cannot get download_cloud_files to work
Hello, I am trying to DL two files from the cloud from this sciencebase page (National Hydrologic Model v1.0 water budget components aggregated to 10 and 12-digit Hydrologic Unit Code boundaries - ScienceBase-Catalog I can get the csv file I need to DL w/ download_file, but download_cloud_files downloads a csv but not the csv of the data. I get like a 5kg file of code. I attached a screen shot of the file and my code. thanks for your help. Katie [cid:a90c249d-24a8-45e3-bbd5-299eb63a5b26] import sciencebasepy
Establish a session.
sb = sciencebasepy.SbSession() sbjson = sb.get_json('')
sbchilds= pd.DataFrame(sb.get_item_file_info(sbjson))
destination = r'C:\Users\merriman\Documents\PUMP_eval\gitlab\1_input_files\'
sburl = sbchilds[(sbchilds['name'] == "wy_huc12_budgets.csv")]['url'].item() sburlm = sbchilds[(sbchilds['name'] == "monthly_huc12_budgets.csv")]['url'].item() huc12wbcfile = sb.download_cloud_files( ["wy_huc12_budgets.csv", "monthly_huc12_budgets.csv"], [sburl,sburlm], destination)
sburl2 = sbchilds[(sbchilds['name'] == "huc12area_weights.csv")]['url'].item() huc12awfile = sb.download_file(sburl2, "huc12area_weights_" + today + ".csv", destination)