diff --git a/workspace/R/utils.R b/workspace/R/utils.R
index ae7cd9fa082e5454f5d1d1a952d7940e4dad1a49..8c0d6da739b84cce76d787a0bdc7d7345856ea63 100644
--- a/workspace/R/utils.R
+++ b/workspace/R/utils.R
@@ -161,72 +161,6 @@ gage_document <- function(data, source, drop_reason){
-#' clean network
-#' @param net data.frame nhdplus network
-#' @param net_new data.frame new nhdplus network as from e2nhd
-#' @param nwm data.frame with national water model new network
-#' @return data.frame fully reconciled attributes
-clean_net <- function(net, net_new, nwm) {
-  # NOTE: need to disconnected diverted paths as indicated in the tonode / fromnode attributes.
-  diverted_heads <- filter(net_new, divergence == 2)
-  net_new <- filter(net_new, !tocomid %in% diverted_heads$comid)
-  # NOTE: avoid fcode == 56600 (coastal)
-  avoid <- net$comid[net$fcode == 56600]
-  # NOTE: avoid large groups where things have been redirected in an un-natural way.
-  groups <- group_by(nwm, tocomid)
-  groups <- data.frame(tocomid = summarise(groups, .groups = "drop"), size = group_size(groups))
-  groups <- filter(groups, size > 10 & tocomid != 0)
-  # NOTE: also avoid all flowlines that go to coastal flowlines.
-  # This is due to unwanted great lakes connections in the NWM.
-  avoid <- c(avoid, 
-             net_new$comid[net_new$tocomid %in% avoid], 
-             net_new$comid[net_new$tocomid %in% groups$tocomid],
-             nwm$comid[nwm$tocomid %in% groups$tocomid])
-  avoid <- unique(avoid)
-  nwm <- filter(nwm, tocomid %in% c(net_new$comid, 0))
-  net_new <- left_join(net_new, select(nwm, comid, 
-                                       nwm_tocomid = tocomid), 
-                       by = "comid") %>% 
-    mutate(tocomid = ifelse(is.na(tocomid), 0, tocomid))
-  ## NWM already uses 0 for outlets.
-  # NOTE: just being explicit about this for clarity.
-  candidate <- select(net_new, comid, tocomid, nwm_tocomid) %>%
-    filter(!comid %in% avoid)
-  mismatch <- candidate[candidate$tocomid != candidate$nwm_tocomid, ]
-  net_new <- left_join(net_new, select(mismatch, comid, 
-                                       new_tocomid = nwm_tocomid), 
-                       by = "comid")
-  to_change <- filter(net_new, !is.na(new_tocomid))
-  net_new <- net_new %>%
-    mutate(divergence = ifelse(comid %in% to_change$new_tocomid & divergence == 2, 1,
-                               ifelse(comid %in% to_change$tocomid & divergence == 1, 2, 
-                                      divergence)),
-           tocomid = ifelse(comid %in% to_change$comid, new_tocomid, tocomid)) %>%
-    select(-nwm_tocomid, -new_tocomid)
-  net_new <- filter(net_new, fcode != 56600)
-  net_new <- mutate(net_new, tocomid = ifelse(!tocomid %in% comid, 0, tocomid))
-  return(net_new)
 #' Merges geopackages together to create CONUs geopackage of features
 #' @param feat (character) Type of feature to merge (POIs, segments) character
@@ -539,7 +473,7 @@ merge_refactor <- function(rpus,
     out[[agg_fline_layer]] <- select(out[[agg_fline_layer]], -new_toID, -update_newtoID)
-  #out[[split_divide_layer]] <- rename(out[[split_divide_layer]], comid_part = FEATUREID)
+  out[[split_divide_layer]] <- rename(out[[split_divide_layer]], comid_part = FEATUREID)
   out[[reconciled_layer]] <- select(out[[reconciled_layer]], ID = newID, 
                                     toID = newtoID, LENGTHKM, TotDASqKM,