diff --git a/00_config.R b/00_config.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efc9ef6a833b3ee06407b9a72799d5be7d4edd05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/00_config.R
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  sb_username = rstudioapi::showPrompt("Username", "SB Username"),
+  renviron_file = ".Renviron",
+  override_login = FALSE
diff --git a/0_config/src/sb_cache.R b/0_config/src/sb_cache.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac889e3697c53f6fb36b3cd9e27d492c598b60cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0_config/src/sb_cache.R
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+" Initialize ScienceBase login and cache token in .Renviron
+#' @param sb_username chr; ScienceBase username. The default prompts the user to
+#'   enter the username in the console.
+#' @param renviron_file chr; path to .Renviron file
+#' @param override_login lgl; should ScienceBase be re-initialized if already
+#'   logged in?
+#' @return lgl; result of `sbtools::is_logged_in()`
+initialize_and_cache_sb <- function(sb_username = NULL,
+                                    renviron_file = ".Renviron",
+                                    override_login = FALSE) {
+  # Give error if already logged in and `override_login = FALSE`
+  tryCatch(
+    sbtools:::token_refresh(),
+    warning = function(x) {},
+    error = function(x) FALSE
+  )
+  if (sbtools::is_logged_in()) {
+    if (override_login) {
+      # If logged in and overriding login: warn and re-initialize SB
+      cli::cli_warn(c(
+        "!" = "You are already logged into ScienceBase and re-initialization
+        anyways.",
+        "i" = "If you would not like to re-initialize, abort and re-run with
+        {.arg override_login = FALSE}"
+      ))
+      sbtools::initialize_sciencebase_session(username = sb_username)
+    }
+  } else {
+    # If not logged into SB, initialize SB
+    sbtools::initialize_sciencebase_session(username = sb_username)
+  }
+  # Grab token and update it in .Renviron
+  update_renviron(
+    sb_username = sb_username,
+    sb_token = jsonlite::toJSON(
+      sbtools::current_session()[c("access_token", "refresh_token")]
+    ),
+    renviron_file
+  )
+  # Output if currently logged into SB
+  if (sbtools::is_logged_in()) {
+    return(TRUE)
+  } else {
+    cli::cli_abort(c(
+      "!" = "You are not logged into ScienceBase after attempting it.",
+      "i" = "Try running {.fun initialize_and_cache_sb} again."
+    ))
+  }
+#' Create/update .Renviron with ScienceBase token
+#' @param sb_token chr; token used to initialize a ScienceBase session
+#' @param renviron_file chr; path to .Renviron file
+#' @return chr; path to .Renviron file
+update_renviron <- function(sb_username, sb_token, renviron_file) {
+  if (file.exists(renviron_file)) {
+    # If there is an existing .Renviron file...
+    # Read in existing .Renviron file and check if there is an "sb_token" value
+    existing <- readLines(renviron_file)
+    sb_token_idx <- which(startsWith(existing, "sb_token="))
+    sb_username_idx <- which(startsWith(existing, "sb_username="))
+    # If there is already a value for sb_token update it; if not, create one.
+    if (length(sb_token_idx) > 0) {
+      existing[sb_token_idx] <- paste0("sb_token=", sb_token)
+      writeLines(existing, con = renviron_file)
+    } else {
+      write(paste0("sb_token=", sb_token), file = renviron_file, append = TRUE)
+    }
+    # If there is already a value for sb_username update it; if not, create one
+    if (length(sb_username_idx) > 0) {
+      existing[sb_username_idx] <- paste0("sb_username=", sb_username)
+      writeLines(existing, con = renviron_file)
+    } else {
+      write(
+        paste0("sb_username=", sb_username),
+        file = renviron_file, append = TRUE
+      )
+    }
+  } else {
+    # If there isn't an .Renviron file, create one with an "sb_token" value
+    write(
+      paste0("sb_token=", sb_token, "\n", "sb_username=", sb_username),
+      file = renviron_file
+    )
+  }
+  return(renviron_file)