From a87743645937d7890466b23faf40882f2edc7f55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: unknown <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:25:39 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Help file updates.

 man/importWQP.Rd      |  7 ++++++-
 man/importWaterML2.Rd |  5 +++--
 man/pCodeToName.Rd    | 11 +++++++++++
 man/readNWISgwl.Rd    | 11 ++++++-----
 man/readNWISmeas.Rd   |  9 ++++++---
 man/readNWISpeak.Rd   | 10 +++-------
 man/readNWISuv.Rd     | 14 +++++++-------
 7 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 man/pCodeToName.Rd

diff --git a/man/importWQP.Rd b/man/importWQP.Rd
index c77b4346..aaa844df 100644
--- a/man/importWQP.Rd
+++ b/man/importWQP.Rd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.2): do not edit by hand
-\title{Basic Water Quality Portal Data grabber}
+\title{Basic Water Quality Portal Data parser}
 importWQP(url, zip = FALSE, tz = "")
@@ -30,8 +30,13 @@ rawSampleURL <- constructWQPURL('USGS-01594440','01075', '', '')
 rawSample <- importWQP(rawSampleURL)
 url2 <- paste0(rawSampleURL,"&zip=yes")
 rawSample2 <- importWQP(url2, TRUE)
+STORETex <- constructWQPURL('WIDNR_WQX-10032762','Specific conductance', '', '')
+STORETdata <- importWQP(STORETex)
+\code{\link{readWQPdata}}, \code{\link{readWQPqw}}, \code{\link{whatWQPsites}}
diff --git a/man/importWaterML2.Rd b/man/importWaterML2.Rd
index 8175999b..9fca77fb 100644
--- a/man/importWaterML2.Rd
+++ b/man/importWaterML2.Rd
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/De
 "America/Anchorage","America/Honolulu","America/Jamaica","America/Managua","America/Phoenix", and "America/Metlakatla"}
-mergedDF a data frame containing columns agency, site, dateTime, values, and remark codes for all requested combinations
+mergedDF a data frame time, value, description, qualifier, and identifier
-This function accepts a url parameter for a WaterML2 getObservation
+This function accepts a url parameter for a WaterML2 getObservation. This function is still under development,
+but the general functionality is correct.
 baseURL <- ",2.0"
diff --git a/man/pCodeToName.Rd b/man/pCodeToName.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e333c6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pCodeToName.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.2): do not edit by hand
+\title{Data to convert USGS parameter code to characteristic names}
+Data pulled from Water Quality Portal on November 25, 2014.
diff --git a/man/readNWISgwl.Rd b/man/readNWISgwl.Rd
index f1f571c0..cb2fac55 100644
--- a/man/readNWISgwl.Rd
+++ b/man/readNWISgwl.Rd
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ readNWISgwl(siteNumbers, startDate = "", endDate = "")
 A data frame with the following columns:
 Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
-agency \tab character \tab The NWIS code for the agency reporting the data\cr
-site \tab character \tab The USGS site number \cr
-datetime \tab character \tab The date and time of the value as a character \cr
-tz_cd \tab character \tab The time zone code for datetime \cr
+agency_cd \tab character \tab The NWIS code for the agency reporting the data\cr
+site_no \tab character \tab The USGS site number \cr
+dateTime \tab character \tab The date and time of the value as a character \cr
+tz_cd \tab character \tab The time zone code for dateTime \cr
 code \tab character \tab Any codes that qualify the corresponding value\cr
 value \tab numeric \tab The numeric value for the parameter \cr
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ queryTime \tab POSIXct \tab The time the data was returned \cr
 Reads groundwater level measurements from NWISweb. Mixed date/times come back from the service
-depending on the year that the data was collected.
+depending on the year that the data was collected. See \url{}
+for details about groundwater
 siteNumber <- "434400121275801"
diff --git a/man/readNWISmeas.Rd b/man/readNWISmeas.Rd
index da408ade..688300e5 100644
--- a/man/readNWISmeas.Rd
+++ b/man/readNWISmeas.Rd
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ readNWISmeas(siteNumber, startDate = "", endDate = "", tz = "")
 \item{endDate}{character ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.}
-\item{tz}{character to set timezone attribute of datetime. Default is an empty quote, which converts the
-datetimes to UTC (properly accounting for daylight savings times based on the data's provided tz_cd column).
+\item{tz}{character to set timezone attribute of dateTime. Default is an empty quote, which converts the
+dateTimes to UTC (properly accounting for daylight savings times based on the data's provided tz_cd column).
 Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/Denver","America/Los_Angeles",
 "America/Anchorage","America/Honolulu","America/Jamaica","America/Managua","America/Phoenix", and "America/Metlakatla"}
@@ -23,15 +23,18 @@ A data frame with at least the following columns:
 Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
 agency_cd \tab character \tab The NWIS code for the agency reporting the data\cr
 site_no \tab character \tab The USGS site number \cr
-tz_cd \tab character \tab The time zone code for datetime \cr
+tz_cd \tab character \tab The time zone code for dateTime \cr
+See \url{} for details about surface water.
 There are also several useful attributes attached to the data frame:
 Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
 url \tab character \tab The url used to generate the data \cr
 queryTime \tab POSIXct \tab The time the data was returned \cr
 comment \tab character \tab Header comments from the RDB file \cr
+siteInfo \tab data.frame \tab A data frame containing information on the requested sites \cr
diff --git a/man/readNWISpeak.Rd b/man/readNWISpeak.Rd
index e171579f..8f8cf938 100644
--- a/man/readNWISpeak.Rd
+++ b/man/readNWISpeak.Rd
@@ -18,17 +18,12 @@ A data frame with the following columns:
 Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
 agency_cd \tab character \tab The NWIS code for the agency reporting the data\cr
 site_no \tab character \tab The USGS site number \cr
-datetime \tab POSIXct \tab The date and time of the value converted to UTC (if asDateTime = TRUE), \cr
+dateTime \tab POSIXct \tab The date and time of the value converted to UTC (if asDateTime = TRUE), \cr
 \tab character \tab or raw character string (if asDateTime = FALSE) \cr
-tz_cd \tab character \tab The time zone code for datetime \cr
+tz_cd \tab character \tab The time zone code for dateTime \cr
 code \tab character \tab Any codes that qualify the corresponding value\cr
 value \tab numeric \tab The numeric value for the parameter \cr
-Note that code and value are repeated for the parameters requested. The names are of the form
-XD_P_S, where X is literal,
-D is an option description of the parameter,
-P is the parameter code,
-and S is the statistic code (if applicable).
 There are also several useful attributes attached to the data frame:
@@ -36,6 +31,7 @@ Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
 url \tab character \tab The url used to generate the data \cr
 queryTime \tab POSIXct \tab The time the data was returned \cr
 comment \tab character \tab Header comments from the RDB file \cr
+siteInfo \tab data.frame \tab A data frame containing information on the requested sites \cr
diff --git a/man/readNWISuv.Rd b/man/readNWISuv.Rd
index fd810547..d78dee06 100644
--- a/man/readNWISuv.Rd
+++ b/man/readNWISuv.Rd
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ readNWISuv(siteNumbers, parameterCd, startDate = "", endDate = "",
 \item{endDate}{character ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.}
-\item{tz}{character to set timezone attribute of datetime. Default is an empty quote, which converts the
-datetimes to UTC (properly accounting for daylight savings times based on the data's provided tz_cd column).
+\item{tz}{character to set timezone attribute of dateTime. Default is an empty quote, which converts the
+dateTimes to UTC (properly accounting for daylight savings times based on the data's provided tz_cd column).
 Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/Denver","America/Los_Angeles",
 "America/Anchorage","America/Honolulu","America/Jamaica","America/Managua","America/Phoenix", and "America/Metlakatla"}
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/De
 A data frame with the following columns:
 Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr
-agency \tab character \tab The NWIS code for the agency reporting the data\cr
-site \tab character \tab The USGS site number \cr
-datetime \tab POSIXct \tab The date and time of the value converted to UTC \cr
-tz_cd \tab character \tab The time zone code for datetime \cr
+agency_cd \tab character \tab The NWIS code for the agency reporting the data\cr
+site_no \tab character \tab The USGS site number \cr
+dateTime \tab POSIXct \tab The date and time of the value converted to UTC \cr
+tz_cd \tab character \tab The time zone code for dateTime \cr
 code \tab character \tab Any codes that qualify the corresponding value\cr
 value \tab numeric \tab The numeric value for the parameter \cr
-Note that code and value are repeated for the parameters requested. The names are of the form
+Note that code and value are repeated for the parameters requested. The names are of the form:
 X_D_P_S, where X is literal,
 D is an option description of the parameter,
 P is the parameter code,