Component: MoreInformation
A component is required to encapsulate more information details as well as a download button for users to download earthquake events feed directly.
PENDING: Store expanded/collapsed state in NgRx State? Expand UIPanels state to include this state?
Acceptance Criteria:
- Component should accept
as input - Component should display two segments:
- Top segment, always visible, to expand/collapse bottom segment
- Bottom segment, containing more info
- Top segment should contain left and right halves:
- Left should display arrow glyph indicating expansion state
- Right should display text "Click for more information"
- When clicked, should emit
output (...with current state of visibility?)
- Component should display last loaded at timestamp as first line in bottom segment, split:
- Left side should display left aligned "Last Updated" text
- Right side should display right aligned ISO 8601 timestamp
- Component should display a "Download" button as second row
- When button is clicked, should emit
- When button is clicked, should emit
Edited by Jon Rista