Assimilating ecological theory with empiricism: Using constrained generalized additive models to enhance survival analyses
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Ketz, A.C., D.J. Storm, R.E. Barker, A.D. Apa, C. Oliva-Aviles, and D.P. Walsh. 2023. Assimilating ecological theory with empiricism: Using constrained generalized additive models to enhance survival analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Point of contact:
Alison Ketz (
Repository Type: Program R script
Year of Origin: 2022
Year of Version: 2023
Version: 1.0.0
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
USGS Information Product Data System (IPDS) no.: IP-146588
Suggested Citation for Software
Ketz, A.C., D.J. Storm, R.E. Barker, A.D. Apa, C. Oliva-Aviles, and D.P. Walsh. Assimilating ecological theory with empiricism: Using constrained generalized additive models to enhance survival analyses. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va.
This code supports an approach to continuous time survival analyses that incorporates model constraints based on species life history strategy. Specifically, the code structurally separates intrinsic patterns of mortality that arise from age specific processes (e.g. increasing survival during early life stages due to growth or maturation, versus senescence) from extrinsic mortality patterns that arise over different periods of time (e.g. seasonal temporal shifts). The code uses shape constrained generalized additive models (CGAMs) to obtain age-specific hazard functions that incorporate theoretical information based on classical survivorship curves into the age component of the model and capture extrinsic factors in the time component.
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