Code review
Code reviews ensure structural code quality and should be performed frequently throughout the stages of software development.
- Metadata
Includes the following up-to-date files: -
README: General information about the code repository -
DISCLAIMER: The provisional version of the USGS software disclaimer -
LICENSE: describes terms of Creative Commons (CC0) license -
code.json: software metadata -
CONTRIBUTING (suggested) -
CODE_OF_CONDUCT (suggested)
In the README: -
The IPDS number is included. -
All authors/collaborators are cited. -
There is contact information for the lead/senior author. Other author contact is optional. -
There is a citation listed, with Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Placeholders are acceptable. -
There is a statement estimating the time it takes to run the code.
The purpose of the code is clear. -
The code appears to do what it is meant to. -
All code files can be found.
- Readability
The organization of the code is appropriate. -
The code can be understood. -
There is an adequate number of comments -- not too many or too few. -
Repeated code is written in a concise way (e.g., iteration or functions). -
The code is readable. -
The format style is consistent (e.g., spacing, indentation).
- Quality control
The code incorporates error handling appropriately. -
Tests have been conducted throughout software development to test code quality. -
Code analysis has been conducted to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, etc. -
There are no hard-coded numbers or values that have not been clearly identified (i.e., "magic numbers"). -
Comments are free of errors.
Edited by Hines, Megan K.