diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index fcf5ab4e0f5b0e006ac6ab89dcbb8ab624eae00d..df638f0cc21a3633f3b8285e44952bc42182cded 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ***nshmp-haz*** is a U.S. Geological Survey ([USGS](https://www.usgs.gov)) developed software stack
 that supports probabilistic seismic hazard (PSHA) and related analyses. It is maintained by the
 National Seismic Hazard Model Project ([NSHMP](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/)) within the
-USGS's earthquake hazards program ([EHP](http://earthquake.usgs.gov)).
+USGS [Earthquake Hazards Program](http://earthquake.usgs.gov).
 *nshmp-haz* supports high performance seismic hazard calculations required to generate detailed
 maps over large areas and supports a variety of web services and applications related to
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ use *nshmp-haz* as well as underlying model implementation details.
   * [Developer Basics](./pages/Developer-Basics.md)
   * [Calculation Configuration](./pages/Calculation-Configuration.md)
   * [Site Specification](./pages/Site-Specification.md)
-  * [Examples](../../etc/examples)
-  * [Web Services](./pages/Web-Services.md)
+  * [Using Docker](./pages/Using-Docker.md)
+  * See also the [examples](../../etc/examples) directory
 * [Hazard Model](./pages/Hazard-Model.md)
   * [Model Structure](./pages/Model-Structure.md)
   * [Model Files](./pages/Model-Files.md)
diff --git a/docs/pages/Building-&-Running.md b/docs/pages/Building-&-Running.md
index c349b5860c298d70afc4bf1856f330d734ab4fbd..121fa83b869057e136eb739edd925a41fc109755 100644
--- a/docs/pages/Building-&-Running.md
+++ b/docs/pages/Building-&-Running.md
@@ -6,13 +6,8 @@
   * [Developer Basics](./Developer-Basics.md#developer-basics)
   * [Calculation Configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md#calculation-configuration)
   * [Site Specification](./Site-Specification.md#site-specification)
-  * [Examples](../../etc/examples)
-  * [Web Services](./Web-Services.md)
-## Build & Run Options
-* [Build and run locally](#build-and-run-locally)
-* [Run with Docker](#run-with-docker)
+  * [Using Docker](./Using-Docker.md#using-docker)
+  * See also the [examples](../../etc/examples) directory
 ## Build and Run Locally
@@ -40,28 +35,29 @@ downloading all required dependencies, including Gradle itself.
 _nshmp-haz_ applications may be run from the command line or as a local web service. Command line
 applications are recommended for long running hazard and disaggregation calculations, but most
-users will find a web service endpoint to be more flexible. Web services return
+users will find the web service endpoints to be more flexible. Web services return
 [JSON](https://www.json.org/json-en.html) responses that can be parsed by most programming
 languages and data analaysis and visualization programs (e.g. Matlab).
 ### Web Servies
-To run _nshmp-haz_ as a web service:
+To run _nshmp-haz_ web services:
 ./gradlew run
-Services (and documentation) are then avialable on <http://localhost:8080/>
-ALternatively, run:
-code, run:
+By default, when the web services start up, they load the 2018 NSHM for the conterminous U.S.
+To use a different model run the web services using Java and specify model path:
-./gradlew run -t
+java -jar build/libs/nshmp-haz.jar --model=path/to/model
-to have the services automatically recompile when the source code changes.
+After startup, web services and documentation are now available at
+See the [Matlab](../../etc/matlab) directory for examples of how to call the web services.
 ### Command Line Hazard Calculation
@@ -72,16 +68,16 @@ measures. For example:
 java -cp path/to/nshmp-haz.jar gov.usgs.earthquake.nshmp.HazardCalc model sites [config]
-At a minimum, the hazard source [model](./Hazard-Model.md) and the [site](./Site-Specification.md)(s)
-at which to perform calculations must be specified. The source model should specified a path to a
-directory. A single site may be specified with a string; multiple sites must be specified using
-either a comma-delimited (CSV) or [GeoJSON](http://geojson.org) file. The path to a custom
-[configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md) file containing user-specific settings may optionally
-be supplied as a third argument. It can be used to override any calculation settings; if absent
-[default](./Calculation-Configuration.md) values are used.
+At a minimum, the hazard source [model](./Hazard-Model.md) and the 
+[site](./Site-Specification.md)(s) at which to perform calculations must be specified. The source
+model should specified a path to a directory. A single site may be specified with a string;
+multiple sites must be specified using either a comma-delimited (CSV) or
+[GeoJSON](http://geojson.org) file. The path to a custom 
+[configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md) file containing user-specific settings may
+optionally be supplied as a third argument. It can be used to override any calculation settings;
+if absent [default](./Calculation-Configuration.md) values are used.
-See the [examples](../../etc/examples) directory for more details (or
-[on GitLab](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/main/etc/examples))
+See the [examples](../../etc/examples) directory for more details.
 ### Command Line Disaggregation Calculation
@@ -98,169 +94,6 @@ Disaggregations build on and output `HazardCalc` results along with other disagg
 files. Disaggregations also have some independent
 [configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md#calculation-configuration-parameters) options.
-## Run with [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/)
-nshmp-haz is available as a public image from [Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/usgs/nshmp-haz)
-with tags:
-* `latest`: Refers to the latest updates from the main or production branch
-* `development-latest`: Refers to forks of the repository.
-* `staging-latest`: Latest updates associated with the
-[main](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/main) branch
-* `production-latest`: Latest stable release associated with the
-[production](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/production) branch
-To ensure you have the latest *nshmp-haz* update associated with a specific tag,
-always first pull the image from Docker:
-docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:<tag>
-> Replace `<tag>` with one of the above tags.
-docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:production-latest
-### Docker Memory on Mac
-By default, Docker Desktop for Mac is set to use 2 GB runtime memory. To run *nshmp-haz*, the
-memory available to Docker must be [increased](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/#advanced)
-to a minimum of 4 GB.
-### Run nshmp-haz in Docker
-The *nshmp-haz* application may be run as a Docker container which mitigates the need to install
-Git, Java, or other dependencies besides Docker. A public image is available
-from  [Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/usgs/nshmp-haz)
-which can be run with:
-# Pull docker image
-docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:latest 
-# Run docker image
-docker run \
-    --env CLASS_NAME=<DisaggCalc | HazardCalc | RateCalc> \
-    --env IML=<NUMBER> \
-    --volume /absolute/path/to/sites/file:/app/sites.<geojson | csv> \
-    --volume /absolute/path/to/config/file:/app/config.json \
-    --volume /absolute/path/to/output:/app/output \
-    usgs/nshmp-haz
-* `CLASS_NAME` is the nshmp-haz class to run:
-  * [DisaggCalc](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/DisaggCalc.java)
-  * [HazardCalc](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/HazardCalc.java)
-  * [RateCalc](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/RateCalc.java)
-* Other arguments (local files mapped to files within the Docker container with `:/app/...`):
-  * (required) The absolute path to a [USGS model (NSHM)](./USGS-Models.md)
-    * Example: `$(pwd)/nshm-hawaii:/app/model`
-  * (required) The absolute path to a GeoJSON or CSV [site(s)](./Site-Specification.md) file
-    * CSV example: `$(pwd)/my-csv-sites.csv:/app/sites.csv`
-    * GeoJSON example: `$(pwd)/my-geojson-sites.geojson:/app/sites.geojson`
-  * (required) The absolute path to an output directory
-    * Example: `$(pwd)/my-hazard-output:/app/output`
-  * (optional) The absolute path to a [configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md) file
-    * Example: `$(pwd)/my-custom-config.json:/app/config.json`
-### Docker Examples
-#### [`HazardCalc`](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/HazardCalc.java) Example
-The following example runs the `HazardCalc` program in nshmp-haz with the
-[nshm-hawaii](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git) model and the
-assumption a GeoJSON [site](./Site-Specification.md) file exists named `sites.geojson`.
-# Download Hawaii NSHM
-git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git
-# Pull image
-docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:latest 
-# Run nshmp-haz HazardCalc
-docker run \
-    --env CLASS_NAME="HazardCalc" \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/nshm-hawaii:/app/model" \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/sites.geojson" \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/hawaii-hazard-output:/app/output" \
-    usgs/nshmp-haz
-#### [`DisaggCalc`](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/DisaggCalc.java) Example
-The following example runs the `DisaggCalc` program in nshmp-haz with the
-[nshm-hawaii](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git) model and the
-assumption a GeoJSON [site](./Site-Specification.md) file exists named `sites.geojson`.
-# Download Hawaii NSHM
-git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git
-# Pull image
-docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:latest 
-# Run nshmp-haz DisaggCalc
-docker run \
-    --env CLASS_NAME="DisaggCalc" \
-    --env RETURN_PERIOD=475 \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/nshm-hawaii:/app/model" \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/sites.geojson" \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/hawaii-disagg-output:/app/output" \
-    usgs/nshmp-haz:latest
-#### [`RateCalc`](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/RateCalc.java) Example
-The following example runs the `RateCalc` program in nshmp-haz with the
-[nshm-hawaii](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git) model and the
-assumption a GeoJSON [site](./Site-Specification.md) file exists named `sites.geojson`.
-# Download Hawaii NSHM
-git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git
-# Pull image
-docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:latest 
-# Run nshmp-haz RateCalc
-docker run \
-    --env CLASS_NAME="RateCalc" \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/nshm-hawaii:/app/model" \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/sites.geojson" \
-    --volume "$(pwd)/hawaii-rate-output:/app/output" \
-    usgs/nshmp-haz
-### Run Customization
-When running *nshmp-haz* with Docker the maximum JVM memory size can
-be set with the environment flag (-e, -env):
-docker run \
-    --env JAVA_MEMORY=<MEMORY> \
-    ...
-    usgs/nshmp-haz
-# Example
-docker run \
-    --env JAVA_MEMORY="12g" \
-    ...
-    usgs/nshmp-haz
-* `JAVA_MEMORY` is the maximum memory for the JVM (default: 8g)
 * [**Documentation Index**](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/pages/Calculation-Configuration.md b/docs/pages/Calculation-Configuration.md
index 097e8d5920e0c6c435c45b261826c3fcde7822b4..cb84d1b3cae8423b296ccdf90b1254106fbc1e79 100644
--- a/docs/pages/Calculation-Configuration.md
+++ b/docs/pages/Calculation-Configuration.md
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ T ≤ 10 s   | 0.000333, 0.000499, 0.000749, 0.00112, 0.00169, 0.00253, <br>0.00
   * [Developer Basics](./Developer-Basics.md#developer-basics)
   * [Calculation Configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md#calculation-configuration)
   * [Site Specification](./Site-Specification.md#site-specification)
-  * [Examples](../../etc/examples) (or
-    [on GitLab](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/main/etc/examples))
+  * [Using Docker](./Using-Docker.md#using-docker)
+  * See also the [examples](../../etc/examples) directory
 * [__Documentation Index__](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/pages/Developer-Basics.md b/docs/pages/Developer-Basics.md
index 799479e25e01e58859c645ad1b87d5a1e68a72d8..03640b54a3d5668d67b295bae81b6474608ea401 100644
--- a/docs/pages/Developer-Basics.md
+++ b/docs/pages/Developer-Basics.md
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz.git
   * [Developer Basics](./Developer-Basics.md#developer-basics)
   * [Calculation Configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md#calculation-configuration)
   * [Site Specification](./Site-Specification.md#site-specification)
-  * [Examples](../../etc/examples) (or
-    [on GitLab](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/main/etc/examples))
-* [**Documentation Index**](../README.md)
+  * [Using Docker](./Using-Docker.md#using-docker)
+  * See also the [examples](../../etc/examples) directory
+* [__Documentation Index__](../README.md)
 ![USGS logo](./images/usgs-icon.png) &nbsp;[U.S. Geological Survey](https://www.usgs.gov)
diff --git a/docs/pages/Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md b/docs/pages/Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md
index e1c4f102267fdbca1a8b024050724bf0ce729123..8a7201f36a672816d65116523d3001500ef6c783 100644
--- a/docs/pages/Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md
+++ b/docs/pages/Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 The following page details the logic trees of epistemic uncertainty considered in NSHMs supported
 by *nshmp-haz*. Logic trees are represented in a NSHM using files ending in `-tree.json`.
 ## Terminology
diff --git a/docs/pages/Site-Specification.md b/docs/pages/Site-Specification.md
index 544130a53fc138a8384a7c5155b3058da61c1430..2f1af5014d7a4817c5f7f4fcd1e968a227851d6f 100644
--- a/docs/pages/Site-Specification.md
+++ b/docs/pages/Site-Specification.md
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ outside the 'calculation' polygon are set to zero. For an example, see the
   * [Developer Basics](./Developer-Basics.md#developer-basics)
   * [Calculation Configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md#calculation-configuration)
   * [Site Specification](./Site-Specification.md#site-specification)
-  * [Examples](../../etc/examples) (or
-    [on GitLab](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/main/etc/examples))
+  * [Using Docker](./Using-Docker.md#using-docker)
+  * See also the [examples](../../etc/examples) directory
 * [__Documentation Index__](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/pages/Using-Docker.md b/docs/pages/Using-Docker.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d943d7e05dbebf51ce7a4d6c966dd4e4beab5709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pages/Using-Docker.md
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+# Using [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/)
+*nshmp-haz* is available as a public image from
+[Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/usgs/nshmp-haz) with tags:
+* `latest`: Refers to the latest updates from the main or production branch
+* `development-latest`: Refers to forks of the repository.
+* `staging-latest`: Latest updates associated with the
+[main](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/main) branch
+* `production-latest`: Latest stable release associated with the
+[production](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/production) branch
+To ensure you have the latest *nshmp-haz* update associated with a specific tag,
+always first pull the image from Docker:
+docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:<tag>
+> Replace `<tag>` with one of the above tags.
+docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:production-latest
+## Docker Memory on Mac
+By default, Docker Desktop for Mac is set to use 2 GB runtime memory. To run *nshmp-haz*, the
+memory available to Docker must be [increased](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/#advanced)
+to a minimum of 4 GB.
+## Run *nshmp-haz* in Docker
+# Pull docker image
+docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:latest 
+# Run docker image
+docker run \
+    --env CLASS_NAME=<DisaggCalc | HazardCalc | RateCalc> \
+    --env IML=<NUMBER> \
+    --volume /absolute/path/to/sites/file:/app/sites.<geojson | csv> \
+    --volume /absolute/path/to/config/file:/app/config.json \
+    --volume /absolute/path/to/output:/app/output \
+    usgs/nshmp-haz
+* `CLASS_NAME` is the nshmp-haz class to run:
+  * [DisaggCalc](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/DisaggCalc.java)
+  * [HazardCalc](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/HazardCalc.java)
+  * [RateCalc](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/RateCalc.java)
+* Other arguments (local files mapped to files within the Docker container with `:/app/...`):
+  * (required) The absolute path to a [USGS model (NSHM)](./USGS-Models.md)
+    * Example: `$(pwd)/nshm-hawaii:/app/model`
+  * (required) The absolute path to a GeoJSON or CSV [site(s)](./Site-Specification.md) file
+    * CSV example: `$(pwd)/my-csv-sites.csv:/app/sites.csv`
+    * GeoJSON example: `$(pwd)/my-geojson-sites.geojson:/app/sites.geojson`
+  * (required) The absolute path to an output directory
+    * Example: `$(pwd)/my-hazard-output:/app/output`
+  * (optional) The absolute path to a [configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md) file
+    * Example: `$(pwd)/my-custom-config.json:/app/config.json`
+## Examples
+### [`HazardCalc`](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/HazardCalc.java) Example
+The following example runs the `HazardCalc` program in nshmp-haz with the
+[nshm-hawaii](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git) model and the
+assumption a GeoJSON [site](./Site-Specification.md) file exists named `sites.geojson`.
+# Download Hawaii NSHM
+git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git
+# Pull image
+docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:latest 
+# Run nshmp-haz HazardCalc
+docker run \
+    --env CLASS_NAME="HazardCalc" \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/nshm-hawaii:/app/model" \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/sites.geojson" \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/hawaii-hazard-output:/app/output" \
+    usgs/nshmp-haz
+### [`DisaggCalc`](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/DisaggCalc.java) Example
+The following example runs the `DisaggCalc` program in nshmp-haz with the
+[nshm-hawaii](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git) model and the
+assumption a GeoJSON [site](./Site-Specification.md) file exists named `sites.geojson`.
+# Download Hawaii NSHM
+git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git
+# Pull image
+docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:latest 
+# Run nshmp-haz DisaggCalc
+docker run \
+    --env CLASS_NAME="DisaggCalc" \
+    --env RETURN_PERIOD=475 \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/nshm-hawaii:/app/model" \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/sites.geojson" \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/hawaii-disagg-output:/app/output" \
+    usgs/nshmp-haz:latest
+### [`RateCalc`](../../src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/RateCalc.java) Example
+The following example runs the `RateCalc` program in nshmp-haz with the
+[nshm-hawaii](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git) model and the
+assumption a GeoJSON [site](./Site-Specification.md) file exists named `sites.geojson`.
+# Download Hawaii NSHM
+git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-hawaii.git
+# Pull image
+docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz:latest 
+# Run nshmp-haz RateCalc
+docker run \
+    --env CLASS_NAME="RateCalc" \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/nshm-hawaii:/app/model" \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/sites.geojson" \
+    --volume "$(pwd)/hawaii-rate-output:/app/output" \
+    usgs/nshmp-haz
+## Run Customization
+When running *nshmp-haz* with Docker the maximum JVM memory size can
+be set with the environment flag (-e, -env):
+docker run \
+    --env JAVA_MEMORY=<MEMORY> \
+    ...
+    usgs/nshmp-haz
+# Example
+docker run \
+    --env JAVA_MEMORY="12g" \
+    ...
+    usgs/nshmp-haz
+* `JAVA_MEMORY` is the maximum memory for the JVM (default: 8g)
+## Run *nshmp-haz* web services in Docker
+### Build and Run Docker Locally
+The Docker image may be built with the provided web service [Dockerfile](../../ws.Dockerfile).
+cd /path/to/nshmp-haz
+# Build docker image
+docker build -f ws.Dockerfile -t nshmp-haz-ws .
+# Run Docker image
+docker run -p 8080:8080 -v "path/to/model:/model" nshmp-haz-ws
+Web service runs on [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/)
+The hazard model is read in via Docker volumes.
+#### Local Docker Example with NSHM
+# Build docker image
+cd /path/to/nshmp-haz
+docker build -f ws.Dockerfile -t nshmp-haz-ws .
+# Download NSHM CONUS
+cd ..
+git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus
+# Run web services
+docker run -p 8080:8080 -v "$(pwd):/model" nshmp-haz-ws
+Open browser to [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/).
+### Run from Container Registry
+A public Docker image is avaialable from [Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/usgs/nshmp-haz-ws).
+There are 4 main tags:
+* `latest`: Refers to the latest updates from the main or production branch
+* `development-latest`: Refers to forks of the repository.
+* `staging-latest`: Refers to the
+[main](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/main) branch and is the latest updates
+* `production-latest`: Refers to the
+[production](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/production) branch and is stable
+# Pull image
+docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz-ws:latest 
+# Run
+docker run -p 8080:8080 -v "/path/to/model:/model" usgs/nshmp-haz-ws
+Web service runs on [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/)
+The hazard model is read in via Docker volumes.
+#### Container Registry Example with NSHM
+# Pull image
+docker pull usgs/nshmp-haz-ws:latest 
+# Download NSHM CONUS
+cd ..
+git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus
+# Run web services
+docker run -p 8080:8080 -v "$(pwd):/model" usgs/nshmp-haz-ws
+Open browser to [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/).
+### Java Memory
+When running **nshmp-haz** web services with Docker
+the initial (Xms) and maximum (Xmx) JVM memory sizes can
+be set with the environment flag (-e, -env):
+docker run -p <PORT>:8080 -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xms<INITIAL> -Xmx<MAX>" -d usgs/nshmp-haz-ws
+# Example
+docker run -p 8080:8080 -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1g -Xmx8g" -d usgs/nshmp-haz-ws
+Where `<INITIAL>` and `<MAX >`should be set to the desired initial and maximum memory sizes,
+## Related Pages
+* [Building & Running](./Building-&-Running.md#building-&-running)
+  * [Developer Basics](./Developer-Basics.md#developer-basics)
+  * [Calculation Configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md#calculation-configuration)
+  * [Site Specification](./Site-Specification.md#site-specification)
+  * [Using Docker](./Using-Docker.md#using-docker)
+  * See also the [examples](../../etc/examples) directory
+* [__Documentation Index__](../README.md)
+![USGS logo](./images/usgs-icon.png) &nbsp;[U.S. Geological Survey](https://www.usgs.gov)
+National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project ([NSHMP](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/))
diff --git a/etc/examples/README.md b/etc/examples/README.md
index 75b377a93b08ca4cdd70acdb7520248aadbc5e9c..96cb1e00667995109ec2cf83242fd62001309c07 100644
--- a/etc/examples/README.md
+++ b/etc/examples/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # Examples
-These examples are designed to be executed locally while following the READMEs on GitLab.
+These examples are designed to be executed locally while following the READMEs on GitLab and
+assumes the reader has successfully downloaded and built the code as described in the
+[documentation](../../docs/README.md). Because each example builds on prior concepts, we recommend
+stepping through all the examples in order.
 All examples avoid a lengthy call to Java and the `HazardCalc` program by using the following
 system alias:
@@ -8,7 +12,7 @@ system alias:
 alias hazard='java -cp /path/to/nshmp-haz/build/libs/nshmp-haz.jar gov.usgs.earthquake.nshmp.HazardCalc'
-Because each example builds on prior concepts, it is best step through all the examples, however quickly.
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD001 -->
 #### Start: [Example 1 – A simple hazard calculation](1-hazard-curve/README.md)
diff --git a/gradle/dependencies.gradle b/gradle/dependencies.gradle
index c28d21571745e00278cc65dc94d7e396e7f1f4aa..11c2ead627a716c70f4ecccbdec81ef355105031 100644
--- a/gradle/dependencies.gradle
+++ b/gradle/dependencies.gradle
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 dependencies {
   // NSHMP