diff --git a/docs/pages/Building-&-Running.md b/docs/pages/Building-&-Running.md
index 77c51d06c48d763c44d673577b9be4a3108b4d4f..421b8cdb2cc05c4c26ee20ca976ed57e1b0f4df2 100644
--- a/docs/pages/Building-&-Running.md
+++ b/docs/pages/Building-&-Running.md
@@ -38,17 +38,18 @@ To run *nshmp-haz* web services:
 ./gradlew run
+# or './gradlew run -t' to recompile and relaunch when code changes
 By default, when the web services start up, they load the 2018 NSHM for the conterminous U.S.
 To use a different model run the web services using Java and specify model path:
+./gradlew assemble
 java -jar build/libs/nshmp-haz.jar --model=path/to/model
-After startup, web services and documentation are now available at
+After startup, web services and documentation are available at <http://localhost:8080/>.
 See the [Matlab](../../etc/matlab) directory for examples of how to call the web services. To
 run the ground motion model (GMM) web services, please use the
@@ -89,6 +90,32 @@ Disaggregations build on and output `HazardCalc` results along with other disagg
 files. Disaggregations also have some independent
 [configuration](./Calculation-Configuration.md#calculation-configuration-parameters) options.
+## Customizing Code
+Whereas *nshmp-haz* contains code to run command line applications and web services, model
+loading and hazard calculations are handled in the dependent library
+[*nshmp-lib*](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-lib). To use a local, modified version of
+*nshmp-lib*, set an environment variable `NSHMP_LIB_LOCAL=true` and *nshmp-haz*
+will look for *nshmp-lib* in a directory adjacent to *nshmp-haz*. If *nshmp-lib* is located
+somewhere else, modify the path specified in
+[`gradle/dependencies.gradle`](../../gradle/dependencies.gradle). When using a local version
+of *nshmp-lib*, first build the *nshmp-lib* project using `./gradlew fatJar` so that
+required dependencies are included.
+Summary of steps to check out and start running code for local development:
+# --> Set a NSHMP_LIB_LOCAL=true environment variable on your system
+cd yourProjectDirectory
+git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-lib.git
+cd nshmp-lib
+./gradlew fatJar
+cd ..
+git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-ws.git
+cd nshmp-ws
+./gradlew run
 ## Related Pages