Remove fires with no stations
related to #81 (closed)
This fire has no stations in the stations.csv file, but the command completed successfully with no errors
poetry run flowalert debrisflow add tex2024 -c "//data/rainfall_web/flowalert2/.flowalert/config.ini"
INFO:root:Downloading shapefiles url
Added fire tex2024 to //data/rainfall_web/flowalert2/.flowalert/config.ini
I think what is happening is rainfall stations are found within the bounding box of the fire, but are filtered out by this function
Acceptable criteria
confirm the cause of this issue -
if all stations are filtered out, delete the fire from the config, and delete the fire directory -
return useful error message like no stations found within {buffer_m} of the {fire_id} fire perimeter, aborting
Edited by King, Rielly Kaveggia