Software release: domain review
Domain reviews ensure the software generates output that aligns with published or otherwise well-known expected results. Follow the checklist below.
Review checklist
Background information for reviewers here
Reviewed by
Please check off boxes as applicable and elaborate in comments below.
Conflict of interest
I confirm that I have no COIs with reviewing this work, meaning that there is no relationship with the product or the product's authors or affiliated institutions that could influence or be perceived to influence the outcome of the review (if you are unsure whether you have a conflict, please speak to your supervisor before starting your review).
Adherence to Fundamental Science Practices
I confirm that I read and will adhere to the Federal Source Code Policy for Scientific Software and relevant federal guidelines for approved software release as outlined in SM502.1 and SM502.4.
Domain review
Review tests were performed during development. -
Ensure methodologies align with well-known expected results.
Review Comments
- Add free text comments here.
Reviewer checklist source statement
This checklist was adapted from one developed by the Volcano Science Center (link). It combines elements of the rOpenSci review guidelines and the Journal of Open Source Science (JOSS) review checklist: it has been modified for use with USGS software releases.