Modal Updates
We are currently not really adhering to some of the google material tenants for modal dialogs:
- A dialog’s purpose should be communicated by its title and button text.
- We currently use the title to display a warning, this should be in the modal body
- The dialog's title should pose a specific question, concisely explain what’s involved in the request, and provides clear actions.
- Actions, we should have both a "dismissive" and "acknowledge" action
- "Dismissive actions" dismiss a proposed action, and return the user to the originating screen or step. They are placed directly to the left of a confirming action. "Cancel" is an example of a dismissive action.
- When user acknowledgement is required to proceed, a single action may be presented.
We need to avoid presenting users with unclear choices, ensure that a clear action is proposed if a user is selecting an action button.
Dialogs should contain a maximum of two actions.
- If a single action is provided, it must be an acknowledgement action (A snackbar might be more appropriate in this case).
- If two actions are provided, one must be a confirming action, and the other a dismissing action.
- Providing a third action is not recommended as it navigates the user away from the dialog, leaving the dialog task unfinished.
This modal does not provide a clear "ackowledgement" or "dismissive" action. It might be more appropriate in this case to use a snackbar that tells the user that the feed failed to load. Then the feed would attempt to reload and perhaps succeed. Also, it is possible that the option that we are offering is the same feed that the user is attempting to load in the first place.
Edited by Edward J Hunter