diff --git a/R/importWQP.R b/R/importWQP.R
index 12a585b3e40225ef85c0e40d4d1efdbbbb376182..d02e5dc246204adccbf1d9e0df8d84e23583cf3a 100644
--- a/R/importWQP.R
+++ b/R/importWQP.R
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #' Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/Denver","America/Los_Angeles",
 #' "America/Anchorage","America/Honolulu","America/Jamaica","America/Managua","America/Phoenix", and "America/Metlakatla"
 #' @return retval dataframe raw data returned from the Water Quality Portal. Additionally, a POSIXct dateTime column is supplied for 
-#' start and end times.
+#' start and end times, and converted to UTC. See \url{http://www.waterqualitydata.us/portal_userguide.jsp} for more information.
 #' @export
 #' @seealso \code{\link{readWQPdata}}, \code{\link{readWQPqw}}, \code{\link{whatWQPsites}}
 #' @import RCurl
@@ -109,13 +109,15 @@ importWQP <- function(url, zip=FALSE, tz=""){
       retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityStartDate, ActivityStartTime.Time),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
       retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- retval$ActivityStartDateTime + timeZoneStart*60*60
       retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- as.POSIXct(retval$ActivityStartDateTime)
+      attr(retval$ActivityStartDateTime, "tzone") <- "UTC"
       retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityEndDate, ActivityEndTime.Time),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
       retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- retval$ActivityEndDateTime + timeZoneEnd*60*60
-      retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- as.POSIXct(retval$ActivityEndDateTime)      
+      retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- as.POSIXct(retval$ActivityEndDateTime)
+      attr(retval$ActivityEndDateTime, "tzone") <- "UTC"
diff --git a/R/readWQPdata.R b/R/readWQPdata.R
index 8898b57b91f84fba89601da1042069cdbc94756a..66c56e0ce2515ee52fff56e86d263a8910b108c4 100644
--- a/R/readWQPdata.R
+++ b/R/readWQPdata.R
@@ -5,8 +5,76 @@
 #' @param \dots see \url{www.waterqualitydata.us/webservices_documentation.jsp} for a complete list of options
 #' @keywords data import WQP web service
-#' @return retval dataframe with first column dateTime, and at least one qualifier and value columns
-#' (subsequent qualifier/value columns could follow depending on requested parameter codes)
+#' @return A data frame with at least the following columns:
+#' \tabular{lll}{ 
+#' Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
+#' OrganizationIdentifier \tab character \tab  A designator used to uniquely identify a unique business establishment within a context.\cr
+#' OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab  The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization.\cr
+#' ActivityIdentifier \tab character \tab	Designator that uniquely identifies an activity within an organization.\cr
+#' ActivityTypeCode \tab character \tab	The text describing the type of activity.\cr
+#' ActivityMediaName \tab character \tab	Name or code indicating the environmental medium where the sample was taken.\cr
+#' ActivityMediaSubdivisionName \tab character \tab	Name or code indicating the environmental matrix as a subdivision of the sample media.\cr
+#' ActivityStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date on which the field activity is started.\cr
+#' ActivityStartTime/Time \tab character \tab	The time of day that is reported when the field activity began, based on a 24-hour timescale.\cr
+#' ActivityStartTime/TimeZoneCode \tab character \tab	The time zone for which the time of day is reported. Any of the longitudinal divisions of the earth's surface in which a standard time is kept.\cr
+#' ActivityEndDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date when the field activity is completed.\cr
+#' ActivityEndTime/Time \tab character \tab	The time of day that is reported when the field activity ended, based on a 24-hour timescale.\cr
+#' ActivityEndTime/TimeZoneCode \tab character \tab	The time zone for which the time of day is reported. Any of the longitudinal divisions of the earth's surface in which a standard time is kept.\cr
+#' ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	A measurement of the vertical location (measured from a reference point) at which an activity occurred. Measure value is given in the units stored in ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+#' ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+#' ActivityDepthAltitudeReferencePointText \tab character \tab	The reference used to indicate the datum or reference used to establish the depth/altitude of an activity.\cr
+#' ActivityTopDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	A measurement of the upper vertical location of a vertical location range (measured from a reference point) at which an activity occurred. Measure value is given in the units stored in ActivityTopDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+#' ActivityTopDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+#' ActivityBottomDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	A measurement of the lower vertical location of a vertical location range (measured from a reference point) at which an activity occurred. Measure value is given in the units stored in ActivityBottomDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+#' ActivityBottomDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+#' ProjectIdentifier \tab character \tab 	A designator used to uniquely identify a data collection project within a context of an organization.\cr
+#' ActivityConductingOrganizationText \tab character \tab	A name of the Organization conducting an activity.\cr
+#' MonitoringLocationIdentifier \tab character \tab	A designator used to describe the unique name, number, or code assigned to identify the monitoring location.\cr
+#' ActivityCommentText \tab character \tab	General comments concerning the activity.\cr
+#' SampleAquifer * \tab character \tab 	A code that designates the aquifer associated with groundwater samples.\cr
+#' HydrologicCondition * \tab character \tab 	Hydrologic condition is the hydrologic condition that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. ? normal, falling, rising, peak stage).\cr
+#' HydrologicEvent * \tab character \tab 	A hydrologic event that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. - storm, drought, snowmelt).\cr
+#' SampleCollectionMethod/MethodIdentifier\tab character \tab 	The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher.\cr
+#' SampleCollectionMethod/MethodIdentifierContext \tab character \tab	Identifies the source or data system that created or defined the identifier.\cr
+#' SampleCollectionMethod/MethodName \tab character \tab	The title that appears on the method from the method publisher.\cr
+#' SampleCollectionEquipmentName \tab character \tab	The name for the equipment used in collecting the sample.\cr
+#' ResultDetectionConditionText \tab character \tab	The textual descriptor of a result.\cr
+#' CharacteristicName \tab character \tab	The object, property, or substance which is evaluated or enumerated by either a direct field measurement, a direct field observation, or by laboratory analysis of material collected in the field.\cr
+#' ResultSampleFractionText \tab character \tab	The text name of the portion of the sample associated with results obtained from a physically-partitioned sample.\cr
+#' ResultMeasureValue \tab numeric \tab	The reportable measure of the result for the chemical, microbiological or other characteristic being analyzed. Measure value is given in the units stored in ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+#' MeasureQualifierCode \tab character \tab	A code used to identify any qualifying issues that affect the results.\cr
+#' ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+#' ResultStatusIdentifier \tab character \tab	Indicates the acceptability of the result with respect to QA/QC criteria.\cr
+#' StatisticalBaseCode \tab character \tab	The code for the method used to calculate derived results.\cr
+#' ResultValueTypeName \tab character \tab	A name that qualifies the process which was used in the determination of the result value (e.g., actual, estimated, calculated).\cr
+#' ResultWeightBasisText \tab character \tab	The name that represents the form of the sample or portion of the sample which is associated with the result value (e.g., wet weight, dry weight, ash-free dry weight).\cr
+#' ResultTimeBasisText \tab character \tab	The period of time (in days) over which a measurement was made. For example, BOD can be measured as 5 day or 20 day BOD.\cr
+#' ResultTemperatureBasisText \tab character \tab	The name that represents the controlled temperature at which the sample was maintained during analysis, e.g. 25 deg BOD analysis.\cr
+#' ResultParticleSizeBasisText \tab character \tab	User defined free text describing the particle size class for which the associated result is defined.\cr
+#' PrecisionValue \tab character \tab	A measure of mutual agreement among individual measurements of the same property usually under prescribed similar conditions.\cr
+#' ResultCommentText \tab character \tab	Free text with general comments concerning the result.\cr
+#' USGSPCode * \tab character \tab 	5-digit number used in the US Geological Survey computerized data system, National Water Information System (NWIS), to uniquely identify a specific constituent.\cr
+#' ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue + \tab character \tab 	A measurement of the vertical location (measured from a reference point) at which a result occurred.\cr
+#' ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode + \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+#' ResultDepthAltitudeReferencePointText + \tab character \tab 	The reference used to indicate the datum or reference used to establish the depth/altitude of a result.\cr
+#' SubjectTaxonomicName \tab character \tab	The name of the organism from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
+#' SampleTissueAnatomyName  * \tab character \tab 	The name of the anatomy from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
+#' ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodIdentifier \tab character \tab	The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher.\cr
+#' ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodIdentifierContext \tab character \tab	Identifies the source or data system that created or defined the identifier.\cr
+#' ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodName \tab character \tab	The title that appears on the method from the method publisher.\cr
+#' MethodDescriptionText * \tab character \tab 	A brief summary that provides general information about the method.\cr
+#' LaboratoryName \tab character \tab	The name of Lab responsible for the result.\cr
+#' AnalysisStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date on which the analysis began.\cr
+#' ResultLaboratoryCommentText \tab character \tab	Remarks which further describe the laboratory procedures which produced the result.\cr
+#' DetectionQuantitationLimitTypeName \tab character \tab	Text describing the type of detection or quantitation level used in the analysis of a characteristic.\cr
+#' DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue \tab numeric \tab	Constituent concentration that, when processed through the complete method, produces a signal that is statistically different from a blank. Measure value is given in the units stored in DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+#' DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+#' PreparationStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date when the preparation/extraction of the sample for analysis began.\cr
+#' ActivityStartDateTime \tab POSIXct \tab Activity start date and time converted to POSIXct UTC.\cr
+#' ActivityEndDateTime \tab POSIXct \tab Activity end date and time converted to POSIXct UTC.\cr
+#' }
+#' * = elements only in NWIS
+#' + = elements only in STORET
 #' There are also several useful attributes attached to the data frame:
 #' \tabular{lll}{
diff --git a/R/readWQPqw.r b/R/readWQPqw.r
index 045d91ebed2e9698157240c75b5038da1fb0dd42..7bee617a7866258bd027fce4866f96f2b781b7c9 100644
--- a/R/readWQPqw.r
+++ b/R/readWQPqw.r
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 #' \tabular{lll}{ 
 #' Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
 #' OrganizationIdentifier \tab character \tab  A designator used to uniquely identify a unique business establishment within a context.\cr
-#' OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab	The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization.\cr
-#' ActivityIdentifier \tab character \tab	Designator that uniquely identifies an activity within an organization.\cr
+#' OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab  The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization.\cr
+#' ActivityIdentifier \tab character \tab  Designator that uniquely identifies an activity within an organization.\cr
 #' ActivityTypeCode \tab character \tab	The text describing the type of activity.\cr
 #' ActivityMediaName \tab character \tab	Name or code indicating the environmental medium where the sample was taken.\cr
 #' ActivityMediaSubdivisionName \tab character \tab	Name or code indicating the environmental matrix as a subdivision of the sample media.\cr
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 #' ActivityConductingOrganizationText \tab character \tab	A name of the Organization conducting an activity.\cr
 #' MonitoringLocationIdentifier \tab character \tab	A designator used to describe the unique name, number, or code assigned to identify the monitoring location.\cr
 #' ActivityCommentText \tab character \tab	General comments concerning the activity.\cr
-#' SampleAquifer \tab character \tab 	A code that designates the aquifer associated with groundwater samples.\cr
-#' HydrologicCondition \tab character \tab 	Hydrologic condition is the hydrologic condition that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. ? normal, falling, rising, peak stage).\cr
-#' HydrologicEvent \tab character \tab 	A hydrologic event that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. - storm, drought, snowmelt).\cr
+#' SampleAquifer * \tab character \tab 	A code that designates the aquifer associated with groundwater samples.\cr
+#' HydrologicCondition * \tab character \tab 	Hydrologic condition is the hydrologic condition that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. ? normal, falling, rising, peak stage).\cr
+#' HydrologicEvent * \tab character \tab 	A hydrologic event that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. - storm, drought, snowmelt).\cr
 #' SampleCollectionMethod/MethodIdentifier\tab character \tab 	The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher.\cr
 #' SampleCollectionMethod/MethodIdentifierContext \tab character \tab	Identifies the source or data system that created or defined the identifier.\cr
 #' SampleCollectionMethod/MethodName \tab character \tab	The title that appears on the method from the method publisher.\cr
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 #' ResultDetectionConditionText \tab character \tab	The textual descriptor of a result.\cr
 #' CharacteristicName \tab character \tab	The object, property, or substance which is evaluated or enumerated by either a direct field measurement, a direct field observation, or by laboratory analysis of material collected in the field.\cr
 #' ResultSampleFractionText \tab character \tab	The text name of the portion of the sample associated with results obtained from a physically-partitioned sample.\cr
-#' ResultMeasureValue \tab character \tab	The reportable measure of the result for the chemical, microbiological or other characteristic being analyzed. Measure value is given in the units stored in ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+#' ResultMeasureValue \tab numeric \tab	The reportable measure of the result for the chemical, microbiological or other characteristic being analyzed. Measure value is given in the units stored in ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
 #' MeasureQualifierCode \tab character \tab	A code used to identify any qualifying issues that affect the results.\cr
 #' ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
 #' ResultStatusIdentifier \tab character \tab	Indicates the acceptability of the result with respect to QA/QC criteria.\cr
@@ -63,26 +63,28 @@
 #' ResultParticleSizeBasisText \tab character \tab	User defined free text describing the particle size class for which the associated result is defined.\cr
 #' PrecisionValue \tab character \tab	A measure of mutual agreement among individual measurements of the same property usually under prescribed similar conditions.\cr
 #' ResultCommentText \tab character \tab	Free text with general comments concerning the result.\cr
-#' USGSPCode \tab character \tab 	5-digit number used in the US Geological Survey computerized data system, National Water Information System (NWIS), to uniquely identify a specific constituent.\cr
-#' ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab 	A measurement of the vertical location (measured from a reference point) at which a result occurred.\cr
-#' ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
-#' ResultDepthAltitudeReferencePointText \tab character \tab 	The reference used to indicate the datum or reference used to establish the depth/altitude of a result.\cr
+#' USGSPCode * \tab character \tab 	5-digit number used in the US Geological Survey computerized data system, National Water Information System (NWIS), to uniquely identify a specific constituent.\cr
+#' ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue + \tab character \tab 	A measurement of the vertical location (measured from a reference point) at which a result occurred.\cr
+#' ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode + \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+#' ResultDepthAltitudeReferencePointText + \tab character \tab 	The reference used to indicate the datum or reference used to establish the depth/altitude of a result.\cr
 #' SubjectTaxonomicName \tab character \tab	The name of the organism from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
-#' SampleTissueAnatomyName \tab character \tab 	The name of the anatomy from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
+#' SampleTissueAnatomyName  * \tab character \tab 	The name of the anatomy from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
 #' ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodIdentifier \tab character \tab	The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher.\cr
 #' ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodIdentifierContext \tab character \tab	Identifies the source or data system that created or defined the identifier.\cr
 #' ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodName \tab character \tab	The title that appears on the method from the method publisher.\cr
-#' MethodDescriptionText \tab character \tab 	A brief summary that provides general information about the method.\cr
+#' MethodDescriptionText * \tab character \tab 	A brief summary that provides general information about the method.\cr
 #' LaboratoryName \tab character \tab	The name of Lab responsible for the result.\cr
 #' AnalysisStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date on which the analysis began.\cr
 #' ResultLaboratoryCommentText \tab character \tab	Remarks which further describe the laboratory procedures which produced the result.\cr
 #' DetectionQuantitationLimitTypeName \tab character \tab	Text describing the type of detection or quantitation level used in the analysis of a characteristic.\cr
-#' DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	Constituent concentration that, when processed through the complete method, produces a signal that is statistically different from a blank. Measure value is given in the units stored in DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+#' DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue \tab numeric \tab	Constituent concentration that, when processed through the complete method, produces a signal that is statistically different from a blank. Measure value is given in the units stored in DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
 #' DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
 #' PreparationStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date when the preparation/extraction of the sample for analysis began.\cr
 #' ActivityStartDateTime \tab POSIXct \tab Activity start date and time converted to POSIXct UTC.\cr
 #' ActivityEndDateTime \tab POSIXct \tab Activity end date and time converted to POSIXct UTC.\cr
 #' }
+#' * = elements only in NWIS
+#' + = elements only in STORET
 #' There are also several useful attributes attached to the data frame:
 #' \tabular{lll}{
@@ -93,7 +95,6 @@
 #' queryTime \tab POSIXct \tab The time the data was returned \cr
 #' }
 #' @export
-#' @import RCurl
 #' @seealso \code{\link{readWQPdata}}, \code{\link{whatWQPsites}}, 
 #' \code{\link{readNWISqw}}, and \code{\link{importWQP}}
 #' @examples
diff --git a/R/whatWQPsites.R b/R/whatWQPsites.R
index a027b6e23132127e822f1da611ad8cee40f62634..ecbaaa00d92c71fa36fd9e4bd828ab8aad8388b3 100644
--- a/R/whatWQPsites.R
+++ b/R/whatWQPsites.R
@@ -5,8 +5,48 @@
 #' @param \dots see \url{www.waterqualitydata.us/webservices_documentation.jsp} for a complete list of options
 #' @keywords data import WQP web service
-#' @return retval dataframe with first column dateTime, and at least one qualifier and value columns
-#' (subsequent qualifier/value columns could follow depending on requested parameter codes)
+#' @return A data frame with at least the following columns:
+#' \tabular{lll}{ 
+#' Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
+#' OrganizationIdentifier \tab character \tab  A designator used to uniquely identify a unique business establishment within a context. \cr
+#' OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab	The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization. \cr
+#' MonitoringLocationIdentifier \tab character \tab	A designator used to describe the unique name, number, or code assigned to identify the monitoring location. \cr
+#' MonitoringLocationName \tab character \tab	The designator specified by the sampling organization for the site at which sampling or other activities are conducted. \cr
+#' MonitoringLocationTypeName \tab character \tab	The descriptive name for a type of monitoring location. \cr
+#' MonitoringLocationDescriptionText \tab character \tab 	Text description of the monitoring location. \cr
+#' HUCEightDigitCode \tab character \tab	The 8 digit federal code used to identify the hydrologic unit of the monitoring location to the cataloging unit level of precision. \cr
+#' DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	The drainage basin of a lake, stream, wetland, or estuary site. Measure value is given in the units stored in DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+#' DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+#' ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	The contributing drainage area of a lake, stream, wetland, or estuary site. Measure value is given in the units stored in ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+#' ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+#' LatitudeMeasure \tab numeric \tab	The measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator. \cr
+#' LongitudeMeasure \tab numeric \tab	The measure of the angular distance on a meridian east or west of the prime meridian. \cr
+#' SourceMapScaleNumeric \tab character \tab	The number that represents the proportional distance on the ground for one unit of measure on the map or photo. \cr
+#' HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	The horizontal measure of the relative accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates." Measure value is given in the units stored in HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+#' HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+#' HorizontalCollectionMethodName \tab character \tab	The name that identifies the method used to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates for a point on the earth. \cr
+#' HorizontalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName \tab character \tab	The name that describes the reference datum used in determining latitude and longitude coordinates. \cr
+#' VerticalMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	The measure of elevation (i.e., the altitude), above or below a reference datum. Measure value is given in the units stored in VerticalMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+#' VerticalMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+#' VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	The vertical measure of the relative accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates. Measure value is given in the units stored in VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+#' VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+#' VerticalCollectionMethodName \tab character \tab	The name that identifies the method used to collect the vertical measure (i.e. the altitude) of a reference point. \cr
+#' VerticalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName \tab character \tab	The name of the reference datum used to determine the vertical measure (i.e., the altitude). \cr
+#' CountryCode \tab character \tab	A code designator used to identify a primary geopolitical unit of the world. \cr
+#' StateCode \tab character \tab	A code designator used to identify a principal administrative subdivision of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. \cr
+#' CountyCode \tab character \tab	A code designator used to identify a U.S. county or county equivalent. \cr
+#' AquiferName * \tab character \tab 	Name of the aquifer in which the well is completed. \cr
+#' FormationTypeText * \tab character \tab	Name of the primary formation or soils unit, in which the well is completed. \cr
+#' AquiferTypeName * \tab character \tab	The type of aquifer, such as confined or unconfined. \cr
+#' ConstructionDateText * \tab character \tab	Date of construction when well was completed. May be year only. \cr
+#' WellDepthMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	Depth below land surface datum (LSD) to the bottom of the hole on completion of drilling. Measure value is given in the units stored in WellDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+#' WellDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+#' WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	Depth below land surface datum (LSD) to the bottom of the hole on completion of drilling. Measure value is given in the units stored in WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+#' WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+#' queryTime \tab POSIXct \tab Query time \cr
+#' }
+#' * element is only in NWIS
 #' @export
 #' @examples
 #' \dontrun{
diff --git a/man/importWQP.Rd b/man/importWQP.Rd
index aaa844df5ea1ee2cb83d02dde41918fe3022ccdb..c5880afd4462a43961eb699b7ffb9fa7535d89f7 100644
--- a/man/importWQP.Rd
+++ b/man/importWQP.Rd
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/De
 retval dataframe raw data returned from the Water Quality Portal. Additionally, a POSIXct dateTime column is supplied for
-start and end times.
+start and end times, and converted to UTC. See \url{http://www.waterqualitydata.us/portal_userguide.jsp} for more information.
 Imports data from the Water Quality Portal based on a specified url.
diff --git a/man/readWQPdata.Rd b/man/readWQPdata.Rd
index 7496e99afa8bbcd03f38dafae93e10bbbfcd2705..4231bff4daf8c512a00b99bb46a3de563e09d657 100644
--- a/man/readWQPdata.Rd
+++ b/man/readWQPdata.Rd
@@ -9,8 +9,76 @@ readWQPdata(...)
 \item{\dots}{see \url{www.waterqualitydata.us/webservices_documentation.jsp} for a complete list of options}
-retval dataframe with first column dateTime, and at least one qualifier and value columns
-(subsequent qualifier/value columns could follow depending on requested parameter codes)
+A data frame with at least the following columns:
+Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
+OrganizationIdentifier \tab character \tab  A designator used to uniquely identify a unique business establishment within a context.\cr
+OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab  The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization.\cr
+ActivityIdentifier \tab character \tab	Designator that uniquely identifies an activity within an organization.\cr
+ActivityTypeCode \tab character \tab	The text describing the type of activity.\cr
+ActivityMediaName \tab character \tab	Name or code indicating the environmental medium where the sample was taken.\cr
+ActivityMediaSubdivisionName \tab character \tab	Name or code indicating the environmental matrix as a subdivision of the sample media.\cr
+ActivityStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date on which the field activity is started.\cr
+ActivityStartTime/Time \tab character \tab	The time of day that is reported when the field activity began, based on a 24-hour timescale.\cr
+ActivityStartTime/TimeZoneCode \tab character \tab	The time zone for which the time of day is reported. Any of the longitudinal divisions of the earth's surface in which a standard time is kept.\cr
+ActivityEndDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date when the field activity is completed.\cr
+ActivityEndTime/Time \tab character \tab	The time of day that is reported when the field activity ended, based on a 24-hour timescale.\cr
+ActivityEndTime/TimeZoneCode \tab character \tab	The time zone for which the time of day is reported. Any of the longitudinal divisions of the earth's surface in which a standard time is kept.\cr
+ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	A measurement of the vertical location (measured from a reference point) at which an activity occurred. Measure value is given in the units stored in ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+ActivityDepthAltitudeReferencePointText \tab character \tab	The reference used to indicate the datum or reference used to establish the depth/altitude of an activity.\cr
+ActivityTopDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	A measurement of the upper vertical location of a vertical location range (measured from a reference point) at which an activity occurred. Measure value is given in the units stored in ActivityTopDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+ActivityTopDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+ActivityBottomDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	A measurement of the lower vertical location of a vertical location range (measured from a reference point) at which an activity occurred. Measure value is given in the units stored in ActivityBottomDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+ActivityBottomDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+ProjectIdentifier \tab character \tab 	A designator used to uniquely identify a data collection project within a context of an organization.\cr
+ActivityConductingOrganizationText \tab character \tab	A name of the Organization conducting an activity.\cr
+MonitoringLocationIdentifier \tab character \tab	A designator used to describe the unique name, number, or code assigned to identify the monitoring location.\cr
+ActivityCommentText \tab character \tab	General comments concerning the activity.\cr
+SampleAquifer * \tab character \tab 	A code that designates the aquifer associated with groundwater samples.\cr
+HydrologicCondition * \tab character \tab 	Hydrologic condition is the hydrologic condition that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. ? normal, falling, rising, peak stage).\cr
+HydrologicEvent * \tab character \tab 	A hydrologic event that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. - storm, drought, snowmelt).\cr
+SampleCollectionMethod/MethodIdentifier\tab character \tab 	The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher.\cr
+SampleCollectionMethod/MethodIdentifierContext \tab character \tab	Identifies the source or data system that created or defined the identifier.\cr
+SampleCollectionMethod/MethodName \tab character \tab	The title that appears on the method from the method publisher.\cr
+SampleCollectionEquipmentName \tab character \tab	The name for the equipment used in collecting the sample.\cr
+ResultDetectionConditionText \tab character \tab	The textual descriptor of a result.\cr
+CharacteristicName \tab character \tab	The object, property, or substance which is evaluated or enumerated by either a direct field measurement, a direct field observation, or by laboratory analysis of material collected in the field.\cr
+ResultSampleFractionText \tab character \tab	The text name of the portion of the sample associated with results obtained from a physically-partitioned sample.\cr
+ResultMeasureValue \tab numeric \tab	The reportable measure of the result for the chemical, microbiological or other characteristic being analyzed. Measure value is given in the units stored in ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+MeasureQualifierCode \tab character \tab	A code used to identify any qualifying issues that affect the results.\cr
+ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+ResultStatusIdentifier \tab character \tab	Indicates the acceptability of the result with respect to QA/QC criteria.\cr
+StatisticalBaseCode \tab character \tab	The code for the method used to calculate derived results.\cr
+ResultValueTypeName \tab character \tab	A name that qualifies the process which was used in the determination of the result value (e.g., actual, estimated, calculated).\cr
+ResultWeightBasisText \tab character \tab	The name that represents the form of the sample or portion of the sample which is associated with the result value (e.g., wet weight, dry weight, ash-free dry weight).\cr
+ResultTimeBasisText \tab character \tab	The period of time (in days) over which a measurement was made. For example, BOD can be measured as 5 day or 20 day BOD.\cr
+ResultTemperatureBasisText \tab character \tab	The name that represents the controlled temperature at which the sample was maintained during analysis, e.g. 25 deg BOD analysis.\cr
+ResultParticleSizeBasisText \tab character \tab	User defined free text describing the particle size class for which the associated result is defined.\cr
+PrecisionValue \tab character \tab	A measure of mutual agreement among individual measurements of the same property usually under prescribed similar conditions.\cr
+ResultCommentText \tab character \tab	Free text with general comments concerning the result.\cr
+USGSPCode * \tab character \tab 	5-digit number used in the US Geological Survey computerized data system, National Water Information System (NWIS), to uniquely identify a specific constituent.\cr
+ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue + \tab character \tab 	A measurement of the vertical location (measured from a reference point) at which a result occurred.\cr
+ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode + \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+ResultDepthAltitudeReferencePointText + \tab character \tab 	The reference used to indicate the datum or reference used to establish the depth/altitude of a result.\cr
+SubjectTaxonomicName \tab character \tab	The name of the organism from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
+SampleTissueAnatomyName  * \tab character \tab 	The name of the anatomy from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
+ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodIdentifier \tab character \tab	The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher.\cr
+ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodIdentifierContext \tab character \tab	Identifies the source or data system that created or defined the identifier.\cr
+ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodName \tab character \tab	The title that appears on the method from the method publisher.\cr
+MethodDescriptionText * \tab character \tab 	A brief summary that provides general information about the method.\cr
+LaboratoryName \tab character \tab	The name of Lab responsible for the result.\cr
+AnalysisStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date on which the analysis began.\cr
+ResultLaboratoryCommentText \tab character \tab	Remarks which further describe the laboratory procedures which produced the result.\cr
+DetectionQuantitationLimitTypeName \tab character \tab	Text describing the type of detection or quantitation level used in the analysis of a characteristic.\cr
+DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue \tab numeric \tab	Constituent concentration that, when processed through the complete method, produces a signal that is statistically different from a blank. Measure value is given in the units stored in DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+PreparationStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date when the preparation/extraction of the sample for analysis began.\cr
+ActivityStartDateTime \tab POSIXct \tab Activity start date and time converted to POSIXct UTC.\cr
+ActivityEndDateTime \tab POSIXct \tab Activity end date and time converted to POSIXct UTC.\cr
+* = elements only in NWIS
++ = elements only in STORET
 There are also several useful attributes attached to the data frame:
diff --git a/man/readWQPqw.Rd b/man/readWQPqw.Rd
index ea02a92ee83d4e854db3709e03e7bec76590d5a0..43355e432b9898cd4619365e1458c1eccc6314db 100644
--- a/man/readWQPqw.Rd
+++ b/man/readWQPqw.Rd
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ A data frame with at least the following columns:
 Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
 OrganizationIdentifier \tab character \tab  A designator used to uniquely identify a unique business establishment within a context.\cr
-OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab	The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization.\cr
-ActivityIdentifier \tab character \tab	Designator that uniquely identifies an activity within an organization.\cr
+OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab  The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization.\cr
+ActivityIdentifier \tab character \tab  Designator that uniquely identifies an activity within an organization.\cr
 ActivityTypeCode \tab character \tab	The text describing the type of activity.\cr
 ActivityMediaName \tab character \tab	Name or code indicating the environmental medium where the sample was taken.\cr
 ActivityMediaSubdivisionName \tab character \tab	Name or code indicating the environmental matrix as a subdivision of the sample media.\cr
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ ProjectIdentifier \tab character \tab 	A designator used to uniquely identify a
 ActivityConductingOrganizationText \tab character \tab	A name of the Organization conducting an activity.\cr
 MonitoringLocationIdentifier \tab character \tab	A designator used to describe the unique name, number, or code assigned to identify the monitoring location.\cr
 ActivityCommentText \tab character \tab	General comments concerning the activity.\cr
-SampleAquifer \tab character \tab 	A code that designates the aquifer associated with groundwater samples.\cr
-HydrologicCondition \tab character \tab 	Hydrologic condition is the hydrologic condition that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. ? normal, falling, rising, peak stage).\cr
-HydrologicEvent \tab character \tab 	A hydrologic event that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. - storm, drought, snowmelt).\cr
+SampleAquifer * \tab character \tab 	A code that designates the aquifer associated with groundwater samples.\cr
+HydrologicCondition * \tab character \tab 	Hydrologic condition is the hydrologic condition that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. ? normal, falling, rising, peak stage).\cr
+HydrologicEvent * \tab character \tab 	A hydrologic event that is represented by the sample collected (i.e. - storm, drought, snowmelt).\cr
 SampleCollectionMethod/MethodIdentifier\tab character \tab 	The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher.\cr
 SampleCollectionMethod/MethodIdentifierContext \tab character \tab	Identifies the source or data system that created or defined the identifier.\cr
 SampleCollectionMethod/MethodName \tab character \tab	The title that appears on the method from the method publisher.\cr
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ SampleCollectionEquipmentName \tab character \tab	The name for the equipment use
 ResultDetectionConditionText \tab character \tab	The textual descriptor of a result.\cr
 CharacteristicName \tab character \tab	The object, property, or substance which is evaluated or enumerated by either a direct field measurement, a direct field observation, or by laboratory analysis of material collected in the field.\cr
 ResultSampleFractionText \tab character \tab	The text name of the portion of the sample associated with results obtained from a physically-partitioned sample.\cr
-ResultMeasureValue \tab character \tab	The reportable measure of the result for the chemical, microbiological or other characteristic being analyzed. Measure value is given in the units stored in ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+ResultMeasureValue \tab numeric \tab	The reportable measure of the result for the chemical, microbiological or other characteristic being analyzed. Measure value is given in the units stored in ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
 MeasureQualifierCode \tab character \tab	A code used to identify any qualifying issues that affect the results.\cr
 ResultMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
 ResultStatusIdentifier \tab character \tab	Indicates the acceptability of the result with respect to QA/QC criteria.\cr
@@ -66,26 +66,28 @@ ResultTemperatureBasisText \tab character \tab	The name that represents the cont
 ResultParticleSizeBasisText \tab character \tab	User defined free text describing the particle size class for which the associated result is defined.\cr
 PrecisionValue \tab character \tab	A measure of mutual agreement among individual measurements of the same property usually under prescribed similar conditions.\cr
 ResultCommentText \tab character \tab	Free text with general comments concerning the result.\cr
-USGSPCode \tab character \tab 	5-digit number used in the US Geological Survey computerized data system, National Water Information System (NWIS), to uniquely identify a specific constituent.\cr
-ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab 	A measurement of the vertical location (measured from a reference point) at which a result occurred.\cr
-ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
-ResultDepthAltitudeReferencePointText \tab character \tab 	The reference used to indicate the datum or reference used to establish the depth/altitude of a result.\cr
+USGSPCode * \tab character \tab 	5-digit number used in the US Geological Survey computerized data system, National Water Information System (NWIS), to uniquely identify a specific constituent.\cr
+ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue + \tab character \tab 	A measurement of the vertical location (measured from a reference point) at which a result occurred.\cr
+ResultDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureUnitCode + \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
+ResultDepthAltitudeReferencePointText + \tab character \tab 	The reference used to indicate the datum or reference used to establish the depth/altitude of a result.\cr
 SubjectTaxonomicName \tab character \tab	The name of the organism from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
-SampleTissueAnatomyName \tab character \tab 	The name of the anatomy from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
+SampleTissueAnatomyName  * \tab character \tab 	The name of the anatomy from which a tissue sample was taken.\cr
 ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodIdentifier \tab character \tab	The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher.\cr
 ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodIdentifierContext \tab character \tab	Identifies the source or data system that created or defined the identifier.\cr
 ResultAnalyticalMethod/MethodName \tab character \tab	The title that appears on the method from the method publisher.\cr
-MethodDescriptionText \tab character \tab 	A brief summary that provides general information about the method.\cr
+MethodDescriptionText * \tab character \tab 	A brief summary that provides general information about the method.\cr
 LaboratoryName \tab character \tab	The name of Lab responsible for the result.\cr
 AnalysisStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date on which the analysis began.\cr
 ResultLaboratoryCommentText \tab character \tab	Remarks which further describe the laboratory procedures which produced the result.\cr
 DetectionQuantitationLimitTypeName \tab character \tab	Text describing the type of detection or quantitation level used in the analysis of a characteristic.\cr
-DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	Constituent concentration that, when processed through the complete method, produces a signal that is statistically different from a blank. Measure value is given in the units stored in DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
+DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue \tab numeric \tab	Constituent concentration that, when processed through the complete method, produces a signal that is statistically different from a blank. Measure value is given in the units stored in DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode.\cr
 DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item.\cr
 PreparationStartDate \tab character \tab	The calendar date when the preparation/extraction of the sample for analysis began.\cr
 ActivityStartDateTime \tab POSIXct \tab Activity start date and time converted to POSIXct UTC.\cr
 ActivityEndDateTime \tab POSIXct \tab Activity end date and time converted to POSIXct UTC.\cr
+* = elements only in NWIS
++ = elements only in STORET
 There are also several useful attributes attached to the data frame:
diff --git a/man/whatWQPsites.Rd b/man/whatWQPsites.Rd
index 9875d419d2af453b6710267b5b8a3340b21932ce..743b2f17f8e490f1afb3e9a5fba54c83493ca91b 100644
--- a/man/whatWQPsites.Rd
+++ b/man/whatWQPsites.Rd
@@ -9,8 +9,47 @@ whatWQPsites(...)
 \item{\dots}{see \url{www.waterqualitydata.us/webservices_documentation.jsp} for a complete list of options}
-retval dataframe with first column dateTime, and at least one qualifier and value columns
-(subsequent qualifier/value columns could follow depending on requested parameter codes)
+A data frame with at least the following columns:
+Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
+OrganizationIdentifier \tab character \tab  A designator used to uniquely identify a unique business establishment within a context. \cr
+OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab	The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization. \cr
+MonitoringLocationIdentifier \tab character \tab	A designator used to describe the unique name, number, or code assigned to identify the monitoring location. \cr
+MonitoringLocationName \tab character \tab	The designator specified by the sampling organization for the site at which sampling or other activities are conducted. \cr
+MonitoringLocationTypeName \tab character \tab	The descriptive name for a type of monitoring location. \cr
+MonitoringLocationDescriptionText \tab character \tab 	Text description of the monitoring location. \cr
+HUCEightDigitCode \tab character \tab	The 8 digit federal code used to identify the hydrologic unit of the monitoring location to the cataloging unit level of precision. \cr
+DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	The drainage basin of a lake, stream, wetland, or estuary site. Measure value is given in the units stored in DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	The contributing drainage area of a lake, stream, wetland, or estuary site. Measure value is given in the units stored in ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+LatitudeMeasure \tab numeric \tab	The measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator. \cr
+LongitudeMeasure \tab numeric \tab	The measure of the angular distance on a meridian east or west of the prime meridian. \cr
+SourceMapScaleNumeric \tab character \tab	The number that represents the proportional distance on the ground for one unit of measure on the map or photo. \cr
+HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	The horizontal measure of the relative accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates." Measure value is given in the units stored in HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+HorizontalCollectionMethodName \tab character \tab	The name that identifies the method used to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates for a point on the earth. \cr
+HorizontalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName \tab character \tab	The name that describes the reference datum used in determining latitude and longitude coordinates. \cr
+VerticalMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab	The measure of elevation (i.e., the altitude), above or below a reference datum. Measure value is given in the units stored in VerticalMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+VerticalMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	The vertical measure of the relative accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates. Measure value is given in the units stored in VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+VerticalCollectionMethodName \tab character \tab	The name that identifies the method used to collect the vertical measure (i.e. the altitude) of a reference point. \cr
+VerticalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName \tab character \tab	The name of the reference datum used to determine the vertical measure (i.e., the altitude). \cr
+CountryCode \tab character \tab	A code designator used to identify a primary geopolitical unit of the world. \cr
+StateCode \tab character \tab	A code designator used to identify a principal administrative subdivision of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. \cr
+CountyCode \tab character \tab	A code designator used to identify a U.S. county or county equivalent. \cr
+AquiferName * \tab character \tab 	Name of the aquifer in which the well is completed. \cr
+FormationTypeText * \tab character \tab	Name of the primary formation or soils unit, in which the well is completed. \cr
+AquiferTypeName * \tab character \tab	The type of aquifer, such as confined or unconfined. \cr
+ConstructionDateText * \tab character \tab	Date of construction when well was completed. May be year only. \cr
+WellDepthMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	Depth below land surface datum (LSD) to the bottom of the hole on completion of drilling. Measure value is given in the units stored in WellDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+WellDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab	Depth below land surface datum (LSD) to the bottom of the hole on completion of drilling. Measure value is given in the units stored in WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr
+WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab	The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr
+queryTime \tab POSIXct \tab Query time \cr
+* element is only in NWIS
 Returns a list of sites from the Water Quality Portal web service. This function gets the data from: \url{http://www.waterqualitydata.us}.