diff --git a/src/assets/content/ChartGrid.js b/src/assets/content/ChartGrid.js
index b13bf48c3c8f11b654094d5ab80fdfb7dd0de9b6..ad450e764a541fb5ec5222781fca6c3659031d8b 100644
--- a/src/assets/content/ChartGrid.js
+++ b/src/assets/content/ChartGrid.js
@@ -5,13 +5,23 @@ export default {
             title: 'Inland fisheries are threatened',
             project: 'Findex',
-            vizKey: 'ThreatSankey',
+            vizKey: 'FindexThreatSankey',
             vizRoute: 'inland-fish-total-threats',
             img_src: 'Placeholder_thumbnail.webp',
             alt: '',
             chartOrder: 1,
             description: 'Land use change is threatening inland fisheries.'
+        {
+            title: 'A global view of threats',
+            project: 'Findex',
+            vizKey: 'FindexGlobalThreats',
+            vizRoute: 'inland-fish-global-threats',
+            img_src: 'Placeholder_thumbnail.webp',
+            alt: '',
+            chartOrder: 2,
+            description: 'Inland fisheries are threatened globally.'
+        },
             title: 'Explore the Juneau Icefield',
             project: 'Fire in Ice',
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1.6602 0.82813 2.332 1.4219 3.3086 3.0781 4.0898 4.3203 4.1016h9.9414c1.4141-0.011719 2.6523-0.96484 3.6914-2.8281-0.53125-0.82812-1.1211-1.5977-1.7812-2.2852-0.82812 1.9414-1.5977 2.5-1.9375 2.5117-0.52734 0-1.6758-1.2109-2.6562-4.5508-0.10156-0.34766-0.19922-0.70703-0.29297-1.0781-0.22656-0.89062-0.42188-1.8438-0.58984-2.8477-0.27344-1.6406-0.46875-3.4219-0.57812-5.2812-0.050781-0.85938-0.085937-1.7383-0.097656-2.6328-0.007813-0.34375-0.007813-0.69141-0.007813-1.0391 0-4.8828 0.55469-9.4531 1.5664-12.871 0.98438-3.3398 2.1289-4.5508 2.6562-4.5508h0.007813c0.53125 0.003906 1.6758 1.2227 2.6602 4.5625 1.0078 3.4219 1.5586 7.9844 1.5586 12.859 0 0.96094-0.023437 1.918-0.066406 2.8711 0.57422 0.19531 1.1367 0.41016 1.6875 0.63672 0.29297 0.11719 0.57812 0.24219 0.86328 0.375 0.078125-1.2812 0.12109-2.5859 0.12109-3.8828 0-5.1172-0.59375-9.9414-1.668-13.594-1.5586-5.2969-3.6562-6.4219-5.1406-6.4336h-9.9492c-1.2344 0.007812-2.8906 0.78906-4.3125 4.1016-0.28906 0.66797-0.56641 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1.7188-0.19922 2.3359-0.59766 1.9492-1.2695 3.4258-1.7188 5.6367-1.7188 2.207 0 3.6836 0.45312 5.6367 1.7227 0.61328 0.39453 1.3984 0.59375 2.3359 0.59375 0.93359 0 1.7188-0.19922 2.3359-0.59766 1.9492-1.2695 3.4258-1.7188 5.6328-1.7188 1.9844 0 3.7109 0.46875 5.1289 1.3867l0.007812 0.003906v-3.7969l-1.4219-0.92188c-0.98438-0.63672-2.2344-0.96094-3.707-0.96094zm0 6.8945c-1.6992 0-2.6836 0.30469-4.2188 1.3008-1.0508 0.67578-2.3125 1.0156-3.75 1.0156-1.4453 0-2.707-0.34375-3.7539-1.0117-1.5391-1.0039-2.5234-1.3047-4.2227-1.3047-1.7031 0-2.6914 0.30469-4.2266 1.3008-1.0508 0.67578-2.3125 1.0156-3.75 1.0156-1.4414 0-2.707-0.34375-3.75-1.0117-1.5391-1.0039-2.5234-1.3047-4.2266-1.3047-1.6992 0-2.6836 0.30469-4.2266 1.3008-1.0508 0.67578-2.3086 1.0156-3.75 1.0156s-2.707-0.34375-3.75-1.0117c-1.5391-1.0039-2.5234-1.3047-4.2266-1.3047-1.6992 0-2.6836 0.30469-4.2266 1.3008-1.0508 0.67578-2.3086 1.0156-3.75 1.0156-1.4453 0-2.7109-0.34375-3.75-1.0156-1.543-1-2.5273-1.3047-4.2266-1.3047-1.4766 0-2.7227 0.32422-3.6992 0.96484-0.73828 0.48047-1.3555 0.84766-2.1797 1.0859v4.0898c0.22266-0.11719 0.46484-0.26953 0.75781-0.46094 1.4141-0.91797 3.1367-1.3789 5.1211-1.3789 2.2109 0 3.6875 0.44922 5.6406 1.7148 0.60938 0.39844 1.3906 0.59766 2.3359 0.59766 0.9375 0 1.7227-0.19922 2.332-0.59766 1.9531-1.2695 3.4297-1.7148 5.6406-1.7148 2.2148 0 3.6875 0.44922 5.6445 1.7148 0.60547 0.39844 1.3906 0.59766 2.332 0.59766 0.9375 0 1.7227-0.19922 2.332-0.59766 1.957-1.2695 3.4336-1.7148 5.6445-1.7148 1.9805 0 3.6992 0.46484 5.1172 1.3789l0.52344 0.33984c0.60547 0.39453 1.3945 0.59375 2.3359 0.59375 0.9375 0 1.7227-0.19922 2.332-0.59766 1.9492-1.2656 3.4258-1.7148 5.6445-1.7148 2.2148 0 3.6875 0.44922 5.6367 1.7188 0.60938 0.39453 1.3945 0.59375 2.3359 0.59375 0.9375 0 1.7227-0.19922 2.332-0.59766 1.9492-1.2656 3.4258-1.7148 5.6406-1.7148 1.9805 0 3.6992 0.46484 5.1172 1.3789l0.015625 0.003906v-3.7891l-1.4219-0.92188c-0.98438-0.64453-2.2344-0.96875-3.707-0.96875zm-84.871 6.7734h12.594v-85.914h-12.594zm21.074-16.273c2.2109 0 3.6875 0.44922 5.6406 1.7188 0.60938 0.39844 1.3906 0.59766 2.3359 0.59766 1.2188 0 1.7578-0.22266 2.8516-0.93359 1.4141-0.91797 3.1406-1.3828 5.1211-1.3828 2.2148 0 3.6875 0.44922 5.6406 1.7188 0.60938 0.39844 1.3945 0.59766 2.3359 0.59766 1.2227 0 1.7578-0.22266 2.8555-0.93359 1.4141-0.91797 3.1367-1.3828 5.1211-1.3828 0.33203 0 0.65234 0.011718 0.95313 0.03125-0.035157-1.4766-0.089844-2.9102-0.15234-4.293-0.25781-0.023437-0.52344-0.035156-0.80078-0.035156-1.4766 0-2.7188 0.32422-3.6992 0.96484-1.3945 0.89844-2.4375 1.3555-4.2734 1.3555-1.4453 0-2.707-0.34375-3.75-1.0156-1.5391-1-2.5273-1.3047-4.2266-1.3047-1.4727 0-2.7188 0.32422-3.6992 0.96484l-0.52734 0.33984c-1.0469 0.67188-2.3086 1.0156-3.7461 1.0156-1.4453 0-2.7109-0.34375-3.75-1.0156-1.5391-1-2.5273-1.3047-4.2266-1.3047-1.4766 0-2.7227 0.32422-3.6992 0.96484-0.73828 0.48047-1.3555 0.84766-2.1797 1.082v4.0898c0.22266-0.12109 0.46484-0.26953 0.75781-0.46484 1.4102-0.91016 3.1328-1.375 5.1172-1.375z" fill="#79552a"/>
diff --git a/src/assets/svgs/noun-fish-7471722.svg b/src/assets/svgs/noun-fish-7471722.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca4b4594fd3bc68372a526b9213a19593be85689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/svgs/noun-fish-7471722.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg width="128pt" height="128pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 128 128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="#4E6D6E">
+ <path d="m67.859 83.73c9.2812-2.2383 17.391-7.5391 23.191-14.758 4.1562 5.1758 9.4961 9.3555 15.613 12.125-2.4102-5.3203-3.75-11.211-3.75-17.43 0-6.2148 1.3516-12.109 3.75-17.426-6.1211 2.7695-11.461 6.9492-15.613 12.113-2.5352-3.1484-5.5117-5.9414-8.8086-8.2461 0.75391-2.4805 1.7148-4.8516 2.8555-7.0898-4.6836-2.4336-12.859-6.2344-18.18-7.3281-3.2383 1.8516-6.2383 4.1445-8.9102 6.8008-15.668 0-29.34 8.5352-36.668 21.168 7.3281 12.648 21 21.184 36.668 21.184 3.9414 3.9297 9.0352 6.5664 14.566 7.4688-2.0391-2.4766-3.6562-5.3594-4.7109-8.5859" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
diff --git a/src/assets/text/authors.js b/src/assets/text/authors.js
index 77765a1503f301da44078a50584c5e209ff41df4..5ac69f47d003d8ef36314b47222fd9eaea9a9c1d 100644
--- a/src/assets/text/authors.js
+++ b/src/assets/text/authors.js
@@ -100,7 +100,19 @@ export default {
       profile_link: 'https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/hayley-corson-dosch'
-  ThreatSankey: [
+  FindexThreatSankey: [
+    {
+      fullName: 'Hayley Corson-Dosch',
+      initials: 'HCD',
+      profile_link: 'https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/hayley-corson-dosch'
+    },
+  ],
+  FindexGlobalThreats: [
+    {
+      fullName: 'Kaysa Vaarre-Lamoureux',
+      initials: 'KVL',
+      profile_link: null
+    },
       fullName: 'Hayley Corson-Dosch',
       initials: 'HCD',
diff --git a/src/assets/text/text.js b/src/assets/text/text.js
index 3d4befe9e1e74324767356eaebaa5e7df87642d2..3d7d98dc4c5efc93c99d15e2c5ebcd09e310ff07 100644
--- a/src/assets/text/text.js
+++ b/src/assets/text/text.js
@@ -232,8 +232,172 @@ export default {
             explanation1: "As scientists <a href='/visualizations/earth-in-flux/#/fire-in-ice/glacier-scan' target='_blank'>collected the snow core</a>, they carefully stored each ten-centimeter section for transport off the Juneau Icefield. The retrieved samples were analyzed in a laboratory for particle counts, major ions, stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, and the three sugars that are markers of biomass combustion—mannosan, galactosan, and levoglucosan.",
             explanation2: "In this visual representation of the core, the darker grey shows layers of the snow that had high amounts of particulate matter. The high-particulate layer present in both 2015 and 2016 likely represents the summer melt surface."
-        ThreatSankey: {
+        FindexThreatSankey: {
             paragraph1: 'Land use change is the biggest threat to inland fisheries.'
+        },
+        FindexGlobalThreats: {
+            heading1:"Global variability of threats",
+            paragraph1: "While threats related to habitat are the <a href='/visualizations/earth-in-flux/#/findex/inland-fish-total-threats' target='_blank'>overall highest threat</a> to inland fisheries worldwide, the severity of threats varies globally.",
+            tabData: [
+                {
+                    tabTitle: "Habitat",
+                    tabContentTitle: "Habitat",
+                    tabContentTitleID: "habitat",
+                    tabIcon: "noun-canal-29572-4E6D6E",
+                    tabText: "Habitat text.",
+                    tabMapImageAlt: "Habitat alt.",
+                    tabLegendImageAlt: "Legend",
+                    subThreatPrefix: "H",
+                    subThreatData: [
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Dams",
+                            subThreatText: "Dams text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-canal-29572-4E6D6E"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Wetland drainage",
+                            subThreatText: "Wetland drainage text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-canal-29572-4E6D6E"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Deforestation and associated runoff",
+                            subThreatText: "Deforestation and associated runoff text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-canal-29572-4E6D6E"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Riparian degradation",
+                            subThreatText: "Riparian degradation text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-canal-29572-4E6D6E"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Agricultural extraction",
+                            subThreatText: "Agricultural extraction text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-canal-29572-4E6D6E"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Urban extraction",
+                            subThreatText: "Urban extraction text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-canal-29572-4E6D6E"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Industrial Extraction",
+                            subThreatText: "Industrial Extraction text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-canal-29572-4E6D6E"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    tabTitle: "Pollution",
+                    tabContentTitle: "Pollution",
+                    tabContentTitleID: "pollution",
+                    tabIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B",
+                    tabText: "Pollution text.",
+                    tabMapImageAlt: "Pollution alt.",
+                    tabLegendImageAlt: "Legend",
+                    subThreatPrefix: "P",
+                    subThreatData: [
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Agricultural effluents",
+                            subThreatText: "Agricultural effluents text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Urban wastewater",
+                            subThreatText: "Urban wastewater text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Industrial effluents",
+                            subThreatText: "Industrial effluents text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Aquaculture effluents",
+                            subThreatText: "Aquaculture effluents text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Pharmaceuticals",
+                            subThreatText: "Pharmaceuticals text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Oil or gas exploration",
+                            subThreatText: "Oil or gas exploration text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Plastics",
+                            subThreatText: "Plastics text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Mining",
+                            subThreatText: "Mining text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    tabTitle: "Climate and Weather",
+                    tabContentTitle: "Climate and Weather",
+                    tabContentTitleID: "climate-and-weather",
+                    tabIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B",
+                    tabText: "Climate and Weather text.",
+                    tabMapImageAlt: "Climate and Weather alt.",
+                    tabLegendImageAlt: "Legend",
+                    subThreatPrefix: "CW",
+                    subThreatData: [
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Change in water temperature",
+                            subThreatText: "Change in water temperature text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Drought",
+                            subThreatText: "Drought text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Change in flooding",
+                            subThreatText: "Change in flooding text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Change in wind patterns",
+                            subThreatText: "Change in wind patterns text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            subThreat: "Change in ice cover",
+                            subThreatText: "Change in ice cover text",
+                            subThreatIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    tabTitle: "Invasive species",
+                    tabContentTitle: "Invasive species",
+                    tabContentTitleID: "invasive-species",
+                    tabIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B",
+                    tabText: "Invasive species text.",
+                    tabMapImageAlt: "Invasive species alt.",
+                    tabLegendImageAlt: "Legend",
+                    subThreatPrefix: "IS",
+                    subThreatData: []
+                },
+                {
+                    tabTitle: "Fishing pressure",
+                    tabContentTitle: "Fishing pressure",
+                    tabContentTitleID: "fishing-pressure",
+                    tabIcon: "noun-drain-7131918-7A562B",
+                    tabText: "Fishing pressure text.",
+                    tabMapImageAlt: "Fishing pressure alt.",
+                    tabLegendImageAlt: "Legend",
+                    subThreatPrefix: "E",
+                    subThreatData: []
+                }
+            ],
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/BeaufortSeaSpeciesViz.vue b/src/components/BeaufortSeaSpeciesViz.vue
index 72a91e2109d1b767b5beca6a5b997ac9c1ce2de8..f62a66d7b82bca1f752956b332969bf83f4cd3c8 100644
--- a/src/components/BeaufortSeaSpeciesViz.vue
+++ b/src/components/BeaufortSeaSpeciesViz.vue
@@ -130,45 +130,11 @@
 #species-tabs {
     margin-top: 3rem;
-ul {
-    padding-inline-start: 0px;
-li {
-    padding: 0; 
-.tabs-component {
-    margin: auto;
-    width: 90vw;
-    max-width: 1000px;
-@media (min-width: 1000px) {
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-    max-width: 2.5rem;
-    max-height: 2.5rem;
-    margin-right: 1rem;
-    height: auto;
-    width: auto;
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-    .tab-image {
-        max-width: fit-content;
-        max-height: 5rem;
-        margin-bottom: 1rem;
-        height: 5rem;
-        width: auto;
-    }
 .subheading-container {
     margin: 1rem 0 1rem 0;
     height: 5rem;
 .subheading-image {
-    /* max-width: 5rem; */
     height: 5rem;
     margin: 0 1rem 0 1rem;
@@ -177,9 +143,6 @@ li {
     display: inline-block;
     transform: translate(0%, -50%);
-.tabs-component-tab.is-inactive img {
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 .tab-content-image {
     width: 100%;
@@ -187,136 +150,4 @@ li {
     padding: 0rem 0 1rem 0;
     line-height: 2.6rem;
-/* css modified from vue-tabs-component demo: https://tabs-component.jakubpotocky.sk/ */
-.tabs-component-tabs {
-    border: solid 1px #ddd;
-    border-radius: 6px;
-    margin-bottom: 5px;
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-        align-items: stretch;
-        display: flex;
-        justify-content: flex-start;
-        margin-bottom: -1px;
-    }
-.tabs-component-tab, .tabs-component-tab--custom {
-    color: #999;
-    font-size: 1.6rem;
-    font-weight: 600;
-    margin-right: 0;
-    list-style: none;
-.tabs-component-tab:not(:last-child) {
-    border-bottom: dotted 1px #ddd;
-.tabs-component-tab:hover {
-    color: #666;
-.tabs-component-tab.is-active {
-    color: #000;
-.tabs-component-tab.is-disabled *, .tabs-component-tab--custom.is-disabled * {
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-        transition: transform .3s ease;
-        font-size: 1.6rem;
-        text-align: center;
-    }
-    .tabs-component-tab.is-active, .tabs-component-tab--custom.is-active {
-        border-bottom: solid 1px #fff;
-        z-index: 2;
-        transform: translateY(0);
-    }
-@media (min-width: 1000px) {
-    .tabs-component-tab-a, .tabs-component-tab-a--custom {
-        align-items: center;
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-        display: flex;
-        flex-direction: column;
-        padding: .75em 1em;
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-.tabs-component-tab-a, .tabs-component-tab-a--custom {
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-    .tabs-component-panels {
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-.tabs-component-btn:hover {
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-.tabs-component-btn:active {
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-    border-color: #7aa7c7;
-    border-bottom: solid 1px #fff;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/FindexGlobalThreatsViz.vue b/src/components/FindexGlobalThreatsViz.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af38c6c657d153ece9a40448bad3e8cb3830f735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/FindexGlobalThreatsViz.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+    <section>
+        <!---VizSection-->
+        <VizSection
+            :figures="false"
+            :fig-caption="false"
+        >
+            <!-- HEADING -->
+            <template #heading>
+                <h2 v-html="text.heading1" />
+            </template>
+            <!-- FIGURES -->
+            <template #aboveExplanation>
+                <p v-html="text.paragraph1" />
+            </template>
+        </VizSection>
+        <tabsGroup id="map-tabs" :options="{ useUrlFragment: false }" >
+            <tabItem v-for="tab in text.tabData" :name="tab.tabTitle" :key="tab.tabTitle" :prefix="getPrefixImageHTML(tab.tabIcon)">
+                <h3>
+                    Threat category:
+                    <button v-html="tab.tabContentTitle" @click = "switchToPrimaryCategory(tab.tabContentTitle, tab.subThreatPrefix)" :class="[tab.tabContentTitleID, { 'highlight': currentCategory == tab.tabContentTitle }]" :id="tab.tabContentTitleID" class="category-button primary" />
+                </h3>
+                <div id="button-container">
+                    <h4 v-if="tab.subThreatData.length > 1">Subthreat categories:
+                        <span v-for="subThreatCategory, index in tab.subThreatData" :key="subThreatCategory.subThreat">
+                            <button @click="switchToSubCategory(subThreatCategory.subThreat, tab.subThreatPrefix)" :class="[tab.tabContentTitleID, { 'highlight': currentCategory == subThreatCategory.subThreat }]" v-html="subThreatCategory.subThreat" class="category-button sub"></button>
+                            <span v-if="index < tab.subThreatData.length-1" :class="tab.tabContentTitleID" class="separator">
+                                <FishIcon id="findex-fish" :class="tab.tabContentTitleID"/>
+                            </span>
+                        </span>
+                    </h4>
+                </div>
+                <p v-html="tab.tabText" v-if="primaryCategorySelected"/>
+                <p v-html="subThreatText" v-if="!primaryCategorySelected"/>
+                <div id="icon-legend-container">
+                    <img class="tab-icon-image" :src="iconSource" alt="">
+                    <img class="tab-legend-image" :src="legendSource" :alt="tab.tabLegendImageAlt">
+                </div>
+                <img class="tab-map-image" :src="mapSource" :alt="tab.tabMapImageAlt">
+            </tabItem>
+        </tabsGroup>
+    </section>
+<script setup>
+    import { computed, nextTick, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
+    import VizSection from '@/components/VizSection.vue';
+    import FishIcon from '@/assets/svgs/noun-fish-7471722.svg';
+    // define props
+    const props = defineProps({
+        text: { type: Object }
+    })
+    // Global variables 
+    let primaryCategorySelected = ref(true);
+    let currentCategory = ref(null);
+    let currentCategorySubThreatPrefix = ref(null);
+    let legendSource = ref(null);
+    let mapSource = ref(null);
+    let iconSource = ref(null);
+    // Set up computed variables that depend on ref values
+    const primaryCategoryData = computed(() => {
+        return props.text.tabData.filter(d => d.subThreatPrefix == currentCategorySubThreatPrefix.value)[0]
+    })
+    // undefined if primaryCategorySelected
+    const subCategoryData = computed(() => {
+        return primaryCategoryData.value.subThreatData.filter(d => d.subThreat == currentCategory.value)[0]
+    })
+    const subThreatText = computed(() => {
+        return subCategoryData.value.subThreatText;
+    });
+    // Declare behavior on mounted
+    // functions called here
+    onMounted(async () => {
+        try {            
+            // Once DOM is up to date, make sure the currently shown tab is updated
+            await nextTick()
+            updateTab()
+            // add event listeners to all tabs, so that update on click
+            const tabs = document.getElementById("map-tabs")
+            const tabList = tabs.querySelectorAll("a")
+            tabList.forEach(tab => {
+                tab.href = ""
+                tab.addEventListener("click", updateTab)
+            })
+        } catch (error) {
+            console.error('Error during component mounting', error);
+        }        
+    });
+    function updateTab() {
+        // identify active tab
+        const tabs = document.getElementById("map-tabs")
+        const activeTab = tabs.querySelectorAll(".is-active a")
+        // pull category information
+        currentCategory.value = activeTab[0].text
+        const currentData = props.text.tabData.filter(d => d.tabContentTitle == currentCategory.value)[0]
+        currentCategorySubThreatPrefix.value = currentData.subThreatPrefix
+        // update map - always show primary category on page load
+        switchToPrimaryCategory(currentCategory.value, currentCategorySubThreatPrefix.value)
+    }
+    function getPrefixImageURL(filename) {
+        return `src/assets/svgs/${filename}.svg`
+    }
+    function getPrefixImageHTML(filename) {
+        const imgURL = getPrefixImageURL(filename)
+        return `<img class='tab-image' src=${imgURL}>`
+    }
+    function getContentImageUrl(title, category_prefix, content_type) {
+        if (primaryCategorySelected.value) {
+            return `src/assets/images/${title.replace(/ /g, "_")}_${content_type}.png`
+        } else {
+            return `src/assets/images/${category_prefix}_${title.replace(/ /g, "_")}_${content_type}.png`
+        }        
+    }
+    function updateTabContent(category, prefix) {
+        currentCategory.value = category
+        currentCategorySubThreatPrefix.value = prefix
+        mapSource.value = getContentImageUrl(currentCategory.value, currentCategorySubThreatPrefix.value, "map")
+        legendSource.value = getContentImageUrl(currentCategory.value, currentCategorySubThreatPrefix.value, "legend")
+    }
+    function updateIcon() {
+        if (primaryCategorySelected.value) {
+            iconSource.value = getPrefixImageURL(primaryCategoryData.value.tabIcon)
+        } else {
+            iconSource.value = getPrefixImageURL(subCategoryData.value.subThreatIcon)
+        } 
+    }
+    function switchToSubCategory(category, prefix) {
+        primaryCategorySelected.value = false;
+        updateTabContent(category, prefix);
+        updateIcon();
+    }
+    function switchToPrimaryCategory(category, prefix) {
+        primaryCategorySelected.value = true;
+        updateTabContent(category, prefix);
+        updateIcon();
+    }
+<style lang="scss">
+$habitat: #4E6D6E; 
+$habitat-faded: #C9D8D9;
+$habitat-dark: #405959;
+$pollution: #7A562B;
+$pollution-faded: #E1C8AA;
+$pollution-dark: #5B401F;
+$climate-and-weather: #002D5E;
+$climate-and-weather-faded: #B2C0CE;
+$climate-and-weather-dark: #002D5E;
+$invasive-species: #B74F49;
+$fishing-pressure: #835192;
+#map-tabs {
+    margin-top: 3rem;
+#button-container {
+    margin-bottom: 2rem;
+#findex-fish {
+    width: 20px;
+    height: 20px;
+    transform: translate(0, 4px);
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    align-items: center;
+.tab-icon-image {
+    max-width: 50px;
+    max-height: 50px;
+    margin-right: 1rem;
+    height: auto;
+    width: auto;
+    @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
+        max-width: 40px;
+        max-height: 40px;
+    }
+.tab-legend-image {
+    width: 230px;
+    @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
+        width: min(190px, 100vw);
+    }
+.tab-map-image {
+    width: 100%;
+.habitat {
+    color: $habitat;
+    fill: $habitat;
+.pollution {
+    color: $pollution;
+    fill: $pollution;
+.climate-and-weather {
+    color: $climate-and-weather;
+    fill: $climate-and-weather;
+.invasive-species {
+    color: $invasive-species;
+    fill: $invasive-species;
+.fishing-pressure {
+    color: $fishing-pressure;
+    fill: $fishing-pressure;
+.highlight.habitat {
+    background-color: $habitat;
+.highlight.pollution {
+    background-color: $pollution;
+.highlight.climate-and-weather {
+    background-color: $climate-and-weather;
+.highlight.invasive-species {
+    background-color: $invasive-species;
+.highlight.fishing-pressure {
+    background-color: $fishing-pressure;
+.category-button {
+    background-color: transparent;
+    border: 0rem;
+    padding: 0.05rem 0.8rem 0.2rem 0.75rem;
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    text-decoration: underline;
+.category-button.highlight {
+    text-decoration: none;
+    color: white;
+@media (hover: hover) {
+    .category-button.habitat:hover {
+        background-color: $habitat-faded;
+        color: $habitat-dark;
+    }
+    .category-button.pollution:hover {
+        background-color: $pollution-faded;
+        color: $pollution-dark;
+    }
+    .category-button.climate-and-weather:hover {
+        background-color: $climate-and-weather-faded;
+        color: $climate-and-weather-dark;
+    }
+    .category-button.invasive-species:hover {
+        color: white;
+    }
+    .category-button.fishing-pressure:hover {
+        color: white;
+    }
+.habitat {
+    text-decoration: underline solid $habitat-faded;
+.pollution {
+    text-decoration: underline solid $pollution-faded;
+.climate-and-weather {
+    text-decoration: underline solid $climate-and-weather-faded;
+.separator {
+    background-color: transparent;
+    text-decoration: none;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/ThreatSankeyViz.vue b/src/components/FindexThreatSankeyViz.vue
similarity index 100%
rename from src/components/ThreatSankeyViz.vue
rename to src/components/FindexThreatSankeyViz.vue