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Fish climate chart


This MR adds a second chart for the Fish as Food project. It uses the harvest-weighted climate vulnerability data for each species, showing the shift in climate vulnerability from 2030 to 2075 under RCP 4.5. The shift is shown as an absolute value or as a percent change, and can be shown aggregated to the family level or at the species level. The species level value is a mean of the harvest-weighted climate vulnerability for each species in each country where it is harvested.

Changes Made

The chart loads collapsed, showing the shift for each family of recreationally fished fish:


You can click on the row for each family to show the shift by species:


How to Test

Pull changes locally, run npm run dev and navigate to /visualizations/climate-charts/#/fish-as-food/inland-rec-fish-climate

Related Issues

More refinement is needed, as is a domain review - see #35 (closed) and #36 (closed)

Additional Notes

This is a draft - more tweaks will be needed, per #36 (closed). Notably, there is no mobile layout at the moment.

Merge Request Checklists

  • Ensure that code changes adhere to best practices documented in
  • Clean the code the way Vue likes it - run npm run lint --fix
  • Document which browsers the site has been tested on:
    • Desktop/laptop
      • Chrome
      • Safari
      • Edge
      • Firefox
    • Mobile device
      • Chrome
      • Safari
      • Edge
      • Firefox

Merge request reports
