diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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 # nshmp-ws
-*nshmp-ws* provides web service access to ground motion models (GMMs) used in USGS National Seismic
-Hazard Models (NSHMs).
-## Running the Services
-### Gradle
-To run the services with Gradle:
-./gradlew run
-# or './gradlew run -t' to recompile and relaunch when code changes
-Alternatively, the services can be run from the JAR file:
-./gradlew assemble
-java -jar build/libs/nshmp-ws-all.jar
-After startup, web services and documentation are available at <http://localhost:8080/>.
-#### Customizing Code
-Whereas *nshmp-ws* contains code to run web services, ground motion model (GMM) calculations
-are handled in the dependent library [*nshmp-lib*](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-lib).
-To use a local, modified version of *nshmp-lib*, set an environment variable
-`NSHMP_LIB_LOCAL=true` and *nshmp-ws* will look for *nshmp-lib* in a directory adjacent to
-*nshmp-ws*. If *nshmp-lib* is located somewhere else, modify the path specified in
-[`gradle/dependencies.gradle`](../../gradle/dependencies.gradle). When using a local version
-of *nshmp-lib*, first build the *nshmp-lib* project using `./gradlew fatJar` so that
-required dependencies are included.
-Summary of steps to check out and start running code for local development:
-# --> Set a NSHMP_LIB_LOCAL=true environment variable on your system
-cd yourProjectDirectory
-git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-lib.git
-cd nshmp-lib
-./gradlew fatJar
-cd ..
-git clone https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-ws.git
-cd nshmp-ws
-./gradlew run
-### Docker
-#### Run from GitLab Registry
-The nshmp-ws application may be run as a Docker container.
-docker pull code.usgs.gov:5001/ghsc/nshmp/images/nshmp-ws
-docker run \
-    -p <PORT>:8080 \
-    code.usgs.gov:5001/ghsc/nshmp/images/nshmp-ws
-# Example
-docker run \
-    -p 8080:8080 \
-    code.usgs.gov:5001/ghsc/nshmp/images/nshmp-ws
-`PORT` should be replaced with an available port that is not in use. The application
-can then be accessed from:
-# Example
-The `PORT` should be replaced with the same value to start the container.
-#### Build Docker Locally
-A Docker image can also be created locally:
-docker build -t <tag name> .
+Moved to [nshmp-haz](https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/tree/main/src/main/java/gov/usgs/earthquake/nshmp/www/gmm)