From eb19ff721f5996050379f89ecc0ab132e0e19fee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kaysa Vaarre-Lamoureux <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 16:30:39 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] top threats by basin first draft

 findex/_targets.R       | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 findex/src/plot_utils.R | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+)

diff --git a/findex/_targets.R b/findex/_targets.R
index 0d800a4..1381a19 100644
--- a/findex/_targets.R
+++ b/findex/_targets.R
@@ -237,6 +237,40 @@ p3 <- list(
     format = "file",
     pattern = p2_threat_subcategories
+  ),
+  # top threat in each basin globally
+  tar_target(
+    p3_top_threat_map_png,
+    {
+      final_plot <- top_threat_plot(in_dat = p2_mean_weighted_threats, 
+                                    threat_pal = p2_viz_config, 
+                                    hybas_habitat_types = p2_hybas_habitat_types_sf, 
+                                    proj = p1_proj)  + 
+        theme(legend.position = "none")
+      # change to actual directory once design is finalized --------------------
+      ggsave("test_out/threat_by_basin.png", 
+             final_plot, height = 6, width = 10, dpi = 300)
+      # change to actual directory once design is finalized --------------------
+      knitr::plot_crop("test_out/threat_by_basin.png")
+    },
+    format = "file"
+  ),
+  tar_target(
+    p3_top_threat_legend_png,
+    {
+      final_plot <- top_threat_plot(in_dat = p2_mean_weighted_threats, 
+                                    threat_pal = p2_viz_config, 
+                                    hybas_habitat_types = p2_hybas_habitat_types_sf, 
+                                    proj = p1_proj)
+      save_top_threat_legend(plot = final_plot, 
+                             dpi = 300, 
+                             # change to actual directory once design is finalized
+                             out_file = "test_out/threat_by_basin_legend.png")
+    },
+    format = "file"
diff --git a/findex/src/plot_utils.R b/findex/src/plot_utils.R
index 68b9230..731821e 100644
--- a/findex/src/plot_utils.R
+++ b/findex/src/plot_utils.R
@@ -256,3 +256,54 @@ save_map <- function(type, plot, threat_category, threat_pal, height, width, dpi
+#in_dat = p2_mean_weighted_threats, threat_pal = p2_viz_config hybas_habitat_types = p2_hybas_habitat_types_sf, proj = p1_proj
+top_threat_plot <- function(in_dat, threat_pal, hybas_habitat_types, proj){
+  processed_df <- in_dat |> 
+    group_by(HYBAS_ID) |> 
+    filter(MeanWeightedThreatMetric == max(MeanWeightedThreatMetric, na.rm = T))
+  processed_sf <- processed_df |> 
+    left_join(hybas_habitat_types) |> 
+    st_as_sf() |> 
+    # remove visual bug with robinson projection
+    st_wrap_dateline()
+  proj_sf <- st_transform(processed_sf, crs = st_crs(proj))
+  pal <- threat_pal |> 
+    select(MajorCat, pal) |> 
+    rowwise() |> 
+    mutate(pal = first(pal)) |> 
+    unique() |> 
+    mutate(pal = case_when(pal == "#4E6D6E" ~ "#598586",
+                           pal == "#7A562B" ~ "#A97639",
+                           pal == "#835192" ~ "#995EAB",
+                           pal == "#B74F49" ~ "#963C36",
+                           pal == "#002D5E" ~ "#002D5E"))
+  threat_map <- ggplot()+
+    geom_sf(data = proj_sf, aes(geometry = Shape, fill = ThreatCategory), color = NA)+
+    scale_fill_manual(values = pal$pal, breaks = pal$MajorCat)+
+    guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 2,)) +
+    theme_void()+
+    theme(
+      legend.ticks = element_blank(),
+      legend.title = element_text(face = "bold"),
+      legend.title.position = "top",
+      legend.text = element_text(size = 11),
+      legend.direction = "horizontal"
+    )
+#plot = final_plot, dpi = 300, out_file = "test_out/threat_by_basin_legend.png"
+save_top_threat_legend <- function(plot, dpi, out_file){
+  plot_legend <- get_plot_component(plot, "guide-box-right", return_all = T)
+  ggsave(out_file, 
+         plot_legend, dpi = dpi, bg = "transparent")
+  knitr::plot_crop(out_file)