PWA list/settings scrolling bug
I can only recreate this issue when I am using the PWA installed on my homescreen. This might have to do with the fact that we have the app in "standalone" mode where there is no browser chrome. To recreate this issue, take the following steps:
- scroll to the bottom of list and settings
- scroll past the bottom and get the iOS bounce indicating that you have reached the end
- wait for the bounce effect to end
- wait for the scroll bar to disappear (about 1-2 seconds)
- continue to scroll in the same direction (past the previous bottom)
You should see that you are able to scroll a little bit farther. You will see the blue theme color underneath the settings/list. It appears that you can scroll about the height of the banner/header.
It would appear that this is a problem with the application frame. You can switch between list and settings and the issue remains, so it's not on the layout for list/settings/map, it's at a higher layout level. Not sure what the solution is for this, but I feel like we dealt with this in the old application.
Good Luck!!