#' Site Data Import from Water Quality Portal #' #' Returns a list of sites from the Water Quality Portal web service. This function gets the data from: \url{http://www.waterqualitydata.us}. #' Arguments to the function should be based on \url{www.waterqualitydata.us/webservices_documentation.jsp} #' #' @param \dots see \url{www.waterqualitydata.us/webservices_documentation.jsp} for a complete list of options #' @keywords data import WQP web service #' @return A data frame with at least the following columns: #' \tabular{lll}{ #' Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr #' OrganizationIdentifier \tab character \tab A designator used to uniquely identify a unique business establishment within a context. \cr #' OrganizationFormalName \tab character \tab The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization. \cr #' MonitoringLocationIdentifier \tab character \tab A designator used to describe the unique name, number, or code assigned to identify the monitoring location. \cr #' MonitoringLocationName \tab character \tab The designator specified by the sampling organization for the site at which sampling or other activities are conducted. \cr #' MonitoringLocationTypeName \tab character \tab The descriptive name for a type of monitoring location. \cr #' MonitoringLocationDescriptionText \tab character \tab Text description of the monitoring location. \cr #' HUCEightDigitCode \tab character \tab The 8 digit federal code used to identify the hydrologic unit of the monitoring location to the cataloging unit level of precision. \cr #' DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab The drainage basin of a lake, stream, wetland, or estuary site. Measure value is given in the units stored in DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr #' DrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr #' ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab The contributing drainage area of a lake, stream, wetland, or estuary site. Measure value is given in the units stored in ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr #' ContributingDrainageAreaMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr #' LatitudeMeasure \tab numeric \tab The measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator. \cr #' LongitudeMeasure \tab numeric \tab The measure of the angular distance on a meridian east or west of the prime meridian. \cr #' SourceMapScaleNumeric \tab character \tab The number that represents the proportional distance on the ground for one unit of measure on the map or photo. \cr #' HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab The horizontal measure of the relative accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates." Measure value is given in the units stored in HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr #' HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr #' HorizontalCollectionMethodName \tab character \tab The name that identifies the method used to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates for a point on the earth. \cr #' HorizontalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName \tab character \tab The name that describes the reference datum used in determining latitude and longitude coordinates. \cr #' VerticalMeasure/MeasureValue \tab character \tab The measure of elevation (i.e., the altitude), above or below a reference datum. Measure value is given in the units stored in VerticalMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr #' VerticalMeasure/MeasureUnitCode \tab character \tab The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr #' VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab The vertical measure of the relative accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates. Measure value is given in the units stored in VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr #' VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr #' VerticalCollectionMethodName \tab character \tab The name that identifies the method used to collect the vertical measure (i.e. the altitude) of a reference point. \cr #' VerticalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName \tab character \tab The name of the reference datum used to determine the vertical measure (i.e., the altitude). \cr #' CountryCode \tab character \tab A code designator used to identify a primary geopolitical unit of the world. \cr #' StateCode \tab character \tab A code designator used to identify a principal administrative subdivision of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. \cr #' CountyCode \tab character \tab A code designator used to identify a U.S. county or county equivalent. \cr #' AquiferName * \tab character \tab Name of the aquifer in which the well is completed. \cr #' FormationTypeText * \tab character \tab Name of the primary formation or soils unit, in which the well is completed. \cr #' AquiferTypeName * \tab character \tab The type of aquifer, such as confined or unconfined. \cr #' ConstructionDateText * \tab character \tab Date of construction when well was completed. May be year only. \cr #' WellDepthMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab Depth below land surface datum (LSD) to the bottom of the hole on completion of drilling. Measure value is given in the units stored in WellDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr #' WellDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr #' WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureValue * \tab character \tab Depth below land surface datum (LSD) to the bottom of the hole on completion of drilling. Measure value is given in the units stored in WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode. \cr #' WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureUnitCode * \tab character \tab The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. \cr #' queryTime \tab POSIXct \tab Query time \cr #' } #' * element is only in NWIS #' #' @export #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' site1 <- whatWQPsites(siteid="USGS-01594440") #' #' type <- "Stream" #' sites <- whatWQPsites(countycode="US:55:025",siteType=type) #' } whatWQPsites <- function(...){ matchReturn <- list(...) values <- sapply(matchReturn, function(x) as.character(paste(eval(x),collapse=";",sep=""))) if("tz" %in% names(values)){ values <- values[!(names(values) %in% "tz")] } if("statecode" %in% names(values)){ stCd <- values["statecode"] if(!grepl("US:",stCd)){ values["statecode"] <- paste0("US:",stateCdLookup(stCd, "id")) } } if("stateCd" %in% names(values)){ stCd <- values["stateCd"] if(!grepl("US:",stCd)){ values["stateCd"] <- paste0("US:",stateCdLookup(stCd, "id")) } names(values)[names(values) == "stateCd"] <- "statecode" } # values <- gsub(",","%2C",values) # values <- gsub(";","%3B",values) values <- gsub("%20","+",values) # values <- gsub(":","%3A",values) if("bBox" %in% names(values)){ values['bBox'] <- gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = ",", x = values['bBox']) } values <- checkWQPdates(values) urlCall <- paste(paste(names(values),values,sep="="),collapse="&") baseURL <- "http://www.waterqualitydata.us/Station/search?" # baseURL <- "http://wqp-test.er.usgs.gov/Station/search?sorted=no&" urlCall <- paste(baseURL, urlCall, "&mimeType=tsv",sep = "") doc <- getWebServiceData(urlCall) headerInfo <- attr(doc, "headerInfo") numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(headerInfo["Total-Site-Count"]) if (!is.na(numToBeReturned) & numToBeReturned != 0){ retval <- read.delim(textConnection(doc), header = TRUE, quote="\"", dec=".", sep='\t', colClasses=c('character'), fill = TRUE) actualNumReturned <- nrow(retval) if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned) warning(numToBeReturned, " sites were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned") if("LatitudeMeasure" %in% names(retval)){ retval$LatitudeMeasure <- as.numeric(retval$LatitudeMeasure) } if("LongitudeMeasure" %in% names(retval)){ retval$LongitudeMeasure <- as.numeric(retval$LongitudeMeasure) } retval$queryTime <- Sys.time() return(retval) } else { if(headerInfo['Total-Site-Count'] == "0"){ warning("No data returned") } for(i in grep("Warning",names(headerInfo))){ warning(headerInfo[i]) } } }