From 88c4e277db516dcb1f8e2809a626d95f01e78327 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Azadpour, Elmera" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 11:58:20 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] edit fetch utils function

 1_fetch/src/fetch_utils.R | 109 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/1_fetch/src/fetch_utils.R b/1_fetch/src/fetch_utils.R
index fc3b829..b02e57d 100644
--- a/1_fetch/src/fetch_utils.R
+++ b/1_fetch/src/fetch_utils.R
@@ -1,16 +1,93 @@
-#' @title Download file from ScienceBase
-#' @description Download a file from ScienceBase and save it to a specified
-#' directory
-#' @param sb_id id for ScienceBase data release
-#' @param filename filename of item in data release
-#' @param dest_dir directory to which to download the file
-#' @return the filepath of the saved file
-download_from_sb <- function(sb_id, filename, dest_dir) {
-  filepath <- file.path(dest_dir, filename)
-  sbtools::item_file_download(sb_id = sb_id,
-                              names = filename,
-                              destinations = filepath)
-  return(filepath)
\ No newline at end of file
+#' Initialize ScienceBase session and download files
+#' @param sb_id chr; ScienceBase ID
+#' @param names chr; names of files to download from ScienceBase
+#' @param destinations  chr; write path location for downloaded files
+#' @param renviron_file chr; path to .Renviron file where credentials are cached
+#' @param ... additional arguments passed to `sbtools::item_file_download()`
+#' @return chr; path to downloaded files
+sb_initialize_and_download <- function(sb_id, names, destinations,
+                                       renviron_file = ".Renviron", ...) {
+  # Initialize ScienceBase session
+  sb_login_cached(renviron_file = renviron_file)
+  # Download SB files
+  sbtools::item_file_download(
+    sb_id = sb_id,
+    names = names,
+    destinations = destinations,
+    ...
+  )
+  return(destinations)
+#' Login to ScienceBase using cached credentials
+#' @param renviron_file chr; path to .Renviron file
+#' @return `TRUE` if logged in. Error if not.
+sb_login_cached <- function(renviron_file) {
+  # If logged in, return TRUE and skip the rest
+  if (sbtools::is_logged_in()) {
+    return(TRUE)
+  }
+  # Try a token refresh
+  tryCatch(
+    sbtools:::token_refresh(),
+    warning = function(x) {},
+    error = function(x) FALSE
+  )
+  if (sbtools::is_logged_in()) {
+    return(TRUE)
+  }
+  # If .Renviron file does not exist, re-initialize
+  if (!file.exists(renviron_file)) {
+    cli::cli_abort(c(
+      "Could not find the specified file: {.file {renviron_file}}.",
+      "i" = "Follow the instructions in {.file} to initalize and cache
+      ScienceBase login credentials."
+    ))
+  }
+  # Read .Renviron file
+  existing <- readLines(renviron_file)
+  sb_token_idx <- which(startsWith(existing, "sb_token="))
+  sb_username_idx <- which(startsWith(existing, "sb_username="))
+  # If SB credentials not found, throw error
+  if (any(length(sb_token_idx) == 0, length(sb_username_idx) == 0)) {
+    cli::cli_abort(c(
+      "Could not find the username or token in the specified file:
+      {.file {renviron_file}}.",
+      "i" = "Follow the instructions in {.file} to re-initalize and
+      cache ScienceBase login credentials."
+    ))
+  }
+  # Get ScienceBase credentials
+  sb_token <- stringr::str_remove(existing[sb_token_idx], "^sb_token=")
+  sb_username <- stringr::str_remove(existing[sb_username_idx], "^sb_username=")
+  # Initialize ScienceBase session with cached credentials
+  sbtools::initialize_sciencebase_session(
+    username = sb_username,
+    token_text = sb_token
+  )
+  if (sbtools::is_logged_in()) {
+    return(TRUE)
+  } else {
+    cli::cli_abort(c(
+      "Could not login to ScienceBase using cached credentials.",
+      "i" = "Follow the instructions in {.file} to re-initalize and
+      cache ScienceBase login credentials."
+    ))
+  }