diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,30 +1,35 @@
-# NSHM: Conterminous U.S.
+# NSHM: Conterminous US
 National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) for the conterminous U.S. This model is intended for use with
-U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hazard software [*nshmp-haz*][1].
+U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hazard software [_nshmp-haz_][1].
-For details on the format of this model, see the *nshmp-haz*
+For details on the format of this model, see the _nshmp-haz_
 [user guide and implementation reference][2].
 ## Model Editions
-* For prior models, see the [USGS Seismic Hazard Maps][3] web page.
-* Current edition: 2018, version [5.1.0][4] with IPDS record: IP-139140.
+- For prior models, see the [USGS Seismic Hazard Maps][3] web page.
+- 2018 edition, version [5.1.0][4] with IPDS record: IP-139140.
+- 2023 edition (current), version [6.0.0][8] with IPDS record: IP-TBD
 ## Site Files
 The `map.geojson` file defines the latitude-longitude range over which the USGS computes
 maps of seismic hazard from this model. The `sites.geojson` and `sites.csv` files
 contain the test sites at which the USGS performs more detailed comparisons between model editions.
-See the *nshmp-haz* user guide [site specification section][5] for more details on these files.
+See the _nshmp-haz_ user guide [site specification section][5] for more details on these files.
 ## References
-**Model documentation:**  Petersen, M.D, Shumway, A.M., Powers, P.M., Mueller, C.S., Moschetti,
-M.P., Frankel, A.D., Rezaeian, S., McNamara, D.E., Luco, N., Boyd, O.S., Rukstales, K.S., Jaiswal,
-K.S., Thompson, E.M., Hoover, S.M., Clayton, B.S., Field, E.H., and Zeng, Y., 2020, The 2018
-update of the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model: Overview of model and implications, _Earthquake
-Spectra_, 36(1) p. 5–41, doi: [10.1177/8755293019878199][6].
+**Model documentation:**  Petersen MD, Shumway AM, Powers PM, Field EH, Moschetti MP, Jaiswal KS,
+Milner KR, Rezaeian S, Frankel AD, Llenos AL, Michael AJ, Altekruse AM, Ahdi SK, Withers KB,
+Mueller CS, Zeng Y, Chase RE, Salditch LM, Luco N, Rukstales KS, Herrick JA, Girot DL, Aagaard BT,
+Bender AM, Briggs RW, Boyd OS, Clayton BS, DuRoss CB, Evans EL, Haeussler PJ, Hatem AE, Haynie KL,
+Hearn EH, Johnson KM, Kortum ZA, Kwong NS, Makdisi AJ, Mason HB, McNamara DE, McPhillips DF,
+Okubo PG, Page MT, Pollitz FF, Rubinstein JL, Shaw BE, Shen Z-K, Shiro BR, Smith JA,
+Stephenson WJ, Thompson EM, Thompson Jobe JA, Wirth EA and Witter RC (2023) The 2023 US 50-state
+National Seismic Hazard Model: Overview and implications. _Earthquake Spectra_ 40(1): 1–84,
+doi: [10.1177/87552930231215428][6].
 **Suggested citation:**  Powers, P.M. and Altekruse, J.M., 2022, nshm-conus: National Seismic
 Hazard Model for the conterminous U.S. U.S. Geological Survey software release, doi:
@@ -35,5 +40,6 @@ Hazard Model for the conterminous U.S. U.S. Geological Survey software release,
 [3]: https://www.usgs.gov/programs/earthquake-hazards/seismic-hazard-maps-and-site-specific-data
 [4]: https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus/-/tree/5.1.0
 [5]: https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshmp-haz/-/blob/main/docs/pages/Site-Specification.md
-[6]: https://doi.org/10.1177/8755293019878199
+[6]: https://doi.org/10.1177/87552930231215428
 [7]: https://doi.org/10.5066/P9J1OVR6
+[8]: https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus/-/tree/6.0.0
diff --git a/active-crust/fault/wus-system/README.md b/active-crust/fault/wus-system/README.md
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--- a/active-crust/fault/wus-system/README.md
+++ b/active-crust/fault/wus-system/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 # Western U.S. Fault System
-This directory contains the currently in-development fault system solution that spans
-the entire Western U.S. (OpenSHA UCERF3 inversion methodology).
+This directory contains the branch averaged fault system solution that spans
+the entire western U.S. devloped using the OpenSHA UCERF3 inversion methodology.
+See: <https://data.opensha.org/nshm23/reports/reports.html>
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--- a/active-crust/grid/README.md
+++ b/active-crust/grid/README.md
@@ -24,5 +24,7 @@ the 2014 and 2018 conterminous U.S. NSHM as detailed in the table below.
 ## 2023
-Although `grid-config.json` defines focal mechanism ratios, they are overridden by ratios
-specified in fault system grid MFD files.
+The 2023 NSHM switches to using purely incremental MFDs for gridded seismicity in the Western
+U.S. The MFDs are derived from the branch-averaged gridded seismicity model that accompanies
+the western U.S. fault-system solution. Although `grid-config.json` defines focal mechanism
+ratios, they are overridden by ratios specified in fault system grid MFD files.
diff --git a/catalogs/README.md b/catalogs/README.md
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--- a/catalogs/README.md
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@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 # Conterminous U.S. Seismicity Catalogs
 For each update of the conterminous U.S. (CONUS) National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM),
-seismicity catalogs (full and declustered) are developed as input to the smoothed 
+seismicity catalogs (full and declustered) are developed as input to the smoothed
 seismicity model. Catalogs are developed separately for the central and eastern U.S.
-(CEUS) and western U.S. (WUS) due to different input catalogs as well as magnitude 
+(CEUS) and western U.S. (WUS) due to different catalog properties (e.g. magnitude
+conversions, completeness levels).
 Development of the seismicity catalogs include:
-- reformatting and combining pre-existing input catalogs,
-- deleting duplicates, explosions, and mining-related events,
-- flagging induced events in the CEUS, and
-- delivering a final uniform moment magnitude catalog for further processing 
-(i.e., declustering).
+- Reformatting and combining pre-existing input catalogs,
+- Deleting duplicates, explosions, and mining-related events,
+- Flagging induced events in the CEUS, and
+- Delivering a final uniform moment magnitude catalog for further processing (i.e., declustering).
-[Mueller (2019)][1] outlines the full set of catalog processing steps in further detail. 
-## Model Editions
-* Current edition: 2023, version [6.b.1][2] with IPDS record: IP-######.
+See [Mueller (2019)][1] for details on catalog processing.
 ## References
-**Catalog documentation:**  Mueller, C.S., 2019, Earthquake catalogs for the USGS National 
-Seismic Hazard Maps, _Seismological Research Letters_, 90(1) p. 251–261, doi: [10.1785/0220170108][1].
+**Catalog processing:**  Mueller, C.S., 2019, Earthquake catalogs for the USGS
+National Seismic Hazard Maps, _Seismological Research Letters_, 90(1) p. 251–261,
+doi: [10.1785/0220170108][1].
+**Data release:** Petersen et al. (2023) _Data Release for the 2023 U.S. 50-State
+National Seismic Hazard Model - Overview_ (US Geological Survey data release).
+DOI: [10.5066/P9GNPCOD][2].
 [1]: https://doi.org/10.1785/0220170108
-[2]: https://code.usgs.gov/ghsc/nshmp/nshms/nshm-conus/-/tags/6.b.1
+[2]: https://doi.org/10.5066/P9GNPCOD
diff --git a/model-info.json b/model-info.json
index 31a9270961530b4ef3473034b90a2267e42cb4e0..245137a57b7a5d553a105746f01ef66898bd967a 100644
--- a/model-info.json
+++ b/model-info.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-  "name": "NSHM Conterminous U.S. 2023 (beta)",
+  "name": "NSHM Conterminous U.S. 2023",
   "site-class-vs30": {
-    "AB": 1500,
+    "A": 1500,
     "B": 1080,
     "BC": 760,
     "C": 530,
diff --git a/site-data/README.md b/site-data/README.md
index e4e5d3a312aaee03b5e18b0ede76443477dcb6ab..0da0a91d8f0e5386c43035a27bdfbf79d73faa44 100644
--- a/site-data/README.md
+++ b/site-data/README.md
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 # Site Data
 This directory contains data and information required by GMMs to enable site or region specific
-behavior. The `basin` directory contains <i>z</i><sub>1.0</sub> and <i>z</i><sub>2.5</sub> values
-for Western U.S. basins. The `margin` directory contains sediment thickness, <i>z<sub>Sed</sub></i>
-data for the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains. The `gmm-region` directory defines areas over which
-region-specific behavior may be applied in a GMM.
+behavior. The `basin` directory contains _z_1.0 and _z_2.5 values for western U.S. basins. The
+`margin` directory contains sediment thickness, _zSed_ data for the Gulf and Atlantic coastal
+plains. The `gmm-region` directory defines areas over which region-specific behavior may be
+applied in a GMM.
 ## Margin
-- TODO Earthquake Spectra citation
-- Data Release (zSed): https://doi.org/10.5066/P9EBOWU8
+- Documentation: <https://doi.org/10.1177/87552930231204880>
+- Data Release (zSed): <https://doi.org/10.5066/P9EBOWU8>
 ## Tapering
diff --git a/stable-crust/grid/README.md b/stable-crust/grid/README.md
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--- a/stable-crust/grid/README.md
+++ b/stable-crust/grid/README.md
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ should be the same as for 2014.
 ## 2014 IDs
-* Numbers in brackets indicate the numeric zones assigned in the legacy fortran input files.
-* The `default` zone covers everywhere outside the identified tectonic/geologic provinces.
+- Numbers in brackets indicate the numeric zones assigned in the legacy fortran input files.
+- The `default` zone covers everywhere outside the identified tectonic/geologic provinces.
 ### Polygon IDs
@@ -64,7 +64,5 @@ should be the same as for 2014.
 ## 2023 Updates
- - Multiple declustering methods considered (gk, nn, r85)
- - Adaptive/fixed smoothing weights changed from 40/60 to 50/50, consistent with `active-crust`
- - rates being used in model are total catalog rates, not declustered rates.
- - TODO update 2023 ID's
+- Multiple declustering methods considered (gk, nn, r85).
+- Rates being used in model are total catalog rates, not declustered rates.
diff --git a/subduction/interface/Cascadia/README.md b/subduction/interface/Cascadia/README.md
index afc266827aba9811221d59243b494f549033fcc1..1736e47cb0834bf52b3d5c067a1bbdb4178ff663 100644
--- a/subduction/interface/Cascadia/README.md
+++ b/subduction/interface/Cascadia/README.md
@@ -10,17 +10,10 @@ The single (a.k.a. 'characteristic') magnitude frequency distributions for the d
 and combinations thereof are based on the magnitude (area) scaling relations listed below,
 in order of increasing implied magnitude, and are identified as follows:
-* `M1`: Strasser et al. (2010)
-* `M2`: Murotani et al. (2008)
-* `M3`: Papazachos et al. (2004)
-Alternative magnitude scaling relations:
-* `M4`: Shaw (c = 3.9)
-* `M5`: Shaw (c = 4.0)
-* `M6`: Shaw (c = 4.1)
-* `M7`: Blaser
-* `M8`: Allen-Hayes
+- `M1`: Strasser et al. (2010)
+- `M2`: Murotani et al. (2008)
+- `M3`: Papazachos et al. (2004)
+- `M4`: Shaw (c = 4.0)
 Cascadia uses two different Gutenberg–Richter MFD's, one with `b=0.0`, and one with `b=1.0`,
 both of which are used to float ruptures on the 'full' and models spanning the 3 southern sections.
@@ -32,8 +25,8 @@ subduction zone. Therefore there is no weighting between the 'full' and 'partial
 the logic tree defined in Fig. 63 of Petersen et al. (2014). `source-groups` are used to define
 additive branches and to supply scale factors.
-* Original full and segmented files: `sub[0|1|2|3|4]_ch_[bot|mid|top].in`
-* Original unsegmented files: `sub[0|1]_GRb[0|1]_[bot|mid|top].in`
+- Original full and segmented files: `sub[0|1|2|3|4]_ch_[bot|mid|top].in`
+- Original unsegmented files: `sub[0|1]_GRb[0|1]_[bot|mid|top].in`
 ## Section ID Groupings
@@ -52,15 +45,14 @@ TODO: Most likely will change the rupture ID's for 2023. Replace in table.
 ## Rupture Reference (2023)
-The table below lists the section IDs used for rupture sets on branches of the 2023 
-Cascadia logic tree. The Full and Unsegmented ruptures remain the same but the Segmented 
-ruptures now have a GEA12 branch (same as 2014/2018) and a  GEA17 branch. Sections have 
-also been split into 50-km subsections (e.g., 2014/2018 Section 1 is now 7 50-km sections 
-[1-1:1-7], Section 2 is now 3 50-km sections [2-1:2-3], Section 3 is now 3 50-km sections 
-[3-1:3-3], and Section 4 is now 9 50-km sections [4-1:4-9]). All section IDs have been 
+The table below lists the section IDs used for rupture sets on branches of the 2023
+Cascadia logic tree. The Full and Unsegmented ruptures remain the same but the Segmented
+ruptures now have a GEA12 branch (same as 2014/2018) and a  GEA17 branch. Sections have
+also been split into 50-km subsections (e.g., 2014/2018 Section 1 is now 7 50-km sections
+[1-1:1-7], Section 2 is now 3 50-km sections [2-1:2-3], Section 3 is now 3 50-km sections
+[3-1:3-3], and Section 4 is now 9 50-km sections [4-1:4-9]). All section IDs have been
 updated, and new rupture IDs have been assigned.
 | Sections                            | 1-1:1-7    | 2-1:2-3    | 3-1:3-3    | 4-1:4-9    |                            |
 |:----------------------------------- |:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:--------------------------:|
 | Bottom                              | 3200..3206 | 3207..3209 | 3210..3212 | 3213..3221 |                            |
@@ -76,7 +68,7 @@ updated, and new rupture IDs have been assigned.
 | Segmented, GEA17, D, 1-1:1:6        | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◇    |            |            |            | [ 100702, 100701, 100700 ] |
 | Segmented, GEA17, C', 1-1:2-3       | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆    | ◆◆◆        |            |            | [ 100202, 100201, 100200 ] |
 | Segmented, GEA17, C, 1-1:3-2        | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆    | ◆◆◆        | ◆◆◇        |            | [ 100602, 100601, 100600 ] |
-| Segmented, GEA17, B, 1-1:4-3        | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆    | ◆◆◆        | ◆◆◆        | ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇  | [ 100502, 100501, 100500 ] |   
+| Segmented, GEA17, B, 1-1:4-3        | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆    | ◆◆◆        | ◆◆◆        | ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇  | [ 100502, 100501, 100500 ] |
 | Segmented, GEA17, F, 3-3:4-4        |            |            | ◇◇◆        | ◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇  | [ 100902, 100901, 100900 ] |
 | Unsegmented, GEA12-B, 1-1:3-3       | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆    | ◆◆◆        | ◆◆◆        |            | [ 100102, 100101, 100100 ] |
 | Unsegmented, GEA12-A, 1-1:4-9       | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆    | ◆◆◆        | ◆◆◆        | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆  | [ 100002, 100001, 100000 ] |
@@ -95,9 +87,6 @@ updated, and new rupture IDs have been assigned.
 | Unsegmented, 1-2-3   | â—†    | â—†    | â—†    |      | [ 3160, 3161, 3162 ]    |
 | Unsegmented, 1-2-3-4 | â—†    | â—†    | â—†    | â—†    | [ 3170, 3171, 3172 ]    |
-TODO: Most likely will change the rupture ID's for 2023. Replace in table.
 ## Cluster Model (2023)
 Table of clusters and relevant section ranges. The various combinations of ruptures below, each
diff --git a/subduction/slab/README.md b/subduction/slab/README.md
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--- a/subduction/slab/README.md
+++ b/subduction/slab/README.md
@@ -6,31 +6,31 @@ were used. Early implementations kept the individual slices separate in the logi
 With the move to using variable depth spatial PDFs for 2023, the 2014/2018 model was refactored
 to combine the depth slices.
-The 2014/2018 Oregon grid is 50/50 Gaussian fixed kernel smoothing and fixed rate grid. These branches have
-been combined in the OR rate files.
+The 2014/2018 Oregon grid is 50/50 Gaussian fixed kernel smoothing and fixed rate grid. These
+branches have been combined in the OR rate files.
 ## Polygon Depths and IDs
-| Grouping (Depth: id)   | CA                 | OR                 | WA                 |
-|:---------------------- |:------------------:|:------------------:|:------------------:|
-| 2008                   | 50 km: 8200        |  50 km: 8210       | 50 km: 8220        |
-| 2014 Shallow           | <s>39 km: 8201</s> | <s>42 km: 8211</s> | <s>42 km: 8221</s> |
-| 2014 Middle            | <s>46 km: 8202</s> | <s>50 km: 8212</s> | <s>50 km: 8222</s> |
-| 2014 Deep              | <s>60 km: 8203</s> | <s>60 km: 8213</s> | <s>60 km: 8223</s> |
-| 2014/2018 refactored   | variable: 8200     | variable: 8210     | variable: 8220     |
+| Grouping (Depth: id) | CA             | OR             | WA             |
+| 2008                 | 50 km: 8200    |  50 km: 8210   | 50 km: 8220    |
+| 2014 Shallow         | 39 km: 8201    | 42 km: 8211    | 42 km: 8221    |
+| 2014 Middle          | 46 km: 8202    | 50 km: 8212    | 50 km: 8222    |
+| 2014 Deep            | 60 km: 8203    | 60 km: 8213    | 60 km: 8223    |
+| 2014/2018 refactored | variable: 8200 | variable: 8210 | variable: 8220 |
 ## Rupture Set IDs
 Oregon and Washington intraslab MFDs are split into high and low branches, each with unique
 *b*-values and corresponding *a*-values.
-| State: MFD                       | Shallow     | Middle      | Deep        | var   |
-| __CA:__ M 5.0-7.2 b=0.8          | <s>8204</s> | <s>8205</s> | <s>8206</s> | 8201  |
-| __OR:__ M 6.5-7.2 b=0.4 (lo)     | <s>8214</s> | <s>8216</s> | <s>8218</s> | 8211  |
-| __OR:__ M 7.2-7.5,8.0 b=0.8 (hi) | <s>8215</s> | <s>8217</s> | <s>8219</s> | 8212  |
-| __WA:__ M 5.0-7.2 b=0.4  (lo)    | <s>8224</s> | <s>8226</s> | <s>8228</s> | 8221  |
-| __WA:__ M 7.2-7.5,8.0 b=0.8 (hi) | <s>8225</s> | <s>8227</s> | <s>8229</s> | 8222  |
+| State: MFD                       | Shallow | Middle | Deep | var  |
+| __CA:__ M 5.0-7.2 b=0.8          | 8204    | 8205   | 8206 | 8201 |
+| __OR:__ M 6.5-7.2 b=0.4 (lo)     | 8214    | 8216   | 8218 | 8211 |
+| __OR:__ M 7.2-7.5,8.0 b=0.8 (hi) | 8215    | 8217   | 8219 | 8212 |
+| __WA:__ M 5.0-7.2 b=0.4  (lo)    | 8224    | 8226   | 8228 | 8221 |
+| __WA:__ M 7.2-7.5,8.0 b=0.8 (hi) | 8225    | 8227   | 8229 | 8222 |
 ## Source Tree IDs