export default {
chartGridItems: [
//we'll be replacing these img_src with paths to location on s3
//vizRoutes will direct to appropriate subpage
title: 'Inland fisheries are threatened',
project: 'Findex',
vizKey: 'ThreatSankey',
vizRoute: 'inland-fish-total-threats',
img_src: 'findex_sankey_thumbnail.webp',
description: 'Land use change is threatening inland fisheries.'
vizRoute: 'glacier-scan',
alt: '',
chartOrder: 1,
description: 'Glacier ice records change.'
project: 'Fire in Ice',
vizKey: 'WildfireAerosols',
vizRoute: 'wildfire-aerosols',
img_src: 'wildfire_aerosols_thumbnail.webp',
description: 'Wildfire aerosols are preserved in glaciers.'
vizKey: 'RegionalFires',
vizRoute: 'regional-fires',
chartOrder: 2,
description: 'Smoke plumes from regional wildfires affect glaciers.'
title: 'Global economic value of recreationally fished species',
vizKey: 'FishAsFoodCirclePacking',
vizRoute: 'inland-rec-fish-value',
description: 'Inland recreational fishing contributes economic value.'
title: 'Global harvest of recreationally fished species',
project: 'Fish as Food',
vizKey: 'FishAsFoodSankey',
vizRoute: 'inland-rec-fish-harvest',
img_src: 'FishAsFoodSankey_thumbnail.webp',
alt: '',
chartOrder: 1,
description: 'Inland recreational fishing harvest is substantial.'
title: 'Beaufort Sea sediment coring',
description: 'Sediment cores can help build past and present climates.'
vizKey: 'BeaufortSeaSpecies',
vizRoute: 'beaufort-sea-species',
img_src: 'BeaufortSeaSpecies_thumbnail.webp',
description: 'Microfossils show that Arctic waters are changing.'
vizKey: 'BeaufortSeaTimeline',
vizRoute: 'beaufort-sea-timeline',
img_src: 'BeaufortSeaTimeline_thumbnail.webp',
description: 'Microfossil records help reconstruct past climates.'