Loading a shared URL not working
If a user has already been using the application, and they are provided with a link to the application, the application favors the application settings stored in localStorage and will not load the application settings from the url provided.
The application settings are being stored in localStorage as well as in URL parameters because when the application is run in standAlone mode (on desktop or mobile), there is no URL to maintain the applications settings. Therefore if the application is closed and reopened from the "installed" version of the application, the user's settings are lost without localStorage to maintain the user settings.
To recreate this issue:
- Load the application, https://earthquake.usgs.gov/beta/map/
- Pan around and change application settings
- Load this link in a new page, it should load the "about" section and expand one of the help sections https://earthquake.usgs.gov/beta/map/?extent=21.27786,-161.64185&extent=22.96851,-158.12622&magnitude=all&format=dyfi&showUSFaults=true&timeZone=local&list=false&map=false&about=true&help=settings
If you load the same URL while using "incognito" mode in chrome you will see that it honors the application settings in the URL, but otherwise I believe the locaStorage settings are "winning".