Reorganize About Section
It would be nice to update the about section to include more of the information that is required by the user to use the application. This ticket is to discuss/organize/create more tickets on content for the about section.
I picture more of a FAQ type page with collapsed accordions where we can expand different sections based on the user's needs.
Latest Earthquakes
v0.0.0 (link to gitlab/issues page)
Accordion section
- Using the interface
- Panels
- info describing different icons/panels (list/map/settings/about)
- List
- List Sort Order
- List Format
- Downloads/Printing
- Map
- About
- projection
- model
- software
- Controls
- zoom
- mouse position
- legend
- scale
- Interactions
- Zoom
- Pan
- Select
- Hover
- Layers (remove this? it's in settings)
- grayscale
- terrain
- street
- satellite
- ocean
- plates
- About
- Settings
- Notifications
- Earthquakes
- Auto Update
- Feeds
- Search
- Only List Earthquakes Shown on Map
- Timezone
- Panels
- Notifications
- What notifications are
- links to chrome/safari/edge/firefox
- (future) Could be expanded to include more information about our notifications (new events)
- (future) Could be expanded to be more helpful
- To enable/disable notifications
- To turn on off notifications
- Missing Earthquakes
- Data Contributors
- link to (/data/comcat/data-availability.php) or loop through contributor list ( which doesn't include dates
- Saving your settings
- Share Button (future option)
- "Bookmark to save your settings"
- USGS Partners
- include links to anss, gsn, and nehrp
- Contact Us
- Link to issues on gitlab
- Link to USGS connect page (
Edited by Edward J Hunter