Zemmels review: add full list of authors
At a minimum this can be added in the code.json file, but there may be a better place? Seeking feedback from CHS for best practices.
Add to README and could potentially add to documentation for package. Here's an example for R: dataRetrieval/DESCRIPTION at main · DOI-USGS/dataRetrieval (github.com)
Draft citation: Hamshaw, S.D., Hariharan, J., Hinman, E.D., Sleckman, M.J., Stanish, L.F., 2024, hyswap: A USGS software package for hydrologic data analysis, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5066/P13SKXA2
We have added citation info to the README.md file as well as a contact for questions and issues. We have also included a backlog item to better highlight different contributor roles to the package here: #134
Edited by Hinman, Elise D