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Updates to tauDrainDir, accumulateParam, resampleParam, and make_fcpg

Schultz, August Raleigh requested to merge August_Schultz into master

Update to allow accumulateParam to create intermediate NoData rasters even in the case that no NoData values exist in the basin. Additional update to resampleParam to ensure that input parameter grids of the unsigned 8-bit data type are resampled to signed 16-bit grids.

Additional edits:

  • tauDrainDir to account for issues with ESRI FDR grid values of 255 not being converted to NoData values.
  • make_fcpg to change the "1" value added to ESRI FAC grids to an integer rather than a float
  • resampleParam to add an argument to the gdalwarp command to specify the input parameter grid's CRS to avoid projection errors from an unknown CRS to the FDR grid's CRS.
Edited by Schultz, August Raleigh

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