = type or self.type
+        interval = interval or self.interval
+        # Extract metadata from the first trace
+        stats = timeseries[0].stats
+        observatory = stats.station
+        starttime = starttime or stats.starttime
+        endtime = endtime or stats.endtime
+        # Split data into intervals if necessary
+        urlIntervals = Util.get_intervals(
+            starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, size=self.urlInterval
+        )
+        for urlInterval in urlIntervals:
+            interval_start = urlInterval["start"]
+            interval_end = urlInterval["end"]
+            url = self._get_url(
+                observatory=observatory,
+                date=interval_start,
+                type=type,
+                interval=interval,
+                channels=channels,
+            )
+            # Handle 'stdout' output
+            if url == "stdout":
+                # Write directly to stdout
+                fh = sys.stdout.buffer
+                url_data = timeseries.slice(
+                    starttime=interval_start,
+                    endtime=interval_end,
+                )
+                self.write_file(fh, url_data, channels)
+                continue  # Proceed to next interval if any
+            # Handle 'file://' output
+            elif url.startswith("file://"):
+                # Get the file path from the URL
+                url_file = Util.get_file_from_url(url, createParentDirectory=True)
+                url_data = timeseries.slice(
+                    starttime=interval_start,
+                    endtime=interval_end,
+                )
+                # Check if the file already exists
+                if os.path.isfile(url_file):
+                    raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+                        f"Error: File '{url_file}' already exists."
+                    )
+                # Pad the data to ensure it fits the interval
+                url_data.trim(
+                    starttime=interval_start,
+                    endtime=interval_end,
+                    nearest_sample=True,
+                    pad=True,
+                    fill_value=self.__FILL_VALUE,
+                )
+                # Write the data to the CDF file
+                with open(url_file, "wb") as fh:
+                    self.write_file(fh, url_data, channels)
+            else:
+                # Unsupported URL scheme encountered
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+                    "Unsupported URL scheme in urlTemplate"
+                )
+    def get_timeseries(
+        self,
+        starttime: UTCDateTime,
+        endtime: UTCDateTime,
+        add_empty_channels: bool = True,
+        observatory: Optional[str] = None,
+        channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        type: Optional[DataType] = None,
+        interval: Optional[DataInterval] = None,
+    ) -> Stream:
+        observatory = observatory or self.observatory
+        channels = channels or self.channels
+        type = type or self.type
+        interval = interval or self.interval
+        timeseries = Stream()
+        urlIntervals = Util.get_intervals(
+            starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, size=self.urlInterval
+        )
+        for urlInterval in urlIntervals:
+            if self.inputFile is None:
+                url = self._get_url(
+                    observatory=observatory,
+                    date=urlInterval["start"],
+                    type=type,
+                    interval=interval,
+                    channels=channels,
+                )
+                if url == "stdout":
+                    continue  # stdout is not a valid input source
+                if not url.startswith("file://"):
+                    raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+                        "Only file urls are supported for reading ImagCDF"
+                    )
+                url_file = Util.get_file_from_url(url, createParentDirectory=False)
+                if not os.path.isfile(url_file):
+                    # If file doesn't exist, skip
+                    continue
+            else:
+                url_file = self.inputFile
+            try:
+                # Read CDF data and merge
+                cdf = CDFReader(url_file)
+                timeseries = self._read_cdf(cdf, channels)
+            except Exception as e:
+                print(f"Error reading CDF file '{url_file}': {e}", file=sys.stderr)
+        # After reading all intervals, merge and trim
+        timeseries.merge(fill_value=self.__FILL_VALUE)
+        timeseries.trim(
+            starttime=starttime,
+            endtime=endtime,
+            nearest_sample=True,
+            pad=True,
+            fill_value=self.__FILL_VALUE,
+        )
+        # If requested, add empty channels not present in data
+        if add_empty_channels:
+            present_channels = {tr.stats.channel for tr in timeseries}
+            missing_channels = set(channels) - present_channels
+            for ch in missing_channels:
+                empty_trace = self._get_empty_trace(
+                    starttime=starttime,
+                    endtime=endtime,
+                    observatory=observatory,
+                    channel=ch,
+                    data_type=type,
+                    interval=interval,
+                )
+                timeseries += empty_trace
+        timeseries.sort()
+        return timeseries
+    def _create_global_attributes(
+        self, timeseries: Stream, channels: List[str]
+    ) -> dict:
+        """
+        Create a dictionary of global attributes for the ImagCDF file.
+        These attributes apply to all the data in the file and include metadata
+        such as observatory information, data publication level, and format
+        descriptions.
+        References:
+        - ImagCDF Technical Documentation: ImagCDF Global Attributes
+        """
+        stats = timeseries[0].stats if len(timeseries) > 0 else None
+        # Extract metadata from stats or fallback to defaults
+        observatory_name = (
+            getattr(stats, "station_name", None) or self.observatory or ""
+        )
+        station = getattr(stats, "station", None) or ""
+        network = getattr(stats, "network", None) or ""
+        institution = getattr(stats, "agency_name", None) or ""
+        latitude = getattr(stats, "geodetic_latitude", None) or 0.0
+        longitude = getattr(stats, "geodetic_longitude", None) or 0.0
+        elevation = getattr(stats, "elevation", None) or self.__FILL_VALUE
+        conditions_of_use = getattr(stats, "conditions_of_use", None) or ""
+        vector_orientation = getattr(stats, "sensor_orientation", None) or ""
+        data_type = getattr(stats, "data_type", None) or "variation"
+        sensor_sampling_rate = getattr(stats, "sensor_sampling_rate", None) or 0.0
+        comments = getattr(stats, "filter_comments", None) or [""]
+        declination_base = getattr(stats, "declination_base", None) or 0.0
+        publication_level = IMCDFPublicationLevel(value=self.type).get_level()
+        global_attrs = {
+            "FormatDescription": {0: "INTERMAGNET CDF Format"},
+            "FormatVersion": {0: "1.2"},
+            "Title": {0: "Geomagnetic time series data"},
+            "IagaCode": {0: station},
+            "ElementsRecorded": {0: "".join(channels)},
+            "PublicationLevel": {0: publication_level},
+            "PublicationDate": {
+                0: [
+                    cdfepoch.timestamp_to_tt2000(
+                        datetime.timestamp(datetime.now(timezone.utc))
+                    ),
+                    "cdf_time_tt2000",
+                ]
+            },
+            "ObservatoryName": {0: observatory_name},
+            "Latitude": {0: np.array([latitude], dtype=np.float64)},
+            "Longitude": {0: np.array([longitude], dtype=np.float64)},
+            "Elevation": {0: np.array([elevation], dtype=np.float64)},
+            "Institution": {0: institution},
+            "VectorSensOrient": {0: vector_orientation},
+            "StandardLevel": {0: "None"},
+            # Can Omit 'StandardName', 'StandardVersion', 'PartialStandDesc' when StandardLevel=None
+            "Source": {
+                0: "institute"
+            },  # "institute" - if the named institution provided the data, “INTERMAGNET” - if the data file has been created by INTERMAGNET from another data source, “WDC” - if the World Data Centre has created the file from another data source
+            "TermsOfUse": {0: conditions_of_use},
+            # [[Optional Attributes]]
+            # 'UniqueIdentifier': {0: ''},
+            # 'ParentIdentifiers': {0: ''},
+            # 'ReferenceLinks': {0: ''}, #links to /ws, plots, USGS.gov
+            # [[Custom Attributes]]
+            "SensorSamplingRate": {0: sensor_sampling_rate},
+            "DataType": {0: data_type},
+            "Comments": {0: comments},
+            "DeclinationBase": {0: declination_base},
+            "Network": {0: network},
+        }
+        return global_attrs
+    def _create_time_stamp_variables(self, timeseries: Stream) -> dict:
+        vector_times = None
+        scalar_times = None
+        nonstandard_times = None
+        temperature_times = {}
+        temperature_index = 1
+        channels = []
+        for trace in timeseries:
+            channel = trace.stats.channel
+            channels.append(channel)
+            times = [
+                (trace.stats.starttime + trace.stats.delta * i).datetime.replace(
+                    tzinfo=timezone.utc
+                )
+                for i in range(trace.stats.npts)
+            ]
+            # Convert timestamps to TT2000 format required by CDF
+            tt2000_times = cdfepoch.timestamp_to_tt2000(
+                [time.timestamp() for time in times]
+            )
+            if channel in self._get_vector_elements():
+                if vector_times is None:
+                    vector_times = tt2000_times
+                else:
+                    if not np.array_equal(vector_times, tt2000_times):
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "Time stamps for vector channels are not the same."
+                        )
+            elif channel in self._get_scalar_elements():
+                if scalar_times is None:
+                    scalar_times = tt2000_times
+                else:
+                    if not np.array_equal(scalar_times, tt2000_times):
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "Time stamps for scalar channels are not the same."
+                        )
+            # elif channel in REAL_TEMPERATURES:
+            #     ts_key = f"Temperature{temperature_index}Times"
+            #     if ts_key not in temperature_times:
+            #         temperature_times[ts_key] = tt2000_times
+            #         temperature_index += 1
+            #     else:
+            #         temperature_times[ts_key] = tt2000_times
+            elif channel in self.NONSTANDARD_ELEMENTS:
+                if scalar_times is None:
+                    nonstandard_times = tt2000_times
+                else:
+                    if not np.array_equal(scalar_times, tt2000_times):
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "Time stamps for nonstandard channels are not the same."
+                        )
+        time_vars = {}
+        if vector_times is not None:
+            time_vars["GeomagneticVectorTimes"] = vector_times
+        if scalar_times is not None:
+            time_vars["GeomagneticScalarTimes"] = scalar_times
+        if temperature_times:
+            time_vars.update(temperature_times)
+        isNonStandard = nonstandard_times is not None
+        if isNonStandard:
+            time_vars["NonstandardTimes"] = nonstandard_times
+        last_times = []
+        self.isUniqueTimes = (
+            len(channels) == 1
+        )  # (If a single channel, then use specific naming i.e GeomagneticVectorTimes)
+        for index, times in enumerate(time_vars.values()):
+            if index > 0:
+                self.isUniqueTimes = not np.array_equal(last_times, times)
+            last_times = times
+        if self.isUniqueTimes and isNonStandard and len(time_vars) > 2:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Time stamps must be the same for all channels when using nonstandard channels: {','.join(self.NONSTANDARD_ELEMENTS)}"
+            )
+        return (
+            {"DataTimes": last_times}
+            if isNonStandard or not self.isUniqueTimes
+            else time_vars
+        )
+    def _create_var_attrs(
+        self,
+        trace: Trace,
+        temperature_index: Optional[int] = None,
+        isUniqueTimes: Optional[bool] = True,
+    ) -> dict:
+        channel = trace.stats.channel.upper()
+        fieldnam = f"Geomagnetic Field Element {channel}"  # “Geomagnetic Field Element ” + the element code or “Temperature ” + the name of the location where the temperature was recorded.
+        units = ""  # Should be one of “nT”, “Degrees of arc” or “Celsius” to adhere to standard.
+        depend_0 = ""
+        if channel == "D":
+            units = "Degrees of arc"
+            validmin = -360.0
+            validmax = 360.0  # A full circle representation
+        elif channel == "I":
+            units = "Degrees of arc"
+            validmin = -90.0
+            validmax = 90.0  # The magnetic field vector can point straight down (+90°), horizontal (0°), or straight up (-90°).
+        elif channel in TEMPERATURE_ELEMENTS_ID:
+            units = "Celsius"
+            validmin = -273.15  # absolute zero
+            validmax = 79_999
+            depend_0 = "DataTimes"  # can be used for nonstandard element
+        # elif channel in [REAL_TEMPERATURES]:
+        #     units = "Celsius"
+        #     fieldnam = f"Temperature {temperature_index} {trace.stats.location}"
+        #     validmin = -273.15  # absolute zero
+        #     validmax = 79_999
+        elif channel in ["F", "S"]:
+            units = "nT"
+            validmin = (
+                0.0  # negative magnetic field intestity not physically meaningful.
+            )
+            validmax = 79_999.0
+        elif channel in ["X", "Y", "Z", "H", "E", "V", "G"]:
+            units = "nT"
+            validmin = -79_999.0
+            validmax = 79_999.0
+        else:
+            units = "Unknown"  # unknown or possibly assume to be nT
+            validmin = -79_999  # largest valid min for all other elements
+            validmax = 79_999  # largest valid max for all other elements
+            depend_0 = "DataTimes"  # can be used for nonstandard element
+        # Determine DEPEND_0 based on channel type if necessary
+        if not depend_0:
+            if not isUniqueTimes:
+                depend_0 = "DataTimes"
+            elif channel in self._get_vector_elements():
+                depend_0 = "GeomagneticVectorTimes"
+            elif channel in self._get_scalar_elements():
+                depend_0 = "GeomagneticScalarTimes"
+            # elif channel in REAL_TEMPERATURES:
+            #     depend_0 = f"Temperature{temperature_index}Times"
+        var_attrs = {
+            "FIELDNAM": fieldnam,
+            "UNITS": units,
+            "FILLVAL": self.__FILL_VALUE,
+            "VALIDMIN": validmin,
+            "VALIDMAX": validmax,
+            "DEPEND_0": depend_0,
+            "DISPLAY_TYPE": "time_series",
+            "LABLAXIS": channel,
+            # [[Custom Attributes]]
+            "DATA_INTERVAL_TYPE": trace.stats.data_interval_type,
+        }
+        return var_attrs
+    def _read_cdf(self, cdf: CDFReader, channels: Optional[List[str]]) -> Stream:
+        """
+        Read CDF data into an ObsPy Stream.
+        This method reads the data variables and their corresponding time
+        variables from a CDF file and constructs an ObsPy Stream.
+        Parameters:
+        - cdf: cdflib CDF object representing the open CDF file.
+        Returns:
+        - An ObsPy Stream containing the data from the CDF file.
+        """
+        stream = Stream()
+        # Extract global attributes
+        global_attrs = cdf.globalattsget()
+        # Define required global attributes based on ImagCDF standards
+        required_global_attrs = [
+            "FormatDescription",
+            "FormatVersion",
+            "Title",
+            "IagaCode",
+            "ElementsRecorded",
+            "PublicationLevel",
+            "PublicationDate",
+            "ObservatoryName",
+            "Latitude",
+            "Longitude",
+            "Elevation",
+            "Institution",
+            "StandardLevel",
+            "Source",
+        ]
+        # Check for missing required global attributes per ImagCDF techincal document
+        missing_global_attrs = []
+        for attr in required_global_attrs:
+            if attr not in global_attrs:
+                missing_global_attrs.append(attr)
+        if missing_global_attrs:
+            error_message = (
+                f"The following required global attributes are missing from the CDF: "
+                f"{', '.join(missing_global_attrs)}"
+            )
+            raise TimeseriesFactoryException(error_message)
+        # Map global attributes to Stream-level metadata
+        observatory = global_attrs.get("IagaCode", [""])[0]
+        station_name = global_attrs.get("ObservatoryName", [""])[0]
+        institution = global_attrs.get("Institution", [""])[0]
+        latitude = global_attrs.get("Latitude", [0.0])[0]
+        longitude = global_attrs.get("Longitude", [0.0])[0]
+        elevation = global_attrs.get("Elevation", [self.__FILL_VALUE])[
+            0
+        ]  # default to 99_999 per technical documents.
+        sensor_orientation = global_attrs.get("VectorSensOrient", [""])[0]
+        publication_level = global_attrs.get("PublicationLevel", ["0"])[0]
+        publication = IMCDFPublicationLevel(publication_level)
+        terms_of_use = global_attrs.get("TermsOfUse", [""])[0]
+        # Not expected in ImagCDF
+        data_type = (
+            publication.get_imf_data_type()
+            if "imf" in self.output
+            else publication.get_iaga2002_data_type()
+        )
+        sensor_sampling_rate = global_attrs.get("SensorSamplingRate", [None])[0]
+        comments = global_attrs.get("Comments", [])  # keep comments as an array
+        declination_base = global_attrs.get("DeclinationBase", [None])[0]
+        network = global_attrs.get("Network", [None])[0]
+        # Identify all time variables
+        time_vars = {}
+        for var in cdf.cdf_info().zVariables:
+            if var.endswith("Times"):
+                time_data = cdf.varget(var)
+                unix_times = cdfepoch.unixtime(time_data)
+                utc_times = [UTCDateTime(t) for t in unix_times]
+                time_vars[var] = utc_times
+        # Read data variables and associate them with time variables
+        for var in cdf.cdf_info().zVariables:
+            # Skip time variables
+            if var.endswith("Times"):
+                continue
+            # Map the variable name back to a standard channel code by removing known prefixes
+            # Names are like GeomagneticFieldH, GeomagneticFieldD, Temperature1, Temperature2, ...
+            if var.startswith("GeomagneticField"):
+                channel = var.replace("GeomagneticField", "")
+            # elif var.startswith("Temperature"):
+            #     # Temperature variables may not map directly to a geomagnetic channel
+            #     # but to temperature sensors. We can just use the label from LABLAXIS if needed
+            #     channel = attrs.get("LABLAXIS", var)
+            else:
+                # fallback if naming doesn't match expected patterns
+                channel = var
+            if channels and channel not in channels:
+                continue
+            data = cdf.varget(var)
+            attrs = cdf.varattsget(var)
+            # Determine DEPEND_0 (the time variable name) and validate
+            ts_name = attrs.get("DEPEND_0")
+            # The ImagCDF can have DataTimes, GeomagneticVectorTimes, GeomagneticScalarTimes, TemperatureNTimes (for N > 0), etc.
+            matched_time_key = None
+            for tkey in time_vars.keys():
+                if tkey == ts_name:
+                    matched_time_key = tkey
+                    break
+            times = []
+            if matched_time_key in time_vars:
+                times = time_vars[matched_time_key]
+            # Determine delta (sample interval)
+            if len(times) > 1:
+                # delta as a float of seconds
+                delta = times[1].timestamp - times[0].timestamp
+            else:
+                # if only one sample, use default based on interval
+                # convert minute, second, etc. to numeric delta
+                if self.interval == "minute":
+                    delta = 60.0
+                elif self.interval == "second":
+                    delta = 1.0
+                elif self.interval == "hour":
+                    delta = 3600.0
+                else:
+                    # fallback, set delta to 60
+                    delta = 60.0
+            time_attrs = cdf.varattsget(var)
+            data_interval = time_attrs.get("DATA_INTERVAL_TYPE", None)
+            # Required variable attributes based on ImagCDF standards
+            required_variable_attrs = [
+                "FIELDNAM",
+                "UNITS",
+                "FILLVAL",
+                "VALIDMIN",
+                "VALIDMAX",
+                "DISPLAY_TYPE",
+                "LABLAXIS",
+                "DEPEND_0",
+            ]
+            # Validate presence of required variable attributes
+            missing_var_attrs = []
+            for var_attr in required_variable_attrs:
+                if var_attr not in attrs:
+                    missing_var_attrs.append(var_attr)
+            if missing_var_attrs or missing_global_attrs:
+                error_message = (
+                    f"The variable '{var}' is missing required attributes: "
+                    f"{', '.join(missing_var_attrs)}"
+                )
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException(error_message)
+            header = {
+                "station": observatory,
+                "channel": channel,
+                "starttime": times[0],
+                "delta": delta,
+                "geodetic_latitude": latitude,
+                "geodetic_longitude": longitude,
+                "elevation": elevation,
+                "sensor_orientation": "".join(sensor_orientation),
+                "data_type": data_type,
+                "station_name": station_name,
+                "agency_name": institution,
+                "conditions_of_use": terms_of_use,
+            }
+            # data points not expected in ImagCDF specs
+            if sensor_sampling_rate is not None:
+                header.update({"sensor_sampling_rate": sensor_sampling_rate})
+            if data_interval is not None:
+                header.update({"data_interval_type": data_interval})
+            if declination_base is not None:
+                header.update({"declination_base": declination_base})
+            if len(comments) > 0:
+                header.update({"filter_comments": comments})
+            if network is not None:
+                header.update({"network": network})
+            # Create a trace
+            trace = Trace(
+                data=data,
+                header=header,
+            )
+            stream += trace
+        return stream
+    def _get_url(
+        self,
+        observatory: str,
+        date: UTCDateTime,
+        type: DataType = "variation",
+        interval: DataInterval = "minute",
+        channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    ) -> str:
+        """
+        Generate the file URL specific to ImagCDF conventions.
+        This method constructs the filename based on the ImagCDF naming
+        conventions.
+        [iaga-code]_[date-time]_[publication-level].cdf
+        Parameters:
+        - observatory: IAGA code of the observatory.
+        - date: Start date for the file.
+        - type: Data type indicating the processing level.
+        - interval: Data interval (e.g., 'minute', 'second').
+        - channels: List of channels (optional). Not Implemented
+        Returns:
+        - The formatted file URL or path.
+        Reference:
+        - ImagCDF Technical Documentation: ImagCDF File Names
+        """
+        # Get the publication level for the type
+        publication_level = IMCDFPublicationLevel(value=type).get_level()
+        if interval == "year":
+            date_format = date.strftime("%Y")
+        elif interval == "month":
+            date_format = date.strftime("%Y%m")
+        elif interval == "day":
+            date_format = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+        elif interval == "hour":
+            date_format = date.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H")
+        elif interval == "minute":
+            date_format = date.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M")
+        elif interval == "second":
+            date_format = date.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Unsupported interval: {interval}"
+            )  # tenhertz currently not supported
+        filename = f"{observatory.lower()}_{date_format}_{publication_level}.cdf"
+        # If the urlTemplate explicitly specifies 'stdout', return 'stdout'
+        if self.urlTemplate.lower() == "stdout":
+            return "stdout"
+        # Prepare parameters for templating
+        params = {
+            "date": date.datetime,
+            "i": self._get_interval_abbreviation(interval),
+            "interval": self._get_interval_name(interval),
+            "minute": date.hour * 60 + date.minute,
+            "month": date.strftime("%b").lower(),
+            "MONTH": date.strftime("%b").upper(),
+            "obs": observatory.lower(),
+            "OBS": observatory.upper(),
+            "t": publication_level,
+            "type": self._get_type_name(type),
+            "julian": date.strftime("%j"),
+            "year": date.strftime("%Y"),
+            "ymd": date.strftime("%Y%m%d"),
+            "dt": date_format,
+        }
+        # Attempt to use the template provided in urlTemplate
+        if "{" in self.urlTemplate and "}" in self.urlTemplate:
+            try:
+                return self.urlTemplate.format(**params)
+            except KeyError as e:
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+                    f"Invalid placeholder in urlTemplate: {e}"
+                )
+        # If the urlTemplate doesn't support placeholders, assume 'file://' scheme
+        if self.urlTemplate.startswith("file://"):
+            base_path = self.urlTemplate[7:]
+            if not base_path or base_path == "{obs}_{dt}_{t}.cdf":
+                base_path = os.getcwd()  # Default to current working directory
+                return os.path.join(base_path, filename)
+            return os.path.join(self.urlTemplate, filename)
+        # Unsupported URL scheme
+        raise TimeseriesFactoryException(
+            f"Unsupported URL scheme in urlTemplate: {self.urlTemplate}"
+        )
+    def _get_vector_elements(self):
+        return {"X", "Y", "Z", "H", "D", "E", "V", "I", "F"}
+    def _get_scalar_elements(self):
+        return {"S", "G"}
diff --git a/geomagio/imagcdf/__init__.py b/geomagio/imagcdf/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7611ab4cdd29eb6c6eea8426606b749ed3675ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geomagio/imagcdf/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+"""IO Module for ImagCDF Format
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from .ImagCDFFactory import ImagCDFFactory
+from .IMCDFPublication import IMCDFPublicationLevel
+__all__ = ["ImagCDFFactory", "IMCDFPublicationLevel"]
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index 3d7add0ef0705dadcbc212cfb759c2d627cbb19e..05a9e1d10a247928ca8c2971da8b2eddeb607624 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -153,6 +153,25 @@ d = ["aiohttp (>=3.7.4)", "aiohttp (>=3.7.4,!=3.9.0)"]
 jupyter = ["ipython (>=7.8.0)", "tokenize-rt (>=3.2.0)"]
 uvloop = ["uvloop (>=0.15.2)"]
+name = "cdflib"
+version = "1.3.2"
+description = "A python CDF reader toolkit"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+    {file = "cdflib-1.3.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:49af97acc328c586ac5b7c27fd8e67bccf24af82c5bd8c37d8cfe048a0c1752a"},
+    {file = "cdflib-1.3.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:97f27ac629e4c0ac1367eb8f4edd7a1d184190272ab98a6401e999f3a2e05687"},
+numpy = ">=1.21"
+dev = ["ipython", "pre-commit"]
+docs = ["astropy", "netcdf4", "sphinx", "sphinx-automodapi", "sphinx-copybutton", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "xarray"]
+tests = ["astropy", "h5netcdf", "hypothesis", "netcdf4", "pytest (>=3.9)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-remotedata", "xarray"]
 name = "certifi"
 version = "2024.12.14"
@@ -3047,4 +3066,4 @@ pycurl = ["pycurl"]
 lock-version = "2.0"
 python-versions = ">=3.8,<3.12"
-content-hash = "de2ec42ee0160626455b58e0b8f67e2669ad3ef5e13d58bc4500d0b8a1643cb8"
+content-hash = "517a488d608ab52b45699d4605d4f2c4f9dd57533102a42e026049be71b9a3ce"
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index c163d9b0a173e3723f429d2c20e77a29a76f0965..51a5ee31cd50c67ca83cbeb0b70e0dacfc7ed970 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ SQLAlchemy = "1.4.41"
 SQLAlchemy-Utc = "^0.14.0"
 uvicorn = {extras = ["standard"], version = "^0.22.0"}
 netcdf4 = "^1.7.2"
+cdflib = "^1.3.2"