From 2bb0ec2344f1e7aad81468b037db3f9409b4b146 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 14:53:27 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] MiniSeedFactory Upgrades: - configurable scale_factor
 and float vs. int conversion logic - configurable sncl_mode for different
 channel mapping - multiple read ports allowed for fail-over logic -
 configurable write_encoding for setting miniseed data type - generally more
 (if not perfectly) compatible with EdgeFactory

 geomagio/edge/ | 223 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 161 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/edge/ b/geomagio/edge/
index 94acf540..127bf476 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/
+++ b/geomagio/edge/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from typing import List, Optional
 import numpy
 from obspy import read
-from obspy.clients.neic import client as miniseed
+from obspy.clients import neic
 from obspy.core import Stats, Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
 from .. import ChannelConverter, TimeseriesUtility
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from ..TimeseriesFactoryException import TimeseriesFactoryException
 from ..ObservatoryMetadata import ObservatoryMetadata
 from .MiniSeedInputClient import MiniSeedInputClient
 from .SNCL import SNCL
+from .LegacySNCL import LegacySNCL
 class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
@@ -38,7 +39,11 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
     host: str
         a string representing the IP number of the host to connect to.
     port: integer
-        the port number the miniseed query server is listening on.
+        port number on which EdgeCWB's queryserver (QS, obspy's "neic" client)
+        listens for requests to retrieve timeseries data.
+    write_port: integer
+        port number on which EdgeCWB's MiniSeedServer is listening for
+        requests to write timeseries data.
     observatory: str
         the observatory code for the desired observatory.
     channels: array
@@ -57,6 +62,14 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         in get_timeseries/put_timeseries
     convert_channels: array
         list of channels to convert from volt/bin to nT
+    scale_factor: float
+        override default scalings when reading/writing miniseed blocks;
+        (reading integer blocks divides by 1000; reading floating point
+         blocks divides by 1; writing all data multiplies by 1000)
+        default = None
+    sncl_mode: {'geomag','legacy'}
+        force mode to convert common names to SEED SNCL codes (that is,
+        station, network, channel, location codes); default = legacy
     See Also
@@ -64,17 +77,25 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
-    This is designed to read from any earthworm style waveserver, but it
-        currently only writes to an edge. Edge mimics an earthworm style
-        waveserver close enough that we hope to maintain that compatibility
-        for reading.
+    The MiniSeedFactory reads and writes miniseed blocks. This allows it
+    to be used to transfer non-integer data. That said, this factory cannot
+    read from or write to EdgeCWB's RAM buffer, and so is not able to access
+    eally "real time" data. MiniSeedFactory should be used for large data
+    transfers, or to transfer data that cannot be handled by the default
+    EdgeFactory (that is, non-integer data, or data that has not yet been
+    written to the EdgeCWB disk store).
+    Also, this factory allows one to write non-full miniseed blocks. This
+    is occasionally useful, but more often it results in wasted disk space
+    on the EdgeCWB server.
     def __init__(
-        host: str = "",
-        port: int = 2061,
-        write_port: int = 7974,
+        host: Optional[str] = None,
+        port: Optional[int] = None,
+        write_port: Optional[int] = None,
+        write_encoding: Optional[str] = None,
         observatory: Optional[str] = None,
         channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
         type: Optional[DataType] = None,
@@ -82,18 +103,25 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         observatoryMetadata: Optional[ObservatoryMetadata] = None,
         locationCode: Optional[str] = None,
         convert_channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        scale_factor: Optional[int] = None,
+        sncl_mode: Optional[str] = "geomag",
         TimeseriesFactory.__init__(self, observatory, channels, type, interval)
-        self.client = miniseed.Client(host, port)
+ = host or ""
+        self.port = port or [22061, 2061]
+        self.write_port = write_port  # no default write port
+        self.write_encoding = write_encoding or "float32"
         self.observatoryMetadata = observatoryMetadata or ObservatoryMetadata()
         self.locationCode = locationCode
-        self.interval = interval
- = host
-        self.port = port
-        self.write_port = write_port
         self.convert_channels = convert_channels or []
-        self.write_client = MiniSeedInputClient(, self.write_port)
+        self.scale_factor = scale_factor
+        self.sncl_mode = sncl_mode
+        if sncl_mode == "legacy":
+            self.get_sncl = LegacySNCL.get_sncl
+        elif sncl_mode == "geomag":
+            self.get_sncl = SNCL.get_sncl
+        else:
+            raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Unrecognized SNCL mode")
     def get_timeseries(
@@ -110,19 +138,19 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         starttime: UTCDateTime
-            time of first sample
+            time of first sample.
         endtime: UTCDateTime
-            time of last sample
-        add_empty_channels: bool
-            if True, returns channels without data as empty traces
+            time of last sample.
         observatory: str
-            observatory code
+            observatory code.
         channels: array
             list of channels to load
         type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
             data type
         interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
             data interval
+        add_empty_channels: bool
+            if True, returns channels without data as empty traces
@@ -226,10 +254,14 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         for channel in channels:
-                timeseries, observatory, channel, type, interval, starttime, endtime
+      ,
+                observatory,
+                channel,
+                type,
+                interval,
+                starttime,
+                endtime,
-        # close socket
-        self.write_client.close()
     def get_calculated_timeseries(
@@ -345,7 +377,7 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
             data type
         interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
-            interval length
+            data interval
         add_empty_channels: bool
             if True, returns channels without data as empty traces
@@ -365,31 +397,73 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         # according to its author, EdgeCWB is inclusive of starttime, but exclusive of
         # endtime, to satisfy seismic standards/requirements, to precision delta/2;
         half_delta = TimeseriesUtility.get_delta_from_interval(interval) / 2
-        data = self.client.get_waveforms(
-  ,
-            sncl.station,
-            sncl.location,
-  ,
-            starttime,
-            endtime + half_delta,
-        )
-        for trace in data:
-   =[0].data.dtype)
-        # handle overlapping samples in Traces with identical NSCL codes by
-        # prioritizing samples from those Traces in the Stream `data` that come
-        # later in sequence; these will most likely be the most recent versions
-        # (this is not possible with single calls to Stream.merge())
+        # list-type ports variable needed for fail-back logic
+        try:
+            ports = list(self.port)
+        except TypeError:
+            ports = [self.port]
+        data = Stream()
+        for port in ports:
+            try:
+                client = neic.Client(, port, timeout=10)
+                data += client.get_waveforms(
+          ,
+                    sncl.station,
+                    sncl.location,
+          ,
+                    starttime,
+                    endtime + half_delta,
+                )
+                if data:
+                    # if data was returned, force this port in subsequent calls
+                    # to get_timeseries() that use this instance of EdgeFactory
+                    self.port = [port]
+                    break
+                print("No data returned from ",, " on port ", port)
+                # try alternate port(s) if provided
+            except Exception as e:
+                print("Failed to get data from ",, " on port ", port)
+                print("Ignoring error: ", e)
+                # try alternate port(s) if provided
+                continue
+        for trace in data:
+            if == "i":
+                # convert all integer traces to rescaled 64-bit floats;
+                if[1] == "E":
+                    # instrumental voltages are stored as 1/10 microvolts
+           = / (self.scale_factor or 1e7)
+                else:
+                    # everything else (mostly magnetics stored as picoteslas)
+           = / (self.scale_factor or 1e3)
+            elif == "f":
+                # convert all float traces to 64-bit floats
+       =
+        # when Traces with identical NSCL codes overlap, prioritize samples
+        # that come  "later" in Stream; this depends on Edge returning miniseed
+        # packets in the order written
+        # NOTE: this is not possible with single calls to Stream.merge()
         st_tmp = Stream()
         for tr in data:
-            # add tr to temporary stream
-            st_tmp += tr
-            # replace time overlaps with gaps
-            st_tmp.merge(0)
-            # add tr to temporary stream again
-            st_tmp += tr
-            # replace gaps with tr's data
-            st_tmp.merge(0)
+            try:
+                # add tr to temporary stream
+                st_tmp += tr
+                # replace time overlaps with gaps
+                st_tmp.merge(0)
+                # add tr to temporary stream again
+                st_tmp += tr
+                # replace gaps with tr's data
+                st_tmp.merge(0)
+            except Exception as e:
+                tr = st_tmp.pop()  # remove bad trace
+                print("Dropped trace: ", tr)
+                print("Ignoring error: ", e)
         # point `data` to the new stream and continue processing
         data = st_tmp
@@ -497,7 +571,7 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         channels: List[str],
         """Post process a timeseries stream after the raw data is
-                is fetched from querymom. Specifically changes
+                is fetched from queryserver. Specifically changes
                 any MaskedArray to a ndarray with nans representing gaps.
                 Then calls pad_timeseries to deal with gaps at the
                 beggining or end of the streams.
@@ -553,26 +627,51 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         starttime: UTCDateTime
         endtime: UTCDateTime
-        # use separate traces when there are gaps
-        to_write =
-        to_write = TimeseriesUtility.mask_stream(to_write)
-        to_write = to_write.split()
-        to_write = TimeseriesUtility.unmask_stream(to_write)
-        # relabel channels from internal to edge conventions
-        sncl = SNCL.get_sncl(
+        sncl = self.get_sncl(
-        for trace in to_write:
-            trace.stats.station = sncl.station
-            trace.stats.location = sncl.location
-   =
-   =
-        # finally, send to edge
-        self.write_client.send(to_write)
+        stream_masked = self._convert_stream_to_masked(
+            timeseries=timeseries, channel=channel
+        )
+        stream_split = stream_masked.split()
+        for trace in stream_split:
+            trace_send = trace.copy()
+            trace_send.trim(starttime, endtime)
+            if channel == "D":
+       = ChannelConverter.get_minutes_from_radians(
+                )
+            if "float" not in self.write_encoding:
+                # if write_encoding is a float, ignore scale_factor
+                if[1] == "E":
+                    # instrumental voltages are stored as 1/10 microvolts
+           = * (self.scale_factor or 1e7)
+                else:
+                    # everything else (mostly magnetics stored as picoteslas)
+           = * (self.scale_factor or 1e3)
+            if self.write_port:
+                # FIXME: input clients should be rewritten for consistency,
+                #        allowing us to clean up stuff like this if-else-block
+                msic = MiniSeedInputClient(
+          , self.write_port, self.write_encoding
+                )
+                trace_send.stats.station = sncl.station
+                trace_send.stats.location = sncl.location
+       =
+       =
+                stream_send = Stream(trace_send)
+                msic.send(stream_send)
+                msic.close()
+            else:
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Valid write port was not specified.")
     def _set_metadata(

From 2702d9f4af7ca2a06931b5b4e3cbe337a8674f5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 15:03:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] EdgeFactory Upgrades:     - configurable scale_factor
 and float vs. int conversion logic     - configurable sncl_mode for different
 channel mapping     - multiple read ports allowed for fail-over logic     -
 generally more (if not perfectly) compatible with MiniSeedFactory

 geomagio/edge/ | 422 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 301 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/edge/ b/geomagio/edge/
index f4611939..569dc2c3 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/
+++ b/geomagio/edge/
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ from typing import List, Optional
 import numpy
-from obspy import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
-from obspy.clients import earthworm, neic
+from obspy.core import Stats, Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
+from obspy.clients import earthworm
 from .. import ChannelConverter, TimeseriesUtility
 from ..geomag_types import DataInterval, DataType
+from ..metadata.instrument.InstrumentCalibrations import get_instrument_calibrations
 from ..TimeseriesFactory import TimeseriesFactory
 from ..TimeseriesFactoryException import TimeseriesFactoryException
 from ..ObservatoryMetadata import ObservatoryMetadata
@@ -37,9 +38,11 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
     host: str
         a string representing the IP number of the host to connect to.
     port: integer
-        the port number the waveserver is listening on.
+        port number on which EdgeCWB's CWB waveserver (CWBWS, obspy's
+        "earthworm" client) listens for requests to retrieve timeseries data.
     write_port: integer
-        the port number the client is writing to.
+        the port number on which EdgeCWB's RawInputServer is listening for
+        requests to write timeseries data.
     tag: str
         A tag used by edge to log and associate a socket with a given data
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         others are passed through, see #_get_edge_channel().
     type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
         data type
-    interval: {'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
+    interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
         data interval
     observatoryMetadata: ObservatoryMetadata object
         an ObservatoryMetadata object used to replace the default
@@ -62,12 +65,15 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
     locationCode: str
         the location code for the given edge server, overrides type
         in get_timeseries/put_timeseries
-    scaleFactor: int
-        all data written to edge (via raw input client) will be scaled
-        by this integer prior to write; all data read from edge will be
-        will be divided by this integer after read; default = 1000
-    snclMapper: {'geomag','legacy'}
-        a mapper of common channel names to SEED SNCL codes (that is,
+    convert_channels: array
+        list of channels to convert from volt/bin to nT
+    scale_factor: float
+        override default scalings when reading/writing miniseed blocks;
+        (reading integer blocks divides by 1000; reading floating point
+         blocks divides by 1; writing all data multiplies by 1000)
+        default = None
+    sncl_mode: {'geomag','legacy'}
+        force mode to convert common names to SEED SNCL codes (that is,
         station, network, channel, location codes); default = legacy
     See Also
@@ -76,17 +82,19 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
-    This is designed to read from any earthworm style waveserver, but it
-        currently only writes to an edge. Edge mimics an earthworm style
-        waveserver close enough that we hope to maintain that compatibility
-        for reading.
+    The EdgeFactory reads so-called trace-bufs and writes integer data
+    to an EdgeCWB RawInputServer, which places these data, sample-by-sample,
+    into a RAM buffer where it can be immediately retrieved, even before
+    full miniseed blocks can be constructed and written to disk. The
+    EdgeFactory cannot handle non-integer data, and is inefficient for
+    larger data transfers. In those cases, consider using MiniSeedFactory.
     def __init__(
-        host: str = "",
-        port: int = 2060,
-        write_port: int = 7981,
+        host: Optional[str] = None,
+        port: Optional[int] = None,
+        write_port: Optional[int] = None,
         tag: str = "GeomagAlg",
         forceout: bool = False,
         observatory: Optional[str] = None,
@@ -95,31 +103,27 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         interval: Optional[DataInterval] = None,
         observatoryMetadata: Optional[ObservatoryMetadata] = None,
         locationCode: Optional[str] = None,
-        scaleFactor: int = 1000,
-        snclMapper: str = "legacy",
+        convert_channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        scale_factor: Optional[int] = None,
+        sncl_mode: Optional[str] = "legacy",
         TimeseriesFactory.__init__(self, observatory, channels, type, interval)
-        if port == 2060:
-            # earthworm (phasing this out gradually)
-            self.client = earthworm.Client(host, port)
-        else:
-            # CWBQuery/miniseed protocol (preferred)
-            self.client = neic.Client(host, port)
- = host
-        self.port = port
-        self.write_port = write_port
+ = host or ""
+        self.port = port or [2060]
+        self.write_port = write_port  # no default write port
         self.tag = tag
         self.forceout = forceout
-        self.interval = interval
         self.observatoryMetadata = observatoryMetadata or ObservatoryMetadata()
         self.locationCode = locationCode
-        self.scaleFactor = scaleFactor
-        if snclMapper == "legacy":
+        self.convert_channels = convert_channels or []
+        self.scale_factor = scale_factor
+        self.sncl_mode = sncl_mode
+        if sncl_mode == "legacy":
             self.get_sncl = LegacySNCL.get_sncl
-        elif snclMapper == "geomag":
+        elif sncl_mode == "geomag":
             self.get_sncl = SNCL.get_sncl
-            raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Unrecognized SNCL mapper")
+            raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Unrecognized SNCL mode")
     def get_timeseries(
@@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             list of channels to load
         type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
             data type
-        interval: {'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
+        interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
             data interval
         add_empty_channels: bool
             if True, returns channels without data as empty traces
@@ -179,17 +183,22 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             # get the timeseries
             timeseries = Stream()
             for channel in channels:
-                data = self._get_timeseries(
-                    starttime,
-                    endtime,
-                    observatory,
-                    channel,
-                    type,
-                    interval,
-                    add_empty_channels,
-                )
-                if len(data) == 0:
-                    continue
+                if channel in self.convert_channels:
+                    data = self._convert_timeseries(
+                        starttime, endtime, observatory, channel, type, interval
+                    )
+                else:
+                    data = self._get_timeseries(
+                        starttime,
+                        endtime,
+                        observatory,
+                        channel,
+                        type,
+                        interval,
+                        add_empty_channels,
+                    )
+                    if len(data) == 0:
+                        continue
                 timeseries += data
             # restore stdout
@@ -220,7 +229,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             list of channels to load
         type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
             data type
-        interval: {'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
+        interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
             data interval
@@ -247,46 +256,84 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         for channel in channels:
-                timeseries, observatory, channel, type, interval, starttime, endtime
+      ,
+                observatory,
+                channel,
+                type,
+                interval,
+                starttime,
+                endtime,
-    def _convert_timeseries_to_decimal(self, stream: Stream):
-        """convert geomag edge timeseries data stored as ints, to decimal by
-            dividing by 1000.00
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        stream: Stream
-            a stream retrieved from a geomag edge representing one channel
-        Notes
-        -----
-        This routine changes the values in the timeseries. The user should
-            make a copy before calling if they don't want that side effect.
-        """
-        for trace in stream:
-   = numpy.divide(, self.scaleFactor)
-    def _convert_trace_to_int(self, trace_in: Trace) -> Trace:
-        """convert geomag edge traces stored as decimal, to ints by multiplying
-           by 1000
+    def get_calculated_timeseries(
+        self,
+        starttime: UTCDateTime,
+        endtime: UTCDateTime,
+        observatory: str,
+        channel: str,
+        type: DataType,
+        interval: DataInterval,
+        components: List[dict],
+    ) -> Trace:
+        """Calculate a single channel using multiple component channels.
-        trace: Trace
-            a trace retrieved from a geomag edge representing one channel
+        starttime: UTCDateTime
+            the starttime of the requested data
+        endtime: UTCDateTime
+            the endtime of the requested data
+        observatory: str
+            observatory code
+        channel: str
+            single character channel {H, E, D, Z, F}
+        type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
+            data type
+        interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
+            data interval
+        components: list
+            each component is a dictionary with the following keys:
+                channel: str
+                offset: float
+                scale: float
-        trace: Trace
-            a trace converted to ints
-        Notes
-        -----
-        this doesn't work on ndarray with nan's in it.
-        the trace must be a masked array.
+        out: Trace
+            timeseries trace of the converted channel data
-        trace = trace_in.copy()
- = numpy.multiply(, self.scaleFactor)
- =
-        return trace
+        # sum channels
+        stats = None
+        converted = None
+        for component in components:
+            # load component
+            data = self._get_timeseries(
+                starttime, endtime, observatory, component["channel"], type, interval
+            )[0]
+            # convert to nT
+            nt = * component["scale"] + component["offset"]
+            # add to converted
+            if converted is None:
+                converted = nt
+                stats = Stats(data.stats)
+            else:
+                converted += nt
+        # set channel parameter to U, V, or W
+ = channel
+        # create empty trace with adapted stats
+        out = TimeseriesUtility.create_empty_trace(
+            stats.starttime,
+            stats.endtime,
+            stats.station,
+  ,
+            stats.data_type,
+            stats.data_interval,
+  ,
+            stats.station,
+            stats.location,
+        )
+ = converted
+        return out
     def _convert_stream_to_masked(self, timeseries: Stream, channel: str) -> Stream:
         """convert geomag edge traces in a timeseries stream to a MaskedArray
@@ -331,7 +378,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             single character channel {H, E, D, Z, F}
         type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
             data type
-        interval: {'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
+        interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
             data interval
         add_empty_channels: bool
             if True, returns channels without data as empty traces
@@ -352,23 +399,75 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         # according to its author, EdgeCWB is inclusive of starttime, but exclusive of
         # endtime, to satisfy seismic standards/requirements, to precision delta/2;
         half_delta = TimeseriesUtility.get_delta_from_interval(interval) / 2
+        # list-type ports variable needed for fail-back logic
-            data = self.client.get_waveforms(
-      ,
-                sncl.station,
-                sncl.location,
-      ,
-                starttime,
-                endtime + half_delta,
-            )
+            ports = list(self.port)
         except TypeError:
-            # get_waveforms() fails if no data is returned from Edge
-            data = Stream()
+            ports = [self.port]
+        data = Stream()
+        for port in ports:
+            try:
+                client = earthworm.Client(, port, timeout=10)
+                data += client.get_waveforms(
+          ,
+                    sncl.station,
+                    sncl.location,
+          ,
+                    starttime,
+                    endtime + half_delta,
+                )
+                if data:
+                    # if data was returned, force this port in subsequent calls
+                    # to get_timeseries() that use this instance of EdgeFactory
+                    self.port = [port]
+                    break
+                print("No data returned from ",, " on port ", port)
+                # try alternate port(s) if provided
+            except Exception as e:
+                print("Failed to get data from ",, " on port ", port)
+                print("Ignoring error: ", e)
+                # try alternate port(s) if provided
+                continue
-        # make sure data is 32bit int
         for trace in data:
-   ="i4")
-        data.merge()
+            if == "i":
+                # convert all integer traces to rescaled 64-bit floats;
+                if[1] == "E":
+                    # instrumental voltages are stored as 1/10 microvolts
+           = / (self.scale_factor or 1e7)
+                else:
+                    # everything else (mostly magnetics stored as picoteslas)
+           = / (self.scale_factor or 1e3)
+            elif == "f":
+                # convert all float traces to 64-bit floats;
+       = / (self.scale_factor or 1.0)
+        # when Traces with identical NSCL codes overlap, prioritize samples
+        # that come  "later" in Stream; this depends on Edge returning miniseed
+        # packets in the order written
+        # NOTE: this is not possible with single calls to Stream.merge()
+        st_tmp = Stream()
+        for tr in data:
+            try:
+                # add tr to temporary stream
+                st_tmp += tr
+                # replace time overlaps with gaps
+                st_tmp.merge(0)
+                # add tr to temporary stream again
+                st_tmp += tr
+                # replace gaps with tr's data
+                st_tmp.merge(0)
+            except Exception as e:
+                tr = st_tmp.pop()  # remove bad trace
+                print("Dropped trace: ", tr)
+                print("Ignoring error: ", e)
+        # point `data` to the new stream and continue processing
+        data = st_tmp
         if data.count() == 0 and add_empty_channels:
             data += self._get_empty_trace(
@@ -383,6 +482,84 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         self._set_metadata(data, observatory, channel, type, interval)
         return data
+    def _convert_timeseries(
+        self,
+        starttime: UTCDateTime,
+        endtime: UTCDateTime,
+        observatory: str,
+        channel: str,
+        type: DataType,
+        interval: DataInterval,
+    ) -> Stream:
+        """Generate a single channel using multiple components.
+        Finds metadata, then calls _get_converted_timeseries for actual
+        conversion.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        starttime: UTCDateTime
+            the starttime of the requested data
+        endtime: UTCDateTime
+            the endtime of the requested data
+        observatory : str
+            observatory code
+        channel : str
+            single character channel {H, E, D, Z, F}
+        type : {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
+            data type
+        interval : {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
+            data interval
+        Returns
+        -------
+        out: Stream
+            timeseries with single trace of the requested channel data
+            NOTE: this originally returned a Trace, but was modified
+                  (probably due to misunderstanding) at some point to
+                  return a Stream. This Stream is, however, expected
+                  to contain just a single Trace.
+        """
+        out = Stream()
+        metadata = get_instrument_calibrations(observatory, starttime, endtime)
+        # loop in case request spans different configurations
+        for entry in metadata:
+            entry_endtime = entry["end_time"]
+            entry_starttime = entry["start_time"]
+            instrument = entry["instrument"]
+            instrument_channels = instrument["channels"]
+            if channel not in instrument_channels:
+                # no idea how to convert
+                continue
+            # determine metadata overlap with request
+            start = (
+                starttime
+                if entry_starttime is None or entry_starttime < starttime
+                else entry_starttime
+            )
+            end = (
+                endtime
+                if entry_endtime is None or entry_endtime > endtime
+                else entry_endtime
+            )
+            # now convert
+            out += self.get_calculated_timeseries(
+                start,
+                end,
+                observatory,
+                channel,
+                type,
+                interval,
+                instrument_channels[channel],
+            )
+        # force to match the first trace's datatype
+        for trace in out:
+   =[0].data.dtype)
+        # merge to force a single trace
+        # (precedence given to later inteval when metadata overlap)
+        out.merge(1)
+        return out
     def _post_process(
         timeseries: Stream,
@@ -391,7 +568,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         channels: List[str],
         """Post process a timeseries stream after the raw data is
-                is fetched from a waveserver. Specifically changes
+                is fetched from waveserver. Specifically changes
                 any MaskedArray to a ndarray with nans representing gaps.
                 Then calls pad_timeseries to deal with gaps at the
                 beggining or end of the streams.
@@ -409,7 +586,6 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         Notes: the original timeseries object is changed.
-        self._convert_timeseries_to_decimal(timeseries)
         for trace in timeseries:
             if isinstance(,
@@ -443,14 +619,10 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             channel to load
         type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
             data type
-        interval: {'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
+        interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
             data interval
         starttime: UTCDateTime
         endtime: UTCDateTime
-        Notes
-        -----
-        RawInputClient seems to only work when sockets are
         sncl = self.get_sncl(
@@ -460,34 +632,42 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
-        ric = RawInputClient(
-            self.tag,
-  ,
-            self.write_port,
-            sncl.station,
-  ,
-            sncl.location,
-  ,
+        stream_masked = self._convert_stream_to_masked(
+            timeseries=timeseries, channel=channel
+        stream_split = stream_masked.split()
-        stream = self._convert_stream_to_masked(timeseries=timeseries, channel=channel)
-        # Make certain there's actually data
-        if not[0].data):
-            return
-        for trace in
+        for trace in stream_split:
             trace_send = trace.copy()
             trace_send.trim(starttime, endtime)
             if channel == "D":
        = ChannelConverter.get_minutes_from_radians(
-            trace_send = self._convert_trace_to_int(trace_send)
-            ric.send_trace(interval, trace_send)
-        if self.forceout:
-            ric.forceout()
-        ric.close()
+            if[1] == "E":
+                # instrumental voltages are stored as 1/10 microvolts
+       = * (self.scale_factor or 1e7)
+            else:
+                # everything else (mostly magnetics stored as picoteslas)
+       = * (self.scale_factor or 1e3)
+            if self.write_port:
+                ric = RawInputClient(
+                    self.tag,
+          ,
+                    self.write_port,
+                    sncl.station,
+          ,
+                    sncl.location,
+          ,
+                )
+       =  # ric requires ints
+                ric.send_trace(interval, trace_send)
+                if self.forceout:
+                    ric.forceout()
+                ric.close()
+            else:
+                raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Valid write port was not specified.")
     def _set_metadata(
@@ -506,7 +686,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             edge channel code {MVH, MVE, MVD, ...}
         type: {'adjusted', 'definitive', 'quasi-definitive', 'variation'}
             data type
-        interval: {'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
+        interval: {'tenhertz', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day'}
             data interval
         for trace in stream:

From e5b61b9d618a94f7ec7a718233f4083b48e33bda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 15:08:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] RawInputClient Update: - handle intervals other than 1s
 and 1m properly

 geomagio/edge/ | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/edge/ b/geomagio/edge/
index 55eae89c..649fa933 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/
+++ b/geomagio/edge/
@@ -14,13 +14,16 @@ from time import sleep
 MAXINPUTSIZE: Edge uses a short for the data count, so the max input size
-    for a single data packet to edge is 32767
+    for a single data packet to edge is *supposed* to be 32767. However, this
+    was never tested thoroughly until we added support for 10Hz data, when
+    it was quickly discovered that setting this value caused Edge to hang.
+    Therefore, MAXINPUTSIZE was reduced to 10_000, which seems to work well.
 HOURSECONDS: The number of seconds in an hour. Used as an arbitrary size
     for sending seconds data.
 DAYMINUTES: The numbers of minutes in a day. Used as the size for sending
     minute data,  since Edge stores by the day.
@@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ class RawInputClient:
-        interval: {'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'}
+        interval: {'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'tenhertz'}
             data interval.
         trace: obspy.core.trace
@@ -174,7 +177,11 @@ class RawInputClient:
         totalsamps = len(
         starttime = trace.stats.starttime
-        if interval == "second":
+        if interval == "tenhertz":
+            nsamp = MAXINPUTSIZE
+            timeoffset = 1 / 10.0
+            samplerate = 10.0
+        elif interval == "second":
             nsamp = HOURSECONDS
             timeoffset = 1
             samplerate = 1.0
@@ -360,7 +367,7 @@ class RawInputClient:
-            *samples
+            *samples,
         return buf
@@ -377,16 +384,30 @@ class RawInputClient:
         tuple: (ratemantissa, ratedivosor)
             ratemantissa: int
             ratedivosor: int
+        NOTE that `ratemantissa` and `ratedivisor` map directly to the SEED
+        standard's "sample rate factor" and "sample rate multiplier", which
+        are stored in a miniseed block's fixed data header as 2-byte words;
+        earlier versions of this method did not handle sample rates lower
+        than 1/second properly (they did handle 1/minute as a special-case);
         if rate > 0.9999:
+            # sample rates greater or equal to 1/second
+            # (this will not handle >327 Hz, but for consistency
+            #  with earlier versions, we leave it unchanged)
             ratemantissa = int(rate * 100 + 0.001)
             ratedivisor = -100
-        elif rate * 60.0 - 1.0 < 0.00000001:  # one minute data
-            ratemantissa = -60
-            ratedivisor = 1
+        elif rate * 21600 > 1.0001:
+            # sample periods between 1 second and 6 hours
+            # (this should handle 1-minute data identically to
+            #  earlier versions)
+            ratemantissa = -int(1 / rate + 0.001)
+            ratedivisor = -1
-            ratemantissa = int(rate * 10000.0 + 0.001)
-            ratedivisor = -10000
+            # sample periods 6 hours and longer
+            # (this will not handle periods longer than ~22 years)
+            ratemantissa = -int(1 / rate / 21600)
+            ratedivisor = -21600
         return (ratemantissa, ratedivisor)

From 114bbd6faf32ee63bfb0027e01cc0eec29efb3d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 15:12:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] Controller Update: - align timestamps more consistently
 for "update" intervals - (related) add "interval" option to

 geomagio/ | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/ b/geomagio/
index 23661817..7895fc54 100644
--- a/geomagio/
+++ b/geomagio/
@@ -397,40 +397,35 @@ class Controller(object):
-        if len(output_timeseries) > 0:
-            # force starttime & endtime to be consistent with output_interval
-            # FIXME: this is lazy; a better solution would be to use something
-            #        like FilterAlgorithm's get_nearest_time() -EJR
-            starttime = output_timeseries[0].stats.starttime
-            endtime = output_timeseries[0].stats.endtime
-            print(
-                "checking gaps",
-                starttime,
-                endtime,
-                output_observatory,
-                output_channels,
-                file=sys.stderr,
-            )
-            # find gaps in output, so they can be updated
-            output_gaps = TimeseriesUtility.get_merged_gaps(
-                TimeseriesUtility.get_stream_gaps(output_timeseries)
-            )
-        else:
-            output_gaps = [
-                [
-                    starttime,
-                    endtime,
-                    # next sample time not used
-                    None,
-                ]
-            ]
+        # - output_timeseries can never be empty;
+        # - output_timeseries' endtime must be greater than
+        #   or equal to its starttime
+        starttime = output_timeseries[0].stats.starttime
+        endtime = output_timeseries[0].stats.endtime
+        print(
+            "checking gaps",
+            starttime,
+            endtime,
+            output_observatory,
+            output_channels,
+            file=sys.stderr,
+        )
+        # find gaps in output, so they can be updated
+        output_gaps = TimeseriesUtility.get_merged_gaps(
+            TimeseriesUtility.get_stream_gaps(output_timeseries)
+        )
         for output_gap in output_gaps:
             # check for fillable gap at start
             if output_gap[0] == starttime:
-                # found fillable gap at start, recurse to previous interval
-                recurse_starttime, recurse_endtime = get_previous_interval(
-                    start=starttime,
-                    end=endtime,
+                delta = TimeseriesUtility.get_delta_from_interval(output_interval)
+                update_interval = endtime - starttime
+                recurse_endtime = starttime - delta
+                recurse_starttime = (
+                    # ensure starttime and endtime are inclusive on first update,
+                    # then exclude previous starttime with subsequent updates
+                    starttime
+                    - update_interval
+                    - (update_count and delta)
@@ -700,12 +695,16 @@ def get_previous_interval(
     return (start - interval_size, start - 1e-3)
-def get_realtime_interval(interval_seconds: int) -> Tuple[UTCDateTime, UTCDateTime]:
+def get_realtime_interval(
+    interval_seconds: int,
+    interval_str: Optional[str] = "second",  # default to second for compatibility
+) -> Tuple[UTCDateTime, UTCDateTime]:
     # calculate endtime/starttime
     now = UTCDateTime()
-    endtime = UTCDateTime(
-        now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second
-    )
+    delta = TimeseriesUtility.get_delta_from_interval(interval_str)
+    endtime = now - now.timestamp % delta
+    if delta > 60:  # handle hour and day intervals
+        endtime += delta / 2 - 30
     starttime = endtime - interval_seconds
     return starttime, endtime
@@ -757,7 +756,9 @@ def main(args: Optional[List[str]] = None):
                 args.realtime = 600
         # calculate endtime/starttime
-        args.starttime, args.endtime = get_realtime_interval(args.realtime)
+        args.starttime, args.endtime = get_realtime_interval(
+            args.realtime, args.interval
+        )
     if args.observatory_foreach:
         observatory = args.observatory

From 18cece6dd4873165079006913d44c8f2dc124554 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 15:17:39 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] TimeseriesUtility Updates: - better handle hour and day
 intervals in create_empty_trace - enode_stream now handles "STEIM" encoding -
 fixed bug in pad_and_trim_trace

 geomagio/ | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/ b/geomagio/
index 9550187c..35e7ffdd 100644
--- a/geomagio/
+++ b/geomagio/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def create_empty_trace(
     type : str
         data type {definitive, quasi-definitive, variation}
     interval : str
-        interval length {minute, second}
+        interval length {day, hour, minute, second, tenhertz}
     network: str
         the network code
     station: str
@@ -49,17 +49,23 @@ def create_empty_trace(
     # Calculate first valid sample time based on interval
     trace_starttime = UTCDateTime(numpy.ceil(starttime.timestamp / delta) * delta)
     if delta > 60.0:
-        trace_starttime += (delta - 60) / 2
-        if trace_starttime > endtime:
-            sys.stderr.write(
-                "Starttime greater than endtime, adjusting request to one sample"
+        # hourly and daily average have mid-interval timestamps, minus 30 seconds
+        if trace_starttime - starttime < (delta + 60) / 2:
+            trace_starttime += (delta - 60) / 2
+        else:
+            trace_starttime += (delta - 60) / 2 - delta
+        if starttime > trace_starttime or endtime < trace_starttime:
+            sys.stdout.write(
+                'No allowed "%s" timestamps between %s and %s, '
+                % (interval, starttime, endtime)
+                + "returning empty trace\n",
-            endtime = trace_starttime
     stats.starttime = trace_starttime = delta
     # Calculate number of valid samples up to or before endtime
     length = int((endtime - trace_starttime) / delta)
-    stats.npts = length + 1
+    stats.npts = max(0, length + 1)
     data = numpy.full(stats.npts, numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float64)
     return Trace(data, stats)
@@ -82,7 +88,10 @@ def encode_stream(stream: Stream, encoding: str) -> Stream:
     for trace in stream:
         trace_out = trace.copy()
         if != encoding:
-   =
+            if "STEIM" in encoding.upper():
+       =
+            else:
+       =
             if "mseed" in trace_out.stats:
                 trace_out.stats.mseed.encoding = encoding.upper()
         out_stream += trace_out
@@ -567,8 +576,9 @@ def pad_and_trim_trace(trace, starttime, endtime):
     if trace_endtime > endtime:
         # trim to endtime, at least 1 sample to remove
         cnt = int(math.ceil(round((trace_endtime - endtime) / trace_delta, 6)))
- =[:-cnt]
-        trace.stats.npts = len(
+        if cnt > 0:
+   =[:-cnt]
+            trace.stats.npts = len(
     elif trace_endtime < endtime:
         # pad to endtime
         cnt = int(round((endtime - trace_endtime) /, 6))

From e3387de2c4c11016628413518dce8a053f962fba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 15:30:43 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Update (code for geomag-filter typer app): -
 stop using; just instantiate factories in's only a
 little extra code, and a lot less confusing - copy 1-second ObsRio float data
 (e.g., F, UK*) to RawInput so it is available using EdgeFactory, and also so
 we have the option in the future to prune 10Hz data from EdgeCWB that has
 already been archived at IRIS. - set up calls to _copy_channel to legacy
 sncls to be removed once Edge data migration is complete - make all *_filter
 methods require an instantiated io factory, and set no default options -
 other than the *temporary* write ports for copies of legacy sncl data, allow
 no default ports in; either accept the factory defaults, or force
 user to specify ports with call to geomag-filter app.

 geomagio/processing/ | 377 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 272 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/processing/ b/geomagio/processing/
index e69d762e..2408ffa1 100644
--- a/geomagio/processing/
+++ b/geomagio/processing/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from ..algorithm import Algorithm, FilterAlgorithm
 from ..Controller import Controller, get_realtime_interval
 from ..geomag_types import DataInterval
 from ..TimeseriesFactory import TimeseriesFactory
-from .factory import get_edge_factory, get_miniseed_factory
+from ..edge import EdgeFactory, MiniSeedFactory
 class DataFormat(str, Enum):
@@ -29,33 +29,57 @@ def main():
 def day_command(
     observatory: str = Argument(None, help="observatory id"),
     input_host: str = Option("", help="host to request data from"),
-    input_port: int = Option(None, help="port to retrieve data through"),
-    output_port: int = Option(None, help="port to write data through"),
     output_host: str = Option("", help="host to write data to"),
+    input_port: int = Option(None, help="port to pull inputs from on input host"),
+    output_read_port: int = Option(None, help="port to check for gaps on output host"),
+    output_port: int = Option(None, help="port to write to on output host"),
     realtime_interval: int = Option(
         604800, help="length of update window (in seconds)"
-    update_limit: int = Option(7, help="number of update windows"),
+    update_limit: int = Option(4, help="number of update windows"),
-        input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-        output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host, output_port=output_port),
+        channels=("U", "V", "W", "F", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"),
+        input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+            host=input_host,
+            port=input_port,
+            type="variation",
+            sncl_mode="geomag",
+        ),
+        output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+            host=output_host,
+            port=output_read_port,
+            write_port=output_port,
+            type="variation",
+            sncl_mode="geomag",
+        ),
-    temperature_filter(
+    # remove the following after data migration is complete
+    _copy_channels(
-            ("UK1", "PK1"),
-            ("UK2", "PK2"),
-            ("UK3", "PK3"),
-            ("UK4", "PK4"),
+            ("U", "H"),
+            ("V", "E"),
+            ("W", "Z"),
+            ("F", "F"),
+        ),
+        interval="day",
+        input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+            host=input_host,
+            port=input_port,
+            type="variation",
+            sncl_mode="geomag",
+        ),
+        output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+            host=output_host,
+            port=output_read_port,
+            write_port=7981,  # hard-coded rawinput until migration, then remove
+            type="variation",
+            sncl_mode="legacy",
-        input_factory=get_edge_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-        input_interval="minute",
-        output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host, output_port=output_port),
-        output_interval="day",
@@ -69,30 +93,54 @@ def hour_command(
     observatory: str = Argument(None, help="observatory id"),
     input_host: str = Option("", help="host to request data from"),
     output_host: str = Option("", help="host to write data to"),
-    input_port: int = Option(None, help="port to retrieve data through"),
-    output_port: int = Option(None, help="port to write data through"),
+    input_port: int = Option(None, help="port to pull inputs from on input host"),
+    output_read_port: int = Option(None, help="port to check for gaps on output host"),
+    output_port: int = Option(None, help="port to write to on output host"),
     realtime_interval: int = Option(86400, help="length of update window (in seconds)"),
-    update_limit: int = Option(24, help="number of update windows"),
+    update_limit: int = Option(7, help="number of update windows"),
-        input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-        output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host, output_port=output_port),
+        channels=("U", "V", "W", "F", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"),
+        input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+            host=input_host,
+            port=input_port,
+            type="variation",
+            sncl_mode="geomag",
+        ),
+        output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+            host=output_host,
+            port=output_read_port,
+            write_port=output_port,
+            type="variation",
+            sncl_mode="geomag",
+        ),
-    temperature_filter(
+    # remove the following after data migration is complete
+    _copy_channels(
-            ("UK1", "RK1"),
-            ("UK2", "RK2"),
-            ("UK3", "RK3"),
-            ("UK4", "RK4"),
+            ("U", "H"),
+            ("V", "E"),
+            ("W", "Z"),
+            ("F", "F"),
+        ),
+        interval="hour",
+        input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+            host=input_host,
+            port=input_port,
+            type="variation",
+            sncl_mode="geomag",
+        ),
+        output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+            host=output_host,
+            port=output_read_port,
+            write_port=7981,  # hard-coded rawinput until migration, then remove
+            type="variation",
+            sncl_mode="legacy",
-        input_factory=get_edge_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-        input_interval="minute",
-        output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host, output_port=output_port),
-        output_interval="hour",
@@ -104,13 +152,14 @@ def hour_command(
-        Filters 10Hz U,V,W miniseed to 1 second miniseed
+        Filters 10Hz U,V,W to 1 second U,V,W
-        Filters 1 second U,V,W,F miniseed to 1 minute miniseed
+        Filters 1 second U,V,W,F to 1 minute U,V,W,F
-        Filters 1 second T1-4 miniseed to 1 minute UK1-4 legacy
+        Filters 1 second T1-4 to 1 minute UK1-4
-        Copies 1 second and 1 minute U,V,W,F miniseed to H,E,Z,F earthworm
+        Copies 1 second and 1 minute U,V,W,F miniseed to legacy
+        H,E,Z,F 
@@ -124,8 +173,9 @@ def realtime_command(
     observatory: str = Argument(None, help="observatory id"),
     input_host: str = Option("", help="host to request data from"),
     output_host: str = Option("", help="host to write data to"),
-    input_port: int = Option(None, help="port to retrieve data through"),
-    output_port: int = Option(None, help="port to write data through"),
+    input_port: int = Option(None, help="port to pull inputs from on input host"),
+    output_read_port: int = Option(None, help="port to check for gaps on output host"),
+    output_port: int = Option(None, help="port to write to on output host"),
     data_format: DataFormat = Option(DataFormat.PCDCP, help="Data acquisition system"),
     realtime_interval: int = Option(600, help="length of update window (in seconds)"),
     update_limit: int = Option(10, help="number of update windows"),
@@ -133,15 +183,56 @@ def realtime_command(
     if data_format == DataFormat.OBSRIO:
-            input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(
-                host=input_host, convert_channels=("U", "V", "W"), input_port=input_port
+            input_factory=MiniSeedFactory(
+                host=input_host,
+                port=None,  # use MiniSeedFactory default
+                convert_channels=("U", "V", "W"),
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
-            output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(
-                host=output_host, output_port=output_port
+            output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=output_host,
+                port=output_read_port,
+                write_port=output_port,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+        _copy_channels(
+            # copy 1-sec ObsRIO channels
+            # NOTE: yes, this creates redundant data; however...
+            #       - it is compressed
+            #       - it is integer, so readable by EdgeFactory
+            #       - it provides more "permanent" data, since the
+            #         ObsRIO raw data *may* eventually get pruned
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=(
+                ("LFF", "LFF"),
+                ("LK1", "LK1"),
+                ("LK2", "LK2"),
+                ("LK3", "LK3"),
+                ("LK4", "LK4"),
+            ),
+            interval="second",
+            input_factory=MiniSeedFactory(
+                host=input_host,
+                port=None,  # use MiniSeedFactory default
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+            ),
+            output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=output_host,
+                port=output_read_port,
+                write_port=output_port,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+            ),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+        # remove the following after data migration is complete
@@ -151,27 +242,68 @@ def realtime_command(
                 ("F", "F"),
-            input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-            output_factory=get_edge_factory(host=output_host, output_port=output_port),
+            input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=input_host, port=input_port, type="variation", sncl_mode="geomag"
+            ),
+            output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=output_host,
+                port=output_read_port,
+                write_port=7981,  # hard-code port for legacy sncls
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="legacy",
+            ),
-        temperature_filter(
+        minute_filter(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=("U", "V", "W", "F", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"),
+            input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=input_host,
+                port=input_port,  # earthworm port required for realtime
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+            ),
+            output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=output_host,
+                port=output_read_port,  # earthworm port required for realtime
+                write_port=output_port,  # rawinput port required for realtime
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+            ),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+        # remove the following after data migration is complete
+        _copy_channels(
-                ("LK1", "UK1"),
-                ("LK2", "UK2"),
-                ("LK3", "UK3"),
-                ("LK4", "UK4"),
+                ("U", "H"),
+                ("V", "E"),
+                ("W", "Z"),
+                ("F", "F"),
+            ),
+            interval="minute",
+            input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=input_host,
+                port=input_port,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+            ),
+            output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=output_host,
+                port=output_read_port,
+                write_port=7981,  # hard-coded rawinput until migration, then remove
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="legacy",
-            input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-            input_interval="second",
-            output_factory=get_edge_factory(host=output_host, output_port=output_port),
-            output_interval="minute",
+        # legacy PCDCP processing
@@ -181,22 +313,42 @@ def realtime_command(
                 ("F", "F"),
-            input_factory=get_edge_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-            output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(
-                host=output_host, output_port=output_port
+            input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=input_host,
+                port=input_port,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="legacy",
+            ),
+            output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=output_host,
+                port=output_read_port,
+                write_port=output_port,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
-    minute_filter(
-        observatory=observatory,
-        channels=("U", "V", "W", "F"),
-        input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-        output_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=output_host, output_port=output_port),
-        realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
-        update_limit=update_limit,
-    )
-    if data_format == DataFormat.OBSRIO:
+        minute_filter(
+            observatory=observatory,
+            channels=("U", "V", "W", "F"),
+            input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=input_host,
+                port=input_port,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+            ),
+            output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=output_host,
+                port=output_read_port,
+                write_port=output_port,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+            ),
+            realtime_interval=realtime_interval,
+            update_limit=update_limit,
+        )
+        # remove the following after data migration is complete
@@ -206,8 +358,19 @@ def realtime_command(
                 ("F", "F"),
-            input_factory=get_miniseed_factory(host=input_host, input_port=input_port),
-            output_factory=get_edge_factory(host=output_host, output_port=output_port),
+            input_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=input_host,
+                port=input_port,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="geomag",
+            ),
+            output_factory=EdgeFactory(
+                host=output_host,
+                port=output_read_port,
+                write_port=7981,
+                type="variation",
+                sncl_mode="legacy",
+            ),
@@ -215,11 +378,11 @@ def realtime_command(
 def day_filter(
     observatory: str,
-    channels: List[str] = ["U", "V", "W", "F"],
-    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
-    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
-    realtime_interval: int = 86400,
-    update_limit: int = 7,
+    channels: List[str],
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory,
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory,
+    realtime_interval: int,
+    update_limit: int,
     """Filter 1 second miniseed channels to 1 day
@@ -238,11 +401,11 @@ def day_filter(
     update_limit: int
         number of update windows
-    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval, "day")
     controller = Controller(
-        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputFactory=input_factory,
-        outputFactory=output_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        outputFactory=output_factory,
     for channel in channels:
@@ -266,11 +429,11 @@ def day_filter(
 def hour_filter(
     observatory: str,
-    channels: List[str] = ["U", "V", "W", "F"],
-    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
-    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
-    realtime_interval: int = 600,
-    update_limit: int = 10,
+    channels: List[str],
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory,
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory,
+    realtime_interval: int,
+    update_limit: int,
     """Filter 1 minute miniseed channels to 1 hour
@@ -289,11 +452,11 @@ def hour_filter(
     update_limit: int
         number of update windows
-    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval, "hour")
     controller = Controller(
-        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputFactory=input_factory,
-        outputFactory=output_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        outputFactory=output_factory,
     for channel in channels:
@@ -317,9 +480,9 @@ def hour_filter(
 def minute_filter(
     observatory: str,
-    channels: List[str] = ["U", "V", "W", "F"],
-    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
-    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
+    channels: List[str],
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory,
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory,
     realtime_interval: int = 600,
     update_limit: int = 10,
@@ -331,6 +494,8 @@ def minute_filter(
         observatory id
     channels: array
         list of channels to filter
+    type: str
+        data type (e.g., "variation", "adjusted", or "R0", "A0")
     input_factory: TimeseriesFactory
         factory to request data
     output_factory: TimeseriesFactory
@@ -340,11 +505,11 @@ def minute_filter(
     update_limit: int
         number of update windows
-    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval, "minute")
     controller = Controller(
-        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputFactory=input_factory,
-        outputFactory=output_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        outputFactory=output_factory,
     for channel in channels:
@@ -368,6 +533,7 @@ def minute_filter(
 def second_filter(
     observatory: str,
+    channels: List[str] = ["U", "V", "W"],
     input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
     output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
     realtime_interval: int = 600,
@@ -379,6 +545,8 @@ def second_filter(
     observatory: str
         observatory id
+    channels: array
+        list of channels to filter
     input_factory: TimeseriesFactory
         factory to request data
     output_factory: TimeseriesFactory
@@ -388,15 +556,14 @@ def second_filter(
     update_limit: int
         number of update windows
-    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval, "second")
     controller = Controller(
-        inputFactory=input_factory
-        or get_miniseed_factory(convert_channels=("U", "V", "W")),
+        inputFactory=input_factory,
-        outputFactory=output_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        outputFactory=output_factory,
-    for channel in ("U", "V", "W"):
+    for channel in channels:
@@ -418,26 +585,26 @@ def second_filter(
 def temperature_filter(
     observatory: str,
     channels: List[List[str]],
-    input_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
-    input_interval: int = "second",
-    output_factory: Optional[TimeseriesFactory] = None,
-    output_interval: int = "minute",
-    realtime_interval: int = 600,
-    update_limit: int = 10,
+    input_factory: TimeseriesFactory,
+    input_interval: int,
+    output_factory: TimeseriesFactory,
+    output_interval: int,
+    realtime_interval: int,
+    update_limit: int,
     """Filter temperatures 1Hz miniseed (LK1-4) to 1 minute legacy (UK1-4)."""
-    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval)
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval, output_interval)
     controller = Controller(
-        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputFactory=input_factory,
-        outputFactory=output_factory or get_edge_factory(),
+        outputFactory=output_factory,
     for input_channel, output_channel in channels:
-                input_sample_period=1,
-                output_sample_period=60,
+                input_sample_period=input_interval,
+                output_sample_period=output_interval,
@@ -482,11 +649,11 @@ def _copy_channels(
     update_limit: int
         number of update windows
-    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(interval_seconds=realtime_interval)
+    starttime, endtime = get_realtime_interval(realtime_interval, interval)
     controller = Controller(
-        inputFactory=input_factory or get_miniseed_factory(),
+        inputFactory=input_factory,
-        outputFactory=output_factory or get_edge_factory(),
+        outputFactory=output_factory,
     for input_channel, output_channel in channels:

From edd44e6015f6e2b87173061d15343d39531592cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 15:32:15 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] Add "tenhertz" to

 geomagio/edge/ | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/edge/ b/geomagio/edge/
index f80b438a..b0fdb39e 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/
+++ b/geomagio/edge/
@@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ def _check_predefined_element(channel: str) -> Optional[str]:
 def _get_channel_start(interval: str) -> str:
-    if interval == "second":
+    if interval == "tenhertz":
+        return "T"
+    elif interval == "second":
         return "S"
     elif interval == "minute":
         return "M"

From 2e7a766f478802593c5906e135a7d55ca894bcda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 15:36:32 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] Use EdgeFactory for all but tenhertz data: - assumes
 updates to, EdgeFactory, and MiniSeedFactory included in this
 feature branch - removes default ports in favor of factory defaults -
 tenhertz data will still use MiniSeedFactory, and if channels "U", "V", or
 "W" are requested, the raw voltage and bin data will be used to calculate nT

 geomagio/api/ws/ | 15 ++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/api/ws/ b/geomagio/api/ws/
index c2bc9227..47971b27 100644
--- a/geomagio/api/ws/
+++ b/geomagio/api/ws/
@@ -40,16 +40,17 @@ def get_data_factory(
         factory = FDSNFactory(, locationCode="40")
     elif sampling_period in [
-        SamplingPeriod.HOUR,
-        SamplingPeriod.DAY,
+        # MiniSeedFactory required for floating point data;
+        # MiniSeedFactory advised for 10 Hz sampling in general
         factory = MiniSeedFactory(
-            host=host, port=int(os.getenv("DATA_MINISEED_PORT", "2061"))
-        )
-    elif sampling_period in [SamplingPeriod.SECOND, SamplingPeriod.MINUTE]:
-        factory = EdgeFactory(
-            host=host, port=int(os.getenv("DATA_EARTHWORM_PORT", "2060"))
+            host=host,
+            port=os.getenv("DATA_MINISEED_PORT", None),
+            convert_channels=["U", "V", "W"],  # no channel mapping (e.g., "H"->"U")
+    elif sampling_period in list(SamplingPeriod):
+        # EdgeFactory required for real time data with long sample periods
+        factory = EdgeFactory(host=host, port=os.getenv("DATA_EARTHWORM_PORT", None))
         return None
     return DerivedTimeseriesFactory(factory)

From 2d7c3cddf67ac0d2652bce53fe4226cc800a4a5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2025 12:09:07 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Fix minor unit test failures: - MiniSeedInputClient
 expects a stream as input, not a trace   (like RawInputClient), and unit
 tests were designed around this;   I reverted _put_channel() to its original
 design, which sends an   entire stream instead of one trace at a time. - I
 forgot to include a tiny change to RawInputClient_test that was   part of the
 original (abandoned) MR - I also made the read client timeout configurable

 geomagio/edge/      | 48 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 test/edge_test/ |  3 +-
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/edge/ b/geomagio/edge/
index 127bf476..862087ef 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/
+++ b/geomagio/edge/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
     sncl_mode: {'geomag','legacy'}
         force mode to convert common names to SEED SNCL codes (that is,
         station, network, channel, location codes); default = legacy
+    timeout: float
+        timeout for NEIC client; default=10
     See Also
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         convert_channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
         scale_factor: Optional[int] = None,
         sncl_mode: Optional[str] = "geomag",
+        timeout: Optional[float] = None,
         TimeseriesFactory.__init__(self, observatory, channels, type, interval) = host or ""
@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         self.convert_channels = convert_channels or []
         self.scale_factor = scale_factor
         self.sncl_mode = sncl_mode
+        self.timeout = timeout or 10
         if sncl_mode == "legacy":
             self.get_sncl = LegacySNCL.get_sncl
         elif sncl_mode == "geomag":
@@ -123,6 +127,10 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
             raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Unrecognized SNCL mode")
+        # instantiate clients immediately; allows mock clients if/when needed
+        self.client = neic.Client(
+        self.write_client = MiniSeedInputClient(
     def get_timeseries(
         starttime: UTCDateTime,
@@ -262,6 +270,8 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
+        # close socket
+        self.write_client.close()
     def get_calculated_timeseries(
@@ -407,9 +417,11 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         data = Stream()
         for port in ports:
-                client = neic.Client(, port, timeout=10)
-                data += client.get_waveforms(
+                self.client.port = port
+                self.client.timeout = self.timeout
+                data += self.client.get_waveforms(
@@ -638,9 +650,8 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         stream_masked = self._convert_stream_to_masked(
             timeseries=timeseries, channel=channel
-        stream_split = stream_masked.split()
-        for trace in stream_split:
+        stream_send = Stream()
+        for trace in stream_masked.split():
             trace_send = trace.copy()
             trace_send.trim(starttime, endtime)
             if channel == "D":
@@ -657,21 +668,18 @@ class MiniSeedFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                     # everything else (mostly magnetics stored as picoteslas)
            = * (self.scale_factor or 1e3)
-            if self.write_port:
-                # FIXME: input clients should be rewritten for consistency,
-                #        allowing us to clean up stuff like this if-else-block
-                msic = MiniSeedInputClient(
-          , self.write_port, self.write_encoding
-                )
-                trace_send.stats.station = sncl.station
-                trace_send.stats.location = sncl.location
-       =
-       =
-                stream_send = Stream(trace_send)
-                msic.send(stream_send)
-                msic.close()
-            else:
-                raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Valid write port was not specified.")
+            trace_send.stats.station = sncl.station
+            trace_send.stats.location = sncl.location
+   =
+   =
+            stream_send += trace_send
+        # FIXME: MiniSeedInputClient sends a stream, while
+        #        RawInputClient sends a trace; these write
+        #        clients should be re-written for consistency
+ =
+        self.write_client.port = self.write_port
+        self.write_client.encoding = self.write_encoding
+        self.write_client.send(stream_send)
     def _set_metadata(
diff --git a/test/edge_test/ b/test/edge_test/
index ef21290a..876bc569 100644
--- a/test/edge_test/
+++ b/test/edge_test/
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ def test_raw_input_client():
-    trace_send = EdgeFactory()._convert_trace_to_int(trace.copy())
+    trace_send = trace.copy()
+ = numpy.int32( * 1000)
     client.send_trace("minute", trace_send)
     # verify data was sent
     assert_equal(len(client.last_send), 1)

From 5cbce9b7eaf690e34fafa63a907daa48579f0925 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2025 12:10:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] More compatibility changes (EdgeFactory vs.

 geomagio/edge/ | 37 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geomagio/edge/ b/geomagio/edge/
index 569dc2c3..16235edb 100644
--- a/geomagio/edge/
+++ b/geomagio/edge/
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
     sncl_mode: {'geomag','legacy'}
         force mode to convert common names to SEED SNCL codes (that is,
         station, network, channel, location codes); default = legacy
+    timeout: float
+        timeout for Earthworm client; default=10
     See Also
@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         convert_channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
         scale_factor: Optional[int] = None,
         sncl_mode: Optional[str] = "legacy",
+        timeout: Optional[float] = None,
         TimeseriesFactory.__init__(self, observatory, channels, type, interval) = host or ""
@@ -118,6 +121,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         self.convert_channels = convert_channels or []
         self.scale_factor = scale_factor
         self.sncl_mode = sncl_mode
+        self.timeout = timeout or 10
         if sncl_mode == "legacy":
             self.get_sncl = LegacySNCL.get_sncl
         elif sncl_mode == "geomag":
@@ -409,7 +413,7 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
         data = Stream()
         for port in ports:
-                client = earthworm.Client(, port, timeout=10)
+                client = earthworm.Client(, port, timeout=self.timeout)
                 data += client.get_waveforms(
@@ -651,23 +655,20 @@ class EdgeFactory(TimeseriesFactory):
                 # everything else (mostly magnetics stored as picoteslas)
        = * (self.scale_factor or 1e3)
-            if self.write_port:
-                ric = RawInputClient(
-                    self.tag,
-          ,
-                    self.write_port,
-                    sncl.station,
-          ,
-                    sncl.location,
-          ,
-                )
-       =  # ric requires ints
-                ric.send_trace(interval, trace_send)
-                if self.forceout:
-                    ric.forceout()
-                ric.close()
-            else:
-                raise TimeseriesFactoryException("Valid write port was not specified.")
+            ric = RawInputClient(
+                self.tag,
+      ,
+                self.write_port,
+                sncl.station,
+      ,
+                sncl.location,
+      ,
+            )
+   =  # ric requires ints
+            ric.send_trace(interval, trace_send)
+            if self.forceout:
+                ric.forceout()
+            ric.close()
     def _set_metadata(

From 4aa57dface712a2c5975ec765209c8733ef5185f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "E. Joshua Rigler" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 16:34:54 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] Update version info in preparation

I want to push this MR to production as soon as we've verified things work in the dev environment as well as in local testing. Since I forgot to update to 1.13.0 in the last release tag, I'll make this part of 1.13.1.
 code.json      | 4 ++--
 pyproject.toml | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/code.json b/code.json
index 196e8e82..c13b31f7 100644
--- a/code.json
+++ b/code.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     "name": "geomag-algorithms",
     "organization": "U.S. Geological Survey",
     "description": "Library for processing Geomagnetic timeseries data.",
-    "version": "1.12.3",
+    "version": "1.13.1",
     "status": "Development",
     "permissions": {
       "usageType": "openSource",
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
       "email": ""
     "date": {
-      "metadataLastUpdated": "2025-02-13"
+      "metadataLastUpdated": "2025-02-18"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 3e1d96ae..35b255a9 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ packages = [
   {include = "geomagio" }
-version = "1.12.3"
+version = "1.13.1"