Package: dataRetrieval Type: Package Title: Retrieval functions for hydrologic data Version: 1.2.2 Date: 2012-12-31 Author: Robert M. Hirsch, Laura De Cicco Maintainer: Laura De Cicco <> Description: Collection of functions to help retrieve USGS data from either web services or user provided data files. License: file LICENSE Copyright: This software is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came from the United States Geological Survey, an agency of the United States Department of Interior. For more information, see the official USGS copyright policy at Collate: 'tabbedDataRetrievals.R' 'retrieveNWISData.r' 'getQWData.r' 'getSiteFileData.r' 'getDataFromFile.r' 'getParameterInfo.r' 'getPreLoadedData.r' 'checkStartEndDate.r' 'dateFormatCheck.r' 'formatCheckDate.r' 'formatCheckParameterCd.r' 'formatCheckSiteNumber.r' 'getQWDataFromFile.r' 'populateDaily.r' 'compressData.r' 'populateSampleColumns.r' 'populateDateColumns.r' 'populateConcentrations.r' 'populateSiteINFO.r' 'populateParameterINFO.r' 'removeDuplicates.r' 'getDVData.r' 'getPreLoadedDailyData.r' 'getDailyDataFromFile.r' 'getSampleData.r' 'getPreLoadedSampleData.r' 'getSampleDataFromFile.r' 'getMetaData.r' 'mergeReport.r' 'dataOverview.r' 'getWQPData.r' 'retrieveUnitNWISData.r' 'getRawQWData.r' 'retrieveNWISqwData.r' 'processQWData.r' 'constructNWISURL.r' 'getDataAvailability.r' 'getWaterML1Data.r' 'padVariable.r' 'getRDB1Data.r' 'getSTORETSampleData.R' 'getWaterML2Data.r' 'renameColumns.R' Depends: R (>= 3.0) Imports: zoo, XML, RCurl Suggests: xtable, EGRET, knitr LazyLoad: yes LazyData: yes VignetteBuilder: knitr