From 5606af4d255430ecb9edcf5fed7e838e63da9b46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bock <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 16:58:13 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] MR cleanup, vpu/VPU to vpu_codes

 workspace/R/config.R | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/workspace/R/config.R b/workspace/R/config.R
index 2d54abe..4d06f0c 100644
--- a/workspace/R/config.R
+++ b/workspace/R/config.R
@@ -13,26 +13,23 @@ rpu_vpu_out <- readr::read_csv("cache/rpu_vpu_out.csv",
                                col_types = c("c", "c", "i" , "i"), show_col_types = FALSE)
 if(nchar(Sys.getenv("HYDREG")) > 1) {
-  VPU <- Sys.getenv("HYDREG")
+  vpu_codes <- Sys.getenv("HYDREG")
 if(!exists("rpu_code")) {
-  if(exists("VPU")) {
-    vpu <- VPU
-    rpu_codes <- rpu_vpu[rpu_vpu$vpuid %in% vpu, ]
+  if(exists("vpu_codes")) {
+    rpu_codes <- rpu_vpu[rpu_vpu$vpuid %in% vpu_codes, ]
     rpu_code <- rpu_codes$rpuid[1]
   } else {
-    vpu <- get_rpu_dependent_vars()
-    rpu_code <- vpu$r
-    vpu <- vpu$v
-    rpu_codes <- rpu_vpu[rpu_vpu$vpuid %in% vpu, ]
-    vpu_codes <- VPU <- vpu
+    vpu_codes <- get_rpu_dependent_vars()
+    rpu_code <- vpu_codes$r
+    vpu_codes <- vpu_codes$v
+    rpu_codes <- rpu_vpu[rpu_vpu$vpuid %in% vpu_codes, ]
-if(!exists("vpu")) {
-  vpu <- get_rpu_dependent_vars(rpu_code)$v
-  vpu_codes <- VPU <- vpu 
+if(!exists("vpu_codes")) {
+  vpu_codes <- get_rpu_dependent_vars(rpu_code)$v
 if(!nchar(out_agg_gpkg <- Sys.getenv("OUT_GPKG")) > 5) 
@@ -48,7 +45,7 @@ if(!nchar(lookup_table_file <- Sys.getenv("LOOKUP_TABLE")) > 5)
   lookup_table_file <- file.path("cache", paste0(rpu_code, "_lookup.csv"))
 if(!nchar(vpu_lookup_table_file <- Sys.getenv("VPU_LOOKUP_TABLE")) > 5) 
-  vpu_lookup_table_file <- file.path("cache", paste0("lookup_", vpu, ".csv"))
+  vpu_lookup_table_file <- file.path("cache", paste0("lookup_", vpu_codes, ".csv"))
 options(scipen = 9999)
@@ -89,13 +86,13 @@ poi_dar_move <- .05 # maximum proportional drainage area difference to collapse
 # Intermediate layers created during 02_Navigate
 xwalk_layer <- paste0("HUC12_nhd") # HUC12 - nhdcat crosswalk, built in Nav for VPU 20
-nav_poi_layer <- paste0("POIs_tmp_", vpu) # Rolling Nav POI layer added to/modified througout nav workflow
-WBs_layer <-  paste0("WB_", vpu) # Waterbodies within VPU
-WB_events_layer <- paste0("WB_events_", vpu) # inlet and outlet events for NHDArea and HR waterbodies
-poi_moved_layer <- paste0("POIs_mv_", vpu) # POIs moved from original COMID assignment
-nsegments_layer <- paste0("nsegment_", vpu) # Minimally-sufficient network dissolved by POI_ID
-pois_all_layer <- paste0("POIs_", vpu) # All POIs binded together
-poi_xwalk_layer <- paste0("poi_xwalk_layer_", vpu) # POIs that changed COMIDS during the navigate part of the workflow
+nav_poi_layer <- paste0("POIs_tmp_", vpu_codes) # Rolling Nav POI layer added to/modified througout nav workflow
+WBs_layer <-  paste0("WB_", vpu_codes) # Waterbodies within VPU
+WB_events_layer <- paste0("WB_events_", vpu_codes) # inlet and outlet events for NHDArea and HR waterbodies
+poi_moved_layer <- paste0("POIs_mv_", vpu_codes) # POIs moved from original COMID assignment
+nsegments_layer <- paste0("nsegment_", vpu_codes) # Minimally-sufficient network dissolved by POI_ID
+pois_all_layer <- paste0("POIs_", vpu_codes) # All POIs binded together
+poi_xwalk_layer <- paste0("poi_xwalk_layer_", vpu_codes) # POIs that changed COMIDS during the navigate part of the workflow
 final_poi_layer <- "POIs"
 dup_pois <- "dup_POIs"
@@ -135,13 +132,13 @@ catchment_network_table <- "catchment_network"
 CAC_thresh <- 0.66 # Coefficient of areal correspondence threshold
 # output geopackage file names
-ref_gpkg <- file.path(data_paths$ref_fab_directory, paste0(vpu, "_reference_features.gpkg"))
-nav_gpkg <- file.path("cache", paste0("reference_", vpu,".gpkg"))
-temp_gpkg <- file.path("cache", paste0("nav_", vpu,".gpkg"))
+ref_gpkg <- file.path(data_paths$ref_fab_path, paste0(vpu_codes, "_reference_features.gpkg"))
+nav_gpkg <- file.path("cache", paste0("reference_", vpu_codes,".gpkg"))
+temp_gpkg <- file.path("cache", paste0("nav_", vpu_codes,".gpkg"))
-rfc_gpkg <- file.path("cache", paste0("refactor_", vpu, ".gpkg"))
+rfc_gpkg <- file.path("cache", paste0("refactor_", vpu_codes, ".gpkg"))
-gf_gpkg <- file.path("cache", paste0("GF_", vpu, ".gpkg"))
+gf_gpkg <- file.path("cache", paste0("GF_", vpu_codes, ".gpkg"))
 gf_gpkg_conus <- "cache/reference_CONUS.gpkg"
 gage_info_gpkg <- "cache/Gages_info.gpkg"
@@ -149,7 +146,7 @@ gage_info_csv <- "cache/Gages_info.csv"
 gage_info_csvt <- "cache/Gages_info.csvt"
 # Defined during NonDend.Rmd
-ND_gpkg <- file.path("temp", paste0("ND_", vpu,".gpkg"))
+ND_gpkg <- file.path("temp", paste0("ND_", vpu_codes,".gpkg"))
 divides_xwalk <- "divides_nhd"
 HRU_layer <- "all_cats"