From 18a0461fb7e4006429004b3b1da8a97002a4821b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kaysa Vaarre-Lamoureux <>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 10:42:21 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] reduce repeat code and clean functions

 2_process.R                  |  17 +-
 2_process/src/data_utils.R   |  32 ++--
 3_visualize.R                | 335 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 3_visualize/src/plot_utils.R | 208 +++++++++-------------
 4 files changed, 276 insertions(+), 316 deletions(-)

diff --git a/2_process.R b/2_process.R
index af6c3b3..9a25092 100644
--- a/2_process.R
+++ b/2_process.R
@@ -243,26 +243,23 @@ tar_target(p2_census_acs5sub_disability_data,
                            percent_rename = FALSE),
            pattern = map(p2_census_acs5_disability_layers),
            iteration = "list"),
-# process population density raster data
+# prep for raster data processing and plotting
-           fetch_conus_sf()),
+           fetch_conus_sf(states = p1_census_states)),
            p2_conus_sf |>  
-           counties_sf <- tigris::counties(cb = TRUE, state = c('Washington', 'Oregon', 'California', 'Idaho', 'Nevada',
-                                                                'Utah', 'Arizona', 'Montana', 'Wyoming', 'Colorado',
-                                                                'New Mexico', 'North Dakota', 'South Dakota', 'Nebraska', 'Kansas',
-                                                                'Oklahoma', 'Texas', 'Minnesota', 'Iowa', 'Missouri',
-                                                                'Arkansas', 'Louisiana')) |> 
+           counties_sf <- tigris::counties(cb = TRUE, state = p1_census_states) |> 
              rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = 0.2) |>  
+# process population density raster data
-           process_pop_dens_raster(in_raster = p1_pop_density_raster_tif, #proj = p1_proj, 
-                                   conus = p2_conus_sf, conus_proj = p2_conus_sf_proj,
-                                   outfile_path = "2_process/out/pop_density.tif"),
+           process_pop_dens(in_raster = p1_pop_density_raster_tif, 
+                            conus_sf = p2_conus_sf, conus_proj = p2_conus_sf_proj,
+                            outfile_path = "2_process/out/pop_density.tif"),
            format = "file"),
 # process impervious surfaces raster data
diff --git a/2_process/src/data_utils.R b/2_process/src/data_utils.R
index b3c5af4..e7aeed9 100644
--- a/2_process/src/data_utils.R
+++ b/2_process/src/data_utils.R
@@ -50,27 +50,27 @@ prep_tree_data <- function(data) {
 ## data processing for population density raster map
-fetch_conus_sf <- function(){
+#' @title Fetch conus for raster processing 
+#' @param states, chr string with long name of states of interest to filter by
+fetch_conus_sf <- function(states){
   conus_sf <- tigris::states(cb = TRUE) |> 
-    dplyr::filter(NAME %in% c('Washington', 'Oregon', 'California', 'Idaho', 'Nevada',
-                              'Utah', 'Arizona', 'Montana', 'Wyoming', 'Colorado',
-                              'New Mexico', 'North Dakota', 'South Dakota', 'Nebraska', 'Kansas',
-                              'Oklahoma', 'Texas', 'Minnesota', 'Iowa', 'Missouri',
-                              'Arkansas', 'Louisiana')
+    dplyr::filter(NAME %in% states
     ) |> 
     rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = 0.2) 
-#' @title Process raster data for ploting
-#' @param 
-process_pop_dens_raster <- function(in_raster, conus, conus_proj, outfile_path){
-  # in_raster = p1_pop_density_raster, proj = p1_proj, conus = p2_conus_sf, conus_proj = p2_conus_sf_proj
+#' @title Process population density raster data for plotting
+#' @param in_raster character string - .tif file path of raster data for specified variable of interest
+#' @param conus_sf, sf of conus states outline
+#' @param conus_proj, projected sf of conus states outline
+#' @param outfile_path, outfile path for processed tifs 
+process_pop_dens <- function(in_raster, conus_sf, conus_proj, outfile_path){
   raw_data <- rast(in_raster)
-  # crop population data to area of interest
-  terra::window(raw_data) <- terra::ext(conus)
+  # crop population data to area of interest 
+  terra::window(raw_data) <- terra::ext(conus_sf) 
   # project population data
   conus_sf_rast <- rast(conus_proj, resolution = c(1000, 1000)) 
@@ -94,8 +94,12 @@ process_pop_dens_raster <- function(in_raster, conus, conus_proj, outfile_path){
+#' @title Process impervous surfaces raster data for plotting
+#' @param in_raster character string - .tif file path of raster data for specified variable of interest
+#' @param conus_proj, projected sf of conus states outline
+#' @param outfile_path, outfile path for processed tifs 
 process_imp_surf <- function(in_raster, conus_proj, outfile_path){
-  # in_raster = p1_imp_surf_tip, conus_proj = p2_conus_sf_proj
   imp_surf_raw <- rast(in_raster)
diff --git a/3_visualize.R b/3_visualize.R
index d33ff93..15ce7ed 100644
--- a/3_visualize.R
+++ b/3_visualize.R
@@ -93,174 +93,183 @@ p3_targets <- list(
     format = "file"
-  p3_perc_disable_png_en,
-  plot_census_map(
-    census_data = p2_census_acs5sub_disability_data[[1]],
-    percent_leg = TRUE,
-    dollar_leg = FALSE,
-    lim_vals = c(0, 50),
-    break_vals = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50),
-    var = 'estimate',
-    conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
-    outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/perc_disabled_census_2022_en.png",
-    leg_title = "Percent disabled, 2022",
-    viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
-    viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$demographic_characteristics,
-    width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
-    height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
-    font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
-    barwidth = 20,
-    barheight = 1,
-    low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff"
+    p3_perc_disable_png_en,
+    plot_census_map(
+      census_data = p2_census_acs5sub_disability_data[[1]],
+      percent_leg = TRUE,
+      dollar_leg = FALSE,
+      lim_vals = c(0, 50),
+      break_vals = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50),
+      var = 'estimate',
+      conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
+      outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/perc_disabled_census_2022_en.png",
+      leg_title = "Percent disabled, 2022",
+      viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
+      viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$demographic_characteristics,
+      width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
+      height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
+      font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
+      barwidth = 20,
+      barheight = 1,
+      low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff"
-  format = "file"
-# population density raster plot
+    format = "file"
+  ),
+  # population density raster plot
-  p3_pop_density_plot,
-  plot_raster(in_raster = p2_pop_density_processed, 
-              conus_sf = p2_conus_sf_proj,
-              viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
-              conus_inner = p2_conus_inner,
-              viz_config_pal = "#38837a",
-              width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
-              height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop, 
-              font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
-              barwidth = 20,
-              barheight = 1,
-              counties_sf = p2_conus_counties_sf,
-              outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/pop_density_rast_2020_en.png",
-              low_ramp_col = "#E8F4F4"),
-  format = "file"),
-# impervious surfaces raster plot
+    p3_pop_density_png,
+    plot_raster(in_raster = p2_pop_density_processed, 
+                conus_sf = p2_conus_sf_proj,
+                conus_inner = p2_conus_inner,
+                counties_sf = p2_conus_counties_sf,
+                viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
+                viz_config_pal = "#38837a",
+                rast_type = "pop_density",
+                low_ramp_col = "#E8F4F4",
+                base_conus_fill = "#E8F4F4", 
+                base_conus_color = "#E8F4F4", 
+                border_color = p0_viz_config_df$counties_outline_col, 
+                leg_title = expression(paste(bold("Population per 1 "), bold(km^2), bold(", 2020"))),
+                font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
+                barheight = 1,
+                barwidth = 20,
+                outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/pop_density_rast_2020_en.png",
+                width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
+                height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop),
+    format = "file"),
+  # impervious surfaces raster plot
-  p3_imp_surf_plot,
-  plot_imp_surf_raster(in_raster = p2_imp_surf_processed,
-                       conus_sf = p2_conus_sf_proj,
-                       viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
-                       conus_col = "gray90",
-                       conus_inner = p2_conus_inner,
-                       viz_config_pal = "#38837a",
-                       width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
-                       height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop, 
-                       font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
-                       barwidth = 20,
-                       barheight = 1,
-                       outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/imp_surface_rast_2022_en.png",
-                       counties_sf = p2_conus_counties_sf,
-                       low_ramp_col = "white"),
-  format = "file"),
-# Spanish version's of maps -----------------------------------------------
-  p3_med_income_png_es,
-  plot_census_map(
-    census_data = p2_perc_census_acs5_layers_sf[[2]],
-    lim_vals = c(0, 155000),
-    percent_leg = FALSE,
-    dollar_leg = TRUE,
-    var = 'estimate',
-    conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
-    outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/med_income_census_2022_es.png",
-    leg_title = "Media de ingresos por hogar, 2022",
-    viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
-    viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$socioeconomic_status,
-    width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
-    height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
-    font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
-    barwidth = 20,
-    barheight = 1,
-    low_ramp_col = "#fef1f1"
-  ),
-  format = "file"
-  p3_perc_latino_png_es,
-  plot_census_map(
-    census_data = p2_perc_census_acs5_layers_sf[[4]],
-    percent_leg = TRUE,
-    dollar_leg = FALSE,
-    lim_vals = c(0, 100),
-    break_vals = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100),
-    var = 'percent',
-    conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
-    outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/perc_hispanic_census_2022_es.png",
-    leg_title = "Porcentaje de Hispanos, 2022",
-    viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
-    viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$demographic_characteristics,
-    width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
-    height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
-    font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
-    barwidth = 20,
-    barheight = 1,
-    low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff"
+    p3_imp_surf_png,
+    plot_raster(in_raster = p2_imp_surf_processed,
+                conus_sf = p2_conus_sf_proj,
+                conus_inner = p2_conus_inner,
+                counties_sf = p2_conus_counties_sf,
+                viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
+                viz_config_pal = "#38837a",
+                rast_type = "imp_surfaces",
+                low_ramp_col = "white",
+                base_conus_fill = NA, 
+                base_conus_color = "#E8F4F4", 
+                border_color = "gray90", 
+                leg_title = "Percent impervious surface, 2022",
+                font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
+                barheight = 1,
+                barwidth = 20,
+                outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/imp_surface_rast_2022_en.png",
+                width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
+                height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop),
+    format = "file"),
+  # Spanish version's of maps -----------------------------------------------
+  tar_target(
+    p3_med_income_png_es,
+    plot_census_map(
+      census_data = p2_perc_census_acs5_layers_sf[[2]],
+      lim_vals = c(0, 155000),
+      percent_leg = FALSE,
+      dollar_leg = TRUE,
+      var = 'estimate',
+      conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
+      outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/med_income_census_2022_es.png",
+      leg_title = "Media de ingresos por hogar, 2022",
+      viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
+      viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$socioeconomic_status,
+      width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
+      height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
+      font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
+      barwidth = 20,
+      barheight = 1,
+      low_ramp_col = "#fef1f1"
+    ),
+    format = "file"
-  format = "file"
-  p3_avg_household_size_png_es,
-  plot_census_map(
-    census_data = p2_census_acs5sub_household_data[[1]],
-    percent_leg = FALSE,
-    dollar_leg = FALSE,
-    lim_vals = c(1, 5),
-    var = 'estimate',
-    conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
-    outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/avg_household_size_2022_es.png",
-    leg_title = "Tamaño promedio de los hogares, 2022",
-    viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
-    viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$demographic_characteristics,
-    width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
-    height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
-    font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
-    barwidth = 20,
-    barheight = 1,
-    low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff"
+  tar_target(
+    p3_perc_latino_png_es,
+    plot_census_map(
+      census_data = p2_perc_census_acs5_layers_sf[[4]],
+      percent_leg = TRUE,
+      dollar_leg = FALSE,
+      lim_vals = c(0, 100),
+      break_vals = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100),
+      var = 'percent',
+      conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
+      outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/perc_hispanic_census_2022_es.png",
+      leg_title = "Porcentaje de Hispanos, 2022",
+      viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
+      viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$demographic_characteristics,
+      width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
+      height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
+      font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
+      barwidth = 20,
+      barheight = 1,
+      low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff"
+    ),
+    format = "file"
-  format = "file"
-  p3_median_rent_png_es,
-  plot_census_map(
-    census_data = p2_census_acs5sub_household_data[[2]],
-    percent_leg = FALSE,
-    dollar_leg = TRUE, 
-    lim_vals = c(0, 3000),
-    var = 'estimate',
-    conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
-    outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/median_rent_2022_es.png",
-    leg_title = "Alquiler bruto medio, 2022",
-    viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
-    viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$land_tenure,
-    width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
-    height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
-    font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
-    barwidth = 20,
-    barheight = 1,
-    low_ramp_col = "#ebfaf8"
+  tar_target(
+    p3_avg_household_size_png_es,
+    plot_census_map(
+      census_data = p2_census_acs5sub_household_data[[1]],
+      percent_leg = FALSE,
+      dollar_leg = FALSE,
+      lim_vals = c(1, 5),
+      var = 'estimate',
+      conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
+      outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/avg_household_size_2022_es.png",
+      leg_title = "Tamaño promedio de los hogares, 2022",
+      viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
+      viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$demographic_characteristics,
+      width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
+      height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
+      font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
+      barwidth = 20,
+      barheight = 1,
+      low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff"
+    ),
+    format = "file"
-  format = "file"
-  p3_perc_disable_png_es,
-  plot_census_map(
-    census_data = p2_census_acs5sub_disability_data[[1]],
-    percent_leg = TRUE,
-    dollar_leg = FALSE,
-    lim_vals = c(0, 50),
-    break_vals = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50),
-    var = 'estimate',
-    conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
-    outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/perc_disabled_census_2022_es.png",
-    leg_title = "Porcentaje de discapacitados, 2022",
-    viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
-    viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$demographic_characteristics,
-    width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
-    height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
-    font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
-    barwidth = 20,
-    barheight = 1,
-    low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff"
+  tar_target(
+    p3_median_rent_png_es,
+    plot_census_map(
+      census_data = p2_census_acs5sub_household_data[[2]],
+      percent_leg = FALSE,
+      dollar_leg = TRUE, 
+      lim_vals = c(0, 3000),
+      var = 'estimate',
+      conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
+      outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/median_rent_2022_es.png",
+      leg_title = "Alquiler bruto medio, 2022",
+      viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
+      viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$land_tenure,
+      width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
+      height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
+      font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
+      barwidth = 20,
+      barheight = 1,
+      low_ramp_col = "#ebfaf8"
+    ),
+    format = "file"
-  format = "file"
+  tar_target(
+    p3_perc_disable_png_es,
+    plot_census_map(
+      census_data = p2_census_acs5sub_disability_data[[1]],
+      percent_leg = TRUE,
+      dollar_leg = FALSE,
+      lim_vals = c(0, 50),
+      break_vals = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50),
+      var = 'estimate',
+      conus_sf = p1_conus_sf,
+      outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/perc_disabled_census_2022_es.png",
+      leg_title = "Porcentaje de discapacitados, 2022",
+      viz_config_df = p0_viz_config_df,
+      viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$demographic_characteristics,
+      width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop,
+      height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop,
+      font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop,
+      barwidth = 20,
+      barheight = 1,
+      low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff"
+    ),
+    format = "file"
+  )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/3_visualize/src/plot_utils.R b/3_visualize/src/plot_utils.R
index e534ea1..fb311d1 100644
--- a/3_visualize/src/plot_utils.R
+++ b/3_visualize/src/plot_utils.R
@@ -110,16 +110,30 @@ ggsave(outfile_path, final_map, width = width, height = height, dpi = viz_config
 # Map raster data 
-#' @param raster_data .tif file of raster data for specified variable of interest 
-#' # notes: update colorpalette according to Elmera's request
-plot_raster <- function(in_raster, conus_sf, conus_inner, outfile_path, 
-                        viz_config_df, viz_config_pal, width, height,
-                        font_size, barwidth, barheight, counties_sf,
-                        low_ramp_col){
-  # in_raster = p2_pop_density_processed, conus_sf = p2_conus_sf_proj, conus_inner = p2_conus_inner, viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$living_conditions
-  # width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop, height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop, font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop, barwidth = 20, barheight = 1,
-  #outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/pop_density_rast_2020_en.png", low_ramp_col = "#eef0ff", 
+#' @param in_raster character string - .tif file path of raster data for specified variable of interest 
+#' @param conus_sf, sf of conus states outline
+#' @param conus_inner, sf of conus states outline not including US borders
+#' @param counties_sf, sf of counties outline
+#' @param viz_config_df `data.frame` width, height, counties outline color, conus outline color, background color, font nam, and font size 
+#' @param viz_config_pal `data.frame` assign colors for postively and negatively correlated dimensions for census maps
+#' @param rast_type character string - choice of "pop_density" or "imp_surfaces" to indicate which map is being made
+#' @param low_ramp_col, color for low end of color ramp 
+#' @param base_conus_fill, base fill used for conus background
+#' @param base_conus_color, color used for state outlines
+#' @param border_color, color used for inner state outlines and county outlines
+#' @param leg_title, title to be used for the legend
+#' @param font_size, set font size 
+#' @param barheight, set colorbar bar height
+#' @param barwidth, set colorbar bar width 
+#' @param outfile_path, outfile path for pngs 
+#' @param width, set figure width dimension
+#' @param height, set figure height dimension
+plot_raster <- function(in_raster, conus_sf, conus_inner, counties_sf, 
+                        viz_config_df, viz_config_pal, rast_type, low_ramp_col, 
+                        base_conus_fill, base_conus_color, border_color, 
+                        leg_title, font_size, barheight, barwidth, outfile_path, 
+                        width, height){
   raster_data <- rast(in_raster)
   # plot
@@ -128,127 +142,53 @@ plot_raster <- function(in_raster, conus_sf, conus_inner, outfile_path,
   showtext_opts(dpi = 300, regular.wt = 200, bold.wt = 700)
   showtext_auto(enable = TRUE)
-  # doesn't work with cowplot::get_plot_component()
-  legend_label <- expression(paste(bold("Population per 1 "), bold(km^2), bold(", 2020")))
-  (pop_map <- ggplot() +
-      #geom_spatraster(data = pop_usa_proj)+ 
-      geom_sf(data = conus_sf, fill = low_ramp_col, color = low_ramp_col, linewidth = 0.5) +
-      geom_spatraster(data = raster_data)+ #x = x, y = y, 
-      geom_sf(data = conus_inner, fill = NA, color = viz_config_df$counties_outline_col, linewidth = 0.5) +
-      geom_sf(data = counties_sf, fill = NA, color = viz_config_df$counties_outline_col, linewidth = 0.1) +
+  rast_map <- ggplot() +
+    geom_sf(data = conus_sf, fill = base_conus_fill, color = base_conus_color, linewidth = 0.9) +
+    geom_spatraster(data = raster_data)+ 
+    geom_sf(data = conus_inner, fill = NA, color = border_color, linewidth = 0.5) +
+    geom_sf(data = counties_sf, fill = NA, color = border_color, linewidth = 0.1) +
+    labs(fill = leg_title) + 
+    theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
+          panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
+          text = element_text(family = viz_config_df$font_legend, size = font_size),
+          axis.title = element_blank(), 
+          axis.text = element_blank(), 
+          axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
+          panel.grid = element_blank(),
+          legend.background = element_blank(),
+          legend.direction = "horizontal",
+          legend.margin = margin(t = 5, b = 5),
+          legend.position = "bottom",
+          legend.title.align = 0.5) +
+    guides(fill = guide_colorbar(
+      title.position = "top",
+      title.theme = element_text(face = 'bold', family = font_legend, size = font_size),
+      direction = "horizontal",
+      position = "bottom",
+      barwidth = barwidth, 
+      barheight = barheight 
+    ))
+  if(rast_type == "pop_density"){
+    rast_map <- rast_map + 
         colors = colorRampPalette(c(low_ramp_col, viz_config_pal))(100), 
-        name = legend_label,
+        name = leg_title,
         labels = c(1, 10, 100, '1k', '10k', '100k'),
-      )+
-      labs(fill = legend_label) + 
-      theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
-            panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
-            axis.title = element_blank(), 
-            axis.text = element_blank(), 
-            axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
-            panel.grid = element_blank(),
-            legend.background = element_blank(),
-            legend.direction = "horizontal",
-            legend.position = "bottom",
-            legend.title.align = 0.5) +
-      guides(fill = guide_colorbar(
-        title.position = "top",
-        title.theme = element_text(face = 'bold', family = font_legend, size = font_size),
-        direction = "horizontal",
-        position = "bottom",
-        barwidth = barwidth, 
-        barheight = barheight 
-      ))
-  )
-  background_color = "white"
-  plot_margin =  0.025
-  # cowplot to get map sizes larger
-  canvas <- grid::rectGrob(
-    x = 0, y = 0,
-    width = 6, height = 6,
-    gp = grid::gpar(fill = background_color, alpha = 1, col = background_color
-    )
-  )
-  pop_map_legend <-  get_plot_component(pop_map, 'guide-box', return_all = TRUE)
-  # compose final plot
-  final_map <- ggdraw(ylim = c(0,1),
-                      xlim = c(0,1)) +
-    # White background
-    draw_grob(canvas,
-              x = 0, y = 1,
-              height = 6, width = 6,
-              hjust = 0, vjust = 1) +
-    # Add main plot
-    draw_plot(pop_map + theme(legend.position="none"),
-              x = -0.01,
-              y = 0.08,
-              height = 0.98,
-              width = (1-plot_margin)*1.03) +
-    # Add legend 
-    draw_plot(pop_map_legend[[3]],
-              x = 0.48,
-              y = 0.02,
-              height = 0.09 ,
-              width = 0.1 - plot_margin) 
-  ggsave(outfile_path, final_map, width = width, height = height, dpi = viz_config_df$dpi, bg = viz_config_df$bg_col, units = "in")
-plot_imp_surf_raster <- function(in_raster, conus_sf, conus_inner, conus_col, outfile_path, 
-                        viz_config_df, viz_config_pal, width, height,
-                        font_size, barwidth, barheight, counties_sf,
-                        low_ramp_col){
-  # in_raster = p2_imp_surf_processed, conus_sf = p2_conus_sf_proj, conus_col = "gray90", viz_config_pal = p0_viz_config_pal$living_conditions
-  # width = p0_viz_config_df$width_desktop, height = p0_viz_config_df$height_desktop, font_size  = p0_viz_config_df$font_size_desktop, barwidth = 20, barheight = 1,
-  #outfile_path = "3_visualize/out/imp_surface_rast_2020_en.png", low_ramp_col = "white" 
-  raster_data <- rast(in_raster)
-  # plot
-  font_legend <- viz_config_df$load_font
-  font_add_google(font_legend)
-  showtext_opts(dpi = 300, regular.wt = 200, bold.wt = 700)
-  showtext_auto(enable = TRUE)
-  (pop_map <- ggplot() +
-      geom_sf(data = conus_sf, fill = NA, color = conus_col, linewidth = 0.9) +
-      geom_spatraster(data = raster_data)+ 
-      geom_sf(data = conus_inner, fill = NA, color = conus_col, linewidth = 0.5) +
-      geom_sf(data = counties_sf, fill = NA, color = conus_col, linewidth = 0.1) +
+      )
+  } else if(rast_type == "imp_surfaces") {
+    rast_map <- rast_map +
         colors = colorRampPalette(c(low_ramp_col, viz_config_pal))(100), 
-        name = "Percent impervious surface, 2022",
+        name = leg_title,
         limits = c(0, 100),
         breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100),
         labels = c("0%", "25%", "50%", "75%", "100%"),
-      )+
-      labs(fill = "% Impervious Surface, 2022") + 
-      theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
-            panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
-            axis.title = element_blank(), 
-            axis.text = element_blank(), 
-            axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
-            panel.grid = element_blank(),
-            legend.background = element_blank(),
-            legend.direction = "horizontal",
-            legend.position = "bottom",
-            legend.title.align = 0.5) +
-      guides(fill = guide_colorbar(
-        title.position = "top",
-        title.theme = element_text(face = 'bold', family = font_legend, size = font_size),
-        direction = "horizontal",
-        position = "bottom",
-        barwidth = barwidth, 
-        barheight = barheight 
-      ))
-  )
+      )
+  }
   background_color = "white"
   plot_margin =  0.025
@@ -260,7 +200,7 @@ plot_imp_surf_raster <- function(in_raster, conus_sf, conus_inner, conus_col, ou
     gp = grid::gpar(fill = background_color, alpha = 1, col = background_color
-  pop_map_legend <-  get_plot_component(pop_map, 'guide-box', return_all = TRUE)
+  rast_map_legend <-  get_plot_component(rast_map, 'guide-box', return_all = TRUE)
   # compose final plot
   final_map <- ggdraw(ylim = c(0,1),
                       xlim = c(0,1)) +
@@ -270,17 +210,27 @@ plot_imp_surf_raster <- function(in_raster, conus_sf, conus_inner, conus_col, ou
               height = 6, width = 6,
               hjust = 0, vjust = 1) +
     # Add main plot
-    draw_plot(pop_map + theme(legend.position="none"),
+    draw_plot(rast_map + theme(legend.position="none"),
               x = -0.01,
               y = 0.08,
               height = 0.98,
-              width = (1-plot_margin)*1.03) +
+              width = (1-plot_margin)*1.03) 
     # Add legend 
-    draw_plot(pop_map_legend[[3]],
-              x = 0.48,
-              y = 0.02,
-              height = 0.09 ,
-              width = 0.1 - plot_margin) 
+  final_map <- final_map +
+    if(rast_type == "pop_density"){
+      draw_plot(rast_map_legend[[3]],
+                x = 0.48,
+                y = 0.03,
+                height = 0.09 ,
+                width = 0.1 - plot_margin) 
+    } else if(rast_type == "imp_surfaces") {
+      draw_plot(rast_map_legend[[3]],
+                x = 0.48,
+                y = 0.02,
+                height = 0.09 ,
+                width = 0.1 - plot_margin) 
+    }
   ggsave(outfile_path, final_map, width = width, height = height, dpi = viz_config_df$dpi, bg = viz_config_df$bg_col, units = "in")
\ No newline at end of file