From 8194336514d0b5e72f64d7273d9b9e67cf9acd60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: unknown <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:03:39 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Improving error handling.

 R/importWQP.R | 179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/importWQP.R b/R/importWQP.R
index d02e5dc2..89d6d707 100644
--- a/R/importWQP.R
+++ b/R/importWQP.R
@@ -28,107 +28,116 @@
 #' }
 importWQP <- function(url, zip=FALSE, tz=""){
-  h <- basicHeaderGatherer()
+  if(zip){
+    headerInfo <- HEAD(url)$headers
+    temp <- tempfile()
+    options(timeout = 120)
+    possibleError <- tryCatch(
+      download.file(url,temp, quiet=TRUE, mode='wb'),
+      error = function(e)  e
+    )
+  } else {
+    h <- basicHeaderGatherer()
+    possibleError <- tryCatch(
+      doc <- getURL(url, headerfunction = h$update),
+      error = function(e)  e
+    )
+  }
-  tryCatch({  
+  if(!inherits(possibleError, "error")){
-      headerInfo <- HEAD(url)$headers
-      temp <- tempfile()
-      options(timeout = 120)
-      download.file(url,temp, quiet=TRUE, mode='wb')
       doc <- unzip(temp)
     } else {
-      doc <- getURL(url, headerfunction = h$update)
       headerInfo <- h$value()
+    }
+    if(tz != ""){
+      tz <- match.arg(tz, c("America/New_York","America/Chicago",
+                            "America/Denver","America/Los_Angeles",
+                            "America/Anchorage","America/Honolulu",
+                            "America/Jamaica","America/Managua",
+                            "America/Phoenix","America/Metlakatla"))
-  }, warning = function(w) {
-    message(paste("URL caused a warning:", url))
-    message(w)
-  }, error = function(e) {
-    message(paste("URL does not seem to exist:", url))
-    message(e)
-    return(NA)
-  })
-  if(tz != ""){
-    tz <- match.arg(tz, c("America/New_York","America/Chicago",
-                          "America/Denver","America/Los_Angeles",
-                          "America/Anchorage","America/Honolulu",
-                          "America/Jamaica","America/Managua",
-                          "America/Phoenix","America/Metlakatla"))
-  }
+    numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(headerInfo["Total-Result-Count"])
-  numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(headerInfo["Total-Result-Count"])
+    if (! & numToBeReturned != 0){
-  if (! | numToBeReturned != 0){
-    suppressWarnings(namesData <- read.delim(if(zip) doc else textConnection(doc) , header = TRUE, quote="\"",
-                                             dec=".", sep='\t',
-                                             colClasses='character',
-                                             fill = TRUE,nrow=1))
-    classColumns <- setNames(rep('character',ncol(namesData)),names(namesData))
-    classColumns[grep("MeasureValue",names(classColumns))] <- NA
-    suppressWarnings(retval <- read.delim(if(zip) doc else textConnection(doc), header = TRUE, quote="\"", 
-                         dec=".", sep='\t', 
-                         colClasses=as.character(classColumns), 
-                         fill = TRUE))
-    actualNumReturned <- nrow(retval)
-    retval[,names(which(sapply(retval[,grep("MeasureValue",names(retval))], function(x)all(] <- ""
-    if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned) warning(numToBeReturned, " sample results were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned")
-    offsetLibrary <- setNames(c(5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8, 10, 10),
-                              c("EST","EDT","CST","CDT","MST","MDT","PST","PDT","AKST","AKDT","HAST","HST"))
-    timeZoneStart <- offsetLibrary[retval$ActivityStartTime.TimeZoneCode]
-    timeZoneEnd <- offsetLibrary[retval$ActivityEndTime.TimeZoneCode]
-    timeZoneStart[] <- 0
-    timeZoneEnd[] <- 0
-    if("ActivityStartDate" %in% names(retval)){
-      if(any(retval$ActivityStartDate != "")){
-        suppressWarnings(retval$ActivityStartDate <- as.Date(parse_date_time(retval$ActivityStartDate, c("Ymd", "mdY"))))
+      suppressWarnings(namesData <- read.delim(if(zip) doc else textConnection(doc) , header = TRUE, quote="\"",
+                                               dec=".", sep='\t',
+                                               colClasses='character',
+                                               fill = TRUE,nrow=1))
+      classColumns <- setNames(rep('character',ncol(namesData)),names(namesData))
+      classColumns[grep("MeasureValue",names(classColumns))] <- NA
+      suppressWarnings(retval <- read.delim(if(zip) doc else textConnection(doc), header = TRUE, quote="\"", 
+                           dec=".", sep='\t', 
+                           colClasses=as.character(classColumns), 
+                           fill = TRUE))
+      actualNumReturned <- nrow(retval)
+      retval[,names(which(sapply(retval[,grep("MeasureValue",names(retval))], function(x)all(] <- ""
+      if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned) warning(numToBeReturned, " sample results were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned")
+      offsetLibrary <- setNames(c(5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8, 10, 10),
+                                c("EST","EDT","CST","CDT","MST","MDT","PST","PDT","AKST","AKDT","HAST","HST"))
+      timeZoneStart <- offsetLibrary[retval$ActivityStartTime.TimeZoneCode]
+      timeZoneEnd <- offsetLibrary[retval$ActivityEndTime.TimeZoneCode]
+      timeZoneStart[] <- 0
+      timeZoneEnd[] <- 0
+      if("ActivityStartDate" %in% names(retval)){
+        if(any(retval$ActivityStartDate != "")){
+          suppressWarnings(retval$ActivityStartDate <- as.Date(parse_date_time(retval$ActivityStartDate, c("Ymd", "mdY"))))
+        }
+      }
+      if("ActivityEndDate" %in% names(retval)){
+        if(any(retval$ActivityEndDate != "")){
+          suppressWarnings(retval$ActivityEndDate <- as.Date(parse_date_time(retval$ActivityEndDate, c("Ymd", "mdY"))))
+        }        
+      }
+      if(any(!{
+        retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityStartDate, ActivityStartTime.Time),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
+        retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- retval$ActivityStartDateTime + timeZoneStart*60*60
+        retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- as.POSIXct(retval$ActivityStartDateTime)
+        attr(retval$ActivityStartDateTime, "tzone") <- "UTC"
-    }
-    if("ActivityEndDate" %in% names(retval)){
-      if(any(retval$ActivityEndDate != "")){
-        suppressWarnings(retval$ActivityEndDate <- as.Date(parse_date_time(retval$ActivityEndDate, c("Ymd", "mdY"))))
-      }        
-    }
-    if(any(!{
-      retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityStartDate, ActivityStartTime.Time),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
-      retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- retval$ActivityStartDateTime + timeZoneStart*60*60
-      retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- as.POSIXct(retval$ActivityStartDateTime)
-      attr(retval$ActivityStartDateTime, "tzone") <- "UTC"
+      if(any(!{      
+        retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityEndDate, ActivityEndTime.Time),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
+        retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- retval$ActivityEndDateTime + timeZoneEnd*60*60
+        retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- as.POSIXct(retval$ActivityEndDateTime)
+        attr(retval$ActivityEndDateTime, "tzone") <- "UTC"
+      }
-    }
-    if(any(!{      
-      retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityEndDate, ActivityEndTime.Time),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
-      retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- retval$ActivityEndDateTime + timeZoneEnd*60*60
-      retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- as.POSIXct(retval$ActivityEndDateTime)
-      attr(retval$ActivityEndDateTime, "tzone") <- "UTC"
-    }
+      if(all($ActivityEndDateTime))){
+        retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- NULL
+      }
+      return(retval)
-    if(all($ActivityEndDateTime))){
-      retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- NULL
+    } else {
+      warning("No data to retrieve")
+      return(NA)
-    return(retval)
   } else {
-    warning("No data to retrieve")
-    return(NA)
+    if(zip){
+      unlink(temp)
+    }
+    message(e)
\ No newline at end of file