Component: DownloadOptions
A component is required to display to the user the various options for downloading the current earthquake events search results. This component should display each of the possible download formats, including ATOM, CSV, GeoJson, KML (various sub-options), and QuakeML. This component will be displayed as a modal popup over a shaded backdrop. This component may not itself BE the modal, however it must function properly within a modal.
TBD: Should this component actually be a modal? Will we rely on Angular Material Dialog component, or is a custom approach allowing reuse of existing UI styling desired? If custom approach, a reusable modal component that uses ng-container/ng-template is recommended, allowing injection of another component for content (rather than making this component itself a modal.)
TBD: Do we want to allow the list of download options to be externally configurable, or just hard coded?
Acceptance Criteria:
- Should display list of viable download options
- Each option should link to existing USGS site feed urls