inconsistencies in intensity values between old and new flowalert.
Processed files from old and new flow alert do not match exactly. This is because the raw data between the old and the new version also do not match exactly due to how data is being updated. This is raw data for the NV020 station. On the left is old flowalert and on the right is new flowalert.
Whenever raw data is updated on new flowalert, the existing data and new data are concatenated together, and any duplicate data from the new data is dropped. This should be changed so that duplicate data from the existing data is dropped, and the new data is kept. This is because the the last value for precip_intervals_set_1d in every mesowest request is nan. Because this code is currently running automatically every 2 hours, there is a nan value every 2 hours. If the code is changed to keep the new data instead of existing, there should be no missing values.