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Update src/lib/db/risk-targeted/regions.json urls to suffix "--v2021-06-08"

Luco, Nicolas requested to merge nluco-master-patch-09676 into master

New data files on to correct ...

  • The current output at latitudes and longitudes within 0.05 degrees of the following sixty pairs: (33.9, -117.45), (33.95, -117.5), (34, -117.6), (34.05, -117.65), (34.1, -117.7), (34.15, -117.75), (34.2, -117.8), (34.5, -118.1), (34.55, -118.2), (34.55, -119.8 to -119.7), (34.6, -119.7 to -119.6), (34.65, -119.6 to -119.5), (34.7, -119.5 to -119.45), (34.75, -119.4 to -119.3), (34.8, -119.3 to -119.25), (37.45 to 37.6, -121.55), (37.55 to 37.65, -121.6), (37.9, -121.9), (37.95, -122), (38.3 to 38.5, -122.2), (38.45 to 38.6, -122.25), (38.55 to 38.7, -122.3), (38.6 to 38.7, -122.35), (38.7, -122.55 to -122.4), (38.75, -122.75 to -122.5).

  • The current output for American Samoa will be corrected.

Merge request reports
