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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 3.0.0a1 Release: pfdf pre-release 3.0.0a1
  • 2.0.1 Release: pfdf 2.0.1
  • 2.0.0
    94ae57c8 · Update ·
    Release: pfdf 2.0.0
  • 1.1.0
    2593ac6f · Update ·
    Release: pfdf 1.1.0
  • 1.0.0 Release: pfdf 1.0.0
  • 0.7
    This tag adds a few small changes in response to the domain review. As follows:
    * Added `environment.yml` for conda installation
    * Shared outlet basin pixels now prioritize the most downstream basin
    * now returns pixel centers, rather than upper-right corners
    * Improved the support of depression filling when conditioning a DEM
    * Fixed a bug in the assignment of basin data properties
  • 0.6
    This commit adds a variety of features in preparation for the v1.0 release. The largest updates are to the segments class. In summary:
    File format drivers:
    * Exposed file format drivers when saving rasters and features
    * Added utils.driver module
    Backend improvements:
    * Most class properties are copies
    * Raster values are read-only views
    * Validation methods do not copy whenever possible
    * Consolidate NoData logic in NodataMask class
    Misc quality of life:
    * Set license to gplv3
    * Added spatial option to Raster.from_array
    * Added nodata casting option to Raster.from_array
    * Add "burned" alias to severity
    * Enhanced broadcasting in g14
    * Suppress log(0) warnings in g14
    * check_flow option in watershed
    * Now tracks segment connectivity
    * Add flow-continuous filtering
    * Add functions to locate terminal outlets
    * Add function to build terminal outlet basin raster
    * Add basin and outlet export (as polygons/points)
    * Add omitnan options to summaries (also to s17 variables)
  • 0.5
    This commit completes the migration to pysheds, and represents a minimal working version of the pfdf package. Key updates include:
    * The Segments class has been refactored for pysheds
    * Segments class now calculates earth system variables needed to run probability, volume, and combined hazard models
    * The staley2017 module now solves for both probability and accumulation
    * Simplified the calculation of earth system variables in staley2017
    * Added a utility module to convert between various types of slope metrics
  • 0.4
    This commit migrates the codebase to use pysheds instead of TauDEM and ArcPy. Key points include:
    * Package is now fully open source
    * All dependencies are Python packages - conda install no longer necessary
    * The `dem` and `stream` modules (using TauDEM and ArcPy) have been replaced by the `watershed` module (using pysheds)
    * Raster backends have been consolidated into the Raster class
    Note that this tag intentionally breaks the `segments` and `models` modules, which will be refactored over the next 1-2 tags.
  • 0.3
    This tag adds in two hazard assessment models. These are (1) the debris-flow potential sediment volume model of Gartner et al., 2014, and (2) the combined relative hazard classification model of Cannon et al., 2010.
  • 0.2
    This tag adds functionality to implement the logistic regression models from Staley et al., 2017
  • 0.1
    This tag provides much of the core infrastructure for the pfdf package. This includes:
    * DEM analyses,
    * Burn severity operations
    * Stream segment management
    * poetry/conda installation
    * Tests of nearly all functionality, and
    * A consolidated backend
    Notable backend features include:
    * typing
    * raster metadata management
    * nodata masking
    * user-input validation