index fa8c262c16d6f490c15b4e25692e067ca9aea80a..21c952b2e20342448e8c91dcdb71d8059e5dac49 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: dataRetrieval
 Type: Package
 Title: Retrieval Functions for USGS and EPA Hydrologic and Water Quality Data
-Version: 2.1.0
-Date: 2014-12-15
+Version: 2.1.1
+Date: 2015-01-02
 Authors@R: c( person("Robert", "Hirsch", role = c("aut"),
     email = "rhirsch@usgs.gov"),
     person("Laura", "DeCicco", role = c("aut","cre"),
diff --git a/R/whatWQPsites.R b/R/whatWQPsites.R
index ec9caeccb53571d495e4f6fb5124981ad060c01b..8160be3aa2076bae0546c95537f6720411e3789f 100644
--- a/R/whatWQPsites.R
+++ b/R/whatWQPsites.R
@@ -59,13 +59,33 @@ whatWQPsites <- function(...){
   matchReturn <- list(...)
-  options <- c("bBox","lat","long","within","countrycode","statecode","countycode","siteType","organization",
-    "siteid","huc","sampleMedia","characteristicType","characteristicName","pCode","activityId",
-    "startDateLo","startDateHi","mimeType","Zip","providers")
-  if(!all(names(matchReturn) %in% options)) warning(matchReturn[!(names(matchReturn) %in% options)],"is not a valid query parameter to the Water Quality Portal")
-  values <- sapply(matchReturn, function(x) URLencode(as.character(paste(eval(x),collapse="",sep=""))))
+  values <- sapply(matchReturn, function(x) URLencode(as.character(paste(eval(x),collapse=";",sep=""))))
+  values <- gsub(",","%2C",values)
+  values <- gsub("%20","+",values)
+  values <- gsub(":","%3A",values)
+  if("bBox" %in% names(values)){
+    values['bBox'] <- gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = ",", x = values['bBox'])
+  }
+  dateNames <- c("startDateLo","startDateHi","startDate","endDate")
+  if(any(names(values) %in% dateNames)){
+    index <- which(names(values) %in% dateNames)
+    # If a valid R date was put in, the format needs to be changed to mm-dd-yyyy for the WQP:
+    if(all(is.Date(as.Date(values[index])))){  
+      dates <- as.Date(values[index])
+      dates <- format(as.Date(dates), format="%m-%d-%Y")
+      values[index] <- dates
+    } else if (!all(is.Date(as.Date(values[index],format="%m-%d-%Y")))){
+      warning("Please check the date format for the arguments: ", paste(names(values)[index], collapse=", "))
+    }
+    names(values)[names(values) == 'beginDate'] <- 'startDateLo'
+    names(values)[names(values) == 'endDate'] <- 'startDateHi'
+  }
   urlCall <- paste(paste(names(values),values,sep="="),collapse="&")