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Database Deploy

Deploy database to hazdev-webapps.

Added Pipeline Jobs

Create Schema ${ENVIRONMENT} ${REGION}

Runs the command:

php src/lib/pre-install.php --non-interactive --install-db --create-tables --load-metadata

Which creates the tables and views with the schema.sql file and loads the metadata.


Runs the command:

php src/lib/pre-install.php --non-interactive --install-db --load-data

Which only downloads and parses the data.

This is run in parallel where each job downloads an edition from the new src/lib/dv/data-files.json file.

There are 19 jobs that run in parallel but only 10 can run at a time, thus the other 9 are pending until the first get done.

Database Cleanup ${REGION} ${ENVIRONMENT}

Runs the command:

php src/lib/pre-install.php --non-interactive --install-db --db-cleanup

Which runs some ending database calls and removes some temporary directories.

Edited by Clayton, Brandon Scott

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