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@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ use *nshmp-haz* as well as underlying model implementation details.
 * [USGS Models](./pages/USGS-Models.md)
   * [Model Editions](./pages/Model-Editions.md)
   * [Logic Trees & Uncertainty](./pages/Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md)
+  * [Code Versions](./pages/Code-Versions.md)
 ## Related Information
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+# Code Versions
+The static datasets of USGS NSHMs prior to 2014 were computed using Fortran (see
+[_nshmp-haz-fortran_](https://github.com/usgs/nshmp-haz-fortran])). The static datasets for the
+2014 Conterminous U.S. NSHM were computed using the Fortran codes and
+[OpenSHA](https://opensha.org/) (for the California portion of the model). The dynamic versions
+of the 2008 and 2014 Conterminous U.S. models were then implemented in the 1st version of
+[_nshmp-haz_](https://github.com/usgs/nshmp-haz) (on GitHub). This updated Java codebase uses XML
+source models and supports the web services behind the dynamic calculations of the [Unified Hazard
+Hazard Tool](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/interactive/) (UHT).
+The 2nd version of _nshmp-haz_ (this repository) supercedes prior codebases. The development of this
+version involved a significant refactoring of both the computational code and source model format.
+The source models are now defined using JSON, GeoJSON, and CSV files to better reflect the
+underlying logic trees and support uncertainty analysis.
+## Transitioning from _nshmp-haz_ v1 to v2
+NSHMs are very detailed and migrating from one format to another is not trivial and prone to error.
+Moreover, approximations (e.g. using 3.1415 for Pi rather than the the value built into most
+languages) can yield different results. When multiple such small changes exist, deciphering what
+is giving rise to differences in results can be challenging.
+To document the transition from _nshmp-haz_ v1 to v2, we here attach comparison maps at four return
+periods (475, 975, 2475, and 10,000 year) for the 2018 Conterminous U.S. model. Maps are included
+for PGA and 3 spectral periods ( 0.2 s, 1 s, and 5 s). There are no differences in the Central &
+Eastern U.S. and differences in the WUS are <<1%. The difference in hazard in the vicinity of
+Salt Lake City arises from the cluster models in _nshmp-haz_ v1 not being able to consider the
+additional epistemic uncertainty added to the the NGA-West2 ground motion models.
+We continue to investigate the cause of other differences but they are small enough that we are
+comfortable moving forward deploying _nshmp-haz_ v2 codes and models to our public web services and
+applications. This repository includes end-to-end tests for supported NSHMs that may be run
+on demand.
+[Download v1 to v2 difference and ratio maps](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/users/pmpowers/nshmp-haz/-/raw/code-version-doc-506/docs/pages/images/comp_JSON_vs_XML_0p2-grid-20220216-BC.pdf?inline=false)
+## Example map: 0.2 s, 2475-yr
+![0.2 s SA, 2475-yr](./images/JSON_vs_XML-SA0P2-2475.jpg)
+## Related Pages
+* [USGS Models](./USGS-Models.md#usgs-models)
+  * [Model Editions](./Model-Editions.md#model-editions)
+  * [Logic Trees & Uncertainty](./Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md#logic-trees-&-uncertainty)
+  * [Code Versions](./Code-Versions.md#code-versions)
+* [**Documentation Index**](../README.md)
+![USGS logo](./images/usgs-icon.png) &nbsp;[U.S. Geological Survey](https://www.usgs.gov)
+National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project ([NSHMP](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/))
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@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ alternative models.
 * [USGS Models](./USGS-Models.md#usgs-models)
   * [Model Editions](./Model-Editions.md#model-editions)
   * [Logic Trees & Uncertainty](./Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md#logic-trees-&-uncertainty)
+  * [Code Versions](./Code-Versions.md#code-versions)
 * [**Documentation Index**](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/pages/Model-Editions.md b/docs/pages/Model-Editions.md
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--- a/docs/pages/Model-Editions.md
+++ b/docs/pages/Model-Editions.md
@@ -24,26 +24,26 @@ version numbers. Links to documentation and data for each of the models below ar
 page. Changes between editions in model regions are documented in the release notes of the
 individual model repositories.
-Region | Year | Version | Static | Dynamic | Notes |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2018 | [v5.0.0](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus)<sup>†</sup> | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2014 | [v4.2.0](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus)<sup>†</sup> | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2014 | [v4.1.4](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus)<sup>†</sup> | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2014 | [v4.0.0](https://github.com/usgs/nshmp-haz-fortran/releases/tag/nshm2014r1) |:small_blue_diamond:| | ASCE7-16 |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2008 | v3.3.3 | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2008 | [v3.2.0](https://github.com/usgs/nshmp-haz-fortran/releases/tag/nshm2008r3) |:small_blue_diamond:| | |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2008 | v3.1.0 |:small_blue_diamond:| | ASCE7-10 |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2008 | v3.0.0 | | | |
-Conterminous U.S. | 2002 | v2.0.0 | | | |
-Conterminous U.S. | 1996 | v1.0.0 | | | |
-Alaska            | 2007 | v2.1.0 | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
-Alaska            | 2007 | v2.0.0 |:small_blue_diamond:| | ASCE7-10 |
-Alaska            | 1999 | v1.0.0 | | | |
-American Samoa    | 2012 | v1.0.0 | | | |
-Guam              | 2012 | v1.0.0 | | | |
-Hawaii            | 2018 | v2.0.0 | | TBD | |
-Hawaii            | 1998 | v1.1.0 | | TBD | |
-Hawaii            | 1998 | v1.0.0 |:small_blue_diamond:| | ASCE7-10 |
+Region            | Year | Version | Static | Dynamic | Notes |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2018 | [5.0.0](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus)<sup>†</sup> | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2014 | [4.2.0](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus)<sup>†</sup> | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2014 | [4.1.4](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus)<sup>†</sup> | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2014 | [4.0.0](https://github.com/usgs/nshmp-haz-fortran/releases/tag/nshm2014r1) |:small_blue_diamond:| | ASCE7-16 |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2008 | 3.3.3 | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2008 | [3.2.0](https://github.com/usgs/nshmp-haz-fortran/releases/tag/nshm2008r3) |:small_blue_diamond:| | |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2008 | 3.1.0 |:small_blue_diamond:| | ASCE7-10 |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2008 | 3.0.0 | | | |
+Conterminous U.S. | 2002 | 2.0.0 | | | |
+Conterminous U.S. | 1996 | 1.0.0 | | | |
+Alaska            | 2007 | 2.1.0 | |:small_blue_diamond:| |
+Alaska            | 2007 | 2.0.0 |:small_blue_diamond:| | ASCE7-10 |
+Alaska            | 1999 | 1.0.0 | | | |
+American Samoa    | 2012 | 1.0.0 | | | |
+Guam              | 2012 | 1.0.0 | | | |
+Hawaii            | 2018 | 2.0.0 | | TBD | |
+Hawaii            | 1998 | 1.1.0 | | TBD | |
+Hawaii            | 1998 | 1.0.0 |:small_blue_diamond:| | ASCE7-10 |
 Puerto Rico & <br/> U.S. Virgin Islands | 2003 | v1.0.0 | | | |
 <sup>†</sup> __Note on the 2014 conterminous U.S. NSHM:__ Initial publication of the
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ one of the dynamic editions is likely better.
 * [USGS Models](./USGS-Models.md#usgs-models)
   * [Model Editions](./Model-Editions.md#model-editions)
   * [Logic Trees & Uncertainty](./Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md#logic-trees-&-uncertainty)
+  * [Code Versions](./Code-Versions.md#code-versions)
 * [**Documentation Index**](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/pages/USGS-Models.md b/docs/pages/USGS-Models.md
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--- a/docs/pages/USGS-Models.md
+++ b/docs/pages/USGS-Models.md
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Each model region has a dedicated repository with version tags marking different
 * [USGS Models](./USGS-Models.md#usgs-models)
   * [Model Editions](./Model-Editions.md#model-editions)
   * [Logic Trees & Uncertainty](./Logic-Trees-&-Uncertainty.md#logic-trees-&-uncertainty)
+  * [Code Versions](./Code-Versions.md#code-versions)
 * [**Documentation Index**](../README.md)
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Examples
-These examples are designed to be executed locally while following the READMEs on GitLub.
+These examples are designed to be executed locally while following the READMEs on GitLab.
 All examples avoid a lengthy call to Java and the `HazardCalc` program by using the following
 system alias: